Avowal // pjm [COMPLETED]

By alloflovethatmadeit

13.4K 855 171

Avowal n. a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something "Connection doesn't care about the la... More

"Pick A Dick, Quae"
The Breakup
Lifting Weights
Dating Men
The One Who Mattered
Laid Bare
Moving Out
Saying Goodbye
Finally Friday
Coming to Grips
Don't Question
Living The Dream
Let Me Love You
Taken Into Consideration
DISAVOWAL: An Avowal Sequel

Catching Up

342 28 1
By alloflovethatmadeit

Jimin POV

I can't move. Quae is here, in front of me and as many times as I've rehearsed what to say to her I can't speak.

She continues to look at me, a soft smirk forming on her rosy lips. "Not going to invite me in? It is raining, you know, and I'm only getting wetter."

Her choice of words brings back memories that cause me to bite my bottom lip. I still don't speak but step to the side to allow her inside. She walks by me, her heels softly clicking against the floor.

I can feel my body pull to her as I quickly close the door and follow her to the living room. Every part of her attire accentuates her curves and my eyes enjoy them all.

"You're really here."

"In the flesh. Speaking of, could I bother you for a change of clothes? I need to get out of these wet things." She begins to undo the tie at her collar.

"You're welcome to anything of mine.. but you already knew that."

Quae smiles and walks toward my bedroom. She looks me head to toe once again before she closes the door behind her and just in time.

I open my mouth in a silent squeal. I look around the apartment trying to figure out whether I should stay standing here or be sitting when she comes out.

I decide I should make her a drink.

I run my fingers through my hair hoping it's not too much of a mess as I jog to the kitchen. The cold air hits my bare chest when I open the freezer for ice and it registers I am still shirtless.

I need a shirt but they're all in the bedroom with Quae. I stand there patting my chest wondering if I have a spare shirt somewhere else in the living room when I hear her say, "I mean, yeah, you're jacked but that doesn't mean you can just go around rubbing on yourself in front of company."

I turn to her, startled. How long have I been lost in thought?

Quae stands in the kitchen six feet from me wearing my cut off tee shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. Every atom in my body is dying to feel her skin once again. She uses both hands to pull her hair up on top of her head in her signature knot.

I run through my brain trying to remember anything that I rehearsed to tell her should we ever meet again. I search every corner of my mind but there's only one thing I want to say.

"I'm still in love with you, Lilith."

Quae drops her arms and sighs. "I figured as much. I could tell by the way you looked at me. You don't listen, do you?"

"Time can't change the way I feel and I've missed you more and more everyday. Why did you leave?"

"You were supposed to move on. Find you a nice straight girl and be married with a family by now not sitting here still pining over me. That's why I left, Ji. So you could find your happiness."

"I was happy. My happiness rested with you, and you left me. I didn't know how to deal with anything anymore. I fell apart." I stop myself putting one hand over my mouth and looking at the floor. I don't want to say too much because I'm worried she may leave again.

"Looks like you put yourself back together nicely." She gestures towards my body and looks around the apartment. Quae strolls towards the living room. "I can't believe you kept our old apartment."

I follow her still not believing she is here with me now. "I was able to get it back. I told you I fell apart when you left. I lost my job, my truck, and this apartment. Taehyung and Hoseok let me move in with them for a while. They offered as much support as they could to help me get back on my feet. I honestly think they just wanted me out of their place." I smirk.

"'Their place'? As in together?" Quae turns and gasps at me. We sit on the floor in front of the coffee table where I was before.

"Yeah, together. They dated for nearly two years. Didn't end on good terms. They don't speak anymore and I rarely hear from Hoseok. I do know he's dating some girl and they have a kid who's a couple of years old. It really took a toll on Taehyung. I think he's given up on relationships. He's been hanging out with this cat named Yoongi for a while now though I don't think it's 'that kind' of relationship. Yoongi is good for Taehyung, friend wise. I don't like him though. He can be a bit of a smartass."

"So.. who topped and who bottomed?" She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows.

I laugh and shake my head. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"How are things between you and your brother? Do you and Seokjin speak? Family gatherings must be awkward knowing your niece or nephew should've been your own kid."

I snort and reply, "Sunnie's kid wasn't Seokjin's either. She cheated on us both. Last I heard she was begging her parents for forgiveness after admitting she slept around a lot and had no idea who's kid it was. And to think, she thought hanging around you and drinking was a bad influence."

We both grin quietly to ourselves before Quae asks, "Did you even try to move on, Ji?"

"If you're asking if I dated, yes. I started to try a couple of years ago. Of the few dates I went on, I never really found anyone I honestly enjoyed being around. There really wasn't an attraction for me and it wasn't easy especially since it seems as if everyone my age is taken already."

I hang my head, picking at my cuticles. "You're engaged."

Quae sighs and drops her head to sofa seat. "I am. I was in town to tell my parents."

I sniff and my heart feels a pang of hurt. "How did that go? Your fiance said it didn't go as planned."

"They disowned me officially. I guess it was one thing for their daughter to admit to being a lesbian but a whole other issue when she marries another woman. Taryn is all the family I have now."

"You still have me. Nothing will ever change that, Quae."

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