upsc aug rk

By Rony23m

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upsc aug rk

106 0 1
By Rony23m

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<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 1</P>

<P align=left>Free</P>

<P align=left>Digital Copy</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 2</P></B>

<P align=left>Editorial</P>

<P align=left>» </P>Make a Balance in Life and Examination! .....................................................................

<P align=left>03</P>

<P align=left>Featured Articles</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>G20 Summit .................................................................................................................... 04</P>

<P align=left>SECTION - 1: Articles</P>

<P align=left>» </P>India - Sri Lanka Relation ..............................................................................................

<P align=left>10</P>

<P align=left>» </P>India-South Africa Relation ...........................................................................................

<P align=left>17</P>

<P align=left>SECTION - 2: Hot Topics</P>

<P align=left>» Indian Badminton Star Saina Nehwal ............................................................................ </P>

<P align=left>23</P>

<P align=left>» India-Pak Agree To Share Intelligence Report .............................................................. </P>

<P align=left>26</P>

<P align=left>SECTION - 3: Current Affairs </P>.........................................................................................

<P align=left>28</P>

<P align=left>SECTION - 4: World of Sports </P>........................................................................................

<P align=left>45</P>

<P align=left>SECTION - 5: World of Awards </P>.....................................................................................

<P align=left>51</P>

<P align=left>SECTION - 6: CSE Main 2010 Special:</P>

<P align=left>» Study Package : (Nanotechnology) </P>

<P align=left>........................................................................... 55</P><B>

<P align=left>INDEX</P>

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<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 3</P></B>

<P align=left>Make a Balance in Life and Examination!</P>

<P align=left>What can you do now? Yes I amtalking to those who are going to appear</P>

<P align=left>this year's Civil Services Main Examination. First of all you should be</P>

<P align=left>calm during the preparation of this toughest examination of the Earth.</P>

<P align=left>You can gain nothing while you lose your patience and perseverance.</P>

<P align=left>You will only lose your concentration, capacity and speed. So work hard</P>

<P align=left>in calm. Through hard work you will not miss the target. I have seen</P>

<P align=left>many candidates loose the patience and take pain over the result and</P>

<P align=left>future. Such step are only futile and fruitless. In this mean time you</P>

<P align=left>should work hard. Don't thinks about result. In this way if result of preliminary</P>

<P align=left>is negative then you are in good position for next attempt and if</P>

<P align=left>you have won the first battle then it would be easy for you take on main</P>

<P align=left>battle.</P>

<P align=left>Second and important thing which you must keep inmind is make practices.</P>

<P align=left>It is always good and play very good role in actual examination.</P>

<P align=left>While you practice, you should insure that you should not get yourself</P>

<P align=left>very bookish. Always try towrite in your own style. In this way you can</P>

<P align=left>prove your originality before the examiner. You should develop a rationale</P>

<P align=left>in all important topics. It is now very important when many questions</P>

<P align=left>expect examinee opinion. It plays a big role in General Studies papers.</P>

<P align=left>So at the time of reading, develop a rationale and your original</P>

<P align=left>answer. Originality and rationality doesn'tmean that your personal thinking.</P>

<P align=left>It must be according to logical development of the topic. So here in</P>

<P align=left>civil service examination, originality means a good analysis in balanced</P>

<P align=left>approach.</P>

<P align=left>Third thing is that, you must keep a very good balance in the giving time</P>

<P align=left>to optional and general studies. If you have very good understanding of a</P>

<P align=left>subject, you can do fare in only 600 marks. But if have a balanced approach</P>

<P align=left>in all papers you can do justice for 2000 marks. So do'not make a</P>

<P align=left>loopsided study. Divide the time for all subjects and give the subject its</P>

<P align=left>due importance. Yes it is meaningless to say that you should give extra</P>

<P align=left>time and extra efforts in those portions, in which you feel weak.</P>

<P align=left>In this issue we have provided featured article </P>G20 Summit

<P align=left>with articles</P>

<P align=left>India - Sri Lanka Relation and India-South Africa Relation. In section of</P>

<P align=left>hot topics Indian Badminton Star Saina Nehwal and India-PakistanAgree</P>

<P align=left>to Share Intelligence Report are given as well as Current Affairs, Sports</P>

<P align=left>World and Awards are available to build your knowledge about current</P>

<P align=left>affairs. Also in this issue included </P>

<P align=left>Special Study Package for Civil Services</P>

<P align=left>Main Examination 2010 on "Nanotechnology".</P>

<P align=left>So dear friends always keep in mind that good balance in your life can</P>

<P align=left>play a good balance in all walks of life including this examination. So</P>

<P align=left>have a balance in life, preparation, writing and so in your result.</P>

<P align=left>Wish you All the Best for upcoming Examination..</P>

<P align=left>Wish You All the Best for upcoming Examination..</P><B>

<P align=left>Honorary Editor:</P></B>

<P align=left>Ram Kumar Pandey</P><B>

<P align=left>Sr. Honorary Advisor:</P></B>

<P align=left>Sant Prasad Gupta</P><B>

<P align=left>Honorary Advisors:</P></B>

<P align=left>Dr. Nageshwar Nath Mishra</P>

<P align=left>Dr. Sachchidanand</P><B>

<P align=left>Disclaimer:</P></B>

<P align=left>Editor and Publisher are</P>

<P align=left>not responsible for any</P>

<P align=left>views, data, figures etc.</P>

<P align=left>Expressed in the articles</P>

<P align=left>by the author(s). Maps</P>

<P align=left>are notational.</P><B>

<P align=left>Published By:</P>

<P align=left>WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM</P>

<P align=left>Mukherjee Nagar,</P>

<P align=left>New Delhi-110009</P>

<P align=left>Ph: 011-45151781</P></B>

<P align=left>Aspirants</P>

<P align=left>Times</P><B>

<P align=left>VOL : 16</P>

<P align=left>July 2010</P>

<P align=left>Executive Editor:</P></B>

<P align=left>Dr. Divya</P><B>

<P align=left>Asistant Editor:</P></B>

<P align=left>Avadhesh Kumar Pandey</P><B>

<P align=left>Computer Staff:</P></B>

<P align=left>Manish Malhotra</P>

<P align=left>With Best Wishes</P>

<P align=left>Ram Kumar Pandey & UPSCPORTAL Team</P><B>

<P align=left>For Advertisement</P>

<P align=left>Contact at:</P>

<P align=left>Mob: 9899825962</P>

<P align=left>Ph: 011-45151781</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 4</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 5</P></B>

<P align=left>The fourth G20 summit in less than two years has ended at</P>

<P align=left>Toronto on 26-27 June, 2010. The summit ended with global</P>

<P align=left>leaders evolving a consensus of sorts on several issues of</P>

<P align=left>economic importance. India, which was represented in</P>

<P align=left>strength at the summit, says it is happy with the outcome.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders of theworld'smost powerful economies pledged</P>

<P align=left>to slash back spiraling debts on Sunday as they sought to</P>

<P align=left>rebalance a global economy knocked off its axis by a financial</P>

<P align=left>crisis.</P>

<P align=left>The heads of the G20, which groups established world powers and the most dynamic emerging players,</P>

<P align=left>vowed to nurture the still shaky recovery with coordinated</P>

<P align=left>measures to spur growth and ensure financial stability.</P>

<P align=left>But observers quickly noted the agreements were not binding</P>

<P align=left>and the summit statement was filled with caveats and</P>

<P align=left>exemptions, pushing many of the tougher decisions on to</P>

<P align=left>the next G20 summit in Seoul in November.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders' joint statement, released at the end of two days</P>

<P align=left>of talks in Toronto, warned that "failure to implement consolidation</P>

<P align=left>where necessarywould undermine confidence and</P>

<P align=left>hamper growth."</P>

<P align=left>"Reflecting this balance, advanced economies have committed to fiscal plans that will at least halve deficits</P>

<P align=left>by 2013 and stabilize or reduce government debt-to-GDP ratios by 2016," it promised.</P>

<P align=left>Nevertheless, the group exempted Japan and its huge public deficit from the pledge and noted that measures</P>

<P align=left>should be "tailored to national circumstances."</P>

<P align=left>The statement called for "greater exchange rate flexibility in some emergingmarkets" but shied away from</P>

<P align=left>specifically fingering China, which is under pressure to allow the yuan to strengthen to ease trade imbalances.</P>

<P align=left>Amid US fears that global growth may once again become overdependent on American consumers, the</P>

<P align=left>G20 called for "efforts to rebalance global demand to help ensure global growth continues on a sustainable</P>

<P align=left>path."</P><B>

<P align=left>"I understood that</P>

<P align=left>fiscal consolidation</P>

<P align=left>obviously needed</P>

<P align=left>high priority in</P>

<P align=left>those advanced nations that</P>

<P align=left>were experiencing exceptional</P>

<P align=left>fiscal stress and in those where</P>

<P align=left>sovereign debt was shaky."</P></B>

<P align=left>G20 Summit</P><B>

<P align=left>Leaders Agree to Cut Deficits by 2013</P>

<P align=left>By: Ram Kumar Pandey</P>

<P align=left>Featured Article..</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 6</P></B>

<P align=left>European leaders- Germany's Chancellor Angela</P>

<P align=left>Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and</P>

<P align=left>Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron -- came</P>

<P align=left>to the talks calling for fiscal restraint and a new</P>

<P align=left>levy on bank profits.</P>

<P align=left>They made some headway on the former, but will</P>

<P align=left>be forced to go it alone on the banking tax, as countries</P>

<P align=left>like Australia, Canada and India that have</P>

<P align=left>experienced no banking failures rejected the proposal</P>

<P align=left>out of hand.</P>

<P align=left>The G8 statement said "We agreed the financial</P>

<P align=left>sector should make a fair and substantial contribution</P>

<P align=left>towards paying for any burdens associated</P>

<P align=left>with government interventions." "We recognized</P>

<P align=left>that there are a range of policy approaches to this</P>

<P align=left>end. Some countries are pursuing a financial levy.</P>

<P align=left>Other countries are pursuing different approaches."</P>

<P align=left>Observers said the degree of divergence in the</P>

<P align=left>countries' policies for dealing with the recovery</P>

<P align=left>showed that, now that the initial shock of recession</P>

<P align=left>has passed, national agendas are once more</P>

<P align=left>crowding out G20 cooperation.</P><B>

<P align=left>Outcome For India</P></B>

<P align=left>The first point was the civilian nuclear pact with</P>

<P align=left>Canada. Canada is an important supplier of Uranium</P>

<P align=left>and nuclear technologies. The pact is actually</P>

<P align=left>going to help take India's plans on that front</P>

<P align=left>forward. In fact the bilateral that the India prime</P>

<P align=left>minster had with the Canadian prime minster actually</P>

<P align=left>seems to signal a new beginning in the relationship.</P>

<P align=left>Stephen Harper said that the 70s are over</P>

<P align=left>and in fact this is the first visit by an Indian prime</P>

<P align=left>minister after 1973.</P>

<P align=left>There were several other agreements for mining</P>

<P align=left>and otherMoUs signed. Another key bilateralwas</P>

<P align=left>the India US bilateral, Manmohan Singh meeting</P>

<P align=left>Barack Obama. Much of it was political; noWarrenAnderson</P>

<P align=left>extradition demandwas raised there.</P>

<P align=left>The key thing was that India told the US to take</P>

<P align=left>disclosures by Headley; the 26/11 accused more</P>

<P align=left>seriously and wanted the United States to get Pakistan</P>

<P align=left>to act more on terror.</P>

<P align=left>PM asks rich nations to resist protectionism</P>

<P align=left>Making it clear that each country needed to devise</P>

<P align=left>its own strategy toweather the deepest global</P>

<P align=left>financial crisis in decades, Indian Prime Minister</P>

<P align=left>Manmohan Singh on Sunday asked rich nations to</P>

<P align=left>resist protectionism.</P>

<P align=left>Stating that the India was better placed in handling</P>

<P align=left>the situation with an average growth of 7</P>

<P align=left>per cent in the past two fiscals, the primeminister</P>

<P align=left>said emerging economies must also rely less on</P>

<P align=left>exports and push domestic demand.</P>

<P align=left>As the leaders of the Group of 20 advanced and</P>

<P align=left>emerging economies listened in attention, the</P>

<P align=left>Oxford-educated economist-prime minister said</P>

<P align=left>India on its part will go for medium-term fiscal</P>

<P align=left>consolidation and halve its fiscal deficit by 2013-</P>

<P align=left>14.</P>

<P align=left>Manmohan Singh said he understood that fiscal</P>

<P align=left>consolidation obviously needed high priority in</P>

<P align=left>those advanced nations that were experiencing</P>

<P align=left>exceptional fiscal stress and in those where sovereign</P>

<P align=left>debt was shaky.</P>

<P align=left>"But other advanced countries should opt for a</P>

<P align=left>muchmore caliberated exit fromthe stimulus. We</P>

<P align=left>should adopt a carefully differentiated approach,</P>

<P align=left>reflecting the circumstances of individual countries,"</P>

<P align=left>the prime minister added.</P>

<P align=left>China sets strongest yuan rate in years after G20</P>

<P align=left>pressure:</P>

<P align=left>China set the strongest yuan exchange rate</P>

<P align=left>in years after Beijing came under renewed pressure</P>

<P align=left>at the Group of 20 summit to let the currency</P>

<P align=left>appreciate.</P>

<P align=left>The People's Bank of China said it set the</P>

<P align=left>central parity rate -- the centre point of the</P>

<P align=left>currency's allowed trading band -- at 6.7890 to the</P>

<P align=left>dollar.</P>

<P align=left>Itwas the strongest level policymakers have</P>

<P align=left>set since China unpegged the currency in July 2005</P>

<P align=left>andmoved to a tightlymanaged floating exchange</P>

<P align=left>rate.</P><B>

<P align=left>Featured Article..</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 7</P></B>

<P align=left>China had effectively pegged the yuan at about</P>

<P align=left>6.8 to the dollar for the past two years to prop up</P>

<P align=left>exporters during the global financial crisis. Critics</P>

<P align=left>say the policy gives Chinese producers an unfair</P>

<P align=left>advantage.</P>

<P align=left>Manmohan meets Obama at G20 summit:</P>

<P align=left>Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President</P>

<P align=left>Barack Obama held their second substantive</P>

<P align=left>dialogue in two months, during which they are</P>

<P align=left>understood to have discussed terrorism, global</P>

<P align=left>economy and other issues of mutual concern.</P>

<P align=left>Singh and Obama met on the sidelines of the G20</P>

<P align=left>Summit and are believed to have discussed the situation</P>

<P align=left>in the region.</P>

<P align=left>This was the the first meeting between the two</P>

<P align=left>leaders after they met and reviewed bilateral ties</P>

<P align=left>on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit in</P>

<P align=left>Washington in April.</P>

<P align=left>During the meeting, the two leaders are also understood</P>

<P align=left>to have discussed about the global economic</P>

<P align=left>recovery and the G20 Summit. At the Summit,</P>

<P align=left>India and the US had cautioned against winding</P>

<P align=left>up of the government funding.</P>

<P align=left>Obama said the two countries would continue to</P>

<P align=left>see how businesses of both countries can get to</P>

<P align=left>work together and then generating recommendations</P>

<P align=left>to "each of us in terms of how we can improve</P>

<P align=left>ties between the United States and India."</P><B>

<P align=left>What is the G-20</P></B>

<P align=left>The Group of Twenty (G-20) FinanceMinisters and</P>

<P align=left>Central Bank Governors was established in 1999</P>

<P align=left>to bring together systemically important industrialized</P>

<P align=left>and developing economies to discuss key issues</P>

<P align=left>in the global economy. The inaugural meeting</P>

<P align=left>of the G-20 took place in Berlin, on December</P>

<P align=left>15-16, 1999, hosted by German and Canadian finance</P>

<P align=left>ministers.</P><B>

<P align=left>Mandate</P></B>

<P align=left>The G-20 is the premier forum for our international</P>

<P align=left>economic development that promotes open</P>

<P align=left>and constructive discussion between industrial and</P>

<P align=left>emerging-market countries on key issues related</P>

<P align=left>to global economic stability. By contributing to the</P>

<P align=left>strengthening of the international financial architecture</P>

<P align=left>and providing opportunities for dialogue</P>

<P align=left>on national policies, international co-operation, and</P>

<P align=left>international financial institutions, the G-20 helps</P>

<P align=left>to support growth and development across the</P>

<P align=left>globe.</P><B>

<P align=left>Origins</P></B>

<P align=left>The G-20 was created as a response both to the</P>

<P align=left>financial crises of the late 1990s and to a growing</P>

<P align=left>recognition that key emerging-market countries</P>

<P align=left>were not adequately included in the core of global</P>

<P align=left>economic discussion and governance. Prior to the</P>

<P align=left>G-20 creation, similar groupings to promote dialogue</P>

<P align=left>and analysis had been established at the initiative</P>

<P align=left>of the G-7.</P>

<P align=left>The G-22 met at Washington D.C. in April and</P>

<P align=left>October 1998. Its aim was to involve non-G-7</P>

<P align=left>countries in the resolution of global aspects of the</P>

<P align=left>financial crisis then affecting emerging-market</P>

<P align=left>countries.</P>

<P align=left>Two subsequent meetings comprising a larger</P>

<P align=left>group of participants (G-33) held in March and</P>

<P align=left>April 1999 discussed reforms of the global economy</P>

<P align=left>and the international financial system.</P>

<P align=left>The proposals made by the G-22 and the G-33 to</P>

<P align=left>reduce the world economy's susceptibility to crises</P>

<P align=left>showed the potential benefits of a regular international</P>

<P align=left>consultative forum embracing the</P>

<P align=left>emerging-market countries. Such a regular dialogue</P>

<P align=left>with a constant set of partners was institutionalized</P>

<P align=left>by the creation of the G-20 in 1999.</P><B>

<P align=left>Featured Article..</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 8</P>

<P align=left>Membership</P></B>

<P align=left>The G-20 is made up of the finance ministers</P>

<P align=left>and central bank governors of 19 countries:</P>

<P align=left>The European Union, who is represented by the</P>

<P align=left>rotating Council presidency and the European Central</P>

<P align=left>Bank, is the 20th member of the G-20. To ensure</P>

<P align=left>global economic fora and institutions work</P>

<P align=left>together, the Managing Director of the International</P>

<P align=left>Monetary Fund (IMF) and the President of</P>

<P align=left>the World Bank, plus the chairs of the International</P>

<P align=left>Monetary and Financial Committee and</P>

<P align=left>Development Committee of the IMF and World</P>

<P align=left>Bank, also participate in G-20 meetings on an exofficio</P>

<P align=left>basis.</P>

<P align=left>The G-20 thus brings together important industrial</P>

<P align=left>and emerging-market countries from all regions</P>

<P align=left>of the world. Together, member countries</P>

<P align=left>represent around 90 per cent of global gross national</P>

<P align=left>product, 80 per cent of world trade (including</P>

<P align=left>EU intra-trade) as well as two-thirds of the</P>

<P align=left>world's population. The G-20's economic weight</P>

<P align=left>and broad membership gives it a high degree of</P>

<P align=left>legitimacy and influence over the management of</P>

<P align=left>the global economy and financial system.</P><B>

<P align=left>Achievements</P></B>

<P align=left>The G-20 has progressed a range of issues since</P>

<P align=left>1999, including agreement about policies for</P>

<P align=left>growth, reducing abuse of the financial system,</P>

<P align=left>dealing with financial crises and combating terrorist</P>

<P align=left>financing. The G-20 also aims to foster the</P>

<P align=left>adoption of internationally recognized standards</P>

<P align=left>through the example set by its members in areas</P>

<P align=left>such as the transparency of fiscal policy and combatingmoney</P>

<P align=left>laundering and the financing of terrorism.</P>

<P align=left>In 2004, G-20 countries committed to new</P>

<P align=left>higher standards of transparency and exchange of</P>

<P align=left>information on tax matters. This aims to combat</P>

<P align=left>abuses of the financial system and illicit activities</P>

<P align=left>including tax evasion. The G-20 has also aimed to</P>

<P align=left>develop a common view among members on issues</P>

<P align=left>related to further development of the global</P>

<P align=left>economic and financial system.</P>

<P align=left>To tackle the financial and economic crisis that</P>

<P align=left>spread across the globe in 2008, the G-20 members</P>

<P align=left>were called upon to further strengthen international</P>

<P align=left>cooperation. Since then, the concerted and</P>

<P align=left>decisive actions of the G-20 helped the world deal</P>

<P align=left>effectivelywith the current financial and economic</P>

<P align=left>crisis. The G-20 has already delivered a number of</P>

<P align=left>significant and concrete outcomes. For examples,</P>

<P align=left>it committed to implement the unprecedented and</P>

<P align=left>most coordinated expansionary macroeconomic</P>

<P align=left>policies, including the fiscal expansion of US$5 trillion</P>

<P align=left>and the unconventional monetary policy instruments;</P>

<P align=left>significantly enhance the financial regulations,</P>

<P align=left>notably by the establishment of the Financial</P>

<P align=left>Stability Board(FSB); and substantially</P>

<P align=left>strengthen the International Financial</P>

<P align=left>Institutions(IFIs), including the expansion of resources</P>

<P align=left>and the improvement of precautionary</P>

<P align=left>lending facilities of the IFIs.</P>

<P align=left>Reflecting on these achievements and recognizing</P>

<P align=left>that more needs to be done to ensure a strong, sustained</P>

<P align=left>and balanced global recovery, the G-20</P>

<P align=left>Leaders at Pittsburgh Summit designated the G-</P>

<P align=left>20 as the premier forumfor international economic</P>

<P align=left>cooperation.</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Argentina</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Australia</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Brazil</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Canada</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>China</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>France</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Germany</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>India</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Indonesia</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Italy</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Japan</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Mexico</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Russia</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Saudi Arabia</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>South Africa</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Republic of Korea</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Turkey</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>United Kingdom</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>United States of America</P><B>

<P align=left>Featured Article..</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 9</P>

<P align=left>Chair</P></B>

<P align=left>Unlike international institutions such as the Organization</P>

<P align=left>for Economic Co-operation and Development</P>

<P align=left>(OECD), IMF or World Bank, the G-20</P>

<P align=left>(like the G-7) has no permanent staff of its own.</P>

<P align=left>The G-20 chair rotates between members, and is</P>

<P align=left>selected froma different regional grouping of countries</P>

<P align=left>each year. In 2010 the G-20 chair is the Republic</P>

<P align=left>of Korea, and in 2011 it will be France. The</P>

<P align=left>chair is part of a revolving three-member management</P>

<P align=left>Troika of past, present and future chairs.</P>

<P align=left>The incumbent chair establishes a temporary secretariat</P>

<P align=left>for the duration of its term, which coordinates</P>

<P align=left>the group's work and organizes its meetings.</P>

<P align=left>The role of the Troika is to ensure continuity in</P>

<P align=left>the G-20'swork andmanagement across host years.</P><B>

<P align=left>Meetings and activities</P></B>

<P align=left>It is normal practice for the G-20 finance ministers</P>

<P align=left>and central bank governors tomeet once a year.</P>

<P align=left>The last meeting of ministers and governors was</P>

<P align=left>held in St. Andrews, UK on 6-7 November 2009.</P>

<P align=left>The ministers' and governors' meeting is usually</P>

<P align=left>preceded by two deputies' meetings and extensive</P>

<P align=left>technicalwork. This technical work takes the form</P>

<P align=left>of workshops, reports and case studies on specific</P>

<P align=left>subjects, that aim to provide ministers and governors</P>

<P align=left>with contemporary analysis and insights, to</P>

<P align=left>better inform their consideration of policy challenges</P>

<P align=left>and options.</P>

<P align=left>Interaction With Other International Organi</P>

<P align=left>ations:</P>

<P align=left>The G-20 cooperates closely with various</P>

<P align=left>other major international organizations and fora,</P>

<P align=left>as the potential to develop common positions on</P>

<P align=left>complex issues among G-20 members can add politicalmomentumto</P>

<P align=left>decision-making in other bodies.</P>

<P align=left>The participation of the President of theWorld</P>

<P align=left>Bank, the Managing Director of the IMF and the</P>

<P align=left>chairs of the International Monetary and Financial</P>

<P align=left>Committee and the Development Committee</P>

<P align=left>in the G-20 meetings ensures that the G-20 process</P>

<P align=left>is well integrated with the activities of the</P>

<P align=left>BrettonWoods Institutions. The G-20 also works</P>

<P align=left>with, and encourages, other international groups</P>

<P align=left>and organizations, such as the Financial Stability</P>

<P align=left>Board and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision,</P>

<P align=left>in progressing international and domestic</P>

<P align=left>economic policy reforms. In addition, experts</P>

<P align=left>from private-sector institutions and non-government</P>

<P align=left>organisations are invited to G-20 meetings</P>

<P align=left>on an ad hoc basis in order to exploit synergies in</P>

<P align=left>analyzing selected topics and avoid overlap.</P><B>

<P align=left>External Communication</P></B>

<P align=left>The country currently chairing the G-20 posts details</P>

<P align=left>of the group's meetings andwork programon</P>

<P align=left>a dedicatedwebsite. Although participation in the</P>

<P align=left>meetings is reserved for members, the public is</P>

<P align=left>informed about what was discussed and agreed</P>

<P align=left>immediately after the meeting of ministers and</P>

<P align=left>governors has ended. After each meeting of ministers</P>

<P align=left>and governors, the G-20 publishes a</P>

<P align=left>communiqué which records the agreements</P>

<P align=left>reached and measures outlined. Material on the</P>

<P align=left>forward work program is also made public.</P><B>

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<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 10</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 11</P></B>

<P align=left>The President of the Democratic Socialist Republic</P>

<P align=left>of Sri Lanka, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa came on a</P>

<P align=left>State Visit to India from 8th - 11th June 2010. In</P>

<P align=left>this tour Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa</P>

<P align=left>expressed his determination to create a political</P>

<P align=left>settlement acceptable to all communities that</P>

<P align=left>would act as a catalyst for the necessary conditions</P>

<P align=left>inwhich all the people of Sri Lanka could lead their</P>

<P align=left>lives in an atmosphere of peace, justice and dignity,</P>

<P align=left>consistent with democracy, pluralism, equal</P>

<P align=left>opportunity and respect for human rights.</P>

<P align=left>Towards this end, Rajapaksa expressed his resolve</P>

<P align=left>to continue to implement in particular the relevant</P>

<P align=left>provisions of the Constitution designed to</P>

<P align=left>strengthen national amity and reconciliation</P>

<P align=left>through empowerment.</P>

<P align=left>The PrimeMinister of India expressed India's constructive</P>

<P align=left>support for efforts that build peace and</P>

<P align=left>reconciliation among all communities in Sri Lanka.</P>

<P align=left>This was stated in the Joint Declaration issued on</P>

<P align=left>the second day of a visit by President Rajapaksa to</P>

<P align=left>India atwhich wide ranging discussionswere held</P>

<P align=left>with leaders of India and several agreements of</P>

<P align=left>mutual interest to India and Sri Lankawere signed.</P><B>

<P align=left>Highlights of the Joint</P>

<P align=left>Declaration</P></B>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>A major initiative to undertake a programme of</P>

<P align=left>construction of 50,000 houses for Internally Displaced</P>

<P align=left>Persons in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.</P>

<P align=left>The President of Sri Lanka warmly welcomed</P>

<P align=left>the offer of Indian support for this</P>

<P align=left>programme.</P>

<P align=left>India - Sri Lanka Relation</P><B>

<P align=left>Signed Joint Declaration</P></B>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Both leaders condemned terrorismin all its forms</P>

<P align=left>andmanifestations. They also agreed to strengthen</P>

<P align=left>the security and legal framework of their bilateral</P>

<P align=left>relationship. To this end, the leaderswitnessed the</P>

<P align=left>signing of two Agreements</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Recognizing the considerable benefits from</P>

<P align=left>greater economic cooperation between the two</P>

<P align=left>countries, the two leaders noted the progress</P>

<P align=left>achieved under the India - Sri Lanka Free Trade</P>

<P align=left>Agreement. They agreed that it would be timely</P>

<P align=left>to build on this achievement through amore comprehensive</P>

<P align=left>framework of economic cooperation,</P>

<P align=left>best suited to the two countries. In this context,</P>

<P align=left>they directed the concerned officials of the two</P>

<P align=left>countries to hold intensive consultations towards</P>

<P align=left>developing a framework for sustainable economic</P>

<P align=left>partnership between the two countries and addressing</P>

<P align=left>outstanding issues.</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister of India and the President</P>

<P align=left>of Sri Lanka reiterated their mutual commitment</P>

<P align=left>to substantially enhance the range and depth of</P>

<P align=left>the India-Sri Lanka bilateral relationship including</P>

<P align=left>through greater economic integration, enhancing</P>

<P align=left>connectivity and other linkages and closer developmental</P>

<P align=left>cooperation.</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>The two leaders also agreed to launch a CEOs</P>

<P align=left>Forum to involve the public and private sectors in</P>

<P align=left>a dialogue to generate ideas to deepen and broaden</P>

<P align=left>the bilateral economic relationship in all its aspects</P>

<P align=left>and to help chart the future course of business and</P>

<P align=left>trade interaction between the two countries.</P><B>

<P align=left>By: Sant Prasad Gupta</P>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-Sri Lanka Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 12</P></B>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>The two leaders were briefed on the progress in</P>

<P align=left>discussions between the National Thermal Power</P>

<P align=left>Corporation of India and the Ceylon Electricity</P>

<P align=left>Board of Sri Lanka on the establishment of a joint</P>

<P align=left>venture for building a 500 MW coal-fired power</P>

<P align=left>plant at Sampur (Trincomalee), incorporating environmentally</P>

<P align=left>friendly technologies,with the Government</P>

<P align=left>of Sri Lanka providing the requisite infrastructure</P>

<P align=left>support.</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Recognising the need to speedily restore the traditional</P>

<P align=left>links between the two countries, both leaders</P>

<P align=left>agreed to resume the ferry services between</P>

<P align=left>Colombo and Tuticorin and between Talaimannar</P>

<P align=left>and Rameswaram. They directed their respective</P>

<P align=left>officials to put in place the mechanisms to start</P>

<P align=left>these services at an early date</P><B>

<P align=left>Text of the Joint</P>

<P align=left>Declaration</P></B>

<P align=left>The official discussions between the two sideswere</P>

<P align=left>marked by friendship, mutual respect and understanding.</P>

<P align=left>The President of Sri Lanka and the Prime</P>

<P align=left>Minister of India agreed that the shared cultural</P>

<P align=left>and civilizational heritage of India and Sri Lanka</P>

<P align=left>and the extensive people-to-people interaction</P>

<P align=left>provided the foundation to build a vibrant and</P>

<P align=left>multi-faceted partnership. India-Sri Lanka relations</P>

<P align=left>have matured and diversified with the passage of</P>

<P align=left>time, encompassing all areas of contemporary relevance,</P>

<P align=left>including trade, services and investment,</P>

<P align=left>development cooperation, science and technology,</P>

<P align=left>culture and education.</P>

<P align=left>In consonance with their vision of the future of</P>

<P align=left>the India-Sri Lanka relations, the two leaders</P>

<P align=left>agreed to further harness the enormous potential</P>

<P align=left>available for consolidating and strengthening the</P>

<P align=left>bilateral partnership by building on shared values</P>

<P align=left>and principles of democracy and pluralism, leveraging</P>

<P align=left>common strategic concerns and interests,</P>

<P align=left>enhancing connectivity between the two countries,</P>

<P align=left>increasing the integration of their economies, and</P>

<P align=left>reinforcing the institutional framework for cooperation.</P>

<P align=left>The PrimeMinister of India, Dr.Manmohan Singh,</P>

<P align=left>congratulated the President of Sri Lanka, Mr.</P>

<P align=left>Mahinda Rajapaksa, on his recent electoral victories</P>

<P align=left>and conveyed that the recent elections, together</P>

<P align=left>with the cessation of hostilities in Sri Lanka</P>

<P align=left>in May 2009, provided a historic opportunity for</P>

<P align=left>the country's leaders to address all outstanding issues</P>

<P align=left>in a spirit of understanding and mutual accommodation</P>

<P align=left>and to work towards genuine national</P>

<P align=left>reconciliation. The Prime Minister</P>

<P align=left>emphasised that a meaningful devolution package,</P>

<P align=left>building upon the 13th Amendment, would create</P>

<P align=left>the necessary conditions for a lasting political</P>

<P align=left>settlement.</P>

<P align=left>The President of Sri Lanka reiterated his determination</P>

<P align=left>to evolve a political settlement acceptable</P>

<P align=left>to all communities that would act as a catalyst to</P>

<P align=left>create the necessary conditions in which all the</P>

<P align=left>people of Sri Lanka could lead their lives in an atmosphere</P>

<P align=left>of peace, justice and dignity, consistent</P>

<P align=left>with democracy, pluralism, equal opportunity and</P>

<P align=left>respect for human rights. Towards this end, the</P>

<P align=left>President expressed his resolve to continue to</P>

<P align=left>implement in particular the relevant provisions of</P>

<P align=left>the Constitution designed to strengthen national</P>

<P align=left>amity and reconciliation through empowerment.</P>

<P align=left>In this context, he shared his ideas on conducting</P>

<P align=left>a broader dialogue with all parties involved. The</P>

<P align=left>PrimeMinister of India expressed India's constructive</P>

<P align=left>support for efforts that build peace and reconciliation</P>

<P align=left>among all communities in Sri Lanka.</P>

<P align=left>The President of Sri Lanka expressed appreciation</P>

<P align=left>for India's substantial and generous assistance including</P>

<P align=left>through a grant of Indian Rupees 500 crore</P>

<P align=left>for the humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and resettlement</P>

<P align=left>of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).</P>

<P align=left>He noted that the steps taken by India for humanitarian</P>

<P align=left>assistance, including supply of family packs</P>

<P align=left>of food and clothing,medicines, setting up of a field</P>

<P align=left>hospital and an artificial limb fitment camp and</P>

<P align=left>for the resettlement of IDPs, including provision</P>

<P align=left>of shelter material, cement bags and agricultural</P>

<P align=left>implements and deployment of de-mining teams,</P>

<P align=left>were important and timely.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-Sri Lanka Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 13</P></B>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister of India was apprised of the</P>

<P align=left>measures taken by the Government of Sri Lanka</P>

<P align=left>to bring about a rapid and sustainable resettlement</P>

<P align=left>of the bulk of the IDPs. It was stated that the process</P>

<P align=left>of resettling the limited number still remaining</P>

<P align=left>in the transit facilities would be further expedited.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders agreed on the urgent need for</P>

<P align=left>the resettlement of the remaining IDPs, alongwith</P>

<P align=left>speedy rehabilitation, reconstruction and development</P>

<P align=left>in the North and the East of Sri Lanka. They</P>

<P align=left>agreed to work closely towards this end. In this</P>

<P align=left>context, India's assistance to rebuild infrastructure,</P>

<P align=left>including railway infrastructure, set up several</P>

<P align=left>Vocational Training Centres, repair and construct</P>

<P align=left>schools, houses, stadiumand recreational facilities,</P>

<P align=left>supply much-needed inputs for agricultural regeneration</P>

<P align=left>and undertake several other projects was</P>

<P align=left>greatly appreciated.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders announced a major initiative to undertake</P>

<P align=left>a programme of construction of 50,000</P>

<P align=left>houses for Internally Displaced Persons in the</P>

<P align=left>Northern and Eastern Provinces. The President of</P>

<P align=left>Sri Lanka warmly welcomed the offer of Indian</P>

<P align=left>support for this programme.</P>

<P align=left>With regard to the task of reconstruction in northern</P>

<P align=left>Sri Lanka, the Prime Minister of India reiterated</P>

<P align=left>India's support for various infrastructure</P>

<P align=left>projects. In this regard, the two leaders witnessed</P>

<P align=left>the signing of the contract for the reconstruction</P>

<P align=left>of the Madu-Talaimannar railway line by IRCON.</P>

<P align=left>The contract for the Medawachchiya-Madu segment</P>

<P align=left>of the track will be signed shortly. It was</P>

<P align=left>also noted that the contract for the reconstruction</P>

<P align=left>of the Omanthai-Pallai segment of the railway</P>

<P align=left>track by IRCON has already been signed. The two</P>

<P align=left>leaders directed that the contracts for the construction</P>

<P align=left>of a new signalling and tele-communication</P>

<P align=left>network by IRCON, and for the reconstruction of</P>

<P align=left>the Pallai-KKS railway line, which will be undertaken</P>

<P align=left>by the Sri Lanka Railway in collaboration</P>

<P align=left>with IRCON, also be concluded at the earliest.</P>

<P align=left>The work on all these construction projects will</P>

<P align=left>commence latest byOctober 2010. Itwas also noted</P>

<P align=left>that the procurement of rolling stock from India</P>

<P align=left>would take place in a phased manner. The Prime</P>

<P align=left>Minister of India and the President of Sri Lanka</P>

<P align=left>directed that a Steering Committee be established</P>

<P align=left>to oversee and facilitate the timely and successful</P>

<P align=left>completion of the contracted work.</P>

<P align=left>The President of Sri Lanka expressed his appreciation</P>

<P align=left>for the generous and concessionary credit facilities</P>

<P align=left>amounting to about US$ 800million offered</P>

<P align=left>by India for the railway projects in Sri Lanka. The</P>

<P align=left>two leaders directed that the relevant agreements</P>

<P align=left>on the lines of credit for requisite amounts be concluded</P>

<P align=left>within two months, so that there is no delay</P>

<P align=left>in the commencement of the projects.</P>

<P align=left>In addition, with a view to restoring physical and</P>

<P align=left>cultural infrastructure and promoting normalcy in</P>

<P align=left>northern Sri Lanka, it was also agreed that India</P>

<P align=left>would extend assistance for the rehabilitation of</P>

<P align=left>Palaly Airport andKankesanthurai Harbour as also</P>

<P align=left>help in renovating the Duraiappah Stadium and</P>

<P align=left>constructing a Cultural Centre in Jaffna.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders welcomed the involvement of Self</P>

<P align=left>Employed Women's Association (SEWA) in addressing</P>

<P align=left>the issue of rehabilitation of war widows</P>

<P align=left>and witnessed the signing of the MoU on Setting</P>

<P align=left>Up ofWomen's Trade Facilitation Centre and Community</P>

<P align=left>Learning Centre at Batticaloa.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders expressed satisfaction at the progress</P>

<P align=left>of work on the Colombo-Matara railway line being</P>

<P align=left>constructedwith Indian assistance, and directed</P>

<P align=left>that the project be completed in a timely manner.</P><B>

<P align=left>MoU on Small Development</P>

<P align=left>Project Scheme</P></B>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister of India and the President of</P>

<P align=left>Sri Lanka reiterated their mutual commitment to</P>

<P align=left>substantially enhance the range and depth of the</P>

<P align=left>India-Sri Lanka bilateral relationship including</P>

<P align=left>through greater economic integration, enhancing</P>

<P align=left>connectivity and other linkages and closer developmental</P>

<P align=left>cooperation.</P>

<P align=left>In this context, both leaders agreed to revive the</P>

<P align=left>Joint Commission mechanism and hold the next</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-Sri Lanka Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 14</P></B>

<P align=left>meeting of the Joint Commission, co-chaired by</P>

<P align=left>the two Ministers of External Affairs, in the second</P>

<P align=left>half of 2010 in order to devise a fuller agenda</P>

<P align=left>of bilateral cooperation in various fields.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders agreed to promote dialogue on security</P>

<P align=left>and defence issues of relevance to their bilateral</P>

<P align=left>relationship, and enhance high-level military</P>

<P align=left>exchanges and training ofmilitary personnel aswell</P>

<P align=left>as impart additional training in Indian institutions</P>

<P align=left>for the newly recruited police personnel. They</P>

<P align=left>agreed to institute an annual defence dialogue between</P>

<P align=left>the two governments.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders condemned terrorism in all its forms</P>

<P align=left>andmanifestations. They also agreed to strengthen</P>

<P align=left>the security and legal framework of their bilateral</P>

<P align=left>relationship. To this end, the leaderswitnessed the</P>

<P align=left>signing of the following Agreements:</P>

<P align=left>i. Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance on Criminal</P>

<P align=left>Matters; and</P>

<P align=left>ii. Agreement on Transfer of Sentenced Prisoners.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders underlined their desire for closer economic</P>

<P align=left>integration to achieve the shared goals of</P>

<P align=left>alleviating poverty, creating wealth and bringing</P>

<P align=left>about progress and prosperity for the people of the</P>

<P align=left>two countries. In this context, they agreed to cooperate</P>

<P align=left>closely to nurture a favourable environment</P>

<P align=left>to forge closer economic and trade linkages.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders expressed satisfaction that bilateral</P>

<P align=left>trade, despite the downturn in 2009 as a result of</P>

<P align=left>the global economic slowdown, was already beginning</P>

<P align=left>to show a healthy recovery.</P>

<P align=left>Recognizing the considerable benefits fromgreater</P>

<P align=left>economic cooperation between the two countries,</P>

<P align=left>the two Leaders noted the progress achieved under</P>

<P align=left>the India - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement.</P>

<P align=left>They agreed that it would be timely to build on</P>

<P align=left>this achievement through a more comprehensive</P>

<P align=left>framework of economic cooperation, best suited</P>

<P align=left>to the two countries. In this context, they directed</P>

<P align=left>the concerned officials of the two countries to hold</P>

<P align=left>intensive consultations towards developing a</P>

<P align=left>framework for sustainable economic partnership</P>

<P align=left>between the two countries and addressing outstanding</P>

<P align=left>issues.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders also agreed to launch a CEOs Forum</P>

<P align=left>to involve the public and private sectors in a</P>

<P align=left>dialogue to generate ideas to deepen and broaden</P>

<P align=left>the bilateral economic relationship in all its aspects</P>

<P align=left>and to help chart the future course of business and</P>

<P align=left>trade interaction between the two countries.</P>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister of India and the President of</P>

<P align=left>Sri Lanka agreed that there was great potential for</P>

<P align=left>the further and rapid expansion of bilateral agricultural</P>

<P align=left>cooperation and collaboration in livestock</P>

<P align=left>development between the two countries. They</P>

<P align=left>noted that the MoU for Scientific and Technical</P>

<P align=left>cooperation between the Indian Council of Agriculture</P>

<P align=left>Research and the Sri Lanka Council for</P>

<P align=left>Agriculture Research Policy had yielded sound</P>

<P align=left>results, including in human resource development.</P>

<P align=left>They agreed that collaborative research and development</P>

<P align=left>programmes in areas such as livestock,</P>

<P align=left>biotechnology, the design and manufacture of agricultural</P>

<P align=left>and farm machinery and equipment,</P>

<P align=left>hybrid seed development and post harvest processing</P>

<P align=left>of perishable products, fruits and vegetables</P>

<P align=left>would further contribute to agricultural cooperation.</P>

<P align=left>The concerned authorities of the two countries</P>

<P align=left>would also cooperate in the area of weather</P>

<P align=left>forecasting. Towards this end, the two leaders resolved</P>

<P align=left>that the two countries should finalize at the</P>

<P align=left>earliest possible an Agreement providing for comprehensive</P>

<P align=left>cooperation in Agriculture.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders agreed to enhance cooperation in</P>

<P align=left>the energy sector. In this connection, they welcomed</P>

<P align=left>greater cooperation between the public and</P>

<P align=left>private sector entities and emphasised the need to</P>

<P align=left>cooperate further.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders were briefed on the progress in</P>

<P align=left>discussions between the National Thermal Power</P>

<P align=left>Corporation of India and the Ceylon Electricity</P>

<P align=left>Board of Sri Lanka on the establishment of a joint</P>

<P align=left>venture for building a 500 MW coal-fired power</P>

<P align=left>plant at Sampur (Trincomalee), incorporating en-</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-Sri Lanka Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 15</P></B>

<P align=left>vironmentally friendly technologies,with the Government</P>

<P align=left>of Sri Lanka providing the requisite infrastructure</P>

<P align=left>support.</P>

<P align=left>The concerned parties have agreed to complete</P>

<P align=left>their discussions on the Joint Venture Agreement,</P>

<P align=left>the Power Purchase Agreement, the Agreement</P>

<P align=left>with the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, the</P>

<P align=left>Implementation Agreement and other relevant</P>

<P align=left>arrangements within three months, so that the</P>

<P align=left>work on the project can commence without delay.</P>

<P align=left>The Sri Lankan side expressed its appreciation</P>

<P align=left>for the further concessionary line of credit of US$</P>

<P align=left>200 million afforded by the Government of India,</P>

<P align=left>to enable the Government of Sri Lanka to fulfil its</P>

<P align=left>commitments under the Implementation Agreement,</P>

<P align=left>including with regard to the construction</P>

<P align=left>of a jetty at Sampur and of transmission lines from</P>

<P align=left>Sampur to Habarana as also the initial equity of</P>

<P align=left>the Ceylon Electricity Board (under the Joint Venture</P>

<P align=left>Agreement).</P>

<P align=left>An agreement on conducting a feasibility study for</P>

<P align=left>the interconnection of the Indian and Sri Lankan</P>

<P align=left>electricity grids was also signed on this occasion.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders expressed their confidence that</P>

<P align=left>the agreement wouldmake a significant contribution</P>

<P align=left>to enhancing India-Sri Lanka cooperation in</P>

<P align=left>the energy sector.</P>

<P align=left>Recognising the need to speedily restore the traditional</P>

<P align=left>links between the two countries, both leaders</P>

<P align=left>agreed to resume the ferry services between</P>

<P align=left>Colombo and Tuticorin and between Talaimannar</P>

<P align=left>and Rameswaram. They directed their respective</P>

<P align=left>officials to put in place the mechanisms to start</P>

<P align=left>these services at an early date.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders agreed on establishing the Consulates</P>

<P align=left>General of India in Jaffna and in Hambantota</P>

<P align=left>to reinforce consular cooperation and friendly links</P>

<P align=left>between the two countries. The PrimeMinister of</P>

<P align=left>India welcomed in this regard Sri Lanka's interest</P>

<P align=left>in establishing a further Post in India, in addition</P>

<P align=left>to those in Chennai and in Mumbai functioning</P>

<P align=left>under the High Commission in New Delhi.</P>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister of India and the President of</P>

<P align=left>Sri Lanka expressed satisfaction that the Joint Statement</P>

<P align=left>on Fishing Arrangements of October 2008,</P>

<P align=left>which sought to put in place practical arrangements</P>

<P align=left>to deal with bonafide fishermen crossing the International</P>

<P align=left>Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL), had</P>

<P align=left>led to a decrease in incidents. Both sides agreed to</P>

<P align=left>explore ways to strengthen the safety and security</P>

<P align=left>of fishermen and, in this context, directed their</P>

<P align=left>respective officials to revive the meetings of the</P>

<P align=left>bilateral Joint Working Group on Fishing. It was</P>

<P align=left>also decided to enhance and promote contacts between</P>

<P align=left>the fishermen's associations on both sides.</P>

<P align=left>The President of Sri Lanka proposed discussions</P>

<P align=left>on the matter of establishing a joint information</P>

<P align=left>mechanism on the possibility of oil and gas fields</P>

<P align=left>straddling the India Sri Lanka Maritime Boundary.</P>

<P align=left>The PrimeMinister of India assured the President</P>

<P align=left>of Sri Lanka that this proposal would receive</P>

<P align=left>the Government of India's attention and the matter</P>

<P align=left>could be discussed further between the two</P>

<P align=left>sides.</P>

<P align=left>Recognising that the shared cultural and</P>

<P align=left>civilizational links provided the bedrock of bilateral</P>

<P align=left>relations, the two leaders agreed that the</P>

<P align=left>2600th year of the attainment of enlightenment</P>

<P align=left>by Lord Buddha (Sambuddhatva Jayanthi) will be</P>

<P align=left>commemorated through joint activities. They</P>

<P align=left>notedwith appreciation that an International Buddhist</P>

<P align=left>Conference will be organized in Kandy later</P>

<P align=left>this year with the support of the Indian Council of</P>

<P align=left>Cultural Relations.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders also welcomed the proposal for the</P>

<P align=left>restoration of Tiruketheeswaramtemple atMannar</P>

<P align=left>to be undertaken with the assistance of the Archaeological</P>

<P align=left>Survey of India and the College of</P>

<P align=left>Architecture and Sculpture, Mamallapuram, with</P>

<P align=left>the involvement of the Department of Archaeology</P>

<P align=left>of Sri Lanka.</P>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister of India and the President of</P>

<P align=left>Sri Lanka also witnessed the signature of the</P>

<P align=left>Programme for Cultural Cooperation for the period</P>

<P align=left>2010-2013.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-Sri Lanka Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 16</P></B>

<P align=left>Recognising the immense potential that exists in</P>

<P align=left>the two countries to tap knowledge as a key driver</P>

<P align=left>of economic and social advancement, the two leaders</P>

<P align=left>agreed that both countries should enhance links</P>

<P align=left>in the educational sector as a core component of</P>

<P align=left>their bilateral engagement. In this context, the two</P>

<P align=left>leaders announced the launching of an "India-Sri</P>

<P align=left>Lanka Knowledge Initiative".</P>

<P align=left>Under this Initiative, the two leaders welcomed</P>

<P align=left>the proposal of the University of Colombo to establish</P>

<P align=left>a Centre for Contemporary Indian Studies</P>

<P align=left>with the support of the Government of India.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders further welcomed the recent inauguration</P>

<P align=left>in Kandy of the Sri Lanka-India Centre</P>

<P align=left>for English Language Training (SLICELT) as</P>

<P align=left>part of the President's Initiative on English and</P>

<P align=left>Information Technology. A distance learning network</P>

<P align=left>linking the English and Foreign Language</P>

<P align=left>University, Hyderabad and SLICELT will be established</P>

<P align=left>to enable training of master trainers and</P>

<P align=left>teachers in Sri Lanka and upgrading their skills. It</P>

<P align=left>was agreed to expand SLICELT further by establishing</P>

<P align=left>provincial and regional centres with Indian</P>

<P align=left>assistance.</P><B>

<P align=left>The other elements of the</P>

<P align=left>Knowledge Initiative</P></B>

<P align=left>• India announced an expansion of its scholarship</P>

<P align=left>programmes in Sri Lanka, including increasing</P>

<P align=left>their numbers, introducing new scholarship</P>

<P align=left>schemes, addressing special needs of Northern and</P>

<P align=left>Eastern Sri Lanka and upcountry areas and ensuring</P>

<P align=left>wider outreach throughout the country.</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Both sides agreed to promote linkages between</P>

<P align=left>Indian and Sri Lankan universities and institutions</P>

<P align=left>of higher learning.</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>India responded positively to the request of Sri</P>

<P align=left>Lanka to extend technical assistance to the Ten</P>

<P align=left>Year Presidential Initiative to steer Sri Lanka towards</P>

<P align=left>a Trilingual Society by 2020.</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Both sides agreed to collaborate in the establishment</P>

<P align=left>of a research institute on agriculture in</P>

<P align=left>the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders agreed to promote the use of space</P>

<P align=left>technology for a variety of societal services using</P>

<P align=left>Indian satellites. For this purpose, the Indian side</P>

<P align=left>will extend bandwidth to set up satellite-interactive</P>

<P align=left>terminals in Sri Lanka.</P>

<P align=left>Welcoming the growing connectivity between the</P>

<P align=left>two countries, the two leaders called for greater</P>

<P align=left>cooperation in tourism and promotion of peopleto-</P>

<P align=left>people contacts, especially between the youth</P>

<P align=left>of India and Sri Lanka.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders reiterated the importance of continuing</P>

<P align=left>to work together in the regional and international</P>

<P align=left>fora given their increasing convergence of</P>

<P align=left>views on a range of issues.</P>

<P align=left>Recalling the deliberations at the 16th SAARC</P>

<P align=left>Summit in Thimphu, the two leaders agreed to</P>

<P align=left>work towards the full realization of the vision of</P>

<P align=left>the Thimphu Silver Jubilee Declaration.</P>

<P align=left>The two sides also agreed that current global challenges</P>

<P align=left>require the reinvigoration of</P>

<P align=left>multilateralism, including through the strengthening</P>

<P align=left>of the UN system. In this context, Sri Lanka</P>

<P align=left>reiterated its position that the UN Security Council</P>

<P align=left>reform process should facilitate India's legitimate</P>

<P align=left>claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security</P>

<P align=left>Council and reaffirmed her support for the</P>

<P align=left>candidature of India as a permanent member of an</P>

<P align=left>expanded UN Security Council. Sri Lanka's support</P>

<P align=left>to India's candidature for a non-permanent</P>

<P align=left>seat on the UN Security Council for 2011-12 was</P>

<P align=left>also reiterated.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders expressed their satisfaction at the</P>

<P align=left>outcome of the State Visit by the President of Sri</P>

<P align=left>Lanka to India, which provided further testimony</P>

<P align=left>to the continuing excellent relations between the</P>

<P align=left>two countries. The President of Sri Lanka also invited</P>

<P align=left>the President of India and the Prime Minister</P>

<P align=left>of India to pay early visits to Sri Lanka. The</P>

<P align=left>invitations were accepted with appreciation.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-Sri Lanka Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 17</P>

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<P align=left>South African President Jacob Zuma arrived in</P>

<P align=left>India on Jun 2-4 2010 to three-day state visit, accompanied</P>

<P align=left>by a delegation of 200 prominent businessmen.</P>

<P align=left>This was the first ever visit to India by</P>

<P align=left>Zuma sincehis inauguration as SouthAfrica's president.</P>

<P align=left>This was also his first trip to Asia.</P>

<P align=left>South African President Jacob Zuma said it was</P>

<P align=left>time to take trade ties with India to a higher level</P>

<P align=left>after talks with PrimeMinister Manmohan Singh.</P>

<P align=left>Zuma and Singh said they had discussed reform of</P>

<P align=left>the UN Security Council and closer co-operation</P>

<P align=left>on climate change and the global economy.</P>

<P align=left>Zuma was accompanied by what he described as</P>

<P align=left>the largest South African business delegation to</P>

<P align=left>visit any country. The two countries trade about</P>

<P align=left>six billion euros annually and Zuma said he wanted</P>

<P align=left>that to grow to 8 billion euros by 2012.</P>

<P align=left>Brazil, India and South Africa are pushing for a</P>

<P align=left>more important role in international institutions</P>

<P align=left>such as the International Monetary Fund and the</P>

<P align=left>United Nations.</P>

<P align=left>"We believe we cannot continue to be governed</P>

<P align=left>by rules and regulations drawn up in the early or</P>

<P align=left>mid 1940s," Zuma said. "The world has changed.</P>

<P align=left>We need to change."</P>

<P align=left>Zuma's visit comes amid reports that Indian mobile</P>

<P align=left>phone groupReliance Communications is considering</P>

<P align=left>a possible merger with South Africa's</P>

<P align=left>MTN, Africa's largest cellular firm.</P>

<P align=left>India-South Africa Relation</P><B>

<P align=left>President Jacob Zuma arrives in India</P>

<P align=left>Joint Declaration</P></B>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister of India and the President of</P>

<P align=left>South Africa reaffirmed the vitality of the India-</P>

<P align=left>South Africa strategic partnership, based on their</P>

<P align=left>commitment to a global order built upon the principles</P>

<P align=left>of peace, justice and equality, upon the two</P>

<P align=left>countries' shared history of solidarity and partnership</P>

<P align=left>in the struggle against colonialism, imperialism</P>

<P align=left>and apartheid and encouraged by the legacy</P>

<P align=left>and stature of Mahatma Gandhi and former President</P>

<P align=left>Nelson Mandela.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders underscored the importance of making</P>

<P align=left>the strategic partnership more result oriented</P>

<P align=left>and of greater direct benefit to the peoples of South</P>

<P align=left>Africa and India. They emphasised their commitment</P>

<P align=left>to cooperation towards raising the existing</P>

<P align=left>level of friendship and partnership between South</P>

<P align=left>Africa and India to even higher levels.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders recalled the defining documents of the</P>

<P align=left>South Africa - India relationship, the Red Fort</P>

<P align=left>Declaration of 1996, the Joint Declaration of 2003</P>

<P align=left>and the Tshwane Declaration of 2006, and expressed</P>

<P align=left>satisfaction with the progress that had</P>

<P align=left>taken place. Both leaders welcomed the continued</P>

<P align=left>interaction between India and South Africa at</P>

<P align=left>the highest political levels. Such interactions are</P>

<P align=left>marked by an exceptional degree of cordiality,</P>

<P align=left>understanding, mutual trust and confidence. They</P>

<P align=left>expressed satisfaction at the consolidation of bilat-</P><B>

<P align=left>By: Avadhesh Kumar Pandey</P>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-South Africa Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 19</P></B>

<P align=left>eral relations and underscored that the visit of</P>

<P align=left>President Zuma would contribute to consolidating</P>

<P align=left>the practice of regular political-level consultations.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders recognised that South Africa and India</P>

<P align=left>draw their strength and inspiration from the</P>

<P align=left>diverse, multi-cultural societies constituting their</P>

<P align=left>respective nations; and stated that the best assurance</P>

<P align=left>for continued peace and prosperity lies in the</P>

<P align=left>adherence to democratic governance that is rooted</P>

<P align=left>in respect for human dignity and the fundamental</P>

<P align=left>rights of all people in accordance with their respective</P>

<P align=left>Constitutions.</P>

<P align=left>Recognising that since the establishment of bilateral</P>

<P align=left>relations in November 1993, the two countries</P>

<P align=left>had established a framework for cooperation</P>

<P align=left>through bilateral and multilateral agreements and</P>

<P align=left>Memoranda of Understanding. President Zuma and</P>

<P align=left>Prime Minister Singh committed their Governments</P>

<P align=left>to the fullest implementation of thesemilestones</P>

<P align=left>of the bilateral relationship.</P>

<P align=left>They noted with satisfaction the strengthening</P>

<P align=left>of the growing partnership between the two</P>

<P align=left>countries with the signing of the following bilateral</P>

<P align=left>agreements / MoUs during the visit:</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>Air Services Agreement;</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>MoU on Cooperation in the field of Agriculture</P>

<P align=left>and Allied Sectors; and</P>

<P align=left>» </P>

<P align=left>MoU between the Diplomatic Academy of the</P>

<P align=left>Department of International Relations and Cooperation</P>

<P align=left>of South Africa and the Foreign Service</P>

<P align=left>Institute of India.</P>

<P align=left>They expressed satisfaction at increasing cultural</P>

<P align=left>exchanges between the two countries and agreed</P>

<P align=left>to further promote educational exchanges including</P>

<P align=left>through University-to-University linkages.</P>

<P align=left>President Zuma and Prime Minister Singh agreed</P>

<P align=left>that amore extensive and active network of cooperation</P>

<P align=left>in Science and Technology would be promoted</P>

<P align=left>by the concerned Departments, which</P>

<P align=left>would focus on cooperation between designated</P>

<P align=left>agencies and specialised institutions. Towards this</P>

<P align=left>end, the two leaders noted that the MOU for cooperation</P>

<P align=left>in the field of Communications and Information</P>

<P align=left>Technologies has expired in September</P>

<P align=left>2009 and called for an early renewal of the MOU</P>

<P align=left>and ameeting of The JointWorkingGroup to identify</P>

<P align=left>projects for joint cooperation in the ICT sector.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders reaffirmed the importance of</P>

<P align=left>strengthening relations under the aegis of the India-</P>

<P align=left>South Africa Joint Ministerial Commission</P>

<P align=left>(JMC) which affords both sides an opportunity to</P>

<P align=left>address a range of bilateral, as well as multilateral</P>

<P align=left>political and economic issues. They confirmed that</P>

<P align=left>the 8th Session of the JMC will take place in Delhi</P>

<P align=left>in 2010, allowing both sides to evaluate the implementation</P>

<P align=left>of bilateral agreements and decisions</P>

<P align=left>taken during the State Visit.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders noted with satisfaction the</P>

<P align=left>progress recorded in developing a multi-faceted</P>

<P align=left>strategic partnership. Theywelcomed the fact that</P>

<P align=left>bilateral trade had grown to the extent that India</P>

<P align=left>was now one of the top ten trading partners of</P>

<P align=left>South Africa. The two leaders noted that there has</P>

<P align=left>been a healthy growth in two-way investment</P>

<P align=left>flows, which have increased substantially during</P>

<P align=left>the past five years. The two leaders welcomed the</P>

<P align=left>reconstitution of the India-South Africa CEOs'</P>

<P align=left>Forum as an institutional mechanism for closer</P>

<P align=left>business interaction with Government support.</P>

<P align=left>They look forward to its first substantive meeting</P>

<P align=left>in South Africa along with an India Show in August</P>

<P align=left>2010.</P>

<P align=left>In the area of economic cooperation, the leaders</P>

<P align=left>underlined the need to utilise their respective</P>

<P align=left>strengths to mutual advantage through greater</P>

<P align=left>cooperation between respective business entities.</P>

<P align=left>In this regard, they agreed that the focus should</P>

<P align=left>be upon sectors such as infrastructure and manufacturing,</P>

<P align=left>energy,mines andminerals, oil and natural</P>

<P align=left>gas, banking and financial services, tourism,</P>

<P align=left>pharmaceuticals, automobiles and auto components,</P>

<P align=left>textiles and garments, fertilisers, information</P>

<P align=left>technology, small andmediumenterprises and</P>

<P align=left>forestry-based produce.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-South Africa Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 20</P></B>

<P align=left>The leaders urged Indian and South African industry</P>

<P align=left>to work towards raising bilateral trade to</P>

<P align=left>US $ 10 billion by the year 2012. They expressed</P>

<P align=left>satisfaction at the significant increase in investment</P>

<P align=left>flows in both directions, as businesses on both sides</P>

<P align=left>recognised complementarities and benefited from</P>

<P align=left>opportunities. In this context, the leaders</P>

<P align=left>recognised that the vast latent potential in the relationship</P>

<P align=left>was yet to be fully exploited.</P>

<P align=left>In the regional context, President Zuma affirmed</P>

<P align=left>the importance of India as a partner of the African</P>

<P align=left>Union in the consolidation of peace and stability</P>

<P align=left>in the Continent, through its contributions to</P>

<P align=left>peacekeeping, and as a partner in the development</P>

<P align=left>of Africa through its support for the objectives of</P>

<P align=left>the New Partnership for Africa's Development</P>

<P align=left>(NEPAD).</P>

<P align=left>In addressing wider areas beyond the bilateral</P>

<P align=left>realm, and in recognition of the historical and</P>

<P align=left>civilisational links between the African continent</P>

<P align=left>and India, the leaders committed themselves to</P>

<P align=left>strengthening the India-Africa Forum and to the</P>

<P align=left>advancement of the seven pillars of the Action Plan</P>

<P align=left>of the Framework for Cooperation launched in</P>

<P align=left>Delhi in March 2010. The Action Plan will intensify</P>

<P align=left>India-Africa cooperation in various fields including</P>

<P align=left>Commerce, Politics, Social Development</P>

<P align=left>and Capacity Building; Science, Technology, Research</P>

<P align=left>andDevelopment; Tourism; Infrastructure,</P>

<P align=left>Energy and Environment andMedia and Communication.</P>

<P align=left>With this inmind, the leaders undertook</P>

<P align=left>to work even more closely to reinvigorate their</P>

<P align=left>cooperation for Africa's development.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders acknowledged the increasing contribution</P>

<P align=left>of their countries in Africa towards the</P>

<P align=left>achievement of peace, security, stability, development</P>

<P align=left>and economic prosperity. President Zuma</P>

<P align=left>took special note of India's active participation in</P>

<P align=left>all United Nations sponsored peace missions in</P>

<P align=left>Africa, and the role it continues to play in peace</P>

<P align=left>and security on the Continent. They noted the</P>

<P align=left>progressmade in bilateral defence cooperation, and</P>

<P align=left>underlined the need to expand cooperation in areas</P>

<P align=left>of potentiality, such as military training and</P>

<P align=left>cooperation in UN peacekeeping.</P>

<P align=left>Recognising the importance of the strategic partnership,</P>

<P align=left>the two leaders agreed on the need to expedite</P>

<P align=left>the ongoing negotiations on the India-</P>

<P align=left>Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) Preferential</P>

<P align=left>Trade Agreement so as to provide a significant</P>

<P align=left>incentive to business to exploremutually beneficial</P>

<P align=left>commercial opportunities and contribute to</P>

<P align=left>growing trade and investment relations.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders recognised the importance of the</P>

<P align=left>emerging economies of the South, the structural</P>

<P align=left>changes taking place in the global economy and</P>

<P align=left>the importance of strengthening trade and investment</P>

<P align=left>relations with these new poles of economic</P>

<P align=left>growth. They acknowledged that new economic</P>

<P align=left>relationshipswill be based on the principles of partnership,</P>

<P align=left>complementarity and mutual benefit.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders expressed satisfaction at the outcome</P>

<P align=left>of the 4th IBSA Summit in Brasilia on 15 April</P>

<P align=left>2010. They reaffirmed the importance of IBSA as</P>

<P align=left>an effective instrument for promoting closer cooperation</P>

<P align=left>and coordination on global issues between</P>

<P align=left>the three major and diverse democracies of</P>

<P align=left>Africa, Asia and South America.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders reiterated their commitment to intensify</P>

<P align=left>consultations and cooperation at multilateral</P>

<P align=left>fora such as NAM, Commonwealth, G77+</P>

<P align=left>China andG20. They share the view that developing</P>

<P align=left>countries, need to have a greater voice and vote</P>

<P align=left>in the international financial institutions. The two</P>

<P align=left>leaders reaffirmed their commitment to increase</P>

<P align=left>the voice, vote and representation of emerging and</P>

<P align=left>developing economies, including those in Africa,</P>

<P align=left>in the decision-making bodies of multilateral institutions.</P>

<P align=left>The two Leaders emphasized the need for the reformof</P>

<P align=left>the United Nations (UN) to render it more</P>

<P align=left>democratic and consistent with the priorities of</P>

<P align=left>the developing world. They emphasised that no</P>

<P align=left>reform of the UN would be complete without the</P>

<P align=left>reform of the UN Security Council, including an</P>

<P align=left>expansion in both permanent and non-permanent</P>

<P align=left>categories of membership, with increased participation</P>

<P align=left>of developing countries in both, for the Security</P>

<P align=left>Council to have the representativeness and</P>

<P align=left>legitimacy it needs to face contemporary chal-</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-South Africa Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 21</P></B>

<P align=left>lenges. The two leaders undertookmutual support</P>

<P align=left>for their candidature for non-permanent Security</P>

<P align=left>Council seats for 2011-2012.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders reaffirmed that people must come first</P>

<P align=left>in the formulation and implementation of public</P>

<P align=left>policies, allowing for fair, equitable and sustainable</P>

<P align=left>development. They considered this issue a</P>

<P align=left>priority in the context of an increasingly globalized</P>

<P align=left>world, in which the economic and financial</P>

<P align=left>crisis, and the need for restructuring of the international</P>

<P align=left>financial architecture directly affect the</P>

<P align=left>welfare of people, particularly of vulnerable groups.</P>

<P align=left>In this regard, they stressed the need to strengthen</P>

<P align=left>social policies and to fight hunger and poverty,</P>

<P align=left>especially in times of global economic crisis. The</P>

<P align=left>leaders also reiterated the need to promote a jobintensive</P>

<P align=left>recovery from the downturn and create</P>

<P align=left>a framework for strong, sustainable and balanced</P>

<P align=left>growth. Sustainable recovery and growth will also</P>

<P align=left>depend on several factors such as enhanced investment</P>

<P align=left>for infrastructure development, stable capital</P>

<P align=left>flows to the developing markets, appropriate</P>

<P align=left>macroeconomic adjustments, and avoiding complacency</P>

<P align=left>in the area of financial sector reforms.</P>

<P align=left>Financial inclusion will be a major determinant of</P>

<P align=left>success.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders stressed the need to reformthe Bretton</P>

<P align=left>Woods Institutions to increase their effectiveness</P>

<P align=left>and to enhance their accountability, credibility and</P>

<P align=left>legitimacy. They underlined the importance for a</P>

<P align=left>greater voice and participation by developing countries</P>

<P align=left>in these institutions.</P>

<P align=left>The two leaders stated that a positive outcome of</P>

<P align=left>the Doha Round of trade talks within the World</P>

<P align=left>Trade Organisation would be instrumental in economic</P>

<P align=left>recovery, particularly in job creation, as international</P>

<P align=left>trade has experienced its sharpest decline</P>

<P align=left>in several decades. A development oriented,</P>

<P align=left>balanced and successful conclusion of the Round</P>

<P align=left>at an early date would bolster the credibility of</P>

<P align=left>the multilateral trading system in the face of increased</P>

<P align=left>protectionist pressures. The Leaders confirmed</P>

<P align=left>their intention to continue to work to</P>

<P align=left>strengthen the alliances of developing members</P>

<P align=left>that have effectively changed the negotiating dynamic</P>

<P align=left>in the World Trade Organisation, placing</P>

<P align=left>developing countries, for the first time in the history</P>

<P align=left>of the global trade system, at the centre of</P>

<P align=left>the negotiations.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders reiterated the unwavering commitment</P>

<P align=left>of South Africa and India to the goal of the</P>

<P align=left>complete elimination of nuclear weapons in a comprehensive,</P>

<P align=left>universal, non-discriminatory and verifiablemanner</P>

<P align=left>and urged immediate efforts towards</P>

<P align=left>the realization of this goal. They reaffirmed the</P>

<P align=left>inalienable right of all States to the peaceful application</P>

<P align=left>of nuclear energy, consistent with their international</P>

<P align=left>legal obligations.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders condemned terrorism in all its forms</P>

<P align=left>and manifestations, committed by whomever,</P>

<P align=left>wherever and for whatever purposes, as it constitutes</P>

<P align=left>one of the most serious threats to international</P>

<P align=left>peace and security. President Zuma condemned</P>

<P align=left>attacks in India that resulted in the loss of</P>

<P align=left>innocent lives. The two leaders agreed on the need</P>

<P align=left>for greater cooperation among States and regional</P>

<P align=left>organizations in this regard. They emphasized the</P>

<P align=left>urgent need to finalize the Comprehensive Convention</P>

<P align=left>on International Terrorism, and called</P>

<P align=left>upon all States to cooperate in resolving outstanding</P>

<P align=left>issueswith the objective of an expeditious conclusion</P>

<P align=left>of negotiations and adoption of this Convention.</P>

<P align=left>They note that the fight against international</P>

<P align=left>terrorism must be done with full respect to</P>

<P align=left>the UN Charter and International Law.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders reiterated the importance of a positive</P>

<P align=left>result for the current climate change negotiations</P>

<P align=left>at the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United</P>

<P align=left>Nations Framework Convention on Climate</P>

<P align=left>Change (UNFCCC) and the 6th Conference of the</P>

<P align=left>Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the</P>

<P align=left>Kyoto Protocol, in Mexico. They stressed that the</P>

<P align=left>result should be reached in an inclusive and transparent</P>

<P align=left>manner, and should effectively address the</P>

<P align=left>challenge of climate change, in accordance with</P>

<P align=left>the principles of the UNFCCC, especially the principles</P>

<P align=left>of equity and common but differentiated</P>

<P align=left>responsibilities and respective capabilities. They</P>

<P align=left>urged developed countries to take ambitious action</P>

<P align=left>to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and</P>

<P align=left>to provide adequate international financing and</P>

<P align=left>transfer of technology to support the efforts of</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-South Africa Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 22</P></B>

<P align=left>developing countries to mitigate and adapt to the</P>

<P align=left>impact of climate change.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders agreed towork closely together in the</P>

<P align=left>field of sports cooperation and on sharing experiences</P>

<P align=left>on upcoming events such as the 2010 FIFA</P>

<P align=left>SoccerWorld Cup and the Commonwealth Games.</P>

<P align=left>They expressed confidence that this would form</P>

<P align=left>the foundation for enhanced partnership in their</P>

<P align=left>sporting relations.</P>

<P align=left>The President of South Africa conveyed his deep</P>

<P align=left>gratitude and appreciation to the President and</P>

<P align=left>Prime Minister of India for the warm hospitality</P>

<P align=left>extended to him and the members of his delegation</P>

<P align=left>during the visit.</P><B>

<P align=left>Bilateral Relations</P></B>

<P align=left>The bilateral relations between the Republic of</P>

<P align=left>India and the Republic of South Africa have grown</P>

<P align=left>strong since the end of apartheid in South Africa</P>

<P align=left>in 1994. Both nations have since developed close</P>

<P align=left>strategic, cultural and economic ties.</P>

<P align=left>India and South Africa also share an extensive energy</P>

<P align=left>partnership. In 2010, India imported 1.4</P>

<P align=left>tonnes of South African coal making it the largest</P>

<P align=left>purchaser of coal from the country.</P>

<P align=left>There is a major resident Indian community in</P>

<P align=left>South Africa that made a significant contribution</P>

<P align=left>to the struggle for civil rights; Indian leader Mahatma</P>

<P align=left>Gandhi pioneered the non-violent civil disobedience</P>

<P align=left>in the struggle of Indian people for civil</P>

<P align=left>rights in the 1890s and 1900s.</P>

<P align=left>Indians also contributed to the African National</P>

<P align=left>Congress's struggle against the Apartheid regime.</P>

<P align=left>The Indian government was an outspoken critic</P>

<P align=left>of the apartheid-era South African government,</P>

<P align=left>refusing to maintain diplomatic relations. India's</P>

<P align=left>support evoked goodwill in South Africa and other</P>

<P align=left>African countries.</P><B>

<P align=left>Development of Bilateral</P>

<P align=left>Relations</P></B>

<P align=left>Both nations established diplomatic relations after</P>

<P align=left>the end of apartheid in 1994. Bilateral trade grew</P>

<P align=left>exponentially from USD 3 million in 1992-93 to</P>

<P align=left>USD 4 billion in 2005-06, and the two governments</P>

<P align=left>have targeted increasing bilateral trade to USD 12</P>

<P align=left>billion by 2010. Gold bullion constitute one-third</P>

<P align=left>of India's imports from South Africa, while India</P>

<P align=left>polishes and processes diamonds from South African</P>

<P align=left>mines. South Africa has promoted signing a</P>

<P align=left>free trade agreement with India and the Southern</P>

<P align=left>Africa Customs Union (SACU), which includes</P>

<P align=left>Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland along</P>

<P align=left>with South Africa. India and South Africa have</P>

<P align=left>also developed military cooperation, trading arms</P>

<P align=left>and joint exercises and programs to train forces.</P>

<P align=left>South African leaderNelsonMandelawas awarded</P>

<P align=left>the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize by the Indian</P>

<P align=left>government. Both nations have also promoted</P>

<P align=left>sporting ties,with the Indian national cricket team</P>

<P align=left>and the South Africa national cricket team frequently</P>

<P align=left>exchanging visits and participating in</P>

<P align=left>cricket tournaments hosted by either nation.</P><B>

<P align=left>IBSA</P></B>

<P align=left>On June 6, 2003 India and South Africa signed an</P>

<P align=left>agreement with Brazil, known as the Brasilia Declaration,</P>

<P align=left>establishing "South-South" cooperation,</P>

<P align=left>based on the premise of the three nations being</P>

<P align=left>regional powers of South Asia, SouthernAfrica and</P>

<P align=left>South America. The declaration called for extensive</P>

<P align=left>tripartite cooperation on strategic, commercial</P>

<P align=left>and cultural affairs, development of a tripartite</P>

<P align=left>free trade agreement and a united front in negotiating</P>

<P align=left>withWestern nations in theWorld Trade</P>

<P align=left>Organization (WTO), calling for reformof the U.N.</P>

<P align=left>Security Council and supporting each other's bid</P>

<P align=left>for permanent membership with veto rights.</P>

<P align=left>The IBSA Dialogue Forumwas created to promote</P>

<P align=left>cooperation and consensus on issues of trade, poverty</P>

<P align=left>alleviation, intellectual property rights, social</P>

<P align=left>development, agriculture, climate change, culture,</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -1 Article (India-South Africa Relation)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 23</P></B>

<P align=left>defence, education, energy, health-care, information society, science and technology, peaceful nuclear</P>

<P align=left>energy, tourism and transport. The fourth summit was held in Brasilia. The three nations pledged to boost</P>

<P align=left>trilateral trade to USD 15 billion by 2010. The three nations have also expanded military cooperation and</P>

<P align=left>conducted joint naval exercises in 2008.</P><B>

<P align=left>Advertise your</P>

<P align=left>Coaching Center, Here</P>

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<P align=left>Indian Badminton Star</P>

<P align=left>Saina Nehwal</P>

<P align=left>S</P>

<P align=left>aina Nehwal, the poster</P>

<P align=left>girl of Indian badminton,</P>

<P align=left>dazzled at the Djarum Indonesia</P>

<P align=left>Open Super Series, retained</P>

<P align=left>the crown on Jun 27,</P>

<P align=left>2010 and landed her third</P>

<P align=left>title in the last 19 days.</P>

<P align=left>Riding on her splendid form,</P>

<P align=left>the Indian ace downed</P>

<P align=left>Sayaka Sato of Japan 21-19,</P>

<P align=left>13-21, 21-11 in the final to</P>

<P align=left>cap a successful three weeks</P>

<P align=left>which startedwith the Indian</P>

<P align=left>OpenGrand Prix Gold title on</P>

<P align=left>Jun 13, 2010.</P>

<P align=left>The moment she won the championship point, Saina pumped her fist in delight, closed her eyes to quietly</P>

<P align=left>celebrate the moment and slowly walked towards her opponent for the customary handshake.</P>

<P align=left>Saina got off to a brisk start in the first game, securing a 9-4 lead. Sayaka fought back and led Saina at 16-</P>

<P align=left>17. But the Hyderabadi girl won three consecutive points to move to 19-17. Though Sayaka managed to</P>

<P align=left>save a game point, Saina was not to be denied for long.</P>

<P align=left>In the second game, Sayaka looked like a different player. She started hitting the shuttle hard and ran</P>

<P align=left>away to a 14-7 lead. The Japanese girl produced 14winners -most of them smashes - and rattled the Indian</P>

<P align=left>before winning the second game emphatically.</P>

<P align=left>But Saina regrouped quickly and changed tack to unsettle her opponent. The Indian concentrated on</P>

<P align=left>keeping the shuttle in play without giving it much air and induced her opponent to the net. Themove paid</P>

<P align=left>off. Sayaka started committing far toomany errors. Fiveminutes into the third game Saina was up 7-2. She</P>

<P align=left>made it 15-9 and 18-10 before closing out the contest.</P>

<P align=left>Saina has now trained her eyes on the World Championships to be held in Paris from Aug 23 to 29.</P>

<P align=left>Contrary to expectations, this win will not improve her rankings as Saina only defended points she had</P>

<P align=left>won by clinching the title last year.</P><B>

<P align=left>Saina Nehwal</P></B>

<P align=left>Saina Nehwal (born March 17, 1990) is an Indian badminton player. Currently ranked number 3 in the</P>

<P align=left>world by BadmintonWorld Federation, Saina is the first Indian woman to reach the singles quarterfinals</P>

<P align=left>at the Olympics and the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships. Saina Nehwal</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -2 Hot Topics (Indian Badminton Star Saina Nehwal)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 25</P></B>

<P align=left>scripted history on June 21, 2009, becoming the first Indian towin a Super Series tournament after clinching</P>

<P align=left>the Indonesia Open with a stunning victory over higher-ranked Chinese Lin Wang in Jakarta. Saina</P>

<P align=left>won her second career super series title by lifting the Singapore Open Super series title on June 20, 2010.</P>

<P align=left>She completed a hat-trick in the same year by winning Indonesian Open on June 27,2010. This win</P>

<P align=left>resulted in her rise to 3rd ranking. This remains her highest career ranking.</P>

<P align=left>She is first Indian woman to win a super series tournament (equivalent to Grand slam in tennis) when she</P>

<P align=left>annexed the 2009 Indonesia Super Series. Previously coached by S.M. Arif, a Dronacharya Awardwinner,</P>

<P align=left>Saina is the reigning Indian national junior champion and is currently coached by Indonesian badminton</P>

<P align=left>legend Atik Jauhari since August 2008, with the former All England champion and national coach Pullela</P>

<P align=left>Gopichand being her mentor. Her professional career is managed by GloboSport.</P>

<P align=left>Saina was born in Hisar, Haryana, India and has spent her entire life in city of Hyderabad, India. Her foray</P>

<P align=left>into the world of badminton was influenced by her father Dr. Harvir Singh, a scientist at the Directorate</P>

<P align=left>of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad and her mother Usha Nehwal, both of whom were former badminton</P>

<P align=left>champions in Haryana.</P><B>

<P align=left>Career Summary</P></B>

<P align=left>Saina is the reigning Under-19 national champion. Also a regular in the senior circuit where she lost to</P>

<P align=left>former India number one Aparna Popat, Saina created history by the winning the prestigious Asian Satellite</P>

<P align=left>Badminton tournament (India Chapter) twice, becoming the first player to do so.</P>

<P align=left>In 2006, Saina appeared on the global scene when she became the first Indian woman to win a 4-star</P>

<P align=left>tournament, the Philippines Open. Entering the tournament as the 86th seed, Saina went on to stun</P>

<P align=left>several top seeded players including number seed Huaiwen Xu before defeating Julia Xian Pei Wong of</P>

<P align=left>Malaysia for the title. The same year also saw Saina as runner up at the 2006 BWFWorld Junior Championships,</P>

<P align=left>where she lost a hard fought match against top seed ChineseWang Yihan. She did one better in</P>

<P align=left>the 2008 by becoming the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships by defeating</P>

<P align=left>ninth seeded Japanese Sayaka Sato 21-9, 21-18.</P>

<P align=left>She became the first Indian woman to reach the quarter finals at the Olympic Games when she upset</P>

<P align=left>world number five and fourth seed Wang Chen of Hong Kong in a three-game thriller. In the quarterfinals</P>

<P align=left>Saina lost a nail biting 3-gamer to world number 16 Maria Kristin Yulianti. In September 2008, she</P>

<P align=left>won the Yonex Chinese Taipei Open 2008 beating Li Ya Lydia Cheah of Malaysia 21-8 21-19. Maria</P>

<P align=left>Yulianti had earlier lost her quarter-final match to Pia Bernadet, Saina's semi-final opponent, thus denying</P>

<P align=left>Saina a rematch.</P>

<P align=left>Saina has been named The Most Promising Player in 2008. She reached the world super series semifinals</P>

<P align=left>in the month of December 2008 India's Saina Nehwal scaled a new high when she shot up three places to</P>

<P align=left>World. No 3 in the latest rankings released by the Badminton World Federation (24th June 2010) Sania</P>

<P align=left>become World No 3.</P>

<P align=left>On 21 June 2009, she became the first Indian towin a BWF Super Series title, themost prominent badminton</P>

<P align=left>series of the world by winning the Indonesia Open. She beat ChineseWang Lin in the final 12-21, 21-</P>

<P align=left>18, 21-9. Saina onwinning the tournament said "I had been longing towin a super series tournament since</P>

<P align=left>my quarter final appearance at the Olympics". Saina is on the par with the likes of Prakash Padukone and</P>

<P align=left>her mentor Pullela Gopichand who both won the all England championships which are of similar status to</P>

<P align=left>the super series.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -2 Hot Topics (Indian Badminton Star Saina Nehwal)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 26</P></B>

<P align=left>In August 2009 she reached the quarterfinals of</P>

<P align=left>world championship losing to the second seed Lin</P>

<P align=left>Wang. Saina Nehwal was rewarded with Arjuna</P>

<P align=left>award in August, 2009 and her coach Gopichand</P>

<P align=left>was also rewardedwith Dronacharya award at the</P>

<P align=left>same time. Saina has been signed up by Olympic</P>

<P align=left>Gold Quest to support her in fulfilling her dream</P>

<P align=left>ofwinning theOlympic goldmedal. Saina has been</P>

<P align=left>awarded with Padma Shri award in January 2010.</P>

<P align=left>Saina is brand ambassador of Deccan Chargers, an</P>

<P align=left>Indian Premier League team owned by Deccan</P>

<P align=left>chronicle.</P>

<P align=left>Her strategy, at the beginning of 2010, was to ignore</P>

<P align=left>ranking points and focus her energies on premier</P>

<P align=left>tournaments. That seems to be working as</P>

<P align=left>she has won three titles (including two in India),</P>

<P align=left>and has reached the semis of two majors. With</P>

<P align=left>the World Championships, Commonwealth and</P>

<P align=left>Asian Games coming up, her preparation couldn't</P>

<P align=left>have been better.</P><B>

<P align=left>Points To Be Remember</P></B>

<P align=left>Saina successfully lead IndianWomen Teamto the</P>

<P align=left>Uber Cup finals, winning all her matches as of</P>

<P align=left>March 5, 2010.</P>

<P align=left>Saina became the first IndianWoman to reach the</P>

<P align=left>semi finals of 2010 All-England Super Series before</P>

<P align=left>losing to eventual champion Tine Rasmussen.</P>

<P align=left>Top seeded Saina reached the semifinals of Yonex</P>

<P align=left>Sunrise Badminton Asia Championships 2010 losing</P>

<P align=left>out to unseeded eventual champion Li Xuerui</P>

<P align=left>of China. Saina's Coach Gopichand advised her not</P>

<P align=left>to take too much pressure due to the home crowd</P>

<P align=left>support.</P>

<P align=left>Saina wins the Indian Open Grand Prix Gold 2010,</P>

<P align=left>beating Mew ChooWong of Malaysia in the final</P>

<P align=left>and thus justifying her billing as top seed in the</P>

<P align=left>tournament. She won a prize money of $8,280 for</P>

<P align=left>winning this BWF Grand prix gold tournament.</P>

<P align=left>Saina Nehwal, again seeded no. 1 in the Singapore</P>

<P align=left>Open Super Series 2010, entered the finals defeatingWorld</P>

<P align=left>champion Lu Lan of China (updated on</P>

<P align=left>06/20/2010)</P>

<P align=left>Saina won the second Super Series title of her career</P>

<P align=left>by beating qualifier Tzu Ying Tai of Chinese</P>

<P align=left>Taipei in the final of the Singapore Open 21-18,</P>

<P align=left>21-15. But the fact that she won the tournament</P>

<P align=left>in the absence of all the top 5 ranked players (who</P>

<P align=left>all happen to be chinese), takes a little sheen away</P>

<P align=left>from her path breaking victory. Saina won a prize</P>

<P align=left>money of $18,750 for winning this BWF Super</P>

<P align=left>Series tournament.</P>

<P align=left>Saina has reached a career high of world no. 3 in</P>

<P align=left>the women's singles badmintonworld rankings on</P>

<P align=left>24 June 2010.</P>

<P align=left>Saina defended her Indonesia Open super series</P>

<P align=left>title in three tough games against Sayako Sato of</P>

<P align=left>Japan, 21-19 / 13-21 / 21-11.This is her third super</P>

<P align=left>series title and her third successive title following</P>

<P align=left>wins at Indian open, Singapore Super series. She</P>

<P align=left>again won the top prizemoney of $18,750 forwinning</P>

<P align=left>this BWF Super Series tournament.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -2 Hot Topics (Indian Badminton Star Saina Nehwal)</P>

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<P align=left>On a two-day visit to Pakistan to attend the SAARC</P>

<P align=left>summit, Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram</P>

<P align=left>held crucial meetings with his Pakistani counterpart</P>

<P align=left>Rehman Malik and Foreign Minister Shah</P>

<P align=left>Mahmood Qureshi.</P>

<P align=left>Coming out of denial, Pakistan said on Jun 26, 2010</P>

<P align=left>that it will act against the Taliban and terror groups</P>

<P align=left>based in its Punjab province. Pakistan Foreign</P>

<P align=left>Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that his</P>

<P align=left>meeting with Indian Home Minister P</P>

<P align=left>Chidambaram was positive.</P>

<P align=left>He said that both sides have agreed to the meeting</P>

<P align=left>between the Intelligence chiefs of the two countries</P>

<P align=left>and that it was a positive development.</P>

<P align=left>Other than that, Qureshi also said that Pakistan</P>

<P align=left>has no problemhanding over voice samples of those</P>

<P align=left>who India accuses of perpetrating the 26/11</P>

<P align=left>Mumbai attacks.</P>

<P align=left>And, although themeeting between Chidambaram</P>

<P align=left>and Malik may have been tough on substance, it</P>

<P align=left>was cordial enough to leave room for speculation</P>

<P align=left>that they could have another bilateral exchange</P>

<P align=left>before he leaves for India.</P><B>

<P align=left>Bilateral Relations</P></B>

<P align=left>Indo-Pakistani relations are grounded in the political,</P>

<P align=left>geographic, cultural, and economic links</P>

<P align=left>between the Republic of India and the Islamic</P>

<P align=left>Republic of Pakistan the two largest countries of</P>

<P align=left>India-Pak Agree To</P>

<P align=left>Share Intelligence Report</P>

<P align=left>South Asia. The two countries sharemuch of their</P>

<P align=left>common geographic location, but differ starkly in</P>

<P align=left>religious demographics. India is a secular country</P>

<P align=left>with Hindu majority at about 80% of the total</P>

<P align=left>population andMuslims being the largest religious</P>

<P align=left>minority with about 13% of the population. Pakistan,</P>

<P align=left>on the other hand, is an Islamic country with</P>

<P align=left>97% population being Muslim, and only about</P>

<P align=left>1.8% Hindus. Diplomatic relations between the</P>

<P align=left>two are defined by the history of the violent partition</P>

<P align=left>of British India into these two states, and numerous</P>

<P align=left>military conflicts and territorial disputes</P>

<P align=left>thereafter.</P>

<P align=left>Much of South Asia came under direct control of</P>

<P align=left>Great Britain in the late 18th century. The British</P>

<P align=left>Raj over the Indian subcontinent lasted for almost</P>

<P align=left>150 years. 95% of the people living in South Asia</P>

<P align=left>practised either Hinduism or Islam. The Muslim</P>

<P align=left>League, headed by Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali</P>

<P align=left>Jinnah, proposed the Two Nation Theory in the</P>

<P align=left>early 20th century. According to the theory,Muslims</P>

<P align=left>and others shared little in common, and British</P>

<P align=left>India should be divided into two separate countries,</P>

<P align=left>one for the Muslims and the other for the</P>

<P align=left>Hindu majority, which he feared would suppress</P>

<P align=left>the Muslim minority.</P>

<P align=left>The campaign gained momentum in early 1940s</P>

<P align=left>and by the end of World War II, British India's</P>

<P align=left>partition looked inevitable. The Partition of India</P>

<P align=left>in 1947 created two large countries independent</P>

<P align=left>from Britain: Pakistan as two wings in the East</P>

<P align=left>andWest, separated by India in the middle. Soon</P><B>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 29</P></B>

<P align=left>after Independence, India and Pakistan established diplomatic relations. Subsequent years were marked</P>

<P align=left>by bitter periodic conflict, and the nations went to war four times. The war in 1971 ended in defeat and</P>

<P align=left>another partition of Pakistan. The eastern wing split off as a new country named Bangladesh, while the</P>

<P align=left>western wing continued as Pakistan.</P>

<P align=left>There have been some improvements in relations since the mid-2000s. Most notably, Pakistan released an</P>

<P align=left>Indian man accused of being a spy in 2008: he had been detained since 1975. But relations soured slightly</P>

<P align=left>after the 2008 Mumbai Terrorist Attacks by an alleged group partially consisting of Pakistani based militants.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -2 Hot Topics (India-Pak Agree To Share Intelligence Report)</P>

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<P align=left>National News</P><B>

<P align=left>Rohtang Tunnel</P></B>

<P align=left>UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, who is also heading</P>

<P align=left>the National Advisory Council, on June 28 laid</P>

<P align=left>the foundation of the 8.8-km-long Rohtang tunnel</P>

<P align=left>at Dhundi near the famous tourist resort of</P>

<P align=left>Manali.</P>

<P align=left>The tunnel would provide all-weather connectivity</P>

<P align=left>for the civilians and armed forces personnel and</P>

<P align=left>an alternative link to the residents living on the</P>

<P align=left>border areas of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu</P>

<P align=left>Kashmir.</P>

<P align=left>The idea of the tunnelwas conceived by late Rajiv</P>

<P align=left>Gandhi and even the former PrimeMinister, Atal</P>

<P align=left>Bihari Vajpayee, during his regime, inaugurated</P>

<P align=left>the approach road to the tunnel site fromthe South</P>

<P align=left>Portal.</P>

<P align=left>The idea of constructing a tunnel beneath the</P>

<P align=left>Rohtang Pass at 13,000 feet was envisaged in 1983</P>

<P align=left>and its construction received an impetus after the</P>

<P align=left>Kargil conflict.</P>

<P align=left>It was to bemade as an all-weather alternative strategic</P>

<P align=left>route to Ladakh from Manali in Himachal</P>

<P align=left>Pradesh.</P>

<P align=left>Tunnel History : </P>

<P align=left>On May 26, 2002, after the detailed</P>

<P align=left>feasibility study in 1987, Mr. Vajpayee laid</P>

<P align=left>the foundation of the access road to the tunnel</P>

<P align=left>costing Rs.180 crore and the access road to south</P>

<P align=left>portal tunnel site was completed in 2005.</P>

<P align=left>About 18 avalanche protection structures have</P>

<P align=left>been erected on it.</P>

<P align=left>Current Affairs</P>

<P align=left>The Cabinet Committee on Security cleared the</P>

<P align=left>tunnel project in September 2009 at a cost of about</P>

<P align=left>Rs.1,495 crore.</P>

<P align=left>The tunnelling would be completed in 2015 and</P>

<P align=left>that would reduce the distance between Manali</P>

<P align=left>and Keylong by at least 48 km, said the BRO</P>

<P align=left>sources.</P>

<P align=left>More than six to seven feet of snow is reported</P>

<P align=left>from the high altitude (13,044 ft.) Rohtang Pass</P>

<P align=left>during winter and it remains closed for six to eight</P>

<P align=left>months.</P><B>

<P align=left>Shinkula Pass tunnel</P></B>

<P align=left>The BRO is also studying the feasibility of constructing</P>

<P align=left>a tunnel beneath the Shinkula Pass</P>

<P align=left>(15,920 ft.).</P>

<P align=left>It has to conduct a feasibility study for construction</P>

<P align=left>of a tunnel beneath this pass that would reduce</P>

<P align=left>the present distance of 470 km between</P>

<P align=left>Manali and Leh by 100 km.</P><B>

<P align=left>Maoist Attack</P></B>

<P align=left>Maoist rebels killed 26 police officers in an ambush</P>

<P align=left>in central India in the latest of a series of</P>

<P align=left>deadly strikes against security forces in month of</P>

<P align=left>june.</P>

<P align=left>The targeted group were returning from a roadopening</P>

<P align=left>ceremony when they were attacked by a</P>

<P align=left>large number of heavily armed militants.</P>

<P align=left>The Maoists, who massacred 76 policemen in</P>

<P align=left>Chhattisgarh in a similar assault in April, numbered</P>

<P align=left>as many as 100 and opened fire with automatic</P>

<P align=left>weapons from a hilltop.</P>

<P align=left>The officers were surrounded in the ambush,</P>

<P align=left>which took place in Dhodai, 300 kilometres (190</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 31</P></B>

<P align=left>miles) south of the state capital Raipur, and they</P>

<P align=left>fought back in a gun battle that lasted three hours.</P>

<P align=left>The government launched a major offensive last</P>

<P align=left>year to tackle the worsening left-wing insurgency,</P>

<P align=left>but since then the Maoists have hit back -- triggering</P>

<P align=left>widespread criticism of officials and politicians.</P>

<P align=left>Maoist rebel groups have fought for decades</P>

<P align=left>throughout east and central India against state and</P>

<P align=left>government rule, drawing support from landless</P>

<P align=left>tribal groups and farmers left behind by the</P>

<P align=left>country's economic development.</P><B>

<P align=left>Jharkhand Under</P>

<P align=left>President's rule</P></B>

<P align=left>In a move that was widely anticipated, the Centre</P>

<P align=left>imposed President's rule in Jharkhand, after none</P>

<P align=left>of themajor political players could cobble together</P>

<P align=left>the numbers required to form a government. The</P>

<P align=left>assembly had simultaneously been placed under</P>

<P align=left>suspended animation.</P>

<P align=left>This is the second time in two years that the state</P>

<P align=left>has been put under President's rule. On January</P>

<P align=left>19 last year, the Centre had imposed President's</P>

<P align=left>Rule after the resignation of Mr Shibu Soren, who</P>

<P align=left>suffered a humiliating defeat at the Tamar</P>

<P align=left>byelection. Mr Soren was sworn in as the chief</P>

<P align=left>minister for the third time on December 30 last</P>

<P align=left>after the assembly elections. His government was</P>

<P align=left>propped by BJP, AJSU and the JD(U).</P><B>

<P align=left>Queen's baton for Commonwealth</P>

<P align=left>Games</P></B>

<P align=left>The Queen's baton for the 2010 Commonwealth</P>

<P align=left>Games arrived in India from Pakistan on June 25</P>

<P align=left>amid high security and a festive mood with singers</P>

<P align=left>from both the countries performing at the</P>

<P align=left>Attari border.</P>

<P align=left>It marked the first big event on Indian soil for the</P>

<P align=left>Games to be held in New Delhi in October.</P>

<P align=left>Suresh Kalmadi, IndianOlympicAssociation (IOA)</P>

<P align=left>president and chairman of organising committee</P>

<P align=left>of Commonwealth Games-2010, other dignitaries</P>

<P align=left>and leading sports personalities, including Delhi</P>

<P align=left>ChiefMinister Sheila Dikshit, were present when</P>

<P align=left>the baton was handed over by Pakistan Olympic</P>

<P align=left>Association officials led by Lt. Gen Arif Hassan.</P>

<P align=left>The Attari border checkpost, about 30 km from</P>

<P align=left>Amritsar in Punjab, wore a colourful and festive</P>

<P align=left>look despite tight security arrangements for the</P>

<P align=left>baton arrival event. Popular song 'Chak de, India'</P>

<P align=left>was played at the checkpost to welcome the baton.</P>

<P align=left>The 2010 Commonwealth Games are the biggest</P>

<P align=left>sporting extravaganza being hosted by India after</P>

<P align=left>the 1982 Asian Games held in New Delhi.</P><B>

<P align=left>Decks Cleared For First</P>

<P align=left>Defence University</P></B>

<P align=left>More than 40 years after it wasmooted, the Union</P>

<P align=left>Cabinet, on May 13, 2010, gave its approval to set</P>

<P align=left>up the nation's first defence university at Binola,</P>

<P align=left>around 20 km from Gurgaon. It would aim at imparting</P>

<P align=left>education on strategic challenges to armed</P>

<P align=left>forces officials, bureaucrats, academicians, parliamentarians</P>

<P align=left>and trainees at military academies.</P>

<P align=left>To be established at an estimated Rs 300 crore, the</P>

<P align=left>institute would come up on an area of about 200</P>

<P align=left>acres. A sum of Rs 100 crore has been earmarked</P>

<P align=left>for land acquisition. The existing defence educational</P>

<P align=left>institutions like the National Defence College,</P>

<P align=left>New Delhi, College of Defence Management,</P>

<P align=left>Secunderabad, National Staff College,Wellington,</P>

<P align=left>and National Defence Academy, Pune, would also</P>

<P align=left>be affiliated to the INDU. At present, these institutions</P>

<P align=left>are attached to various universities across</P>

<P align=left>the country.</P>

<P align=left>The proposed university, which would be fully</P>

<P align=left>autonomous and constituted under an Act of Parliament,</P>

<P align=left>would promote policy-oriented research</P>

<P align=left>on all aspects of national security as part of the</P>

<P align=left>strategic national policy-making. The university</P>

<P align=left>was first mooted in 1967 and the matter was accorded</P>

<P align=left>all seriousness after the 1999 Kargil conflict.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>The government had set up a Kargil Review Committee,</P>

<P align=left>headed by strategic expert K.</P>

<P align=left>Subrahmanyam, which had recommended establishment</P>

<P align=left>of such a university to exclusively deal</P>

<P align=left>with defence and strategicmatters. It will encourage</P>

<P align=left>awareness of national security issues by reaching</P>

<P align=left>out to scholars and an audience beyond the</P>

<P align=left>official machinery.</P><B>

<P align=left>No Law Practice Without</P>

<P align=left>Clearing Exam</P></B>

<P align=left>From September 2010, law graduates will have to</P>

<P align=left>clear an entry-level exam to be eligible for legal</P>

<P align=left>practice. In a widely anticipated move, the Bar</P>

<P align=left>Council of India-the regulator for the legal profession-</P>

<P align=left>has decided to implement its decision of</P>

<P align=left>making aspiring lawyers walk the extra mile.</P>

<P align=left>Till now, a law degree from a recognised university</P>

<P align=left>or a law institute was the sole eligibility criterion</P>

<P align=left>for getting registered as a lawyer.</P><B>

<P align=left>No Lie Detector Tests: SC</P></B>

<P align=left>In a verdict expected to weaken cases against terrorists,</P>

<P align=left>other dreaded criminals and high-profile</P>

<P align=left>offenders, the Supreme Court has cited "mental</P>

<P align=left>privacy" to rule that police and other prosecuting</P>

<P align=left>agencies cannot forcibly conduct lie detector</P>

<P align=left>tests-narco-analysis, polygraph or brain electrical</P>

<P align=left>activation profile (BEAP, popularly known as</P>

<P align=left>brainmapping)-on accused, suspects orwitnesses.</P>

<P align=left>"Compulsory administration of any of these techniques</P>

<P align=left>is an unjustified intrusion into the mental</P>

<P align=left>privacy of an individual. It would also amount to</P>

<P align=left>cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment with regard</P>

<P align=left>to the language of evolving international human</P>

<P align=left>rights norms," a Bench comprising Chief Justice</P>

<P align=left>K.G. Balakrishnan, R.V. Raveendran and J.M.</P>

<P align=left>Panchal held.</P>

<P align=left>Further, placing reliance on the results gathered</P>

<P align=left>from these techniques would come into conflict</P>

<P align=left>with the right to fair trial. "Invocations of a compelling</P>

<P align=left>public interest cannot justify the dilution</P>

<P align=left>of constitutional rights such as the right against</P>

<P align=left>self-incrimination" guaranteed underArticle 20(3)</P>

<P align=left>of the Constitution, the Bench said in the 251-page</P>

<P align=left>verdict.</P>

<P align=left>The apex court also observed that the scientific</P>

<P align=left>validity of the techniques "has been questioned and</P>

<P align=left>it is argued that their results are not entirely</P>

<P align=left>reliable...empirical studies suggest that the druginduced</P>

<P align=left>revelations need not necessarily be true".</P>

<P align=left>The Bench said that before arriving at the conclusion</P>

<P align=left>it also assessed the "tensions between the desirability</P>

<P align=left>of efficient investigation and the preservation</P>

<P align=left>of individual liberties" and the reasoning</P>

<P align=left>that these techniques "are a softer alternative to</P>

<P align=left>the regrettable and allegedly widespread use of</P>

<P align=left>third degree methods by investigators".</P>

<P align=left>At the end, the apex court made it clear that the</P>

<P align=left>eight-point guidelines issued by the National Human</P>

<P align=left>Rights Commission in 2000 for conducting</P>

<P align=left>narco-analysis tests should be strictly adhered to.</P>

<P align=left>Among the guidelines were: No lie detector tests</P>

<P align=left>should be administered except on the basis of consent</P>

<P align=left>of the accused. If the accused volunteers for a</P>

<P align=left>lie detector test, he should be given access to a lawyer</P>

<P align=left>and the physical, emotional and legal implication</P>

<P align=left>of such a test should be explained to him by</P>

<P align=left>the police and his lawyer. The consent should be</P>

<P align=left>recorded before a judicial magistrate.</P><B>

<P align=left>Ajmal Kasab Convicted of</P>

<P align=left>26/11 attacks</P></B>

<P align=left>On May 3, 2010, a Mumbai court found 22-yearold</P>

<P align=left>Pakistani national, Mohammad Ajmal Kasab,</P>

<P align=left>guilty of mass murder and waging war against India,</P>

<P align=left>while acquitting two other accused, Fahim</P>

<P align=left>Ansari and Sabahuddin Ahmed for want of evidence,</P>

<P align=left>in the November 26, 2008 attacks on the</P>

<P align=left>city. Kasab is the lone surviving gunman from the</P>

<P align=left>attacks that killed 166 people. He has been given</P>

<P align=left>the death sentence.</P>

<P align=left>"It was not a simple act of murder. It was war,"</P>

<P align=left>judge M.L. Tahiliyani said in a summary of the</P>

<P align=left>1,522 page judgement. "This type of preparation is</P>

<P align=left>notmade by ordinary criminals. This type of preparation</P>

<P align=left>is made by those waging war."</P>

<P align=left>The court also held 20 other accused, including</P>

<P align=left>Lashkar-e-Tayiba founder Hafiz Saeed, its operations</P>

<P align=left>chief Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Abu</P>

<P align=left>Hamza, guilty of conspiracy.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>Economy News</P><B>

<P align=left>CASA Deposits To Help Fix a</P>

<P align=left>Lower Base Rate</P></B>

<P align=left>India's largest bank State Bank of India (SBI) has</P>

<P align=left>set the benchmark for the banking industry by</P>

<P align=left>pegging the base rate at 7.5%.</P>

<P align=left>That should hardly worry skittish investors looking</P>

<P align=left>at the impact the latest rate setting methodology</P>

<P align=left>could have on the bottomline of lenders.What</P>

<P align=left>should soothe investors is the fact that just 3% of</P>

<P align=left>the bank's loans have been priced at below 7.5% a</P>

<P align=left>clear indication that rejigging the loan book is</P>

<P align=left>hardly a concern.</P>

<P align=left>SBI is well positioned to fix the base rate relatively</P>

<P align=left>low, given its high share of low-cost current and</P>

<P align=left>savings bank account or CASA deposits.</P>

<P align=left>The bank's share of CASA deposits at 47% is second</P>

<P align=left>only to HDFC Bank. Thanks to this large base</P>

<P align=left>of CASA deposits, SBI's cost of deposits aggregated</P>

<P align=left>5.8% in FY10, which was one of the lowest in the</P>

<P align=left>industry.</P>

<P align=left>Few banks in the country can count for 30% of</P>

<P align=left>their deposits being in the CASA category. This</P>

<P align=left>primarily includes smaller banks, which have lower</P>

<P align=left>CASA deposits. These banks have little choice but</P>

<P align=left>to settle for a higher base rate, which is bound to</P>

<P align=left>hobble them when up against competition.</P>

<P align=left>SBI went on an deposit-mobilisation overdrive in</P>

<P align=left>the first half of calendar year 2009. The bank raised</P>

<P align=left>Rs 70,600 crore of deposits from December 2008</P>

<P align=left>to June 2009.</P>

<P align=left>However, it lent only Rs 39,500 crore during that</P>

<P align=left>period. The drive was attributed to the fact that</P>

<P align=left>the bank was hoping to grow its loan book at a</P>

<P align=left>very high rate.</P>

<P align=left>Since then, SBI has shed quite a bit of those high</P>

<P align=left>cost deposits. Some analysts feel that the bank's</P>

<P align=left>experience on the deposits front can actually be</P>

<P align=left>positive in the long run, as it may prompt them to</P>

<P align=left>bemore conservative in raising such resources. So,</P>

<P align=left>approving loan with a negative 'carry' may not be</P>

<P align=left>much of a worry.</P>

<P align=left>The management does not foresee any problems</P>

<P align=left>in maintaining its net interest margin the difference</P>

<P align=left>between interest income and interest expenses</P>

<P align=left>at close to 3%.</P>

<P align=left>It is not yet clear as what impact the base rate will</P>

<P align=left>have on the rates of other loans, such as education</P>

<P align=left>loan, housing loan, vehicle loan and other consumer</P>

<P align=left>loans. Again, the SBI management reckons</P>

<P align=left>that the pricing of these loans may be either 25</P>

<P align=left>basis points off the base rate.</P><B>

<P align=left>Rs 67,000 Crore 3-G Bonanza</P>

<P align=left>For Government</P></B>

<P align=left>The bidding frenzy for third generation (3-G) spectrum</P>

<P align=left>came to an end on May 19, 2010, with leading</P>

<P align=left>operators Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications</P>

<P align=left>and Aircel winning licences for 13 circles</P>

<P align=left>each. This was the 34th day of the auction and it</P>

<P align=left>saw the price of a pan-India, or nationwide, licence</P>

<P align=left>touching Rs 16,828 crore, nearly five times its base</P>

<P align=left>price. No single operator could garner enough cash</P>

<P align=left>to win bids for all the 22 circles that went under</P>

<P align=left>the hammer.</P>

<P align=left>The government emerged as the biggest winner.</P>

<P align=left>The sale of wireless airwaves wouldmake it richer</P>

<P align=left>by at least Rs 67,719 crore, the double of what it</P>

<P align=left>had targeted in the Union Budget 2010 and about</P>

<P align=left>1 per cent of the country's gross domestic product.</P>

<P align=left>The proceeds from the sale of 3G and BWA spectrum</P>

<P align=left>will together help the government plug its</P>

<P align=left>fiscal deficit, projected at 5.5 per cent of GDP in</P>

<P align=left>the Budget. The winning operators said if the government</P>

<P align=left>allots themspectrumas promised, by September</P>

<P align=left>1, they will be able to roll out 3G services</P>

<P align=left>in four to six months.</P>

<P align=left>Seventy per cent of the revenue for spectrum comes</P>

<P align=left>from only six circles, while locations such asWest</P>

<P align=left>Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Assamand Jammu and</P>

<P align=left>Kashmir saw licences being awarded at virtually</P>

<P align=left>the base price. The surprise package was Bihar</P>

<P align=left>where the bids closed at Rs 203.46 crore, seven</P>

<P align=left>times its base price.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 34</P>

<P align=left>India Becomes Member of FATF</P></B>

<P align=left>India has become a full fledged member of the financial</P>

<P align=left>action task force (FATF), an inter-governmental</P>

<P align=left>organisation which creates policies to combat</P>

<P align=left>money laundering and terror financing.</P>

<P align=left>India was granted the membership at the third</P>

<P align=left>plenary meeting of FATF held in Amsterdam, the</P>

<P align=left>Netherlands, from June 23 to 25. India is the 34th</P>

<P align=left>country to join the organisation.</P>

<P align=left>The FATF membership will help India coordinate</P>

<P align=left>its efforts against money laundering and financing</P>

<P align=left>of terrorism at the international level. The membership</P>

<P align=left>is important for India as it seeks to be a</P>

<P align=left>major player in international finance.</P>

<P align=left>India will benefit in securing a more transparent</P>

<P align=left>and stable financial system by ensuring that financial</P>

<P align=left>institutions are not vulnerable to infiltration</P>

<P align=left>or abuse by organized crime groups. India had become</P>

<P align=left>an observer at FATF in 2006.</P><B>

<P align=left>Ambani Brothers Sign</P>

<P align=left>Gas Sale Pact</P></B>

<P align=left>The revised deal, however, does not mention the</P>

<P align=left>price, tenure of supply and the quantity of gas.</P>

<P align=left>Meeting the six-week deadline set by the Supreme</P>

<P align=left>Court, Reliance Natural Resources (RNRL), promoted</P>

<P align=left>by Anil Ambani, today signed a revised gas</P>

<P align=left>sale master agreement (GSMA) with Reliance Industries</P>

<P align=left>(RIL), promoted by elder brotherMukesh</P>

<P align=left>Ambani, for supply to the former's proposed power</P>

<P align=left>plant at Dadri in Uttar Pradesh, close to Delhi.</P>

<P align=left>The revised GSMA is pursuant to the court's May</P>

<P align=left>7 judgment, turning down RNRL's plea for cheap</P>

<P align=left>gas fromRIL based on an earlier family agreement.</P>

<P align=left>RNRL had sought 28 mscmd of gas for 17 years at</P>

<P align=left>$2.34 permillion British thermal units (mBtu) from</P>

<P align=left>RIL; the latter had declined to do so, citing later</P>

<P align=left>government policy. SC struck down the RNRL</P>

<P align=left>claim, saying the government was the owner of all</P>

<P align=left>natural gas, nomatter who discovered it, andwould</P>

<P align=left>have to approve any pricing and allocation.</P>

<P align=left>At present, RIL is producing 60 million standard</P>

<P align=left>cubic metres of gas per day (mscmd) of gas from</P>

<P align=left>the KG-D6 basin (off Andhra), which has been allocated</P>

<P align=left>according to the official gas utilisation</P>

<P align=left>policy. The plan is to raise production to 80mscmd.</P>

<P align=left>The government has already allotted up to 90</P>

<P align=left>mscmd of gas from the D6 field in the Krishna-</P>

<P align=left>Godavari basin for a period of five years.</P><B>

<P align=left>RBI Measures To Boost Liquidity</P></B>

<P align=left>The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced</P>

<P align=left>special measures to provide liquidity in the system,</P>

<P align=left>whichmay face a cash crunch because of huge</P>

<P align=left>outgo on third generation (3G) telecom spectrum</P>

<P align=left>licences and payment of advance tax by companies.</P>

<P align=left>On May 27, 2010, RBI allowed banks to avail of</P>

<P align=left>additional support under the liquidity adjustment</P>

<P align=left>facility (LAF). Till July 2, banks have been permitted</P>

<P align=left>to avail of support of up to 0.5 per cent of their</P>

<P align=left>net demand and time liabilities, which will provide</P>

<P align=left>an additional liquidity support of over Rs</P>

<P align=left>20,000 crore.</P>

<P align=left>In addition, RBI said that as an ad hoc measure,</P>

<P align=left>banks can seek a waiver for any shortfall in maintenance</P>

<P align=left>of the prescribed 25 per cent statutory liquidity</P>

<P align=left>ratio (SLR) while availing the temporary</P>

<P align=left>facility.</P><B>

<P align=left>OECD Warns Inflation Will</P>

<P align=left>Remain High</P></B>

<P align=left>The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and</P>

<P align=left>Development (OECD) has argued that the Reserve</P>

<P align=left>Bank of India's (RBI's) process of raising policy interest</P>

<P align=left>rates is "still very lowby historical standards".</P>

<P align=left>In a global economic outlook report, the Parisbased</P>

<P align=left>grouping warned: "With inflation remaining</P>

<P align=left>elevated and the recovery appearing to have</P>

<P align=left>taken root, there is a risk that price increases for</P>

<P align=left>inputswill flowthrough to second-round increases</P>

<P align=left>and that inflationary expectations will become</P>

<P align=left>destabilised. To mitigate this risk, sizeable further</P>

<P align=left>monetary tighteningwill be required through 2010</P>

<P align=left>and into 2011."</P>

<P align=left>OECD projected the inflation rate to be 7.7 per</P>

<P align=left>cent in 2010 and 6.1 per cent in 2011. It expected</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>the consumer price index rise to be at 10.2 per cent</P>

<P align=left>in 2010 and still hovering at 6.3 per cent in 2011.</P>

<P align=left>The trade deficit has been projected at $80 billion</P>

<P align=left>(imports of $405 billion) in 2010 and going up to</P>

<P align=left>$101 billion (imports of $478 billion up 13.1 per</P>

<P align=left>cent from 2010) in 2011 and real GDP growth in</P>

<P align=left>2010 at 8.3 per cent and at 8.5 per cent in 2011.</P>

<P align=left>OECD Chief Economist Pier Carlo Padoan said:</P>

<P align=left>"The outlook for inflation remains themain downside</P>

<P align=left>risk, especially if monsoonal rainfall is again</P>

<P align=left>deficient. In that case, food inflation would likely</P>

<P align=left>begin to risk anew.More generally, the strong state</P>

<P align=left>of domestic demand could lead to persistently</P>

<P align=left>higher inflation and an upward drift in inflationary</P>

<P align=left>expectations."</P>

<P align=left>Adding the context of anticipated deficit reduction</P>

<P align=left>being underpinned on "expected revenue</P>

<P align=left>growth, asset sales and somemoremodest taxmeasures",</P>

<P align=left>Padoan added "the expected rebound in</P>

<P align=left>agricultural activity should help limit further increase</P>

<P align=left>in food prices, which have been a major</P>

<P align=left>contributor to high inflation. However, underlying</P>

<P align=left>inflationary pressures are likely to persist given</P>

<P align=left>the strong outlook for demand. Timely policy action</P>

<P align=left>to limit the scope for second-round price increases</P>

<P align=left>is, therefore, required. Monetary policy</P>

<P align=left>normalisation is also important in the light of relatively</P>

<P align=left>modest fiscal consolidation".</P><B>

<P align=left>National Water Mission Gets</P>

<P align=left>Cabinet Nod</P></B>

<P align=left>The Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change</P>

<P align=left>has approved the National Water Mission, focusing</P>

<P align=left>onmakingwater conservation a peoples'movement</P>

<P align=left>in the country.</P>

<P align=left>PrimeMinisterManmohan Singh,who chaired the</P>

<P align=left>meeting of the Council, highlighted the need to</P>

<P align=left>create a general consciousness of the need to use</P>

<P align=left>water in the most sustainable manner in view of</P>

<P align=left>its scarcity and assess the impact of climate change</P>

<P align=left>on water.</P>

<P align=left>The Council felt that tomake theMission a peoples'</P>

<P align=left>movement it was essential to make available all</P>

<P align=left>data on water in the public domain, to be able to</P>

<P align=left>mobilise citizens, local bodies and State governments</P>

<P align=left>for focused action onwater conservation and</P>

<P align=left>augmentation.</P>

<P align=left>Members felt incentives should be provided for</P>

<P align=left>using water in a sustainable manner and that the</P>

<P align=left>Research and Development requirements of the</P>

<P align=left>mission should be focused upon.</P>

<P align=left>Water Mission is one of the eight missions in the</P>

<P align=left>NationalAction Plan on Climate Change launched</P>

<P align=left>by the PrimeMinister in 2009 to tackle the threats</P>

<P align=left>of global warming.</P>

<P align=left>The government has already launched Energy Efficient</P>

<P align=left>and Solar Mission while a draft of Green</P>

<P align=left>Mission has been prepared for public consultation.</P><B>

<P align=left>Economic Growth Better Than</P>

<P align=left>Expected</P></B>

<P align=left>The Indian economy roared past estimates to post</P>

<P align=left>a whopping growth rate of 8.6% in the January-</P>

<P align=left>March quarter of 2010. The quarter's strong showing</P>

<P align=left>also helped India end the fiscal year with 7.4%</P>

<P align=left>growth, beating the earlier estimate of 7.2%.</P>

<P align=left>Manufacturing led the way, with a whopping</P>

<P align=left>16.3% growth in the quarter and 10.8% overall,</P>

<P align=left>while even agriculture, which was expected to</P>

<P align=left>decline, endedwithmarginal growth of 0.2%yearon-</P>

<P align=left>year after growing 0.7% in Q4.</P>

<P align=left>The GDP growth rate had slowed to 6.7% in 2008-</P>

<P align=left>09 following the global economic crisis, after topping</P>

<P align=left>9% in the previous three years.</P>

<P align=left>The first quarter growth in the gross domestic</P>

<P align=left>product (GDP) is better than expected. In February,</P>

<P align=left>the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) had</P>

<P align=left>estimated that the Indian economy would grow at</P>

<P align=left>7.2%in 2009-10,with growth of 7.7%in the fourth</P>

<P align=left>quarter. But the unexpectedly strong performance</P>

<P align=left>in the fourth quarter helped boost the final figure</P>

<P align=left>to 7.4%.</P>

<P align=left>The fourth-quarter showing is particularly commendable</P>

<P align=left>in the light of a sudden dip in the third</P>

<P align=left>quarter to 6.5% from 8.6% in the second quarter</P>

<P align=left>due to the impact of a drought-like situation in</P>

<P align=left>the country.</P>

<P align=left>China is the only large economy with a higher</P>

<P align=left>growth rate at 11.9% in the January-March quar-</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>ter. The rest of the world is witnessing a fragile</P>

<P align=left>recovery, which is now under threat due to the</P>

<P align=left>brewing Euro-zone crisis. The sixteen developed</P>

<P align=left>countries in the Euro-zone expanded by just 0.2%</P>

<P align=left>in the quarter. At the same time, the Organisation</P>

<P align=left>for Economic Cooperation and Development</P>

<P align=left>(OECD)-a grouping of mostly developed countries</P>

<P align=left>including Europe that account for over 60%</P>

<P align=left>of the global economy-grew at only 0.7% in the</P>

<P align=left>quarter, against 0.9% in the previous quarter. US</P>

<P align=left>and Japan grew at 0.8% and 1.2%, respectively.</P>

<P align=left>The 7.4% growth in 2009-10 also showed that</P>

<P align=left>stimulus provided by government yielded results.</P>

<P align=left>Science-Technology</P>

<P align=left>& Environment</P><B>

<P align=left>First male contraceptive pill</P></B>

<P align=left>Researchers in Israel have finally been able to create</P>

<P align=left>a oral pill that deactivates sperm before they</P>

<P align=left>reach the womb. And they've developed a version</P>

<P align=left>that means it only needs to be to be taken once</P>

<P align=left>every three months.</P>

<P align=left>The breakthrough pill could be available in as little</P>

<P align=left>as three years, according to the scientist behind</P>

<P align=left>the discovery. Unlike the jab form of the male pill</P>

<P align=left>it doesn't use a combination of the male hormone</P>

<P align=left>testosterone and the female hormone progesterone</P>

<P align=left>to block pregnancy.</P>

<P align=left>The scientist behind the male pill discovery has</P>

<P align=left>developed a tablet that removes a vital protein in</P>

<P align=left>spermthat is required for a woman to conceive. So</P>

<P align=left>while sperm still get through to the uterus they</P>

<P align=left>are unable to fertilise an egg.</P>

<P align=left>Using this approach, researchers believe they have</P>

<P align=left>a pill that is 100 pc effective at stopping pregnancy.</P>

<P align=left>Not only is it long lasting but it also has other</P>

<P align=left>pluses. There are no side effects as suffered by</P>

<P align=left>women who take the contraceptive pill.</P><B>

<P align=left>India Joins Next Generation</P>

<P align=left>30m Telescope Project on</P>

<P align=left>Mauna Kea</P></B>

<P align=left>Indian astronomers will join a project to build the</P>

<P align=left>Thirty Meter Telescope Project (TMT) on Mauna</P>

<P align=left>Kea in Hawaii. TMT is the next-generation astronomical</P>

<P align=left>observatory that is scheduled to begin scientific</P>

<P align=left>operations in 2018 on Mauna Kea.</P>

<P align=left>It has completed its 77 million dollar design-development</P>

<P align=left>phase and has entered the early construction</P>

<P align=left>phase after an additional 200million dollar</P>

<P align=left>pledge.</P>

<P align=left>India is well recognized and respected as one of</P>

<P align=left>the top-ranking countries in the field of basic research</P>

<P align=left>and Indiawill be an integral part of the next</P>

<P align=left>generation of astronomical research as a part of</P>

<P align=left>TMT.</P>

<P align=left>The University of California, the California Institute</P>

<P align=left>of Technology and the Association of Canadian</P>

<P align=left>Universities are building the telescope for research</P>

<P align=left>in astronomy.</P>

<P align=left>The core technology of TMT will be a 30-meter</P>

<P align=left>segmented primary mirror which, will give TMT</P>

<P align=left>nine times the collecting area of today's largest</P>

<P align=left>optical telescopes and three times sharper images.</P>

<P align=left>The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan</P>

<P align=left>(NAOJ) joined TMT as a Collaborating Institution</P>

<P align=left>in 2008 while its Chinese counterpart joined TMT</P>

<P align=left>as an Observer in 2009.</P><B>

<P align=left>Emissions Up, But Way Lower</P>

<P align=left>Than US, China</P></B>

<P align=left>Driven by higher industrial growth, energy production</P>

<P align=left>and transport, an environment ministry</P>

<P align=left>report says the annual GHG(greenhouse gas) emission</P>

<P align=left>of India increased by around 58 per cent from</P>

<P align=left>1994 to 2007, but per capita emissions were still</P>

<P align=left>much less than those of US or China. Greenhouse</P>

<P align=left>gas emissions per unit of the GDP, however, declined</P>

<P align=left>by more than 30 per cent during 1994 and</P>

<P align=left>2007, says the country's updated emission inventory</P>

<P align=left>"India: Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2007".</P>

<P align=left>The country's net GHG emissions in 2007 were</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 37</P></B>

<P align=left>1.9 billion tonnes compared to 1.2 billion tonnes</P>

<P align=left>in 1994. However against 1.5 tonnes of CO2 per</P>

<P align=left>capita in 1994, the per capita GHG emission was</P>

<P align=left>estimated to be 1.7 tonnes of CO2 in 2007.</P>

<P align=left>Even though India is ranked fifth in aggregate GHG</P>

<P align=left>emissions afterUS, China, the EuropeanUnion and</P>

<P align=left>Russia in its contribution to globalwarming, emissions</P>

<P align=left>of US and China are almost four times that of</P>

<P align=left>India.</P>

<P align=left>China and the US are the world's top emitters of</P>

<P align=left>greenhouse gases and disagreement between the</P>

<P align=left>two on slashing their carbon dioxide output was a</P>

<P align=left>major cause of the failure of the UN-sponsored climate</P>

<P align=left>change talks in 2009. At the Copenhagen</P>

<P align=left>Summit, India announced its intent to further reduce</P>

<P align=left>the emission intensity of the GDP by 20-25</P>

<P align=left>per cent between 2005 and 2020 even as it pursues</P>

<P align=left>the path of inclusive growth.</P><B>

<P align=left>Light Combat Helicopter</P>

<P align=left>Takes To Skies</P></B>

<P align=left>The maiden flight of the indigenously manufactured</P>

<P align=left>Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) on May 22,</P>

<P align=left>2010, heralded India's entry into the select group</P>

<P align=left>of countries capable of developing their own combat</P>

<P align=left>helicopters.</P>

<P align=left>The LCH, manufactured by the Hindustan Aeronautics</P>

<P align=left>Limited is a dedicated attack helicopter</P>

<P align=left>featuring a narrow fuselage and a tandem seating</P>

<P align=left>for the pilot and co-pilot. Themachine is designed</P>

<P align=left>for low detection (reduced visual, aural, radar and</P>

<P align=left>infra-red signatures) and has crash-worthy landing</P>

<P align=left>gear for better survivability. The hinge-less</P>

<P align=left>rotors and the powerful Shakti engines enable the</P>

<P align=left>easy manoeuvring of LCH even with weapons.</P>

<P align=left>The other interesting feature of the LCH is the</P>

<P align=left>chin-mounted canon along with the helmet</P>

<P align=left>mounted sighting system, which gives the pilot the</P>

<P align=left>capability to look and fire at targets around the</P>

<P align=left>aircraft. An advanced sensor suite consisting of</P>

<P align=left>CCD camera, forward looking infra-red imaging</P>

<P align=left>technology and laser range finder facilitates target</P>

<P align=left>acquisition in all weather conditions.</P>

<P align=left>The helicopter would be fitted with a data link for</P>

<P align=left>network-centric operations facilitating the transfer</P>

<P align=left>of mission data to the other airborne platforms</P>

<P align=left>and ground stations operating in the network, thus</P>

<P align=left>facilitating the force multiplication.</P>

<P align=left>With these features, the LCH is expected to play a</P>

<P align=left>major role in air defence against slowmoving aerial</P>

<P align=left>targets, destruction of enemy air defence operations,</P>

<P align=left>escort to special heli-borne operations, support</P>

<P align=left>of combat search and rescue operations, antitank</P>

<P align=left>role and scout duties.</P><B>

<P align=left>First Life-Form Made By Man</P></B>

<P align=left>Scientists have created the world's first synthetic</P>

<P align=left>life form in a landmark experiment that paves the</P>

<P align=left>way for designer organisms that are built rather</P>

<P align=left>than evolved.</P>

<P align=left>The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists</P>

<P align=left>for more than 10 years at an estimated cost</P>

<P align=left>of $40 million, was described by one researcher as</P>

<P align=left>"a defining moment in biology".</P>

<P align=left>Craig Venter, the pioneering US geneticist behind</P>

<P align=left>the experiment, described the converted cell as "the</P>

<P align=left>first self-replicating specieswe've had on the planet</P>

<P align=left>whose parent is a computer." He said the achievement</P>

<P align=left>heralds the dawn of a new era in which new</P>

<P align=left>life ismade to benefit humanity, starting with bacteria</P>

<P align=left>that churn out bio-fuels, soak up carbon dioxide</P>

<P align=left>from the atmosphere and even manufacture</P>

<P align=left>vaccines.</P>

<P align=left>The new organism is based on an existing bacterium</P>

<P align=left>that causes mastitis in goats, but at its core is</P>

<P align=left>an entirely synthetic genome that was constructed</P>

<P align=left>fromchemicals in the laboratory. The single-celled</P>

<P align=left>organism has four "watermarks" written into its</P>

<P align=left>DNA to identify it as synthetic and help trace its</P>

<P align=left>descendants back to their creator, should they go</P>

<P align=left>astray.</P>

<P align=left>The teamnow plans to use the synthetic organism</P>

<P align=left>towork out theminimumnumber of genes needed</P>

<P align=left>for life to exist. From this, new micro-organisms</P>

<P align=left>could be made by bolting on additional genes to</P>

<P align=left>produce useful chemicals, break down pollutants,</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 38</P></B>

<P align=left>or produce proteins for use in vaccines.</P>

<P align=left>Most scientists agree Venter has achieved a technical</P>

<P align=left>feat in synthesizing the largest piece of DNA</P>

<P align=left>so far-a million units in length-and in making</P>

<P align=left>it accurate enough to substitute for the cell's own</P>

<P align=left>DNA.</P>

<P align=left>The US President Barack Obama has asked the</P>

<P align=left>White House bio-ethics commission to complete</P>

<P align=left>a study of the issues raised by synthetic biology</P>

<P align=left>within six months and report back to him on its</P>

<P align=left>findings. He said the new development raised</P>

<P align=left>"genuine concerns," though he did not specify</P>

<P align=left>them further.</P><B>

<P align=left>Indian Discovers New,</P>

<P align=left>More Environmental Friendly</P>

<P align=left>Technique To Extract Rare</P>

<P align=left>Earth Minerals</P></B>

<P align=left>Fears that China may end up ruling a green world</P>

<P align=left>have been partly rested by a technological breakthrough</P>

<P align=left>by an NRI scientist in the field of rare</P>

<P align=left>earthmetals-key components of technologies that</P>

<P align=left>are set to shape our future.</P>

<P align=left>Bhagalpur-born Animesh Jha, a material sciences</P>

<P align=left>professor at Leeds University and an alumnus of</P>

<P align=left>Roorkee University and Indian Institute of Science,</P>

<P align=left>Bangalore, has isolated significant quantities of rare</P>

<P align=left>earth metals while refining low-grade titanium</P>

<P align=left>dioxide-a common mineral.</P>

<P align=left>In the process, he may have soothed the jangly</P>

<P align=left>nerves of governments andmanufacturers of leading-</P>

<P align=left>edge technologies around theworld-in a state</P>

<P align=left>of uncertainty after China, which produces 95 per</P>

<P align=left>cent of theworld's rare earth declared in 2009 that</P>

<P align=left>it was sharply reducing its exports of the metals.</P>

<P align=left>Rare earths-versatile metals that are really not</P>

<P align=left>so rare-have come to dominate growing areas of</P>

<P align=left>people's day-to-day lives around the world. From</P>

<P align=left>laptop hard disks, iPod headphones and mobile</P>

<P align=left>phone speakers to aerospace, defence, medicine,</P>

<P align=left>laser, super-conductivity and atomic energy, rare</P>

<P align=left>earth metals sparkle with endless promise.</P>

<P align=left>Accelerated global attempts to forge a green future</P>

<P align=left>too are tied to supplies of rare earth metals-</P>

<P align=left>they make the strongest magnets on the planet,</P>

<P align=left>which are then used in motors that drive wind</P>

<P align=left>turbines as well as hybrid cars.</P>

<P align=left>There are only 17 rare earth metals, and it is China</P>

<P align=left>where they are mostly found.</P>

<P align=left>It's not as if there are no substantial rare earth deposits</P>

<P align=left>elsewhere around the world: far fromit. But</P>

<P align=left>existing US mines shut down in the mid-1980s,</P>

<P align=left>unable to compete with cheap Chinese exports,</P>

<P align=left>with the supply chain eventuallymoving to China.</P>

<P align=left>And opening new mines is a long and cumbersome</P>

<P align=left>process.</P>

<P align=left>There are also massive environmental concerns</P>

<P align=left>over theway these metals have been extracted (by</P>

<P align=left>acid leaching) in many of the mines. Inner</P>

<P align=left>Mongolia, home to 75 per cent of China's reserves,</P>

<P align=left>is said to resemble a desolate moonscape.</P>

<P align=left>This is where Jha's breakthrough becomes important:</P>

<P align=left>not only is it a potential alternative to Chinese</P>

<P align=left>supplies, but by removing the need to scar</P>

<P align=left>the earth for high grade titanium dioxide, it also</P>

<P align=left>offers a clean solution that chimes inwith attempts</P>

<P align=left>to combat climate change.</P>

<P align=left>Working with half amillion pounds in the laboratories</P>

<P align=left>of the Institute for Materials Research in</P>

<P align=left>Leeds, Jha and his small team of researchers found</P>

<P align=left>that they could extract rare earthmetals at the very</P>

<P align=left>start of the titanium dioxide refining process.</P>

<P align=left>Leeds University says the newprocess could "eventually</P>

<P align=left>shift the balance of power in global supply,</P>

<P align=left>breaking China's near monopoly."</P>

<P align=left>If Jha succeeds in scaling up his process, it could</P>

<P align=left>become a small but important step toward creating</P>

<P align=left>a sustainable world.</P><B>

<P align=left>Space Shuttle Atlantis Lands</P>

<P align=left>For Final Time</P></B>

<P align=left>On May 26, 2010, Atlantis and its six-man crew</P>

<P align=left>landed at Florida's Kennedy Space Center marking</P>

<P align=left>the end of Atlantis' 25 years of service. Only</P>

<P align=left>two shuttlemissions remain, by NASA's two other</P>

<P align=left>spaceships.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 39</P></B>

<P align=left>The space agency would like Atlantis to return to</P>

<P align=left>the International Space Station in June 2011. But</P>

<P align=left>that's not in the cards unless the White House</P>

<P align=left>grants a reprieve.</P>

<P align=left>The space station construction mission boosted</P>

<P align=left>Atlantis' mileage to just over 193 million km, accumulated</P>

<P align=left>over 32 flights. The shuttle and its astronauts</P>

<P align=left>left the outpost bigger and more powerful,</P>

<P align=left>adding a new compartment and fresh batteries.</P>

<P align=left>India & World</P><B>

<P align=left>Visit of President Patil To China</P></B>

<P align=left>Indian President Pratibha Patil visited Beijing from</P>

<P align=left>May 27, 2010. She is the first Indian Head of State</P>

<P align=left>to visit China in a decade. She had been invited by</P>

<P align=left>her Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao and her trip coincided</P>

<P align=left>with the 60th anniversary of the establishment</P>

<P align=left>of diplomatic relations between India and</P>

<P align=left>China.</P>

<P align=left>During her visit, Patil inaugurated China's first</P>

<P align=left>Indian-style Buddhist temple in Luoyang city in</P>

<P align=left>Henan province.</P>

<P align=left>Skirting contentious issues, she held discussions</P>

<P align=left>with the top Chinese leadership. Controversial issues</P>

<P align=left>such as Chinese border incursions, stapled visas</P>

<P align=left>for Kashmiris, Indian visas for Chinese telecom</P>

<P align=left>companies and Sino-Pak ties did not figure in the</P>

<P align=left>discussions. Patil sought Chinese support for New</P>

<P align=left>Delhi's permanent membership of the UNSC during</P>

<P align=left>talks. The Chinese leaders supported India's</P>

<P align=left>aspirations for UNSC permanent seat and assured</P>

<P align=left>the Indian leader that Beijing would back India's</P>

<P align=left>bid in 2011's election for a non-permanent membership</P>

<P align=left>of the UNSC.</P><B>

<P align=left>Pakistan Withdraws Objection</P>

<P align=left>To J-K Power Projects</P></B>

<P align=left>In a significant development, Pakistan, onMay 30,</P>

<P align=left>2010,withdrewits objection to construction of Uri-</P>

<P align=left>II and Chutak hydel power projects in Jammu and</P>

<P align=left>Kashmir. At the IndusWater Commissioner-level</P>

<P align=left>talks in New Delhi, the Pakistani side said it had</P>

<P align=left>no objection to the designs of the two power</P>

<P align=left>projects after the Indian side provided details of</P>

<P align=left>these.</P>

<P align=left>Pakistan had earlier raised objections over the 240</P>

<P align=left>MW Uri-II project being constructed on Jhelum</P>

<P align=left>river in Kashmir valley and the 44 MW Chutak</P>

<P align=left>plant being built on Suru, a tributary of Indus river</P>

<P align=left>in Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir's Ladakh</P>

<P align=left>province. Pakistan had claimed that the projects</P>

<P align=left>would deprive it of its share of water.</P><B>

<P align=left>India,Canada Sign Civil</P>

<P align=left>Nuclear Agreement;Pledge</P>

<P align=left>Coop Against Terror</P></B>

<P align=left>India and Canada on Jun 28 signed the historic Civil</P>

<P align=left>Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and decided to</P>

<P align=left>expedite action on a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation</P>

<P align=left>Agreement (CEPA).</P>

<P align=left>The two countries also signed threeMemorandum</P>

<P align=left>of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in mining,</P>

<P align=left>culture and higher education.</P>

<P align=left>A joint statement issued after the talks said the</P>

<P align=left>two countries had identified renewable energy,</P>

<P align=left>clean technology and energy efficiency as other</P>

<P align=left>priority areas of cooperation.</P>

<P align=left>Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who held talks</P>

<P align=left>with his Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper</P>

<P align=left>here, said both the countries had reaffirmed the</P>

<P align=left>resolve to achieve the annual bilateral trade target</P>

<P align=left>of 15 billion Dollars within the next five years and</P>

<P align=left>encourage two-way flow of investment.</P><B>

<P align=left>Annual Bilateral Trade To 15</P>

<P align=left>Billion Dollars By 2015</P></B>

<P align=left>India and Canada have agreed to achieve an annual</P>

<P align=left>bilateral trade target of 15 billion dollars by</P>

<P align=left>2015 to encourage two-way flow of investments.</P>

<P align=left>Prime Ministers Manmohan Singh and Stephen</P>

<P align=left>Harper welcomed the submission of the report of</P>

<P align=left>the Joint Study Group to study the feasibility of a</P>

<P align=left>Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement</P>

<P align=left>(CEPA), saying that it should be seen as an important</P>

<P align=left>step in bringing the two economies closer together.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 40</P></B>

<P align=left>Both leaders said that they have directed their officials</P>

<P align=left>to examine the report and expedite the next</P>

<P align=left>steps.</P>

<P align=left>A joint statement issued after the bilateral meeting</P>

<P align=left>said that the two leaders were committed to</P>

<P align=left>expanding a range of activities and institutional</P>

<P align=left>frameworks thatwill contribute to the shared goal</P>

<P align=left>of increasing bilateral trade.</P>

<P align=left>Both leaders also committed themselves through</P>

<P align=left>the joint statement to take the next steps in the</P>

<P align=left>Memorandum of Understanding to establish a Joint</P>

<P align=left>Study Group on CEPA.</P>

<P align=left>Welcoming the conclusions of the report in which</P>

<P align=left>substantial potential economic gains have been</P>

<P align=left>identified, the two leaders noted the recommendations</P>

<P align=left>made and said the two countries would</P>

<P align=left>examine the necessary processes for obtaining approvals</P>

<P align=left>immediately and expressed the hope that</P>

<P align=left>this would be completed by October this year.</P>

<P align=left>Both PrimeMinisters'' also announced their commitment</P>

<P align=left>to go ahead with an annual dialogue on</P>

<P align=left>trade and investment at the commerce ministerial</P>

<P align=left>level and also welcomed the possibility of holding</P>

<P align=left>an India-Canada CEORoundtable later in the year.</P>

<P align=left>Both Dr. Singh and Prime Minister Harper said</P>

<P align=left>that they looked forward to the early signing, ratification</P>

<P align=left>and implementation of the Social Security</P>

<P align=left>Agreement, and also noted that the foreign investment</P>

<P align=left>Promotion and Protection Agreement is under</P>

<P align=left>negotiation and looked forward to its early</P>

<P align=left>conclusion.</P>

<P align=left>They said the signing of these two agreements</P>

<P align=left>would significantly contribute to the commercial</P>

<P align=left>and economic interaction between the two countries.</P>

<P align=left>International</P>

<P align=left>Affairs</P><B>

<P align=left>Pakistan Censors Google,</P>

<P align=left>YouTube and Yahoo</P></B>

<P align=left>Pakistan has started to monitor the web for its</P>

<P align=left>blasphemous content. Internet giants like Google,</P>

<P align=left>Yahoo!, Amazon, Bing, Msnm and Hotmail have</P>

<P align=left>come under the scrutiny of Pakistani authorities</P>

<P align=left>for allowing online material that is offensive to</P>

<P align=left>Muslims and the Muslim religion.</P>

<P align=left>Under instructions from the Ministry of Information</P>

<P align=left>Technology, the Authority beganmonitoring</P>

<P align=left>and barring various sites as of 26 June, following a</P>

<P align=left>ruling by a judge in the city of Bahawalpur against</P>

<P align=left>YouTube and eight smaller websites deemed anti-</P>

<P align=left>Islam.</P>

<P align=left>If any particular link with offensive content appears</P>

<P align=left>on these websites, the (link) shall be blocked</P>

<P align=left>immediately without disturbing themainwebsite.</P>

<P align=left>Pakistan claims that it ismonitoring theworldwide</P>

<P align=left>web for national security reasons and that no major</P>

<P align=left>search engine will be censored.</P>

<P align=left>So far, 17 sites deemed anti-Islamand blasphemous</P>

<P align=left>have been blocked, including</P>

<P align=left>, a blog created through</P>

<P align=left>Google's own Blogger service. The site features</P>

<P align=left>postings with headlines such as 'Islam: The Ultimate</P>

<P align=left>Hypocrisy' and links to anti-Islamonline petitions.</P>

<P align=left>Back in May, a top court put a ban on Facebook</P>

<P align=left>amid anger over a webpage that encouraged users</P>

<P align=left>to post images of Islam's Prophet Muhammad.</P>

<P align=left>However, many young Muslim users of the social</P>

<P align=left>networking site reacted negatively to the ban,</P>

<P align=left>which was lifted after two weeks.</P>

<P align=left>The government and the courts of Pakistan base</P>

<P align=left>their decisions on the country's so-called 'Blasphemy</P>

<P align=left>law', introduced 25 years ago by then</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>strongman Zia-ul-Haq. The 'law' imposes respect</P>

<P align=left>for the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran.</P>

<P align=left>The Catholic Church has fought against the law</P>

<P align=left>for many years because it victimises Muslims as</P>

<P align=left>well as members of religious minorities.</P><B>

<P align=left>G-20 Summit Concludes</P></B>

<P align=left>The G-20 Summit concluded on Jun 28 in Toronto</P>

<P align=left>with a commitment to taking concerted actions to</P>

<P align=left>sustain global economic recovery process, create</P>

<P align=left>jobs and achieve stronger, more sustainable and</P>

<P align=left>balanced growth.</P>

<P align=left>A Declaration issued after the conclusion of the</P>

<P align=left>two-day brain-storming sessions said the actions</P>

<P align=left>would be differentiated and tailored to national</P>

<P align=left>circumstances.</P>

<P align=left>With the global economy recovering but debt crisis</P>

<P align=left>persisting in the Euro Zone, the G-20 countries</P>

<P align=left>also called for striking a balance between stimulus</P>

<P align=left>measures to sustain economic expansion and reduce</P>

<P align=left>fiscal deficit.</P>

<P align=left>The Summit also agreed to take different paths for</P>

<P align=left>cutting budget deficits and making their banking</P>

<P align=left>systems safer under the existing circumstances of</P>

<P align=left>an uneven and fragile economic recovery in many</P>

<P align=left>countries.</P>

<P align=left>The leaders attending the Summit agreed that advanced</P>

<P align=left>economies would aim at halving deficits</P>

<P align=left>by 2013 and cut or stabilise the government debtto-</P>

<P align=left>gross domestic product ratios by 2016.</P><B>

<P align=left>India Already Has A Roadmap</P>

<P align=left>To Halve The Deficit By 2013</P></B>

<P align=left>The leaders also discussed ''growth-friendly'' fiscal</P>

<P align=left>consolidation and said measures would have to</P>

<P align=left>be ''tailored'' for individual country's conditions.</P>

<P align=left>While recognising the special ''circumstances of</P>

<P align=left>Japan,'' whose debt-to-GDP ratio is nearly 200</P>

<P align=left>percent, the Summitwelcomed Tokyo's fiscal consolidation</P>

<P align=left>plan and growth strategy.</P>

<P align=left>The G-20 leaders also called for ''greater exchange</P>

<P align=left>rate flexibility in some emerging markets,'' hinting</P>

<P align=left>at their expectations for the Chinese yuan.</P>

<P align=left>Referring to the Doha Round free trade talks, the</P>

<P align=left>Declaration said the G-20 countries would aim at</P>

<P align=left>bringing the talks to ''a balanced and ambitious</P>

<P align=left>conclusion as soon as possible,'' effectively giving</P>

<P align=left>up on their earlier aimto conclude it by the end of</P>

<P align=left>this year.</P>

<P align=left>The G-20 also expressed concern thatwhile on one</P>

<P align=left>hand, growth was returning, the recovery, however,</P>

<P align=left>was uneven and fragile and unemployment</P>

<P align=left>in many countries remained at unacceptable levels.</P>

<P align=left>The Declaration stressed the need for following</P>

<P align=left>through on delivering existing stimulus planswhile</P>

<P align=left>working to create the conditions for robust private</P>

<P align=left>demand.</P>

<P align=left>Asserting that corruption threatened the integrity</P>

<P align=left>of markets, the G-20 agreed to set up a working</P>

<P align=left>group to recommend how to fight corruption.</P>

<P align=left>The G-20 nations also took note of the recent oil</P>

<P align=left>spill in the Gulf of Mexico and called for sharing</P>

<P align=left>best practices to protect the marine environment,</P>

<P align=left>prevent accidents related to offshore exploration.</P><B>

<P align=left>Hung House in Britain</P>

<P align=left>After 36 Years</P></B>

<P align=left>On May 7, 2010, Britain woke up to a hung Parliament,</P>

<P align=left>an election outcome that this country last</P>

<P align=left>experienced in 1974 when the then Prime Minister</P>

<P align=left>Edward Heath tried and failed to persuade the</P>

<P align=left>Liberal Party to join him in a coalition.</P>

<P align=left>The Conservatives under David Cameron emerged</P>

<P align=left>as the single largest party with 306 seats in the</P>

<P align=left>650-member House of Commons, while Labour</P>

<P align=left>bagged 258 and Lib Dems 57.</P>

<P align=left>Eight NRIs won elections, four each from the</P>

<P align=left>Labour Party and the Conservatives. Likewise four</P>

<P align=left>Pakistani-origin MPs, Sadik Khan, Khalid</P>

<P align=left>Mahmood, Anas Sarwar and a woman lawyer</P>

<P align=left>Shabana Mahmood, were successful on behalf of</P>

<P align=left>the Labour Party.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>The LibDems play an extremely important role in</P>

<P align=left>the formation of the next government, although</P>

<P align=left>they have not been able to attract asmany votes as</P>

<P align=left>they hoped for. They were expecting to win more</P>

<P align=left>than 100 seats, but they had to be satisfied with</P>

<P align=left>less than 60. However, despite the poor show, they</P>

<P align=left>still hold the trump card and are destined to play</P>

<P align=left>the role of king-makers.</P>

<P align=left>On May 11, Conservative leader David Cameron</P>

<P align=left>(43), who favours a 'new special relationship'with</P>

<P align=left>India, took charge as Britain's youngest PrimeMinister</P>

<P align=left>in nearly 200 years, heading a coalition with</P>

<P align=left>the support of centrist LibDems, and vowed to put</P>

<P align=left>aside party differences and provide a strong and</P>

<P align=left>decisive government. He made Liberal Democrats</P>

<P align=left>leader Nick Clegg Deputy Prime Minister.</P><B>

<P align=left>EU Steps To</P>

<P align=left>Halt Economic Crisis</P></B>

<P align=left>OnMay 10, 2010, European policymakers unveiled</P>

<P align=left>an unprecedented loan package worth almost $1</P>

<P align=left>trillion and a program of bond purchases to stop a</P>

<P align=left>sovereign-debt crisis that threatened to shatter</P>

<P align=left>confidence in the euro. Following the announcement,</P>

<P align=left>stocks surged around the world, the Euro</P>

<P align=left>strengthened and commodities rallied.</P>

<P align=left>The 16 Euro nations agreed in a statement to offer</P>

<P align=left>as much as 750 billion Euro ($962 billion), including</P>

<P align=left>InternationalMonetary Fund backing, to countries</P>

<P align=left>facing instability and the European Central</P>

<P align=left>Bank said it will buy government and private debt.</P>

<P align=left>The rescue package for Europe's sovereign debtors</P>

<P align=left>came little more than a year after the waning of</P>

<P align=left>the last crisis, caused by the US mortgage-market</P>

<P align=left>collapse, which wreaked $1.8 trillion of global</P>

<P align=left>credit losses and write-downs. UnderUS andAsian</P>

<P align=left>pressure to stabilisemarkets, Europe's governments</P>

<P align=left>bet their showof force would prevent a sovereigndebt</P>

<P align=left>collapse andmuffled speculation the 11-yearold</P>

<P align=left>Euro might break apart.</P>

<P align=left>The new war chest would be used for countries</P>

<P align=left>like Portugal or Spain in case their finances buckle.</P>

<P align=left>Deficits are set to reach 8.5 percent of gross domestic</P>

<P align=left>product in Portugal and 9.8 percent in Spain</P>

<P align=left>in 2010, above the Euro region's 3 percent limit.</P>

<P align=left>Both countries pledged "significant" additional</P>

<P align=left>budget cuts in 2010 and 2011.</P>

<P align=left>The vowto push budget shortfalls belowthe Euro's</P>

<P align=left>3 percent limit echoes promises that have been</P>

<P align=left>regularly broken ever since governments in 1999</P>

<P align=left>set a three-year deadline for achieving balanced</P>

<P align=left>budgets. The Euro region's overall deficit is forecast</P>

<P align=left>at 6.6 percent of gross domestic product in 2010</P>

<P align=left>and 6.1 percent in 2011.</P>

<P align=left>Britain, the EU's third-largest economy, won't contribute</P>

<P align=left>to a Euro rescue fund, though it backs efforts</P>

<P align=left>to restore stability.</P><B>

<P align=left>Now Spain Struggles</P></B>

<P align=left>Spain's socialist government is seeing its political</P>

<P align=left>power erode as it struggles to chart a path out of</P>

<P align=left>deep financial trouble, failing so far to satisfy conflicting</P>

<P align=left>demands to cut its budget and stimulate</P>

<P align=left>job creation.</P>

<P align=left>The coming months could bring far more problems</P>

<P align=left>as Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez</P>

<P align=left>Zapatero reforms the country's labourmarket, risking</P>

<P align=left>national strikes and the loss of support from</P>

<P align=left>trade unions, a core source of his centre-left party's</P>

<P align=left>strength.</P>

<P align=left>Zapatero'sminority government is already running</P>

<P align=left>into serious trouble, although there appears to be</P>

<P align=left>no immediate threat of it falling.</P>

<P align=left>A package of austeritymeasureswas passed by only</P>

<P align=left>one vote in the Parliament's lower chamber onMay</P>

<P align=left>27, 2010. Opposition parties have called for new</P>

<P align=left>elections.</P>

<P align=left>The austerity package aims to cut spending by Euro</P>

<P align=left>15 billion ($18.4 billion) over two years by freezing</P>

<P align=left>pensions and cutting civil servants' wages.</P>

<P align=left>But investors and lenders such as the International</P>

<P align=left>Monetary Fund are demanding that Spain reform</P>

<P align=left>its labour market, overhauling hiring and firing</P>

<P align=left>rules and moving to find jobs for the long-term</P>

<P align=left>unemployed and the young.</P>

<P align=left>Europe's top job creator only two years ago, Spain</P>

<P align=left>nowhas the highest unemployment rate-just over</P>

<P align=left>20 per cent-of the 16 nations that share the Euro</P>

<P align=left>currency.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 43</P></B>

<P align=left>The resulting austerity package, nicknamed the</P>

<P align=left>"scissors action" by Spanish media, was welcomed</P>

<P align=left>by the European Union and the IMF, which said</P>

<P align=left>Spain's "ambitious fiscal consolidation is underway</P>

<P align=left>to reach the three percent GDP deficit target by</P>

<P align=left>2013".</P><B>

<P align=left>US Asks Pak, China To</P>

<P align=left>Follow NSG Rule</P></B>

<P align=left>The US administration has said that civil nuclear</P>

<P align=left>cooperation between Pakistan and China must be</P>

<P align=left>in compliance with rules of the Nuclear Suppliers</P>

<P align=left>Group (NSG) if China proceeds with plans to set</P>

<P align=left>up two new nuclear reactors in Pakistan.</P>

<P align=left>China's decision to sell nuclear reactors to Pakistan,</P>

<P align=left>which has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation</P>

<P align=left>Treaty, is proving to be a litmus test for</P>

<P align=left>President Barack Obama,who has championed the</P>

<P align=left>cause of curbing the spread of nuclear technology.</P>

<P align=left>China has helped Pakistan set up nuclear reactors</P>

<P align=left>since 1991 when China National Nuclear Corporation</P>

<P align=left>(CNNC) entered into a contract with the</P>

<P align=left>Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) to</P>

<P align=left>build Chashma-1, a 325 MWnuclear power reactor.</P>

<P align=left>When it joined the NSG in 2004, China cited a</P>

<P align=left>Sino-Pakistan framework agreement that committed</P>

<P align=left>it to set up a second reactor, Chashma-2, for</P>

<P align=left>Pakistan.</P>

<P align=left>CNNC and PAEC have also worked out a deal to</P>

<P align=left>set up two separate 650MWreactors-Chashma-</P>

<P align=left>3 and Chashma-4.</P>

<P align=left>Analysts say the Obama administration is reluctant</P>

<P align=left>to press China on the matter in case Beijing</P>

<P align=left>responds by dropping its tentative support for sanctions</P>

<P align=left>on Iran.</P>

<P align=left>NSG rules prohibit the sale of sensitive nuclear</P>

<P align=left>technology and materials to nations that have not</P>

<P align=left>joined the NuclearNon-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)</P>

<P align=left>and do not allow internationalmonitoring of their</P>

<P align=left>nuclear activities.</P>

<P align=left>Daryl Kimball, executive director of theArms ControlAssociation,</P>

<P align=left>says the agreement between China</P>

<P align=left>and Pakistan is "deeply troubling because we have</P>

<P align=left>China engaging in civil nuclear trade with a country</P>

<P align=left>that does not meet the requirements of the NSG</P>

<P align=left>for such trade." He said the Obama administration</P>

<P align=left>should insist at the NSG that the Chashma -3 and</P>

<P align=left>-4 projects be discussed and it be determined that</P>

<P align=left>they not be permitted.</P><B>

<P align=left>Iran Ready For Nuke Fuel Swap</P></B>

<P align=left>It's being regarded as amajor diplomatic coup that</P>

<P align=left>could spell the beginning of the end of the isolation</P>

<P align=left>of Iran from world affairs. On the sidelines of</P>

<P align=left>the G-15 summit in May 2010, Iran dramatically</P>

<P align=left>announced that it has arrivedwith Brazil and Turkey</P>

<P align=left>a deal that could possibly break the nuclear</P>

<P align=left>stalemate, stave off sanctions being contemplated</P>

<P align=left>by the UN and the US against Iran and bring the</P>

<P align=left>contentious issue back to the negotiating table.</P>

<P align=left>Under the agreement Tehran will ship 1,200 kg of</P>

<P align=left>low-enriched uranium (LEU) to Turkey in exchange</P>

<P align=left>for fuel for a research reactor. Turkey will</P>

<P align=left>keep Iran's LEU and the IAEA and Iran can monitor</P>

<P align=left>the fuel.</P>

<P align=left>Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation</P>

<P align=left>Treaty regime (NPT) which had enabled it to</P>

<P align=left>received nuclear technology for civilian use from</P>

<P align=left>other NPT signatories, including the US in return</P>

<P align=left>for committing that it would not be diverted or</P>

<P align=left>misused for military purposes. In 2002, Iran was</P>

<P align=left>discovered to have clandestinely set up a uranium</P>

<P align=left>enrichment plant and a heavy water unit without</P>

<P align=left>informing the IAEA. Since then major powers led</P>

<P align=left>by the US have got the UN to impose severe sanctions</P>

<P align=left>and refuses to lift them till Tehran's comes</P>

<P align=left>clean and puts an end to all clandestine use.</P>

<P align=left>Apart fromcurbs on banking and trade, heavy sanctions</P>

<P align=left>had been imposed on some key public sector</P>

<P align=left>enterprises of Iran and the Iranian Revolutionary</P>

<P align=left>Guard Council, the striking arm of the current regime.</P>

<P align=left>Currently Iran is estimated to have 1,500 kg of 3.5</P>

<P align=left>per cent (low) enriched uranium. For running research</P>

<P align=left>reactors like the Tehran facility for medical</P>

<P align=left>purposes, the uranium needs to be medium enriched</P>

<P align=left>to 20 per cent. According to a deal, Iran</P>

<P align=left>would swap 1,200 kg of its stockpile of low-en-</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>riched uraniumin exchange for 120 kg of mediumenriched</P>

<P align=left>uranium that is to be supplied by the</P>

<P align=left>Vienna Group.</P>

<P align=left>For making weapons grade material, uranium has</P>

<P align=left>to be enriched to at least 90 per cent. At least 300</P>

<P align=left>kg of this highly enriched uranium is needed to</P>

<P align=left>develop an atom bomb. By keeping Iran's low enriched</P>

<P align=left>uranium stockpiles to around 3,000 kg, the</P>

<P align=left>world hopes that it would prevent it fromcrossing</P>

<P align=left>the threshold of nuclear material needed to make</P>

<P align=left>a bomb. Reacting to the Iran's dealwith Brazil and</P>

<P align=left>Turkey, the US pointed out that Tehran's decision</P>

<P align=left>to continue with some enrichment of nuclear fuel</P>

<P align=left>is a direct violation of UN Security Council and</P>

<P align=left>that the details of the agreementmust be conveyed</P>

<P align=left>to the International Atomic Energy Agency before</P>

<P align=left>it can be considered by the international community.</P>

<P align=left>UK responded by saying that Iran's actions remain</P>

<P align=left>a serious cause for concern. "There is a need for a</P>

<P align=left>continued effort to impose sanctions."</P>

<P align=left>EU responded by saying that "this is a right direction</P>

<P align=left>but it does not answer all the concerns raised</P>

<P align=left>over Iran's nuclear programme.</P><B>

<P align=left>Tension Between Koreas</P>

<P align=left>Escalates</P></B>

<P align=left>On May 24, 2010, South Korea announced steps to</P>

<P align=left>tighten the vice on the North's already stumbling</P>

<P align=left>economy in punishment for sinking one of its navy</P>

<P align=left>ships, with both sides stepping up their war-like</P>

<P align=left>rhetoric.</P>

<P align=left>The United States, which backs Seoul, warned that</P>

<P align=left>the situation was "highly precarious". China, the</P>

<P align=left>North's only major ally, urged calm. The mounting</P>

<P align=left>tension followed report by international investigators</P>

<P align=left>accusing the North of torpedoing the</P>

<P align=left>Cheonan corvette in March 2010, killing 46 sailors</P>

<P align=left>in one of the deadliest clashes between the two</P>

<P align=left>since the 1950-53 KoreanWar.</P>

<P align=left>The United States, which has 28,000 troops on the</P>

<P align=left>peninsula, threw its full support behind South</P>

<P align=left>Korea and said it was working hard to stop the</P>

<P align=left>situation from escalating.</P>

<P align=left>Few analysts believe either Korea would dare go</P>

<P align=left>to war. The North's military is no match for the</P>

<P align=left>technically superior South Korean and US forces.</P>

<P align=left>And for the South, conflict would put investors to</P>

<P align=left>flight.</P>

<P align=left>Miscellaneous</P><B>

<P align=left>First Indian To Sail Solo</P>

<P align=left>Around The World</P></B>

<P align=left>On May 22, 2010, Commander Dilip Donde of the</P>

<P align=left>Indian Navy became the first Indian ever to circumnavigate</P>

<P align=left>the globe solo on a sail-boat when he</P>

<P align=left>steered into the Mumbai harbour after his arduous</P>

<P align=left>effort spanning a little over nine months.</P>

<P align=left>Commander Dilip Donde, who started the voyage</P>

<P align=left>on August 19 2009 on INSVMhadei, touched base</P>

<P align=left>back in India at the Sunk Rock Light House in</P>

<P align=left>Mumbai. His boat was ceremonially escorted by a</P>

<P align=left>fast attack craft of the Indian Navy, along with</P>

<P align=left>speedboats and two tugs operating theirwater cannons.</P>

<P align=left>Vice-President Hamid Ansari, along with</P>

<P align=left>Chief ofNaval Staff Admiral Nirmal Kumar Verma</P>

<P align=left>and Donde's family members, who were on board</P>

<P align=left>INS Delhi, anchored at the finish line, witnessed</P>

<P align=left>the historic moment and gave him a rousing reception.</P>

<P align=left>The 56-foot-longMhadei,with 23-tonne displacement,</P>

<P align=left>is the first fibreglass yacht constructed entirely</P>

<P align=left>in India and boasts of state-of-the-art navigation</P>

<P align=left>and communication equipment. The 276-</P>

<P align=left>day voyage was part of the Navy's daunting Sagar</P>

<P align=left>Parikrama project, which aims to revive the old</P>

<P align=left>tradition of sea faring.</P>

<P align=left>The 42-year-old officer covered 21,600 nautical</P>

<P align=left>miles sailing in the seas to achieve the milestone.</P>

<P align=left>He sailed through the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic</P>

<P align=left>Ocean and the Arabian Sea. He also sailed along</P>

<P align=left>the Equator. He made only four halts during the</P>

<P align=left>voyage, at Fremantle-Australia, Christchurch-New</P>

<P align=left>Zealand, Port Stanley-Falkland Islands and Cape</P>

<P align=left>Town-South Africa. Donde had trained for the</P>

<P align=left>expedition with legendary Sir Robin Knox-</P>

<P align=left>Johnston, the first man to sail solo and non-stop</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

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<P align=left>round the world in 1968-69.</P>

<P align=left>The world record for the fastest solo circumnavigation</P>

<P align=left>was set in January 2008 by Frenchman</P>

<P align=left>Francis Joyon, at 67 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes</P>

<P align=left>and 6 seconds.</P><B>

<P align=left>Kapadia, Justice Sarosh Homi</P></B>

<P align=left>He has been appointed as the 38th Chief Justice of</P>

<P align=left>India. Hailing from a poor family, Justice Kapadia</P>

<P align=left>replaced Justice Balakrishnan.</P>

<P align=left>Born on September 29, 1947, he is the first CJI born</P>

<P align=left>in post independence era. An erudite man with a</P>

<P align=left>keen interest in Economics, Public Finance, Theoretical</P>

<P align=left>Physics and Hindu and Buddhist philosophies,</P>

<P align=left>he would remain at the helm of the judiciary</P>

<P align=left>till September 29, 2012. He started his career</P>

<P align=left>as a class IV employee and possesses integrity as</P>

<P align=left>"the only asset".</P>

<P align=left>Justice Kapadiawas part of the Constitution bench</P>

<P align=left>that in January 2007 declared that laws placed</P>

<P align=left>under the protective umbrella of the Ninth Schedule</P>

<P align=left>of the Constitution were open to judicial review.</P><B>

<P align=left>BRO Turns 50</P></B>

<P align=left>Exactly 50 years ago, on May 5, 1960, with war</P>

<P align=left>clouds gathering on the Sino-Indian border,</P>

<P align=left>Jawaharlal Nehru created the Border Roads</P>

<P align=left>Organisation (BRO), an inter-ministerial task force</P>

<P align=left>that has become an Indian exemplar of grit and</P>

<P align=left>fortitude. Thanks to over 48,000 kilometres of BRO</P>

<P align=left>roads, soldiers now drive to far-flung border pickets</P>

<P align=left>that earlier involved days of marching.</P>

<P align=left>Since the time the BRO's first chief, the dashing</P>

<P align=left>Major General KartarNath Dubey, pushed through</P>

<P align=left>the first roads to Tawang and Chushul in the early</P>

<P align=left>1960s, the BRO has become a reassuring presence</P>

<P align=left>on India's borders. Every spring, it cuts through</P>

<P align=left>walls of snow in high-altitude passes to clear 95</P>

<P align=left>roads, like the Srinagar-Kargil highway. The BRO</P>

<P align=left>is over-seeing the 8.8-km long Rohtang tunnel,</P>

<P align=left>which will allow traffic to Lahaul-Spiti to flow</P>

<P align=left>around the year. It has constructed 19 border airfields</P>

<P align=left>and 400 major bridges. It is currently working</P>

<P align=left>on 699 roads, having a total length of 28,000</P>

<P align=left>km.</P>

<P align=left>However, even on the BRO's Golden Jubilee, an</P>

<P align=left>ambitious expansion of India's border road network</P>

<P align=left>remains stymied by archaic laws and a crippling</P>

<P align=left>lack of urgency. The challenge before the BRO-</P>

<P align=left>triggered by China's dramatic expansion of road</P>

<P align=left>and rail links in Tibet-is the Strategic Accelerated</P>

<P align=left>Road Development Programme (SARDP)</P>

<P align=left>planned by the Ministry of Road Transport and</P>

<P align=left>Highways. Under this, the BRO will build doublelane</P>

<P align=left>roads from each State capital in the northeast</P>

<P align=left>to each of that State's district headquarters.</P>

<P align=left>That involves building 38 roads, approximately</P>

<P align=left>2,812 kmlong, within the next five years. In addition,</P>

<P align=left>the government has recently handed the BRO</P>

<P align=left>responsibility for the Arunachal Package, which</P>

<P align=left>involves building another 812 km of roads in the</P>

<P align=left>State that China calls "Southern Tibet".</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -3 Current Relevant Facts</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 46</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 47</P></B>

<P align=left>Badminton</P><B>

<P align=left>Saina Wins</P>

<P align=left>Indian Open Grand Prix</P></B>

<P align=left>Top seed Saina Nehwal of India</P>

<P align=left>rallied to beat Malaysian</P>

<P align=left>Mew Choo Wong 20-22, 21-</P>

<P align=left>14, 21-12 and win the Yonex-</P>

<P align=left>Sunrise IndiaOpen Grand Prix</P>

<P align=left>badminton tournament in</P>

<P align=left>Chennai on June 13.</P>

<P align=left>World No.6 Saina came back strongly in the title</P>

<P align=left>clash after losing the first game and stepped up</P>

<P align=left>the gas against the second-seeded Malaysian in the</P>

<P align=left>next two games, with the home crowd cheering</P>

<P align=left>for her.</P><B>

<P align=left>Saina Clinches Super Series</P>

<P align=left>Singapore Title</P></B>

<P align=left>Ace Indian shuttler Saina Nehwal clinched the</P>

<P align=left>second Super Series title of her career by winning</P>

<P align=left>the Singapore Openwith a straight-game triumph</P>

<P align=left>over qualifier Tzu Ying Tai in the finals in</P>

<P align=left>Singapore on June 20.</P>

<P align=left>Saina took just 33minutes to beat Chinese Taipei's</P>

<P align=left>Tai 21-18 21-15 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.</P>

<P align=left>The world number six had bagged her maiden Super</P>

<P align=left>Series title in June last year when she claimed</P>

<P align=left>the top honours at the Indonesian Open.</P><B>

<P align=left>Saina Nehwal Now World No.3</P></B>

<P align=left>India's Saina Nehwal scaled a new high when she</P>

<P align=left>shot up three places to World. No 3 in the latest</P>

<P align=left>Sports World</P>

<P align=left>rankings released by the Badminton World Federation.</P>

<P align=left>Saina won back-to-back titles India Open Grand</P>

<P align=left>Prix and the Singapore Open Super Series and</P>

<P align=left>marched ahead of three Chinese players in the</P>

<P align=left>women's singles charts for her career-best ranking.</P>

<P align=left>The fiercely competitive 20-year-old, who has</P>

<P align=left>taken on China's domination in the sport, quite</P>

<P align=left>like Prakash Padukone in his heydays, now finds</P>

<P align=left>herself amidst a riot of red Chinense flags. Saina is</P>

<P align=left>the lone non-Chinese player in the top six list.</P>

<P align=left>China's YihanWang tops the list followed by Xin</P>

<P align=left>Wang. Saina pushed behind ShixianWang,Wang</P>

<P align=left>Lin and Jiang Yanjiao, who all went down by one</P>

<P align=left>place.</P>

<P align=left>Saina's previous best was the fifth position she attained</P>

<P align=left>in March after becoming the first Indian</P>

<P align=left>woman to reach the semifinals of All England Super</P>

<P align=left>Series Championships.</P>

<P align=left>Saina is a strong favourite for a third title in three</P>

<P align=left>weeks as she advanced to the quarterfinals of the</P>

<P align=left>IndonesianOpen Super Series in Jakarta going past</P>

<P align=left>Bulgaria's Petya Nedelcheva 21-9, 21-15.</P>

<P align=left>The Indian, who is the top seed and the defending</P>

<P align=left>champion at the IndonesianOpen, hasmany firsts</P>

<P align=left>to her name since making a stellar start to her international</P>

<P align=left>career bywinning the PhilipinnesOpen</P>

<P align=left>in 2006. She is the first Indianwoman to reach the</P>

<P align=left>quarterfinals of the Beijing olympics, besides winning</P>

<P align=left>two Super Series events, and also the first</P>

<P align=left>Indian towin theWorld Junior Badminton Championships</P>

<P align=left>in 2008.</P>

<P align=left>Aditi Mutatkar is the next Indian in the women's</P>

<P align=left>singles rankings, climbing one spot to 32nd place.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -4 (SPORTS)</P>

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<P align=left>In themen's chart, ChetanAnand is the top-ranked</P>

<P align=left>Idian at 16. Parupalli Kashyap, who made it to the</P>

<P align=left>semifinal of the Singapore Open Super Series, improved</P>

<P align=left>his ranking to 27, jumping five places.</P>

<P align=left>Arvind Bhat went up two places to 28 while</P>

<P align=left>Gurusaidutt moved to 44, jumping eight places.</P><B>

<P align=left>Super Saina Shines Supreme</P></B>

<P align=left>Saina Nehwal, the poster girl of Indian badminton,</P>

<P align=left>dazzled at the Djarum Indonesia Open Super</P>

<P align=left>Series, retained the crown on Jun 27, 2010 and</P>

<P align=left>landed her third title in the last 19 days.</P>

<P align=left>Riding on her splendid form, the Indian ace</P>

<P align=left>downed Sayaka Sato of Japan 21-19, 13-21, 21-11</P>

<P align=left>in the final to cap a successful three weeks which</P>

<P align=left>startedwith the Indian OpenGrand Prix Gold title</P>

<P align=left>on the second Sunday of June.</P>

<P align=left>The moment she won the championship point,</P>

<P align=left>Saina pumped her fist in delight, closed her eyes</P>

<P align=left>to quietly celebrate themoment and slowlywalked</P>

<P align=left>towards her opponent for the customary handshake.</P>

<P align=left>Saina has now trained her eyes on the World</P>

<P align=left>Championships to be held in Paris from Aug 23 to</P>

<P align=left>29.</P>

<P align=left>Tennis</P><B>

<P align=left>Italy's Schiavone Won</P>

<P align=left>French Open</P></B>

<P align=left>Smiling Francesca Schiavone</P>

<P align=left>made history for Italy as she defeated</P>

<P align=left>Australian Samantha</P>

<P align=left>Stosur 6-4, 7-6 (7-2) to win the</P>

<P align=left>French Open on June 5.</P>

<P align=left>The 29-year-old from Milan is</P>

<P align=left>the first Italian woman to lift a</P>

<P align=left>Grand Slam trophy and is the first Italian player</P>

<P align=left>overall to play a final at the majors since Adriano</P>

<P align=left>Panatta won Paris in 1976.</P>

<P align=left>Schiavone dominated on the clay against the seventh-</P>

<P align=left>seeded Stosur, who reached the semi-finals a</P>

<P align=left>year ago.</P>

<P align=left>Schiavone, seeded 17th, and now 24-65 in her career</P>

<P align=left>against Top 10 opponents, triumphed on the</P>

<P align=left>first of four match points in the tie-breaker.</P>

<P align=left>The best previous result at Roland Garros by an</P>

<P align=left>Italianwoman was in 1954, when Silvia Lazzarino</P>

<P align=left>lost a semi-final against Maureen Connolly.</P>

<P align=left>The Italian will rise to a No 6 ranking according to</P>

<P align=left>theWTA, taking over as top Italian. Schiavone was</P>

<P align=left>playing the event for the tenth time.</P><B>

<P align=left>Nadal Clinches Fifth French Title</P></B>

<P align=left>Rafael Nadal clinched his fifth</P>

<P align=left>French Open title by beating Robin</P>

<P align=left>Soderling of Sweden 6-4, 6-2, 6-4</P>

<P align=left>in the final in Paris on June 6.</P>

<P align=left>The victory avenged the Spaniard's</P>

<P align=left>defeat at Roland Garros last year</P>

<P align=left>when he lost to Soderling in the</P>

<P align=left>fourth round - his only defeat at an event where</P>

<P align=left>he had won his 37 other matches.</P><B>

<P align=left>Queen's Baton Arrives in India</P></B>

<P align=left>The Queen's Baton Relay for</P>

<P align=left>the 2010 Commonwealth</P>

<P align=left>Games (CWG) arrived in India</P>

<P align=left>from Pakistan via the</P>

<P align=left>Wagah Border on on June 25.</P>

<P align=left>The baton entered India at 9.30 a.m.</P>

<P align=left>The Commonwealth Games Organising Committee</P>

<P align=left>head, Suresh Kalmadi, received the baton from</P>

<P align=left>his Pakistani counterpart, Lt General Syed Arif</P>

<P align=left>Hassan.</P>

<P align=left>The baton will cover most states and union territories,</P>

<P align=left>travelling a distance of over 20,000 km, before</P>

<P align=left>finally reaching New Delhi on September 30.</P>

<P align=left>TheQueen''s Baton relay is a torch race symbolising</P>

<P align=left>the unity and shared ideals of the Commonwealth</P>

<P align=left>of nations. It carries a message from the head of</P>

<P align=left>the Commonwealth of Nations, currently Queen</P>

<P align=left>Elizabeth II of the UK.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -4 (SPORTS)</P>

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<P align=left>The baton has the ability to capture images and</P>

<P align=left>sound as it travels throughout the nations of the</P>

<P align=left>Commonwealth.With Global Positioning System</P>

<P align=left>(GPS) technology, it can be tracked through exact</P>

<P align=left>location.</P>

<P align=left>Archery</P><B>

<P align=left>India Win Gold</P>

<P align=left>in World Cup Archery</P></B>

<P align=left>The Indian troika of Rahul Banerjee,Mangal Singh</P>

<P align=left>Champia and Jayanta Talukdar hit their arrows</P>

<P align=left>with precision to ensure a recurve gold medal for</P>

<P align=left>the country in the world cup Archery (stage II) on</P>

<P align=left>June 10 I Antalya (Turkey). The Indians bettered</P>

<P align=left>the United States 218-214 in the final.</P>

<P align=left>The Indian trio proved too good for the Americans</P>

<P align=left>and maintained the lead throughout the final</P>

<P align=left>to win the first gold medal of the series.</P>

<P align=left>India led 54-50 in the first end of six arrows to</P>

<P align=left>take a commanding four point lead. In the second</P>

<P align=left>end of six arrows, however, the Indians surrendered</P>

<P align=left>three points (51-54) to be ahead by only one</P>

<P align=left>point.</P>

<P align=left>In the third end of six arrows, Banrejee and</P>

<P align=left>Champia hit the bull's eye twice as the Indians finished</P>

<P align=left>57-53 to open up an overall five point lead</P>

<P align=left>162-157.</P>

<P align=left>India went down by one point 56-57 in the final</P>

<P align=left>end of six arrows, but won the contest 218-214.</P>

<P align=left>In the PorecWorld Cup inMay, India had to settle</P>

<P align=left>for a silver after going down to Italy.</P>

<P align=left>Boxing</P><B>

<P align=left>Asian Women's Championship</P></B>

<P align=left>The AsianWomen's Championships were held in</P>

<P align=left>Astana, Kazakhistan, in May 2010. Kazakhstan</P>

<P align=left>topped the medals tally with eight gold medals.</P>

<P align=left>China won themost medals in total-10, followed</P>

<P align=left>Korea and India amassing eight medals each.</P>

<P align=left>Chess</P><B>

<P align=left>World Title, 2010</P></B>

<P align=left>Viswanathan Anand held his nerve and focus better</P>

<P align=left>than his opponent, Veselin Topalov, towin the</P>

<P align=left>12th and final game to retain his World Championships</P>

<P align=left>title.</P>

<P align=left>The 40-year-old Indian beat the local man from</P>

<P align=left>Bulgaria in the closing game with black pieces, to</P>

<P align=left>emerge a 6.5-5.5 winner and seal his place as a</P>

<P align=left>dominant player of his era.</P>

<P align=left>Anand first won the world title in 2000 and held it</P>

<P align=left>till 2002 when the chess world was still split. He</P>

<P align=left>became the undisputed World champion in 2007</P>

<P align=left>and then retained the title in 2008 when he beat</P>

<P align=left>Vladimir Kramnik.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -4 (SPORTS)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 50</P>

<P align=left>Commonwealth Championship</P></B>

<P align=left>Grandmaster R.R. Laxman clinched his career best</P>

<P align=left>win and bagged the gold after beating GM Pablo</P>

<P align=left>Lafuente of Argentina at the Parsvnath Commonwealth</P>

<P align=left>Chess Championship.</P>

<P align=left>In the open category, Grandmaster Maletin Pavel</P>

<P align=left>of Russia signed peace with International Master</P>

<P align=left>Lalith Babu on the top board towin the title. Both</P>

<P align=left>Pavel and Laxman had nine points after 11 rounds,</P>

<P align=left>but the former had the better tie-break record on</P>

<P align=left>Bucholz count. The Russianwas not in contention</P>

<P align=left>in the Commonwealth category.</P>

<P align=left>In the women's category, D. Harika outwitted IM</P>

<P align=left>Tania Sachdev on account of superior tie-break.</P>

<P align=left>Cricket</P><B>

<P align=left>T20 World Cup, 2010</P></B>

<P align=left>Chasing a challenging target of 148 runs, England</P>

<P align=left>defeated Australia by seven wickets towin the T20</P>

<P align=left>World Cup. The tournament was held in West</P>

<P align=left>Indies.</P>

<P align=left>Australia's women held their nerves in a low-scoring</P>

<P align=left>final as they beat New Zealand by three runs</P>

<P align=left>to lift the Women's T20 World cup title.</P><B>

<P align=left>West Indies-South Africa</P>

<P align=left>One-Day series</P></B>

<P align=left>South Africa defeated West Indies by 67 runs in</P>

<P align=left>the thirdmatch towin the series. Theywent on to</P>

<P align=left>win the fourth match also. South Africa beatWest</P>

<P align=left>Indies by seven wickets.</P><B>

<P align=left>England-Bangladesh Test series</P></B>

<P align=left>England beat Bangladesh by five wickets in the</P>

<P align=left>first Test of the series, played at Lords, to be oneup</P>

<P align=left>in the two-Test series.</P>

<P align=left>Football</P><B>

<P align=left>Premier League</P></B>

<P align=left>Chelsea has won the title by a single point. They</P>

<P align=left>have swept back the trophy after four years.</P><B>

<P align=left>Champions League, 2010</P></B>

<P align=left>A goal in each half by Argentina striker Diego</P>

<P align=left>Militi helped InterMilan overcome BayernMunich</P>

<P align=left>2-0 in the Champions League final.</P>

<P align=left>Hockey</P><B>

<P align=left>Sultan Azlan Shah Cup, 19th</P></B>

<P align=left>India and South Korea were named joint champions</P>

<P align=left>after the final match was abandoned following</P>

<P align=left>heavy rains in Malaysia. For defending champions</P>

<P align=left>India it was their fifth win, matching Australia,</P>

<P align=left>while for Asian champions South Korea this</P>

<P align=left>was their second title win; they had last won the</P>

<P align=left>cup in 1996.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -4 (SPORTS)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 51</P></B>

<P align=left>Table Tennis</P><B>

<P align=left>Ovtcharov And Hirano</P>

<P align=left>Win Indian Open</P></B>

<P align=left>Germany's Dimitrij Ovtcharov and Sayako Hirano</P>

<P align=left>of Japan the men's and women's titles in the Indian</P>

<P align=left>Open ITTF Pro Tour table tennis tournament</P>

<P align=left>at the Yamuna Sports Complex in New Delhi</P>

<P align=left>on june 20.</P>

<P align=left>Top seed Ovtcharov, ranked 15, beat Korean Seo</P>

<P align=left>HyunDeok 11-4, 11-9, 11-2, 11-5 in the finalwhile</P>

<P align=left>Hirano got the better of Singaporean Yu Mengyu</P>

<P align=left>11-7, 11-6, 11-8, 11-7.</P>

<P align=left>Earlier, Ovtcharov, beat India's Sharath Kamal 11-</P>

<P align=left>4, 11-6, 11-8, 11-4 in the semifinal.</P>

<P align=left>Korea's Lee Sang Su and Seo Hyun Deok won the</P>

<P align=left>men's doubles title beating Gao Ning and Yang Zi</P>

<P align=left>of Singapore 13-11, 14-12, 11-9, 4-11, 6-11, 11-9.</P>

<P align=left>In the women's doubles final, Chinese Cheng IChing</P>

<P align=left>and Huang Yi-Hua defeated Li Jiao and Li</P>

<P align=left>Jie of Netherlands 11-8, 12-14, 6-11, 12-10, 11-4,</P>

<P align=left>11-6.</P><B>

<P align=left>World Team Championship</P></B>

<P align=left>Chinese fans were left in shock after their women</P>

<P align=left>paddlers failed towin the gold medal at theWorld</P>

<P align=left>Team Table Tennis Championships for the first</P>

<P align=left>time since 1991.</P>

<P align=left>The Chinese trio of Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen and</P>

<P align=left>Guo Yan fell to their Singaporean counterparts 3-</P>

<P align=left>1 in the final inMoscowas Singapore claimed their</P>

<P align=left>first title in the event.</P>

<P align=left>Wrestling</P><B>

<P align=left>Sushil, Narshing Win Gold</P>

<P align=left>in Asian Wrestling</P></B>

<P align=left>Olympic bronze medallist Sushil Kumar lived up</P>

<P align=left>to his reputation as he bagged a gold in men's 66kg</P>

<P align=left>freestyle in the Senior Asian Wrestling Championships</P>

<P align=left>held at New Delhi. Narshing Yadavwon a</P>

<P align=left>gold in the 74kg freestyle category.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -4 (SPORTS)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 52</P></B>

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<P align=left>AWARDS</P><B>

<P align=left>Limca People of the Year</P></B>

<P align=left>RahulDravid, Kiran Karnik new</P>

<P align=left>Limca People of the</P>

<P align=left>Year</P>Cricketer Rahul Dravid

<P align=left>and</P>

<P align=left>IT czar Kiran Karnik were on a</P>

<P align=left>list of Indian achievers named in</P>

<P align=left>the Limca Books of Records,</P>

<P align=left>2010, unveiled onJune 28 in three</P>

<P align=left>languages.</P>

<P align=left>The achievements covered a wide range of disciplines</P>

<P align=left>ranging from physical feats, sports, creative</P>

<P align=left>arts, environment, business and social interest</P>

<P align=left>projects in 21 chapters with photographs.</P>

<P align=left>The book launched in 1990 has 10,000 feats and</P>

<P align=left>6,000 new records in this edition.</P>

<P align=left>Six eminent Indians -- Anand Mahindra of</P>

<P align=left>Mahindra and Mahindra; Rahul Dravid, former</P>

<P align=left>captain of the Indian cricket team; Kiran Karnik,</P>

<P align=left>former president of NASSCOM; Anjolie Ela</P>

<P align=left>Menon, leading contemporary artist; Justice J.S.</P>

<P align=left>Verma, former chief justice of India; and Lalitha</P>

<P align=left>Regi, human rights activist -- and Shankar</P>

<P align=left>Netralaya, leading non-profit eye care institution,</P>

<P align=left>were declared Limca People of the Year.</P>

<P align=left>The achievers of the year were chosen byMP H.K.</P>

<P align=left>Dua and professor Dipankar Gupta. They were introduced</P>

<P align=left>by host Barry O'Brien.</P>

<P align=left>Bangalore-based scientist Ramesh Babu, the holder</P>

<P align=left>of 39 Limca records since 1991 - the highest so far</P>

<P align=left>- was presented two tickets for the FIFA world</P>

<P align=left>cup final in South Africa to be played July 12.</P>

<P align=left>The feats are amazing. Sample this: 10-year-old</P>

<P align=left>Yash Mukhija, the youngest among three generations</P>

<P align=left>of professional magicians has been performing</P>

<P align=left>complex tricks blindfolded since he was twoand-</P>

<P align=left>half years old.</P>

<P align=left>Yash, who has 25 magic acts in his repertoire, can</P>

<P align=left>cycle, play cricket, assemble toys and pass thread</P>

<P align=left>through the eye of the needle blindfolded.</P>

<P align=left>G. Lele of Pune has collected 40 letters from different</P>

<P align=left>heads of states in a period of two months</P>

<P align=left>betweenMarch and May 2009while formerUnion</P>

<P align=left>minister Arjun Singh's biographer Vihsnu Rajoria</P>

<P align=left>holds the record for the longest biography of the</P>

<P align=left>politician in eight volumes. Such milestones are</P>

<P align=left>galore, each more difficult than the other.</P>

<P align=left>The publisher plans to host Limca Book of Records</P>

<P align=left>Quiz across 100 schools in the country involving</P>

<P align=left>3,500 students to promote knowledge and foster</P>

<P align=left>the spirit of innovation.</P><B>

<P align=left>National Technology</P>

<P align=left>Award, 2010</P></B>

<P align=left>A pioneer in processing rice bran oil, A.R. Sharma,</P>

<P align=left>who comes from dusty town of Dhuri in Sangrur</P>

<P align=left>district, has been honoured with the national</P>

<P align=left>award by the Technology Development Board of</P>

<P align=left>the Ministry of Science and Technology. Former</P>

<P align=left>President Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam presented the</P>

<P align=left>award-Rs 10 lakh and a trophy-to him.</P>

<P align=left>Sharma is the chairman-cum-managing director of</P>

<P align=left>the A.P. Organics (P) Ltd, a part of Rs 500-crore</P>

<P align=left>A.P. Solvex Group of Companies. The group is the</P>

<P align=left>largest producer of refined rice bran oil, a healthfriendly</P>

<P align=left>cooking oil produced fromthe outer brown</P>

<P align=left>layer of rice.</P>

<P align=left>For the past over 50 years, the rice bran oil is being</P>

<P align=left>used as a premium cooking oil in countries like</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -5 (Awards)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 54</P></B>

<P align=left>Japan, Korea, China and Thailand. In Japan, it is</P>

<P align=left>popularly known as "Heart Oil" because of its scientifically</P>

<P align=left>proven cholesterol-lowering properties.</P>

<P align=left>India is the second largest producer of paddy in</P>

<P align=left>theworld, having potential to produce over 12 lakh</P>

<P align=left>tonnes per annum of this healthy cooking oil. Unfortunately,</P>

<P align=left>it is used in India more in producing</P>

<P align=left>soaps and detergents than as a nutritious and</P>

<P align=left>healthy cooking oil.</P><B>

<P align=left>"Lost" Booker Prize</P></B>

<P align=left>Late author </P>J.G. Farrell

<P align=left>has been</P>

<P align=left>honoured for his novel Troubles,</P>

<P align=left>40 years after it was first published,</P>

<P align=left>in an unusual take on</P>

<P align=left>Britain'smost prestigious literary</P>

<P align=left>award, the Booker Prize.</P>

<P align=left>He scooped The Lost Booker</P>

<P align=left>Prize, an award for books from</P>

<P align=left>1970 which missed out the first</P>

<P align=left>time around because of a rule</P>

<P align=left>change in 1971. Previously the prize, which began</P>

<P align=left>in 1969, was retrospective, meaning the 1970</P>

<P align=left>award went to novels published the previous</P>

<P align=left>year-but the 1971 prize went to those published</P>

<P align=left>in 1971.</P><B>

<P align=left>DHL and Blue Dart wins</P>

<P align=left>Trusted Brand 2010 Awards</P></B>

<P align=left>DHL, theworld's leading express and logistics company</P>

<P align=left>and Blue Dart, South Asia's premier number</P>

<P align=left>one express air and integrated transportation, distribution</P>

<P align=left>and logistics Company, have once again</P>

<P align=left>been voted as two of India'smost trusted brands in</P>

<P align=left>the 'Airfreight/Courier Service' category at the</P>

<P align=left>Annual Trusted BrandsAwards 2010 organized by</P>

<P align=left>Reader's Digest. The Brands were recognized in</P>

<P align=left>the midst of a gala ceremony held at Hotel ITC</P>

<P align=left>Grand Central, Mumbai on 29th June, 2010.</P>

<P align=left>DHL and Blue Dart have received the Gold Award</P>

<P align=left>in India in recognition of their market-leading</P>

<P align=left>positions and strong brand appeal. Continuing their</P>

<P align=left>winning streak, this year's winmarks the 4th Gold</P>

<P align=left>for DHL and 5th Gold for Blue Dart consecutively,</P>

<P align=left>in India. DHL has also clinched the overall Gold</P>

<P align=left>Award for Asia for the second year running, along</P>

<P align=left>with six other Asian countries.</P><B>

<P align=left>IOC issued 2010 Women</P>

<P align=left>and Sport Awards</P></B>

<P align=left>The International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued</P>

<P align=left>the 2010 Women and Sport Awards to six</P>

<P align=left>exceptional personalities who havemade a significant</P>

<P align=left>difference to boosting the development, participation</P>

<P align=left>and involvement of women and girls in</P>

<P align=left>sport around the world.</P>

<P align=left>The winners of the 2010 awards -</P>

<P align=left>- five women and one man -- include</P>

<P align=left>formerOlympic medallists,</P>

<P align=left>sports leaders and political decision-</P>

<P align=left>makers.</P>

<P align=left>The IOC World Trophy went to</P>

<P align=left>Erica Terpstra </P>

<P align=left>of the Netherlands,</P>

<P align=left>twice an Olympic medallist</P>

<P align=left>in swimming.</P>

<P align=left>Terpstra went on to serve sport after her athletics</P>

<P align=left>career. As president of the Netherlands Olympic</P>

<P align=left>Committee, she used her influence and position to</P>

<P align=left>involve all members of Dutch society in sport and</P>

<P align=left>to promote a tolerant and equal environment in</P>

<P align=left>sports associations throughout the country.</P>

<P align=left>The five Continental Trophies were won by</P>

<P align=left>Germaine Manguet (Guinea) for Africa, Leslie</P>

<P align=left>McDonald (Canada) for the Americas, Yuko</P>

<P align=left>Arimori (Japan) for Asia, Grete Waitz (Norway)</P>

<P align=left>for Europe and Susan Simcock (New Zealand) for</P>

<P align=left>Oceania respectively.</P><B>

<P align=left>Sangeet Natak awards for</P>

<P align=left>Meina, Indu and</P>

<P align=left>Shyamkanhai</P></B>

<P align=left>Moirangthem Meina Singh in Nata Sankirtana,</P>

<P align=left>Hanglem Indu Devi in Manipuri dance and</P>

<P align=left>TakhellambamShyamkanhai Singh inWari Leeba</P>

<P align=left>from Manipur were among 32 young artistes of</P>

<P align=left>India selected for Ustad Bismillah Yuva Puraskar</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -5 (Awards)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 55</P></B>

<P align=left>2009 of Sangeet Natak Akademi, the National</P>

<P align=left>Academy for Music, Dance and Drama.</P>

<P align=left>Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar carries a purse</P>

<P align=left>money of Rs 25,000/-. The Ustad Bismillah Khan</P>

<P align=left>Yuva Puraskar, given to artistes below the age of</P>

<P align=left>35 years, was introduced in the year 2006 with</P>

<P align=left>the objective of identifying and encouraging outstanding</P>

<P align=left>young talents in diverse fields of performing</P>

<P align=left>arts and giving them national recognition early</P>

<P align=left>in their life, so that they may work with greater</P>

<P align=left>commitment and dedication in their chosen fields.</P>

<P align=left>Nine artistes includingMoirangthemMeina Singh</P>

<P align=left>were selected in the field of music; eight artistes</P>

<P align=left>including Hanglem Indu Devi in dance, eight in</P>

<P align=left>theatre and seven including Takhellambam</P>

<P align=left>Shyamkanhai Singh in traditional/ folk/tribal</P>

<P align=left>dance/music/theatre and puppetry.</P><B>

<P align=left>India Business Leader of the</P>

<P align=left>Year award</P></B>

<P align=left>Rana Kapoor, Founder/Managing</P>

<P align=left>Director & CEO, YES BANK received</P>

<P align=left>the India Business Leader</P>

<P align=left>of the Year award at the Global</P>

<P align=left>Indian BusinessMeeting hosted by</P>

<P align=left>Horasis, an independent international</P>

<P align=left>organization committed to</P>

<P align=left>enacting visions for a sustainable</P>

<P align=left>future and co-hosted by Federation</P>

<P align=left>of Indian Chambers of Commerce</P>

<P align=left>and Industry (FICCI) and the Spanish Government,</P>

<P align=left>held in Madrid, Spain on June 21-22,</P>

<P align=left>2010. The award was conferred in the presence of</P>

<P align=left>Anand Sharma, Minister of Commerce & Industry,</P>

<P align=left>Government of India and the Crown Prince of</P>

<P align=left>Spain, HRH Felipe de Borbón y Grecia.</P>

<P align=left>This award has been given to Rana Kapoor for his</P>

<P align=left>contribution to the Indian Banking sector in</P>

<P align=left>architecting YES BANK, as a highly differentiated</P>

<P align=left>institution with a strong development focus on</P>

<P align=left>Sunrise sectors and Sustainability.</P>

<P align=left>Rana Kapoor was recently appointed as the Honorary</P>

<P align=left>Secretary of the Indian Banks' Association</P>

<P align=left>(IBA), the apex Banking Association in India; and</P>

<P align=left>Co-Chair of the IBA Committee on Agri Business</P>

<P align=left>and Financial Inclusion. Also, He is a Member of</P>

<P align=left>the Board of Directors of "Invest India", a joint</P>

<P align=left>venture between the Department of Industrial</P>

<P align=left>Policy & Promotion(DIPP),Ministry of Commerce</P>

<P align=left>& Industry and FICCI. Kapoor has also been appointed</P>

<P align=left>as aMember of the Board of Trade,Ministry</P>

<P align=left>of Commerce.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -5 (Awards)</P>

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<P align=left>Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional</P>

<P align=left>systems at the molecular scale. This covers both</P>

<P align=left>currentwork and concepts that aremore advanced.</P>

<P align=left>In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' refers to the</P>

<P align=left>projected ability to construct items from the bottom</P>

<P align=left>up, using techniques and tools being developed</P>

<P align=left>today to make complete, high performance</P>

<P align=left>products.</P>

<P align=left>Generally nanotechnology deals with structures</P>

<P align=left>sized between 1 to 100 nanometer in at least one</P>

<P align=left>dimension, and involves developing materials or</P>

<P align=left>devices within that size.</P>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology is very diverse, ranging from extensions</P>

<P align=left>of conventional device physics to completely</P>

<P align=left>new approaches based uponmolecular selfassembly,</P>

<P align=left>from developing new materials with dimensions</P>

<P align=left>on the nanoscale to investigating</P>

<P align=left>whether we can directly control matter on the</P>

<P align=left>atomic scale.</P>

<P align=left>There has been much debate on the future implications</P>

<P align=left>of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has</P>

<P align=left>the potential to create many new materials and</P>

<P align=left>devices with a vast range of applications, such as</P>

<P align=left>in medicine, electronics, biomaterials and energy</P>

<P align=left>production. On the other hand, nanotechnology</P>

<P align=left>raises many of the same issues as with any introduction</P>

<P align=left>of new technology, including concerns</P>

<P align=left>about the toxicity and environmental impact of</P>

<P align=left>nanomaterials, and their potential effects on global</P>

<P align=left>economics, as well as speculation about various</P>

<P align=left>doomsday scenarios. These concerns have led</P>

<P align=left>to a debate among advocacy groups and governments</P>

<P align=left>on whether special regulation of</P>

<P align=left>nanotechnology is warranted.</P><B>

<P align=left>Background</P></B>

<P align=left>The first use of the concepts found in 'nano-technology'</P>

<P align=left>(but pre-dating use of that name) was in</P>

<P align=left>"There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom," a talk</P>

<P align=left>Civil Services Main Examination 2010</P>

<P align=left>Special Study Package</P><B>

<P align=left>(Nanotechnology)</P></B>

<P align=left>given by physicist Richard Feynman at an American</P>

<P align=left>Physical Society meeting at Caltech on December</P>

<P align=left>29, 1959. Feynman described a process by</P>

<P align=left>which the ability to manipulate individual atoms</P>

<P align=left>and molecules might be developed, using one set</P>

<P align=left>of precise tools to build and operate another proportionally</P>

<P align=left>smaller set, and so on down to the</P>

<P align=left>needed scale.</P>

<P align=left>In the course of this, he noted, scaling issueswould</P>

<P align=left>arise from the changing magnitude of various</P>

<P align=left>physical phenomena: gravity would become less</P>

<P align=left>important, surface tension and van der Waals attraction</P>

<P align=left>would become increasingly more significant,</P>

<P align=left>etc. This basic idea appeared plausible, and</P>

<P align=left>exponential assembly enhances it with parallelism</P>

<P align=left>to produce a useful quantity of end products.</P>

<P align=left>The term"nanotechnology"was defined by Tokyo</P>

<P align=left>Science University Professor Norio Taniguchi in a</P>

<P align=left>1974 paper as follows: "'Nano-technology' mainly</P>

<P align=left>consists of the processing of, separation, consolidation,</P>

<P align=left>and deformation of materials by one atom</P>

<P align=left>or by one molecule." In 2000, the United States</P>

<P align=left>National Nanotechnology Initiative was founded</P>

<P align=left>to coordinate Federal nanotechnology research and</P>

<P align=left>development and is evaluated by the President's</P>

<P align=left>Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.</P><B>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology Applications</P></B>

<P align=left>With nanotechnology, a large set of materials and</P>

<P align=left>improved products rely on a change in the physical</P>

<P align=left>properties when the feature sizes are shrunk.</P>

<P align=left>Nanoparticles, for example, take advantage of their</P>

<P align=left>dramatically increased surface area to volume ratio.</P>

<P align=left>Their optical properties, e.g. fluorescence, become</P>

<P align=left>a function of the particle diameter. When</P>

<P align=left>brought into a bulk material, nanoparticles can</P>

<P align=left>strongly influence themechanical properties of the</P>

<P align=left>material, like stiffness or elasticity.</P>

<P align=left>For example, traditional polymers can be reinforced</P>

<P align=left>by nanoparticles resulting in novelmaterialswhich</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -6 (Special Study Package : CSE Mains 2010)</P>

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<P align=left>can be used as lightweight replacements for metals.</P>

<P align=left>Therefore, an increasing societal benefit of such</P>

<P align=left>nanoparticles can be expected.</P>

<P align=left>Such nanotechnologically enhancedmaterialswill</P>

<P align=left>enable a weight reduction accompanied by an increase</P>

<P align=left>in stability and improved functionality.</P>

<P align=left>Practical nanotechnology is essentially the increasing</P>

<P align=left>ability to manipulate (with precision) matter</P>

<P align=left>on previously impossible scales, presenting possibilities</P>

<P align=left>which many could never have imagined -</P>

<P align=left>it therefore seems unsurprising that few areas of</P>

<P align=left>human technology are exempt from the benefits</P>

<P align=left>which nanotechnology could potentially bring.</P><B>

<P align=left>Medicine</P></B>

<P align=left>The biological and medical research communities</P>

<P align=left>have exploited the unique properties of</P>

<P align=left>nanomaterials for various applications (e.g., contrast</P>

<P align=left>agents for cell imaging and therapeutics for</P>

<P align=left>treating cancer). Terms such as biomedical</P>

<P align=left>nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, and</P>

<P align=left>nanomedicine are used to describe this hybrid field.</P>

<P align=left>Functionalities can be added to nanomaterials by</P>

<P align=left>interfacing them with biological molecules or</P>

<P align=left>structures.</P>

<P align=left>The size of nanomaterials is similar to that ofmost</P>

<P align=left>biological molecules and structures; therefore,</P>

<P align=left>nanomaterials can be useful for both in vivo and</P>

<P align=left>in vitro biomedical research and applications. Thus</P>

<P align=left>far, the integration of nanomaterials with biology</P>

<P align=left>has led to the development of diagnostic devices,</P>

<P align=left>contrast agents, analytical tools, physical therapy</P>

<P align=left>applications, and drug delivery vehicles.</P><B>

<P align=left>Diagnostics</P></B>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology-on-a-chip is onemore dimension</P>

<P align=left>of lab-on-a-chip technology. Magnetic</P>

<P align=left>nanoparticles, bound to a suitable antibody, are</P>

<P align=left>used to label specific molecules, structures or microorganisms.</P>

<P align=left>Gold nanoparticles taggedwith short</P>

<P align=left>segments of DNA can be used for detection of genetic</P>

<P align=left>sequence in a sample.Multicolor optical coding</P>

<P align=left>for biological assays has been achieved by embedding</P>

<P align=left>different-sized quantum dots into polymericmicrobeads.</P>

<P align=left>Nanopore technology for analysis</P>

<P align=left>of nucleic acids converts strings of nucleotides</P>

<P align=left>directly into electronic signatures.</P><B>

<P align=left>Drug Delivery</P></B>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology has been a boom in medical field</P>

<P align=left>by delivering drugs to specific cells using</P>

<P align=left>nanoparticles. The overall drug consumption and</P>

<P align=left>side-effects can be lowered significantly by depositing</P>

<P align=left>the active agent in the morbid region only</P>

<P align=left>and in no higher dose than needed. This highly</P>

<P align=left>selective approach reduces costs and human suffering.</P>

<P align=left>An example can be found in dendrimers</P>

<P align=left>and nanoporous materials. Another example is to</P>

<P align=left>use block co-polymers, which form micelles for</P>

<P align=left>drug encapsulation. They could hold small drug</P>

<P align=left>molecules transporting them to the desired location.</P>

<P align=left>Another vision is based on small electromechanical</P>

<P align=left>systems; NEMS are being investigated for the</P>

<P align=left>active release of drugs. Some potentially important</P>

<P align=left>applications include cancer treatment with</P>

<P align=left>iron nanoparticles or gold shells. Atargeted or personalized</P>

<P align=left>medicine reduces the drug consumption</P>

<P align=left>and treatment expenses resulting in an overall societal</P>

<P align=left>benefit by reducing the costs to the public</P>

<P align=left>health system.</P>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology is also opening up new opportunities</P>

<P align=left>in implantable delivery systems, which are</P>

<P align=left>often preferable to the use of injectable drugs, because</P>

<P align=left>the latter frequently display first-order kinetics</P>

<P align=left>(the blood concentration goes up rapidly,</P>

<P align=left>but drops exponentially over time). This rapid rise</P>

<P align=left>may cause difficulties with toxicity, and drug efficacy</P>

<P align=left>can diminish as the drug concentration falls</P>

<P align=left>below the targeted range.</P><B>

<P align=left>Tissue Engineering</P></B>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology can help to reproduce or to repair</P>

<P align=left>damaged tissue. "Tissue engineering" makes</P>

<P align=left>use of artificially stimulated cell proliferation by</P>

<P align=left>using suitable nanomaterial-based scaffolds and</P>

<P align=left>growth factors. Tissue engineering might replace</P>

<P align=left>today's conventional treatments like organ transplants</P>

<P align=left>or artificial implants. Advanced forms of tissue</P>

<P align=left>engineering may lead to life extension.</P>

<P align=left>For patientswith end-state organ failure, theremay</P>

<P align=left>not be enough healthy cells for expansion and</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -6 (Special Study Package : CSE Mains 2010)</P>

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<P align=left>transplantation into the ECM (extracellular matrix).</P>

<P align=left>In this case, pluripotent stemcells are needed.</P>

<P align=left>One potential source for these cells is iPS (induced</P>

<P align=left>Pluripontent Stem cells); these are ordinary cells</P>

<P align=left>fromthe patients own body that are reprogrammed</P>

<P align=left>into a pluripotent state, and has the advantage of</P>

<P align=left>avoiding rejection (and the potentially life-threatening</P>

<P align=left>complications associated with immunosuppressive</P>

<P align=left>treatments).</P>

<P align=left>Another potential source of pluripotent cells is</P>

<P align=left>from embryos, but this has two disadvantages: 1)</P>

<P align=left>It requires that we solve the problem of cloning,</P>

<P align=left>which is technically very difficult (especially preventing</P>

<P align=left>abnormalities). 2) It requires the harvesting</P>

<P align=left>of embryos.Given that each one of us was once</P>

<P align=left>an embryo, this source is claimed by some to be</P>

<P align=left>ethically problematic.</P><B>

<P align=left>Chemistry And Environment</P></B>

<P align=left>Chemical catalysis and filtration techniques are two</P>

<P align=left>prominent examples where nanotechnology already</P>

<P align=left>plays a role. The synthesis provides novel</P>

<P align=left>materialswith tailored features and chemical properties:</P>

<P align=left>for example, nanoparticles with a distinct</P>

<P align=left>chemical surrounding (ligands), or specific optical</P>

<P align=left>properties. In this sense, chemistry is indeed a basic</P>

<P align=left>nanoscience. In a short-termperspective, chemistry</P>

<P align=left>will provide novel "nanomaterials" and in the</P>

<P align=left>long run, superior processes such as "self-assembly"</P>

<P align=left>will enable energy and time preserving strategies.</P>

<P align=left>In a sense, all chemical synthesis can be understood</P>

<P align=left>in terms of nanotechnology, because of</P>

<P align=left>its ability tomanufacture certainmolecules. Thus,</P>

<P align=left>chemistry forms a base for nanotechnology providing</P>

<P align=left>tailor-made molecules, polymers, etcetera,</P>

<P align=left>as well as clusters and nanoparticles.</P><B>

<P align=left>Catalysis</P></B>

<P align=left>Chemical catalysis benefits especially from</P>

<P align=left>nanoparticles, due to the extremely large surface</P>

<P align=left>to volume ratio. The application potential of</P>

<P align=left>nanoparticles in catalysis ranges from fuel cell to</P>

<P align=left>catalytic converters and photocatalytic devices.</P>

<P align=left>Catalysis is also important for the production of</P>

<P align=left>chemicals.</P>

<P align=left>Platinum nanoparticles are now being considered</P>

<P align=left>in the next generation of automotive catalytic converters</P>

<P align=left>because the very high surface area of</P>

<P align=left>nanoparticles could reduce the amount of platinumrequired.</P>

<P align=left>However, some concerns have been</P>

<P align=left>raised due to experiments demonstrating that they</P>

<P align=left>will spontaneously combust if methane is mixed</P>

<P align=left>with the ambient air. Ongoing research at the Centre</P>

<P align=left>National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)</P>

<P align=left>in Francemay resolve their true usefulness for catalytic</P>

<P align=left>applications. Nanofiltration may come to be</P>

<P align=left>an important application, although future research</P>

<P align=left>must be careful to investigate possible toxicity.</P><B>

<P align=left>Filtration</P></B>

<P align=left>A strong influence of photochemistry on wastewater</P>

<P align=left>treatment, air purification and energy storage</P>

<P align=left>devices is to be expected.Mechanical or chemicalmethods</P>

<P align=left>can be used for effective filtration techniques.</P>

<P align=left>One class of filtration techniques is based</P>

<P align=left>on the use of membranes with suitable hole sizes,</P>

<P align=left>whereby the liquid is pressed through the membrane.</P>

<P align=left>Nanoporous membranes are suitable for a</P>

<P align=left>mechanical filtration with extremely small pores</P>

<P align=left>smaller than 10 nm ("nanofiltration") and may be</P>

<P align=left>composed of nanotubes. Nanofiltration is mainly</P>

<P align=left>used for the removal of ions or the separation of</P>

<P align=left>different fluids.</P>

<P align=left>On a larger scale, the membrane filtration technique</P>

<P align=left>is named ultrafiltration, which works down</P>

<P align=left>to between 10 and 100 nm. One important field of</P>

<P align=left>application for ultrafiltration is medical purposes</P>

<P align=left>as can be found in renal dialysis. Magnetic</P>

<P align=left>nanoparticles offer an effective and reliablemethod</P>

<P align=left>to remove heavy metal contaminants from waste</P>

<P align=left>water by making use of magnetic separation techniques.</P>

<P align=left>Using nanoscale particles increases the efficiency</P>

<P align=left>to absorb the contaminants and is comparatively</P>

<P align=left>inexpensive compared to traditional precipitation</P>

<P align=left>and filtration methods.</P>

<P align=left>Some water-treatment devices incorporating</P>

<P align=left>nanotechnology are already on the market, with</P>

<P align=left>more in development. Low-cost nanostructured</P>

<P align=left>separation membranes methods have been shown</P>

<P align=left>to be effective in producing potable water in a recent</P>

<P align=left>study.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -6 (Special Study Package : CSE Mains 2010)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 60</P>

<P align=left>Energy</P></B>

<P align=left>The most advanced nanotechnology projects related</P>

<P align=left>to energy are: storage, conversion, manufacturing</P>

<P align=left>improvements by reducing materials and</P>

<P align=left>process rates, energy saving (by better thermal insulation</P>

<P align=left>for example), and enhanced renewable</P>

<P align=left>energy sources.</P><B>

<P align=left>Reduction of Energy</P>

<P align=left>Consumption</P></B>

<P align=left>A reduction of energy consumption can be reached</P>

<P align=left>by better insulation systems, by the use of more</P>

<P align=left>efficient lighting or combustion systems, and by</P>

<P align=left>use of lighter and stronger materials in the transportation</P>

<P align=left>sector. Currently used light bulbs only</P>

<P align=left>convert approximately 5% of the electrical energy</P>

<P align=left>into light. Nanotechnological approaches like lightemitting</P>

<P align=left>diodes (LEDs) or quantum caged atoms</P>

<P align=left>(QCAs) could lead to a strong reduction of energy</P>

<P align=left>consumption for illumination.</P><B>

<P align=left>Increasing the Efficiency of</P>

<P align=left>Energy Production</P></B>

<P align=left>Today's best solar cells have layers of several different</P>

<P align=left>semiconductors stacked together to absorb</P>

<P align=left>light at different energies but they still only manage</P>

<P align=left>to use 40 percent of the Sun's energy. Commercially</P>

<P align=left>available solar cells have much lower</P>

<P align=left>efficiencies (15-20%). Nanotechnology could help</P>

<P align=left>increase the efficiency of light conversion by using</P>

<P align=left>nanostructures with a continuum of bandgaps.</P>

<P align=left>The degree of efficiency of the internal combustion</P>

<P align=left>engine is about 30-40% at the moment.</P>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology could improve combustion by</P>

<P align=left>designing specific catalysts with maximized surface</P>

<P align=left>area. In 2005, scientists at the University of</P>

<P align=left>Toronto developed a spray-on nanoparticle substance</P>

<P align=left>that, when applied to a surface, instantly</P>

<P align=left>transforms it into a solar collector.</P><B>

<P align=left>More Environmentally Friendly</P>

<P align=left>Energy Systems</P></B>

<P align=left>An example for an environmentally friendly form</P>

<P align=left>of energy is the use of fuel cells powered by hydrogen,</P>

<P align=left>which is ideally produced by renewable</P>

<P align=left>energies. Probably the most prominent</P>

<P align=left>nanostructuredmaterial in fuel cells is the catalyst</P>

<P align=left>consisting of carbon supported noble metal particles</P>

<P align=left>with diameters of 1-5 nm. Suitablematerials</P>

<P align=left>for hydrogen storage contain a large number of</P>

<P align=left>small nanosized pores.</P>

<P align=left>Therefore many nanostructured materials like</P>

<P align=left>nanotubes, zeolites or alanates are under investigation.</P>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology can contribute to the further</P>

<P align=left>reduction of combustion engine pollutants by</P>

<P align=left>nanoporous filters, which can clean the exhaust</P>

<P align=left>mechanically, by catalytic converters based on</P>

<P align=left>nanoscale noblemetal particles or by catalytic coatings</P>

<P align=left>on cylinder walls and catalytic nanoparticles</P>

<P align=left>as additive for fuels.</P><B>

<P align=left>Recycling of Batteries</P></B>

<P align=left>Because of the relatively low energy density of</P>

<P align=left>batteries the operating time is limited and a replacement</P>

<P align=left>or recharging is needed. The huge number</P>

<P align=left>of spent batteries and accumulators represent</P>

<P align=left>a disposal problem. The use of batterieswith higher</P>

<P align=left>energy content or the use of rechargeable batteries</P>

<P align=left>or supercapacitors with higher rate of recharging</P>

<P align=left>using nanomaterials could be helpful for the</P>

<P align=left>battery disposal problem.</P><B>

<P align=left>Information and</P>

<P align=left>Communication</P></B>

<P align=left>Current high-technology production processes are</P>

<P align=left>based on traditional top down strategies, where</P>

<P align=left>nanotechnology has already been introduced silently.</P>

<P align=left>The critical length scale of integrated circuits</P>

<P align=left>is already at the nanoscale (50 nm and below)</P>

<P align=left>regarding the gate length of transistors in</P>

<P align=left>CPUs or DRAM devices.</P><B>

<P align=left>Memory Storage</P></B>

<P align=left>Electronicmemory designs in the past have largely</P>

<P align=left>relied on the formation of transistors. However,</P>

<P align=left>research into crossbar switch based electronics have</P>

<P align=left>offered an alternative using reconfigurable interconnections</P>

<P align=left>between vertical and horizontal wiring</P>

<P align=left>arrays to create ultra high density memories.</P>

<P align=left>Two leaders in this area are Nantero which has</P>

<P align=left>developed a carbon nanotube based crossbar</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -6 (Special Study Package : CSE Mains 2010)</P>

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<P align=left>memory called Nano-RAM and Hewlett-Packard</P>

<P align=left>which has proposed the use of memristormaterial</P>

<P align=left>as a future replacement of Flash memory.</P><B>

<P align=left>Novel Semiconductor</P>

<P align=left>Devices</P></B>

<P align=left>An example of such novel devices is based on</P>

<P align=left>spintronics.The dependence of the resistance of a</P>

<P align=left>material (due to the spin of the electrons) on an</P>

<P align=left>external field is called magnetoresistance. This effect</P>

<P align=left>can be significantly amplified (GMR - Giant</P>

<P align=left>Magneto-Resistance) for nanosized objects, for</P>

<P align=left>example when two ferromagnetic layers are separated</P>

<P align=left>by a nonmagnetic layer, which is several</P>

<P align=left>nanometers thick (e.g. Co-Cu-Co).</P>

<P align=left>The GMR effect has led to a strong increase in the</P>

<P align=left>data storage density of hard disks and made the</P>

<P align=left>gigabyte range possible. The so called tunneling</P>

<P align=left>magnetoresistance (TMR) is very similar to GMR</P>

<P align=left>and based on the spin dependent tunneling of electrons</P>

<P align=left>through adjacent ferromagnetic layers. Both</P>

<P align=left>GMR and TMR effects can be used to create a nonvolatile</P>

<P align=left>main memory for computers, such as the</P>

<P align=left>so called magnetic random access memory or</P>

<P align=left>MRAM.</P>

<P align=left>In 1999, the ultimate CMOS transistor developed</P>

<P align=left>at the Laboratory for Electronics and Information</P>

<P align=left>Technology in Grenoble, France, tested the limits</P>

<P align=left>of the principles of the MOSFET transistor with a</P>

<P align=left>diameter of 18 nm(approximately 70 atoms placed</P>

<P align=left>side by side).</P><B>

<P align=left>Novel Optoelectronic</P>

<P align=left>Devices</P></B>

<P align=left>In the modern communication technology traditional</P>

<P align=left>analog electrical devices are increasingly</P>

<P align=left>replaced by optical or optoelectronic devices due</P>

<P align=left>to their enormous bandwidth and capacity, respectively.</P>

<P align=left>Two promising examples are photonic crystals</P>

<P align=left>and quantum dots. Photonic crystals are materials</P>

<P align=left>with a periodic variation in the refractive</P>

<P align=left>indexwith a lattice constant that is half the wavelength</P>

<P align=left>of the light used.</P>

<P align=left>They offer a selectable band gap for the propagation</P>

<P align=left>of a certain wavelength, thus they resemble a</P>

<P align=left>semiconductor, but for light or photons instead of</P>

<P align=left>electrons. Quantum dots are nanoscaled objects,</P>

<P align=left>which can be used, among many other things, for</P>

<P align=left>the construction of lasers. The advantage of a quantum</P>

<P align=left>dot laser over the traditional semiconductor</P>

<P align=left>laser is that their emitted wavelength depends on</P>

<P align=left>the diameter of the dot. Quantum dot lasers are</P>

<P align=left>cheaper and offer a higher beamquality than conventional</P>

<P align=left>laser diodes.</P><B>

<P align=left>Displays</P></B>

<P align=left>The production of displays with low energy consumption</P>

<P align=left>could be accomplished using carbon</P>

<P align=left>nanotubes (CNT). Carbon nanotubes are electrically</P>

<P align=left>conductive and due to their small diameter</P>

<P align=left>of several nanometers, they can be used as field</P>

<P align=left>emitters with extremely high efficiency for field</P>

<P align=left>emission displays (FED). The principle of operation</P>

<P align=left>resembles that of the cathode ray tube, but</P>

<P align=left>on a much smaller length scale.</P><B>

<P align=left>Quantum Computers</P></B>

<P align=left>Entirely newapproaches for computing exploit the</P>

<P align=left>laws of quantum mechanics for novel quantum</P>

<P align=left>computers, which enable the use of fast quantum</P>

<P align=left>algorithms. The Quantum computer has quantum</P>

<P align=left>bit memory space termed "Qubit" for several computations</P>

<P align=left>at the same time. This facility may improve</P>

<P align=left>the performance of the older systems.</P><B>

<P align=left>Heavy Industry</P></B>

<P align=left>An inevitable use of nanotechnology will be in</P>

<P align=left>heavy industry.</P><B>

<P align=left>Aerospace</P></B>

<P align=left>Lighter and stronger materials will be of immense</P>

<P align=left>use to aircraft manufacturers, leading to increased</P>

<P align=left>performance. Spacecraft will also benefit, where</P>

<P align=left>weight is a major factor. Nanotechnology would</P>

<P align=left>help to reduce the size of equipment and thereby</P>

<P align=left>decrease fuel-consumption required to get it airborne.</P>

<P align=left>Hang glidermjs may be able to halve their weight</P>

<P align=left>while increasing their strength and toughness</P>

<P align=left>through the use of nanotech materials. Nanotech</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -6 (Special Study Package : CSE Mains 2010)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 62</P></B>

<P align=left>is lowering the mass of supercapacitors that will</P>

<P align=left>increasingly be used to give power to assistive electricalmotors</P>

<P align=left>for launching hang gliders off flatland</P>

<P align=left>to thermal-chasing altitudes.</P><B>

<P align=left>Construction</P></B>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology has the potential to make construction</P>

<P align=left>faster, cheaper, safer, and more varied.</P>

<P align=left>Automation of nanotechnology construction can</P>

<P align=left>allow for the creation of structures from advanced</P>

<P align=left>homes to massive skyscrapers much more quickly</P>

<P align=left>and at much lower cost.</P><B>

<P align=left>Refineries</P></B>

<P align=left>Using nanotech applications, refineries producing</P>

<P align=left>materials such as steel and aluminium will be able</P>

<P align=left>to remove any impurities in thematerials they create.</P><B>

<P align=left>Vehicle Manufacturers</P></B>

<P align=left>Much like aerospace, lighter and stronger materialswill</P>

<P align=left>be useful for creating vehicles that are both</P>

<P align=left>faster and safer. Combustion engines will also benefit</P>

<P align=left>from parts that are more hard-wearing and</P>

<P align=left>more heat-resistant.</P><B>

<P align=left>Consumer Goods</P></B>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology is already impacting the field of</P>

<P align=left>consumer goods, providing products with novel</P>

<P align=left>functions ranging from easy-to-clean to scratchresistant.</P>

<P align=left>Modern textiles are wrinkle-resistant and</P>

<P align=left>stain-repellent; in the mid-term clothes will become</P>

<P align=left>"smart", through embedded "wearable electronics".</P>

<P align=left>Already in use are different nanoparticle</P>

<P align=left>improved products. Especially in the field of cosmetics,</P>

<P align=left>such novel products have a promising potential.</P><B>

<P align=left>Foods</P></B>

<P align=left>Complex set of engineering and scientific challenges</P>

<P align=left>in the food and bioprocessing industry for</P>

<P align=left>manufacturing high quality and safe food through</P>

<P align=left>efficient and sustainable means can be solved</P>

<P align=left>through nanotechnology. Bacteria identification</P>

<P align=left>and food quality monitoring using biosensors; intelligent,</P>

<P align=left>active, and smart food packaging systems;</P>

<P align=left>nanoencapsulation of bioactive food compounds are</P>

<P align=left>few examples of emerging applications of</P>

<P align=left>nanotechnology for the food industry.</P>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology can be applied in the production,</P>

<P align=left>processing, safety and packaging of food. A</P>

<P align=left>nanocomposite coating process could improve food</P>

<P align=left>packaging by placing anti-microbial agents directly</P>

<P align=left>on the surface of the coated film. Nanocomposites</P>

<P align=left>could increase or decrease gas permeability of different</P>

<P align=left>fillers as is needed for different products.</P>

<P align=left>They can also improve the mechanical and heatresistance</P>

<P align=left>properties and lower the oxygen transmission</P>

<P align=left>rate. Research is being performed to apply</P>

<P align=left>nanotechnology to the detection of chemical and</P>

<P align=left>biological substances for sensanges in foods.</P><B>

<P align=left>Nano-Foods</P></B>

<P align=left>Newfoods are among the nanotechnology-created</P>

<P align=left>consumer products coming onto themarket at the</P>

<P align=left>rate of 3 to 4 perweek, according to the Project on</P>

<P align=left>Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN), based on an</P>

<P align=left>inventory it has drawn up of 609 known or claimed</P>

<P align=left>nano-products.</P>

<P align=left>On PEN's list are three foods -- a brand of canola</P>

<P align=left>cooking oil called Canola Active Oil, a tea called</P>

<P align=left>Nanotea and a chocolate diet shake called</P>

<P align=left>Nanoceuticals Slim Shake Chocolate.</P><B>

<P align=left>Household</P></B>

<P align=left>Themost prominent application of nanotechnology</P>

<P align=left>in the household is self-cleaning or "easy-to-clean"</P>

<P align=left>surfaces on ceramics or glasses. Nanoceramic particles</P>

<P align=left>have improved the smoothness and heat resistance</P>

<P align=left>of common household equipment such as</P>

<P align=left>the flat iron.</P><B>

<P align=left>Optics</P></B>

<P align=left>The first sunglasses using protective and anti-reflective</P>

<P align=left>ultrathin polymer coatings are on the market.</P>

<P align=left>For optics, nanotechnology also offers scratch</P>

<P align=left>resistant surface coatings based on nanocomposites.</P>

<P align=left>Nano-optics could allow for an increase in precision</P>

<P align=left>of pupil repair and other types of laser eye</P>

<P align=left>surgery.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -6 (Special Study Package : CSE Mains 2010)</P>

<P align=left>Copyright © 2010 | WWW.UPSCPORTAL.COM 63</P>

<P align=left>Textiles</P></B>

<P align=left>The use of engineered nanofibers already makes clothes water- and stain-repellent or wrinkle-free. Textiles</P>

<P align=left>with a nanotechnological finish can be washed less frequently and at lower temperatures.</P>

<P align=left>Nanotechnology has been used to integrate tiny carbon particles membrane and guarantee full-surface</P>

<P align=left>protection from electrostatic charges for the wearer. Many other applications have been developed by</P>

<P align=left>research institutions such as the Textiles Nanotechnology Laboratory at Cornell University</P><B>

<P align=left>Cosmetics</P></B>

<P align=left>One field of application is in sunscreens. The traditional chemical UV protection approach suffers from its</P>

<P align=left>poor long-termstability. A sunscreen based onmineral nanoparticles such as titanium dioxide offer several</P>

<P align=left>advantages. Titanium oxide nanoparticles have a comparable UV protection property as the bulk material,</P>

<P align=left>but lose the cosmetically undesirable whitening as the particle size is decreased.</P><B>

<P align=left>Agriculture</P></B>

<P align=left>Applications of nanotechnology have the potential to change the entire agriculture sector and food industry</P>

<P align=left>chain from production to conservation, processing, packaging, transportation, and even waste treatment.</P>

<P align=left>NanoScience concepts and Nanotechnology applications have the potential to redesign the production</P>

<P align=left>cycle, restructure the processing and conservation processes and redefine the food habits of the people.</P>

<P align=left>Major Challenges related to agriculture like Low productivity in cultivable areas, Large uncultivable</P>

<P align=left>areas,Shrinkage of cultivable lands, Wastage of inputs like water, fertilizers, pesticides, Wastage of products</P>

<P align=left>and of course Food security for growing numbers can be addressed through various applications of</P>

<P align=left>nanotechnology.</P><B>

<P align=left>Section -6 (Special Study Package : CSE Mains 2010)</P>

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