
By AmandaThommesCorn

95.2K 3.6K 261

Harley believes she couldn't have romance. The things that contribute to her insecurities are exactly what dr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chatper 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter "63"

Chapter 26

1.4K 59 3
By AmandaThommesCorn

                     I am being uncuffed, but my eyes never leave Bentley's. As soon as I am free, I am on my knees wrapping myself in his embrace. The tears are rolling down my face.

Harley: I'm so sorry.

Bentley: How can you be sorry?

Harley: I know we just met, but I couldn't die without you knowing how I feel.

Bentley: girl. Don't apologize okay?

                I sit back and look up at Bentley's tear streaked face. He is looking at me with complete and utter adoration. He cups my face and kisses my lips ever so gently.

Bentley: I love you too. I have never loved any woman. Harley you are everything to me.

                We are both so engrossed with each other that we don't see Joey move or Officer Keith move and step on Joey's hand. The next thing I know, Bentley is carrying me out of the room and down the stairs. We walk out and there are police cars everywhere, and an ambulance.

Bentley: I'm fine! Check her!

                The paramedics are grabbing me as the police put Bentley in cuffs. He is sitting on the steps in cuffs and his eyes never leave mine.

EMT Taylor: Ma'am my name is Taylor. I'll be checking you over, okay?

                            I just nod.

EMT Taylor: I will tell you everything I'm going to do before I do it, okay?

Harley: Okay....

EMT Taylor: I'm going to check your blood pressure.

                    Taylor wraps the cuff around my arm and takes her blood pressure. 108/82

EMT Taylor: Your blood pressure is good. I see matted blood in your hair, have you been hit in the head?

Harley: Yes...

EMT Taylor: I'm going to take a look, okay? I am also going to check for a concussion, alright?

                     I nod. My eyes never leave Bentley's eyes. He looks haunted. I don't even feel the paramedic checking my head wound.

EMT Taylor: You need stitches. I'm going to inject numbing and stitch you up, alright?

Harley: .....okay...

                    I feel the smallest prick before my head tingles. I am watching the police talk to Bentley, but he isn't saying anything. He is just watching me. Almost like he is afraid that if he blinks, I will disappear into oblivion.

EMT Taylor: Harley, I need you to follow this pen as I shine this light in your eyes. I'm checking to make sure you don't have a concussion.

Harley: ....okay....

                 Bentley nods at me and I look away for the few seconds it takes for the paramedic to check my eyes for dilation.

EMT Taylor: No concussion. Harley, this is extremely important. Did he do anything to you sexually? Do we need to do a rape kit?

Harley: No. He just hit me. That's all.

EMT Taylor: Alright, let me clean up your face and make sure you don't need anymore stitches. There is a lot of blood.

Harley: .....okay...

                    Taylor cleans my face with aseptic and butterfly stitches my eyebrow. He cleans my nose and checks to make sure it isn't broken.

EMT Taylor: You are all set. I'm going to have a doctor fax an extra strength aspirin in for you. You are going to be in some pain for a bit. The stitches in your head will dissolve. Now, you are covered in a lot of scrapes and bruises. There is a lot of swelling, use ice when you can, and I don't suggest working for a few weeks. I want you to follow up with your primary next week. Which pharmacy would you like?

Harley: The Publix near Mills ave. Please.

EMT Taylor: You got it. If you are going to stand, take it easy.

                  I watch as the other paramedics bring Joey out cuffed to a stretcher. Officer Keith walks out behind the stretcher and talks to the Officers that have Bentley cuffed.

Officer Keith: Uncuff him please. He saved her.

               The police uncuff Bentley, and he runs to me. I stand and I'm in his arms. He is kissing me like he might never be able to again.

Bentley: I thought I lost you.

               Here come the tears again. I'm just sobbing.

Bentley: Shhh....everything is okay. I'm right here. You are safe.

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