By guardian_ace1

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Yunlan will be wed in a couple of days. His friends throw a bachelor party for him. He got bored in a typical... More

Why Did It Happen To Me
Your My Mate
Your My Sugar
Returned Back Home
Reminiscing The Past
Revenge For My Sweet Lover
Making You Like Me
Welcome Home
Jealous Mate
The Angry Dragon
An Allied Or A New Foe
Confronting The Enemy
A Normal Life
My Beautiful Wife
The Game
Encountering Old Nemesis
The Plan
The Fearless Wife
Family Day
The Little Girl
Let Me In
Turning Into
The First School Of The Twins
The PTA Meeting
It Just Happened
The Twist Of Luck
The Big Day

We Must Escape

595 39 32
By guardian_ace1

     Shen Wei  suddenly  gave a piece of fresh chunk meat of an animal with blood still in it, making Yunlan vomit.

    "I can't  eat that?! Let's  cook it! But as he hold it and smell the blood he suddenly  bite it within a second. He was shock his liking it ."No! No! I'm not like this?!" He jump suddenly  out of their house and fly into the forest.

   It made Shen Wei  shocked  and fly after him. Yunlan was so scared that his changing and went to a nearby river to look at his reflection. There he see bits by bits his changing, he have blood all over his face for eating a raw meat. He tried wiping it off with water in the river.

    Suddenly  two men came, "Whatta! Look here! We found one of it!" Said one of Zhuiji's  men. "Don't  come any closer to it! Boss said that thing is dangerous!" Said the other. "Really? But his look like a fragile human?!" As the other man didn't  hid their boss warning. Because his much more bigger than Yunlan. 

   Yunlan tried to run but was caught by the by the arms. The man laugh  on how easily he caught one. But soon it turned into a horror when Yunlan eyes turned into red and fangs suddenly  appeared. His claws emerge, as his strength  increase, "Food!" As he smell the man.

    It is too late that the man back out, when Yunlan suddenly  bite off his arm. The man scream, while his companion tried to load the tranquilizer  gun and almost hit him. But he didn't  anticipate Shen Wei  would come and killed him instantly there.

   The man tried to run away but Yunlan pounce on him and slashed  his claw on the man's neck. He gag on his own blood and died on that spot. Yunlan just realize at what he have done and was shocked.  Shen Wei  enveloped  him to his embrace, "I'm sorry but you have to endure eating human to survive!" Yunlan cried and didn't  want to kill  anyone.

    When they went home, Shen Wei  lend Yunlan his neck so he can give blood to Yunlan whose still hungry eventhough  he have finished  eating the arm of the man. Because he can't  eat humans he relied on Shen Wei's  blood for a while.

    As he bite Shen Wei's  neck, Shen Wei  can't  stop moaning as he felt Yunlan's  fang drew deep into his skin. First Yunlan's  tried slowly to sink his fangs on Shen Wei to not hurt him much. But when he taste his mate's blood. He can't  help to sip more of it. Holding Shen Wei  tightly.

    Shen Wei  lightly pushed  him to signal him to stop. But before Yunlan withdraw himself to Shen Wei's  neck, he start licking and kissing  it up. Making Shen Wei  moan in it. He suddenly  captured Yunlan's  plump lips and gave him a passionate  kiss, leading them to their bed again. As they make love again.

    Outside at the river, Zhuiji and his men discovered  the dead bodies of his other men. He smirk, "Well....well I believe  were right on their track!" His claw suddenly  appeared as he called his two body guards ogre to apprehend  their prey.

    Guo Chang Cheng was walking merrly with the other creatures when suddenly  a net was thrown to them. Guo luckily evade it. But not the ogre who caught him. He tried making them into stone but it didn't  work for the ogre. They can only turn into stone if a ray of light was given by the sun.

   But it's  now past noon, making it toward night. How unlucky Guo as he was tied again and blindfolded. And thrown at the wooden cell with the others. "Next my lovely pair!" Said Zhuiji as he trying to find where the lair  of Shen Wei  and Yunlan.

   The lovely pair is having a time of their life up above the tree house. Not sensing the danger they will encounter.
Shen Wei's  lying on Yunlan's  chest caressing his body. Yunlan on the other hand sleeping peacefully  knowing Shen Wei  is in his arm. Safe from harm, when suddenly  they heard screaming from below them.

   "What's  going on?!" Both look at each other and take a peek down. Only to see two huge ogre knocking down all trees just trying to find them and the other creatures scattered as they're being captured. "Shen Wei  go back to your tribe! While I distract them!" Said Yunlan.

   "No! I won't  leave you with them! They would capture you  and put you in a cage  again!" As he hold Yunlan. "We must retreat  back!" Yunlan look puzzled on him. "Where would we go?" Yunlan ask. "We don't  have a choice but in the  city! They won't  find us there!" Shen Wei  said.

    Mrs. Zhao looking outside wishing his son would come back. "Yangmai darling let's  eat now!" Said Xin ci. "Our son Xin ci? Is he eating properly? Did that man taking care of him?" She ask her husband. Xin ci hugged  his wife. "Yunlan  is a tuft kid he will survive." And kiss his wife forehead. "Xin ci promise me if he come back? You will approved  with their relationship no matter what?! I want my son back no matter what?! Promise me!" As she hold his hands tightly.

    Xin ci pity his wife, ever since Yunlan  ditched his engagement and ran away with that man. His wife always wait for his return.  Cleaning his room and arranging his stuff. She always said his son will come back to them. They didn't  know their  wish will come true.

   As for now Yunlan and Shen Wei  hurriedly  escape from the forest toward the city. Shen Wei  turned  again to the good looking professor that Yunlan love to see him. While Yunlan  still look the same. "*Bleep!* Why  didn't  I change like you?!" He ask in irritation, as he still look like a mess.

   Shen Wei  laugh, "My dear husband still didn't  know how to change?" As he kiss him on the head. Yunlan suddenly  change....but  into a woman. "Whatta?!!! Xiao Wei! Change me back!" He pout. "Look Ah Lan! Zhuiji's  men is looking for two men. But if they see us? They won't  look at our way because your a woman. And it's  not permanent  until we can go back to your parent's  house." As much Yunlan didn't  like it, he have no choice but to sway his hips while walking until they reach their home.



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