Best Friends

By uhyeah67

2K 1 0

Faryn Tate is just a normal surfer girl of 17 years of age, apart from being a lesbian (Not that that isn't n... More

The Surf
Bill's Bit Of Bother
That Night
Worried About Bill
The Girl Party
Truth Or Dare
Bill's Back!
The Dance
The Storm
The Massage
The Next Morning
The Truth
The Storm Is Over
The Truth Is Out
Will You Be My Girlfriend?
Another Surprising Question
The Parents Know
Just The Two Of Us
Morning, Beautifull!
Poolside Fun
Out Of Control
Alone Again
The Next Surf
Back At The Beach House
Getting Comfortable
The Aftermath
Barbecued Ribs
The Movie
The Next Day
Hannah's Massage
Helping Hannah Get Comfortable
What's Up With Faryn?
At Her Bedside
Everything's Crazy
What Do We Do?
Putting The Plan In Motion
I'm So Sorry
What Now?
Watching The Movie
Where Is She?
In The Shop
Out Of The Shop
Now What?
Moving In With Faryn
Seeing Amy's Mum
The Surprise
Morning, Baby
Faryn's Shift
At Home
Proving Himself
After He'd Gone
The Morning After
Visiting A Friend
Punishment Turned Fun
Taking It Home
Amy's Gift
Waking Up
Going Out With Dad
The Delivery
The Party
Beer And Dancing
Time Lapse

Telling Their Friends

15 0 0
By uhyeah67

They walked to Bill's house.

When they knocked on the door, Emily answered the door. She was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"Is Bill home?" Faryn asked.

"Yeah, why?" Em replied.

"'Coz we wanna give you guys some great news!" squealed Amy.

"Let me guess," Emily began. "You're either pregnant or getting married?"

"No!" said Faryn. "Can we come in please?"

Emily let them in, and led them to Bill's bedroom.

Bill was laying on the bed, naked.

"Hey Bill. It's us."

"Oh hey, you two. What brings you two lovebirds to my crib?"

"We wanna share some great news!" Amy said, barely containing herself.

"Pregnant or engaged?" he questioned.

"Neither," answered Faryn.

"What, then? We were in the middle of something."

"We can tell. Ams? You wanna tell them?"

"I've officially moved in with Faryn!" Amy screamed.

"Oh my god!" Em squealed in delight. "Congratulations!"

"Good for you, guys!" Bill tried to sound happy, but it was clear he was a bit annoyed at the interruption. "We're so happy for you. So you've moved out of your parent's house, then Amy?"

"Yeah," Amy said, beaming. "My mum helped us bring it over to our beach house."

"You guys are officially the cutest couple ever!" Emily commented.

"Yeah," agreed Bill. "Your outfits are very similar, and they look very sexy. Very you two."

"Thanks," Faryn and Amy said together.

"Do Hannah and Lucy know yet?" Em asked.

"Not yet. We wanted to start with Bill 'coz he's gone through so much with us over the years."

"Well, now I know!" Bill grumbled.

"What's wrong, Bill?" said Faryn. "Why are you grumbling?"

"Me and Em were fucking when you knocked on the door and interrupted us!" he groaned. "It's just irritating! This is the second time you've interrupted us!"

"Sorry Bill," said Faryn. "We just wanted to tell you that we've officially moved in together. We thought you'd be happy for us!"

"I am happy for you! I'm just not happy WITH you!"

"Excuse us for not knowing!" Faryn argued.


"It's not a requirement, Bill!"


"FINE!" Faryn snapped. "Come on, Amy."

Faryn stomped out of Bill's house, closely followed by Amy. Amy wasn't angry at all. She couldn't be, not with her current situation.

"Shall we go tell Hannah and Lucy?" Amy asked after a minute, hoping that Faryn had simmered down by now.

"Yeah," Faryn replied shortly.

"Don't worry about Bill, baby. He'll come around soon enough."

"Oh, I'm not worrying about him! He can do whatever the fuck he wants! I don't care!"

"Are you gonna be like this with the others?" Amy said, looking at her girlfriend.

"Hopefully not."

They walked to Lucy's house. They knocked on the door. There was no answer.

"Where the fuck are they?!" Faryn moaned in vain.

"Maybe they're at Hannah's house?" Amy suggested.

They tried at Hannah's house. No answer there, either.

"Fucking hell!" said Faryn, exasperated.

"Calm down, Faz. We'll find them, don't worry."

Amy tried to remain positive. But it was impossible to change Faryn's mind once she'd decided on something.

"Why don't we text them and ask them where they are?" said Amy.

She pulled out her phone and texted Hannah and Lucy:

Amy: Hey guys. Where r u? x

Lucy: We're at the beach x

Amy: By the beach house? x

Hannah: Yeah. Why? x

Amy: We're coming x

"They're at the beach, baby. By our beach house."

They walked back to the beach house. When they arrived, Amy saw two figures on the beach.

"There they are!" she pointed out to Faryn.

Amy ran over to Lucy and Hannah, while Faryn walked towards them slowly.

"Hey girls!" she screamed.

"What's up?" Hannah and Lucy questioned Amy.

"We wanna tell you some great news!"

"You tell them, Ams."

"One of you are pregnant, aren't you?" asked Hannah.

"Or you're getting married?" suggested Lucy.

"No!" Faryn snapped.

"I've officially moved in with Faryn!" Amy squealed.

"Oh my fucking god! Really?" said Lucy.

"Seriously?" said Hannah.

"Yeah!" Amy shrieked. "We moved all of my stuff to our beach house earlier!"

"We're so happy for you two! Aren't we, Hannah?!"

"Yeah," said Hannah. "What's wrong Faryn? You seem a little preoccupied."

"I had a fight with Bill, okay?!" Faryn groaned.

"What about?" asked Lucy.

"We went to tell him and Em, but we did it while they were having sex! He got pissed off 'coz we interrupted them again! But how could we have known that they were fucking at that time?!"

"Are you okay, though?" said Hannah.

"I'm fine!" Faryn said.

"You're not worrying about it, are you?" said Lucy.

"I aint worrying about him! He can do whatever the fuck he wants! I don't give a fuck!"

"Calm down, baby. It's not worth getting worked up about an argument."

"I'm very calm, Amy!" Faryn said loudly.

"Why don't you girls join us?" suggested Lucy.

It was then that Amy noticed that both Hannah and Lucy were clad in bikinis.

"I'm alright, thanks!" replied Faryn. "You can if you want, Ams!"

"It wouldn't be very fun without you, Faz. I don't wanna do it if you're not, baby."

"It's alright, Amy. Me and Hannah are having fun. You don't have to join us if you don't want to."

"Thank you, Lucy. But I think I'll pass."

Faryn began to walk back up the beach towards the beach house.

"You two look great, by the way!" said Hannah, referring to their outfits.

"Thanks!" replied Amy, who then ran after her girlfriend.

Faryn was already nearing the front door.

"Faryn!" Amy called. "Faryn! Wait up!"

She reached Faryn, and saw that Faryn's face was red.

"What's wrong, baby?" she asked Faryn.

"What do you mean?"

"Your face is red."

"Is it?" Faryn said, confused.

She unlocked the front door and they went inside.

Faryn went straight to the full-length mirror (One large enough to show the whole body) in their bedroom. She gasped when she saw her face.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" she screamed.

Amy ran in as well. She threw her arms around her girlfriend, and looked at Faryn's face again. She was shocked to find that it was starting to swell up now.

"I think you've got an allergy, baby."

"Yeah! It's called teenage boys called Bill!"

"No! Like an actual allergy!"

"What could I be allergic to?" shouted Faryn.

"I don't know, babes. I'm scared for you."

"Don't worry about me, Amy. I'll just take some antihistamine."

"Do we have any of those?"



"Take me to my dad's. He'll know what to do."

They hurriedly left and locked the front door. They rushed to Faryn's parent's house, and banged on the door.

Brian opened the door, surprised to see them.

"What's up girls?"

"It's Faryn, I think she has an allergy."

"Come inside."

He brought them inside. He had a look at his daughter's face.

"Has your face hurt at all this afternoon, Peanut?"

"A little bit," Faryn replied.

"When?" Brian asked.

"About fifteen minutes ago. I was walking towards the front door from the beach and it suddenly started hurting."

"What's wrong with her?" Amy said, worried.

"I think you've been stung by something. A bee or a wasp, maybe? Have you seen any near you?"

"I think so," Faryn said. "It was a wasp. It was flying around me."

"I think it's stung you, Flower."

"For fuck's sake!" Faryn screamed in frustration. "Why would it sting me?"

"They do it for no reason, Faryn. You were probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time."


"Is she gonna be okay?" Amy asked, on the verge of crying.

"Oh, she'll be fine. Don't worry Amy."

"Is there anything we can do to stop the swelling, Dad?"

"I think you've had a reaction to the sting. I'd say we get a professional's opinion on what to do."

"My mum's a nurse," Amy offered helpfully. "She might be able to take a look for us."

"That's perfect Amy," said Brian. "I'll take you both."

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