Billionaire's Untamed

By _MidnightDreamer01_

304K 13.3K 1.3K

This is a spin-off/ Sequal of Mr. Billionaire's love. PREVIEW: Xander Crawford has his mother pestering him t... More

|| Chapter 1 ||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
|| Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapte 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 25.1||
||Chapter 26||
||Chapter 27||
||Chapter 28||
||Chapter 29||
||Chapter 30||
||Chapter 31||
||Chapter 32||
||Chapter 33||
||Chapter 34||
||Chapter 35||
||Chapter 36||
||Chapter 37||
||Chapter 38||
||Chapter 39||
||Chapter 40||

||Chapter 7||

6.9K 294 10
By _MidnightDreamer01_

~Take being called Crazy as a compliment. It means you have found the courage to be yourself when so many others have not.~


**That morning

I woke up massaging my forehead, it was hurting like hell. I should really stop drinking. Stretching my body to relax my sore muscles, I let out an unladylike yawn.

The bed beside me moved, making my back stiffen. With my mouth half-open I turned to my side and nearly screamed when saw my worst nightmare sleeping like a fucking princess beside me. What the-?

Suddenly multiple explicit images from the last night flashed through my head, making me wince and gasps at the same time. 


What did I do? Trish will kill me if she finds out. No, no, no, I have to get out of here, before he wakes up.

"Ok, that's good. Just keep sleeping like that." I whisper slowly as I tried to slide out of the bed, without waking him up.

I felt him stir beside me. Shit. I dropped back on the bed closing my eyes. I don't want to have a conversation just yet, because I don't trust my mouth.

The bed beside me dipped as he let out a loud groan, sending tingles of excitement all through my body. To be honest, yesterday was one hell of a night, he was so damn good, even thinking about it is making me wet. He was- well we were so good together, and-

He is awake. He is awake! My mind screamed. Right, I should focus on getting out of here first. 

What should I do now? Should I wake up with a smile? 

Oh, I should just pick my dress and run. Wait no, I can't do that.

My breathing picks up when I feel his eyes on me. Why the fuck is he staring? Should I open my eyes and stare back? No, that would be too uncomfortable.

Damn it, why isn't he moving?

Was he reminiscing our night together? Fuck, what if he falls in love with me? It would be too awkward to reject him.

Oh my god, What if he takes it out on Trish? No, he wouldn't do that, he isn't that petty.

After what felt like an eternity he finally moved. I let out a shaky breath when I heard the door close. Squinting my right eye open, I peeked to check if he was gone. 

Oh, thank god, he left the room.

Soon, the sound of the shower running fills the room. Yes, it was my chance to avoid painfully awkward talks.

I dashed out of the bed, picked up my underwear and dress, and tried to put it on as fast as I can. 

What the- the side of my dress was torn. When did he- NOOO, I wore this for the first time, it was so EXPENSIVE. 

A few tears slip from my eyes as I bid farewell to my precious dress. Goodbye, my dearest, you will be missed. I caress my Dress fondly.

 You don't have time. Stop mourning over the damn dress. Reminded my mind. Shit, right. 

Looking around the room, I found Xander's coat laying on the ground and put it over my dress. Ok, this will work. I was almost at the door when I realize leaving without a note would be rude plus he might worry about me.

So, I spun around and luckily found a notepad and a pen. I hastily wrote whatever came to mind all while keeping an eye on the bathroom door.

After tearing the paper from the pad I place it on the pillow for him to see and sprint out of the room.

**A day later (Present day)

Sunday came rolling, and I still don't know how to face him. Would it be awkward? He is Trish's boss. 

What was I thinking? Damn him, It's all his fault, why did he have to kiss me first?  

My phone rings. TRISHA. 

Reluctantly I picked up the phone. "H-Hello?" I gulped waiting for her response. Why did she call me? Did she found out? Oh my god, did Xander told on me? 

What the fuck am I thinking?

"Oh, You woke up early." Trish's surprised voice pulls me out of my daydream.

"Uhh... Err... I was... Umm... working? Yes, my work. Of course, I had to do my work. Huh, where do you think money comes from?" I say laughing nervously. 

She was silent for a moment. "What did you do, Alex?" She asks I can picture her face with a raised eyebrow while her hand on her hips.  

"How are you so sure, that I did something?" I say looking around the room.

"I just know, so stop looking around the room and tell me what did you do?" Woah, how is she doing this? "Is it something big?" She questions. 

"Maybe?" I answered, more like questioned.

"Oh my god, what did you do now, Alex?" She sounds stressed. 

"I can't tell you right now. But I promise it will be ok, I will deal with it myself. So don't worry, okay?" I assured her.

"Can you at least tell me the situation? Even a vague description will do. You know, so I can be prepared or think of something to get us out of it." She asked, sighing. 

My face breaks into a wide grin. She is the best. "Don't worry about it, darling, just enjoy your last day there. I will handle everything."

"I know you will." She encouraged me. "But just so you know, even if you killed someone, I can find someplace to hide the body." She reassured making me burst out laughing.

"Of course, I know. AND that is why I love you." I beamed, she chuckles. I heard Rickson's voice from behind. "At least leave her alone for the weekend, Alex." He grumbles.

"FYI she called me and its not her fault actually, people just can't stay away from me. I am just too charismatic." I flipped my hair even though I know he can't see me.

"Haha, good one. Now goodbye Girlstealer." He says monotonously.

"Bye-Bye Dick-son!" I chirped and hung up before he could complain.


I have to talk to Xander today and clear everything out. Trish should never find out about this.


She never will. I will make sure of it.


I groaned in frustration, throwing the file away. What is this nonsense? I told them to send me the draft of that Brazilian meeting and they couldn't even do it properly? I don't know why am I even paying these dumbheads. I should fire them all.

"Woah, who pissed you off this time?" I heard Chris, my brother ask while entering into my study. 

"This fucking good for nothing people. They can't even prepare a simple document." I growled.

He chuckled and took a seat opposite of mine. "Let me have a look." He asks and I pushed the file over to him. I lean back on my chair and close my eyes.

"Well, this looks fine to me." He concluded after reading the file. "Now, tell me what's actually wrong brother? I see you have been acting this way since yesterday, you even made mom's guest embarrassed last night and fired your house helps too."

"Nothing," I grit my teeth with my eyes closed. Images of a certain raven-haired woman with blue eyes laughing cross my mind, pissing me off further.

Arrgggghhhh... That woman. I still can't believe she just left like that.

On top of that, she had the audacity to leave behind the offending piece of paper.

Thanks for the night? Really? What am I, a Hooker?

 "Well, I can't believe I am asking you this, but... is it about some girl?" Chris asks after a moment of silence.

"What the-" I sprung off my chair, looking at him wide-eyed. How did he know? 

He copied my motion with an exaggerated version of slapping his hands on his mouth. "Seriously?"


That was the exact moment I knew I fucked up. I shouldn't have reacted this way. Shit. He is going to tell mom. Mom is going to grill me about it, what if she found out who-No, no, no, I can't let that happen. 

Just play it cool. Yes, I will just play it cool.

"What? Are you kidding me? Me? Worrying about some girl? Pfftt, no way. That's impossible. Not possible at all. I don't think about girls. No. Not me. NO." I babbled like a fucking idiot, shrugging at the end as if nothing happened. 

Real smooth dumbass. Scoffed my mind.

"Exaggerated reaction. Too many words in a single sentence. Hmmm...Interesting." He said, scrutinizing me from head to toe while tapping his finger on his chin.

I scoffed. "Think whatever you want. I am just too stressed about the new deal with that Italian guy, what's his name again?"

He was silent for a moment before answering my question. "Giovanni De'Rossi." I nodded. "Yes, Giovanni De'Rossi. He is coming next week right?" I asked.

Chris nodded. "Actually that's what I came here to talk to you about, I got a call from his secretary, asking for a week extension. Mr. De'Rossi has an urgent meeting with the Spanish duke that week. He apologized and asked for a reschedule."

"Well, ok, if it's urgent we can reschedule. I will ask Ms. Rogers to fix the meeting in another preferable time." I nodded.

"Ok, so, I will just take my leave now." He said. "You came here to say that?" I ask and he shrugs. I scoffed. "Next time you should try using that device, people often call a PHONE."  

"And miss all the fun? No way. I mean, If I'd called, I wouldn't have had the chance to see you all dramatic and worked up over a girl." He smirked. "I loved it, by the way." He laughed walking off. I stood their silently drilling holes in his back with my eyes.

He turned around briefly when he was close to the door. "What?" I raised an eyebrow with my arms folded over my chest.

"Good luck with the girl." He grinned and closed the door right when I threw a file at him. 

"It's nothing like that," I shout. I heard him laugh through the door. 

The door creaked open again as he peeked into my study. "Oh, and mom's gonna love me so much for delivering this great news, with of course some elaborated remix version of mine." He said, quickly closing the door.

"Fuck you," I screamed frustrated. 


I am so dead.


In the evening I went outside fo a run. I needed to clear my mind, to get her out of my head.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pressed the Bluetooth button to answer. "Hello," I say in my usual no-nonsense business voice.

I heard someone clear the throat and my pace starts to decrease. I know it may sound crazy, but somehow, I can tell who was it. "Umm... H-Hi." I heard on the other side of the phone. Yep, my suspicion was true.

"Alexis?" I asked halting in my way.

"Oh, yes. That's me." She sounds surprised.

"How did you found my number?" I questioned.

"Oh, I have my connections." She said, sounding proud of herself.

"Did Trisha gave you my number?" I asked.

"No, no, no, not Trisha. Not her." She replied hastily, somewhat panicked. "Actually that's why I wanted to talk to you, can we meet?" She asks slowly if she was afraid I was gonna deny.

"Sure, when do you want to meet?" I ask, feeling a tinge of excitement. Wait- what?

"Today, in an hour if possible?" She urged. 

"Sure. Where?"

"That Sunshine cafe near your office?"

"Sounds good."

"See you then." I hummed in answer, before hanging up.

Finally, I will have my answers.

An hour later, I entered the restaurant and screened the place to find the woman I was looking for. Her eyes meet mine briefly as she holds her hands up with a smile on her face.

Oh, she has the nerve to smile all beautiful after leaving me like that. Okay, I NEED to stop.

She stood up when she sees me approaching near her. "Oh god." She looks at me horrified as I stared at her with the same expression. 

Are you fucking kidding me right now? 

We both stood there wearing the same clothes, white shirt, and blue jeans. We looked like a fucking couple. Talk about CRINGE.


"Well, this is embarrassing." She whispers to herself, but I heard that, a little offended.

We sat down in our respective seats and I stare at her silently. "Uhh..." She breathes out, and I was thrown back to the blissful night, where she was moaning breathlessly under me while our bodies move in sync all night long.

Wait- what's wrong with me? What's with the barbaric thinking lately?

I swear am not one of those typical Playboys who bang everything with a hole. I am a sensible sane man.

Or at least you were. Sighed my mind. He is right. With this woman, I feel like I am starting to lose my sanity.

She was smiling, tucking her loose strands of hair behind her ear. 

I decided to break the awkward silence between us.


"Thanks for the night?" 

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