Golden ⚜️ Dixie D'Amelio

By sarahcamercn

43.4K 1.5K 1.8K

"in which the world is changed because she is made of golden and the curves of her lips rewrite history." OR ... More



2.6K 94 64
By sarahcamercn

She hurried off the couch and got to the door. She decided to leave her keys because they'd make her pockets look chunky and she didn't need them. When got to the driveway, Dixie's big ass black car was hard to miss. The D'Amelio honked at her and Camden stuck out her middle finger, not appreciating the aggressive vibes, before she made her way to the passenger seat.

"Your limousine awaits, madam," Dixie told her as she got into the car.

"Enchanté," she replied with a small smile. Dixie grinned back at her before starting up the car.

"So, I have to warn you; my friends can be a lot sometimes," she told her as she backed out of the driveway checking the mirrors.

"If they're anything like you, I'm sure we won't get along," Camden responded with a small smirk.

"Oh, they wish they were anything like me," Dixie replied,""I mean they're probably going to be all up in your face with cameras and recording everything they do, I hope you don't mind if you're in their videos."

Camden raised an eyebrow at that. "Meh," she shrugged. "If I saw me, I'd vlog me too," she flipped her hair over her shoulder and Dixie chuckled.

"For sure, better get used to it now, too. Little Cammie's blowing up on the internet."

Camden shook her head with a smile. "Not really, but bro I swear I just hit a 100k what the actual fuck."

"If you give me your insta, I'll make it a 100k plus one."

"Smooth," Camden nodded appreciatively.

"Sometimes," she shrugged

"You never told me about your sister's social media thing either, what's that about?"

"Oh," Dixie chuckled. "I don't know, it sounded weird over text. So, you know that TikTok app." Camden hummed in response before Dixie continued. "So, she'd dance on it, follow up these trends and make videos and they like blew up overnight and everyone started following her on everything."

"Wow, that's crazy,"

"Uhu, so she's like a wholeass influencer now which is why we're in LA. My friends -the ones we're going to right now- they've decided they're going to create this group of TikTokkers where we all live in this giant Mansion here in LA but they're still working on the legal procedures and the PR."

"Damn, so this app really changed your life," Camden spoke.

Dixie grinned at that glancing at her before looking back at the road. "You could say that."

"So you're going to be joining them and living here?"

"Well, my parents aren't really up for the idea of us moving in here and to be fair, neither are we. I really love my family and I'd hate to move out now, like you never know what could happen and plus, Charli's only fifteen."

"Fifteen, holy shit," Camden gaped. "Wait you never told me how old you are. Please tell me you're older, I can't be caught catching a case." She was mostly joking because the girl sure didn't look younger than fifteen.

Dixie's laugh was high pitched and contagious which instantly got Camden to laugh with her.

"Imagine," she laughed, "No, I'm eighteen."

Camden chuckled as the laughter settled down. "Legal adult and everything,"

"That's me, baby," she pointed at herself fake flexing.

Camden scrunched up her nose. "So, you're not scared that I could be like 27 or something?"

"Age ain't nothing but a number," Dixie sang and Camden had never hearded something as offpitch and false.

"You sound like a child predator, although, in this case, I'd be the predator."

"Not really considering I'm two months older."

"You're two- How-? I- Did you google me?" Camden sputtered turning to face her.

Dixie puckered her lips and hesistated before replying. "I think the socially accepted reply to that is no?"

"Knew you were a stalker."

"Shush, I was curious on where I recognized you from. How the hell did you downplay playing in the Stranger Things and Hugh Jackman's daughter to a 'small role'."

"I had like ten lines in the whole movie before they killed me off and I was just an extra on that show," Camden chuckled.

"Still," Dixie exclaimed.

"Well it's only fair I get to stalk the big influencer back," Camden replied.

"What's your instagram name?" 

"Same as my snapchat," Dixie hummed.

"Really that's boring," Camden dissed her as she typed it into the app.

"Burn, what's your then?"  Dixie shot back.

"Surpised you couldn't stalk your way to it," she teased. "It's Princesscamz," Camden replied

Dixie shot into a fit of laughter at that. "Hey!" Camden protested, but she couldn't help but laugh along at the childish name. It'd stuck with her throughout middle school and she never felt the need to change it.

Dixie gave her a pout, mockingly. "Princess Camz, how adorable."

"Shut up, my last name's Amira and that translates to Princess in arabic and my middle school self thought it was fitting," she defended herself.

"So you're arabic then?" Dixie asked.

"My dad's family is from Egypt. But my mom's Greek. So technically half, yes," she nodded.

"That's cool, although you act like a token white girl," Dixie dissed her.

"You're one to speak, D'Amelio. Driving a Range Rover in converse sneakers with black leggings and a scrunchy on your driver's stick. Don't see any pizza or lasagna," she tutted.

"Hey, miss stereotype. I don't see you living in a pyramid or riding a camel? And by the way," she called her out before She showed her hand with a ghost ring on it. "Gucci's Italian."

Camden couldn't help but burst into laughter at that. "Fuck, you caught me," she got in between laughing fits, "I traded my camel for a Jeep, okay?"

She grabbed Dixie's finger and shook it, "Flex it, why don't you? But, okay, okay I respect the drip,"

Dixie laughed at that as she pulled up the parking spot and Camden wondered how much time had passed because it felt so fast.

Dixie killed the engine and turned to look at her. "Also I can cook a hella mean pasta," she recalled.

Camden pulled a face to mock her. "Sure, if I ever wanna die of food poisoning, I'll call you up."

Dixie gasped in offense, "Bitch, you wished you could try it. You'd beg for it."

"Baby, I don't beg," Camden replied with a cheeky smile.

"We'll see about that, princess," Dixie replied mockingly with narrowed eyes as a daring smile pulled at her lips.

Camden was at a loss for words as they both just stated at each other intently, waiting for who'd break the silence first. Luckily for her, the tension was broken when a sudden thud sounded on the window. A chubby guy with a vlogcamera had smudged his face to Dixie's door window and was speaking incoherently due to the fact they couldnt hear him.

Camden's face quickly contorted into confusion, but Dixie recomposed herself quickly as if she'd had this happen before and just looked annoyed. Just when she was about to ask about it, a thud sounded from her window which made her jump and turn around, only to face a brunette boy around her age with floppy hair smuding his face to her door window.

Dixie sighed, "And so it begins." before she opened her door and the boy moved back pointing his camera at her. "Look who's here!" he shouted. She couldn't see Dixie's reaction because her back was facing her, so decided to get out of the car as well. She opened her door after the floppy haired boy had moved back.

"Did I scare you?" he asked her with a smile as she shut the door.

"Hmm, nope. Boys smudge their faces against my car window all the time," she replied sarcastically shaking her head.

The boy grinned at her. "Damn it, I can see why though."

"Alright, playboy. One sentence in and already shooting your shot. I respect the confidence," she nodded at him, looking him over playfully.

He gave her a playful bow back before holding out his hand while he was still bent over. She rolled her eyes with a smile before giving him her hand on which he placed a chaste kiss while looking up at her. "The name's Nick Austin," he told her before standing up straight.

"Meh, I'll stick with playboy. I'm Camden," she replied as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, Dixie told us," he nodded before he cupped his hands to yell over the car, "But she forgot to mention how gorgeous you are!"

To that he receiver a middle finger in the air from the D'Amelio girl as they walked over to them, the vlog boy now pointing their camera at them.

"Watch it, Nicky, she's my friend," Dixie stated as she wrapped an around Camden's shoulder who was too busy chuckling at the exchange. She was prepared to wince, but Dixie only let her arm hover over her healing shoulder which reminded her how thoughtful the girl was.

Nick raised his hands innocently as he took a step back. The vlog boy turned his camera to her and stuck out his free hand. "I'm Alex Warren," he told her.

She nodded, shaking it and tried to mentally take note, but names weren't her strongest forte, cue as to why she had a whole blooper reel dedicated to her naming everyone by the wrong name either switching them, making them up as she went, calling them by their actual name or plain gibberish.

She shook his hand and smiled awkwardly at the camera that was almost shoved in her face. "Hey aren't you that Netflix girl?" he asked when took his hand back.

"What- Netflix don't think so," she shook her head dismissively.

"No, I could swear I've seen you before," he repeated.

She shrugged and Dixie guided her to walk to the building with her arm still wrapped around her as if to protect her from her swarming friends, but she found comfort in the girl as she leaned into her.

Alex walked next to them still recording and talking about where he could've met her to which she replied cheekily and completely oblivious.

When they got in, she saw a ton of other teenagers, some sitting on their phones and chatting while juuling. She counted two more vlog cameras and the other kids were busy dancing.

They vaguely blended into each other and she was a hundred percent sure she wouldn't be able to tell any of the boys apart already.

A tall skinny boy with similar -but darker floppy hair to playboy- got up from where he was sitting and clapped, acknowledging their entrance which gained the attention of the group. Some guys just waved and shouted a hi while two girls walked up to them along with the lanky boy.

Alex turned his camera on them and said, "Charli, renegade!" which caused Camden's face to contort in a look of confusion wondering what the fuck that meant.

The brunette of the pair, that looked significantly younger and now up close resembled a carbon copy of Dixie, shot Alex a smile before turning to face Camden and Dixie. "Hi, I'm Charli!" she exclaimed with an excited smile which was contagious.

She glanced from Dixie to Charli comically, "There's two of you?" she said which caused Alex to errupt in a laughter that reminded her of David Dobrik as he recorded their first interaction.

"You're Dixie's sister, just to make sure?" Camden asked almost teasingly. Their mother really hit copy paste. Dixie chuckled as the tall boy snickered, "That's a first, usually it's the other way around."

Charli rolled her eyes playfully at him before turning to Camden who smiled at her, "I'm Camden."

"Oh, I know," Charli began before she cut herself off looking distracted. "I mean-?" Camden glanced at Dixie she saw her motioning to her neck telling her to cut it out. When Dixie realized she'd caught Camden's attention she sent her a sheepish smile with pink cheeks. "I mean," Charli continues, "I've seen your show, Outer Banks. It look amazing."

"I fucking knew it!" Vlog boy pointed his finger at Camden as he focused the camera on her. "I knew it, I said it! Didn't I?!"

"You said it," Dixie replied half heartedly playing with stands on Camden's hair as her arm was still strewn over her shoulders. Alex proceeded to punch the air in victory as Camden said, "You caught me."

Camden turned back to Charli and nodded unconvinced, but played along to humor Dixie. It was adamant the older sister had talked about her and she was pretty curious to hear whatever things she'd gotten to hear. "Thanks," she grinned back at the girl whose joy seemed to radiate.

"I'm Addison,"  the blonde next to Charli introduced herself with just as big of a radiant smile. "And I think I speak for everyone when I say we're excited to get to know you."

"The feeling's mutual," Camden smiled at her, although mentally she was already cringing at herself and her awkward interactions when it came to big groups.

"I'm Chase," the lanky talk boy next to Addison shot her a smile as he brushed his hand through his floppy hair.

"And I'm bored so how about we get this show on a run," Nick intercepted before she had a chance to reply and she was actually happy that the introduction got cut short because she felt like she was getting analyzed and seized up by too many eyes.

Chase clapped his hands once again and called for the rest of the group who got up to gather around them and Dixie dropped her arm from her shoulder which made Camden feel colder. Camden felt anxious at the hurdle around her who were all staring her down.

"Let's round it up he said. "That's Tony," he pointed to short white boy with curly hair. "That's his brother Ondreaz." he pointed to a similar looking dude. "That's Ryland," he pointed a white boy with floppy hair. "That's Daisy," he pointed to a pretty blonde girl who looked like a barbie who shot her a friendly wave. "This is Thomas," he clapped his hand on the shoulder of the older looking dude next to him and she wondered if he belonged to the group or was tagging along. "That's Kouvr and that's Avani," he pointed to two girls. "And the rest had plans."

"There's more?" It slipped Camden's mouth, but the sheer honest surprise made it look innocent and confused so the group laughed.

She'd literally already forgotten almost all their names the boys blurred together and the only one she could pick out was the older big burly dude.

The big dude clapped his hands after he handed a floppy haired boy the vlog camera to record him, "Alright let's do this! We're going to divide up in two groups we need another team captain any volunteers?" He glanced around, and Daisy raised her hand and she was also the only one to do so so he gave her the spot.

"Okay, you walk to the other side of the room and I'll on the other one, you guys stay in the middle until you're called to join," he instructed them as he walked to his side and Daisy crossed her arms as she waited on her side.

"Alright, I'll start," he said. "Charli," he called after her and she let go of Addison's hand to walk to stand next to him.

"Nick," Daisy said and he walked over to her. She could see him whispering something in her ear, trying to be subtle, and Daisy nodded.

"Dixie," Tim or whatever his name was called and Dixie moved away from her spot leaned up against Camden, shooting her an apologetic look which made Camden feel more alone.

"Camden," Daisy called for her which initially surpised her and by the looks of it the others too considering they hadn't even spoken a word to one another, it was quite obviously Nick's doing. Camden moved over to stand by Nick's side as he stuck his tongue out at Dixie as if he won to which Dixie flipped him off.

"Chase," The boss man called and Chase moved over to him still recording the group.

"Addison," Daisy called and Addison shot Camden a grin as she came to stand by her.

"Avani," broody said and she fell in line on his side.

"Ryland," Daisy called and he made his way over to them punching the air as he promised to crush Thomas. Oh, yeah that was his name.

"Alex," Thomas responded and Alex cracked a joke as he walked over to them making himself laugh.

"Ondreaz," Daisy said and the boy swaggered his way over to their side.

"Kouvr," Thomas called and she giggled as she rekindled with Alex kissing the camera lenze.

"Screw you guys," Tony called as he walked over to Daisy's side being salty about getting called last to which the group snickered and teased him.

"Okay, so we're blue and you guys are red so put on the targets vests and grab your guns. There's two entrances so we'll automatically be split up. The group that eliminates the rest wins, but I think that's a given," he chuckled at himself. "If you get hit you go to the center of the terrain and sit on the bench, and watch out cause the guns shoot both parties so make sure you don't shoot your own teammates," he said as he attached his camera to a headband and put it on his head which made him look pretty funny. Vlog boy did the same thing and so did, Ryland? from her team.

Dixie made her way across the room as the other groups chattered with their respective team mates. "Hey," she breathed once she got in front of Camden who had distanced herself a tad struggling to close the vest because her shoulder hurt when she raised her arm too much.

"Hi," Camden smiled at her.

"Need help?" she asked her but she had already moved to pull the vest over her arm carefully. "Thanks," Camden mumbled before looking up at her.  "Sorry, that we're split." Dixie apologized.

"Oh, don't worry bout it, this way I get to obliterate you," Camden shrugged.

Dixie's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You can't seriously think you can beat me," she asked tilting her head.

"Oh, I don't. I know it for a fact," Camden replied easily.

"Big words, you better watch your back, Cammie, you've been marked," Dixie threatened her daringly.

Camden rose an eyebrow as a smirk played at her lips. "Give me your best shot," she dared her poking Dixie's vest with the gun.

"Dixie! Stop fraternizing with the enemy!" Alex shouted at them which made her snap back to reality.

"Yeah! Stop hogging Camden, she's ours!" Nick yelled after him showing up behind her to put his hand on her good shoulder.

"What he said," Camden repeated nodding her head to Nick behind her.

Dixie raised an eyebrow as she raised her arms innocently as she walked backwards before pointing her gun at Camden and shooting her. Her red vest lit up with a blue light, a sound coming out while it vibrated and her mouth dropped open.

"Cheater!" Addison called behind Camden, jumping to her defense.

"It's called winning, sweetheart" She put on her blue glassed and pointed her finger from her eyes to Nick motioning that she was watching him. And Camden narrowed her eyes at her before she shot Dixie right back and her vest lit up with a red light.

"Alright knock it off, let's fight this out on the terrain where we're going to crush you," Thomas called.

"Bring it," Daisy dared him as she put on her glasses and he counted down from five before they all rushed into the terrain.


sup sluts gImMe pReDicTioNs. also do yall like obx or nah

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