A collection of imagines

By RebelWritesx

72.7K 1.3K 83

Just having a bit of fun with writing prompts More

More Than You Realise - Adam Ruzek
You don't have to live with her - Jay Halstead
You Are Something Else - Jay Halstead
She tried to kill me last week! - Adam Ruzek
I Think We Just Got Busted - Jay Halstead
One In The Morning - Adam Ruzek
Just Kiss Me - Kevin Atwater
Pregnant - Jay Halstead
Im home - Adam Ruzek
Hungover I - Adam Ruzek
Hungover II - Adam Ruzek
Hungover III - Adam Ruzek
Too Much of a Bad Ass - Jay Halstead
Gentle Giant - Kevin Atwater
Owed Kisses - Jay Halstead
She aint you - Adam Ruzek
She Aint You II - Adam Ruzek
She Ain't You III - Adam Ruzek
It's Just a Cut - Jay Halstead
Crossed Lines - Antonio Dawson
Crossed Lines II - Antonio Dawson
Crossed Lines III - Antonio Dawson
Don't Lie to Your Old Man
Don't Lie to Your Old Man II
I Love You - Kevin Atwater
Not Going Anywhere - Kevin Atwater
Rumour - Kevin Atwater
The One - Adam Ruzek
I'm Here - Antonio Dawson
Drunken Love - Adam Ruzek
Sunday Morning - Kevin Atwater
Alive - Antonio Dawson
I Noticed - Hank Voight
Guilt - Hank Voight
My idiot - Adam Ruzek
Daddys girl - Adam Ruzek
Dont call quits - adam ruzek
Day off - kevin atwater
Back together - Antonio Dawson
I'll take the messy - adam ruzek
We need to talk - Hank Voight
Bad feelings - Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz
4am - Adam Ruzek
Just in time - Kevin Atwater
Memories - Jay Halstead
Time of our lives - Adam Ruzek
How Do I Tell Her? - Adam Ruzek
It's okay, promise - Jay Halstead
Good To Be Home - Hank Voight
A Bet - Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz
Overprotective - Adam Ruzek
One Day At a Time - Jay Halstead
Trouble - Adam Ruzek
My Rock - Kevin Atwater
Multitude of Sins - Jax Teller
Never Been Better - Jax Teller
Blood Makes You Related But Loyalty Makes You Family - Jax Teller
Late night realisations - Jax Teller
Just a One Night Stand? - Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz
Some Attention (NSFW) - Jax Teller
My Place or Yours? (NSFW) - Antonio Dawson
New Story
This has to be a joke - Jay Halstead
Bad Boy - Jax Teller
Shes yours - Jax Teller
Gonna kill him - Jax Teller
We kinda dont have to - Antonio Dawson

Calling in a Favour - Jax Teller

606 7 0
By RebelWritesx

Jax Teller x Reader

Warnings: Blood, Swearing

Standing over him, you couldn't believe what you had done. It was like you was frozen to the ground, you wanted to walk away and pretend this was just bad dream but you couldn't help but stare at the crimson liquid pooling on the tiles of your kitchen floor. What the fuck was the next move?

Grabbing your phone off the kitchen side you called the one person you knew would help without throwing judgement at you.

"Jax" you said trying not to let him hear the shakiness in your voice.

"Darlin' its 1am what's up" he said, his voice evident you had just woke him up.

"Urm remember when you jokingly said you would help me get rid of a body, Urm can I cash that favour in" you breathed squeezing your eyes shut to avoid looking at your ex that laid on your floor.

"Shit" Jax hissed sounding very much awake now "I will be there in 10 minutes sit tight baby"

The line soon went dead and you finally managed to get your feet moving.

As promised Jax was straight round using his key to let himself in, he wandered into the living room to find you sat on the edge of the sofa with your head in your hands.

"What happened?" He asked softly crouching down to your level placing his hand on you knee.

You just flung yourself into his arms, making him lose his balance landing on his ass as he pulled you into his lap, holding you tight, rocking slightly to get you to calm down.

"my ex" You breathed taking in his scent of mint and smoke. "he broke in and held a gun to my head, I managed to get a punch in leading to me disarming him and shooting him in my kitchen"

"its okay baby" Jax whispered placing soft kissing on your head "he didn't hurt you did he?"

"no" you mumbled shaking your head "I got in there before he had the chance"

"Good" Jax whispered running his fingers down your arm "Now you stay here and I will go sort this out"

"What if this comes back to me" You panicked as you moved off Jax's knee.

"I can promise you darlin' this won't come back on you" He smiled softly, his eyes full of concern as he kissed you softly before disappearing into the kitchen.


As promised Jax sorted the body out, you didn't know what he did with it and you didn't want to know, all that mattered was it was done. However you got no sleep last night and neither did Jax as he just sat up holding you all night, so tired was an understatement.

You was now back behind the bar at the club with Tig wearing on the little patience you had left. He wasn't acting any different to normal but right now you was restraining yourself so you didn't punch him in the face.

When Jax pulled into the lot him and the guys heard shouting, pinching the bridge of his nose whilst sighing he knew that tig would be getting on your every last nerve and knew he should have made you take a day off.

"I swear to fucking god Tig, if you don't shut up imma ram this knife somewhere the sun doesn't shine" Jax heard you scream at the top of your lungs "I've not slept all night so I am not in the mood with your bullshit"

"Whats up with your girl Jax?" Clay asked as they walked into the bar.

"Just leave it" Jax sighed as Tig's eyes landed on him.

"Jax man you need to control your girl, she threatened me with a knife" Tig snapped.

"Maybe you shouldn't piss her off then" Jax scowled making his way over to you.

You had your back to him, resting your hands on the counter trying to focus on the breathing. Feeling his arms wrap around you, you relaxed into his touch.

"Darlin' you okay" He whispered spinning you around to see you had tears streaming down your face.

"Shit I didn't mean to make her cry man" Tig panicked.

"Tig bugger off okay, this wasn't your fault" Jax sighed kissing your head before taking your hand leading you out of the bar and up onto the roof.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked as he put his arm around your shoulder pulling you close to him.

"Not really, I just want to forget about it but I can't" You mumbled as you lit a cigarette.

"Okay then we won't talk about it" Jax whispered.

For the rest of the day the two of you sat up on the roof, smoking with Jax telling you every single memory he could think of, from the first time you guys met right up until the other month when you got so drunk you puked on Chibbs.

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