Beautiful Chaos || BrightWin

By hellsplate

177K 8.3K 1.5K

Bright is an undercover business man who's main job is in the mafia. Win ends up getting caught and thrown in... More

It's Complicated
new home & new faces
I have Issues
What Bright Thinks
A Bunch of Things
Testing the Water
I can't believe what I've done
Win in Distressed.
Whose the Enemy Now?
A Mess of Things
The Truth
Bright, I want this
But Why Do You Have To Go?
Maybe not everyone is bad?
I Should Have Listened to Bright
What the Hell is Going On?
Into the Right Arms
My Beautiful Win
Flashing Cameras
Receiving Our Blessings
Valen and Pavel's bet
A Surprise for Win
Feathery Kisses
A by Pass of Time
Red Chapter🔞
Who is it now?!
Maybe I'm Delusional?
Keeping my man
I'm Sorry Bright
Date night
Goodbye Friend
A family
I do

My Deepest Darkest Secrets

5.1K 245 13
By hellsplate

Bright P.O.V.

Having this relationship with Win made me feel and act less bitter. His bunny smile, the way he laughs, the way he gazes at me, there's just so much to love about him.

Tonight I planned something just for the two of us.

Right after his classes today he asked if he could hang out with his friends and although I would rather have all his free time to myself I knew I couldn't. I would never want to coerce him into anything and make him miserable. Win is damn beautiful and I'm glad his mines.


Win P.O.V.

Today was finally the day where I got to hang out with Rachel and JJ. I haven't talk to them in a long time after all the incidents.

"Bunny, it's almost December, why are you still wearing light clothes?" Rachel started to remove the jacket I gave to her but I stopped her. "I don't need it. I just don't feel cold yet." I nodded at her and JJ. "If you say so." JJ says while looking unimpressed. I mean I really wasn't!

We couldn't decide where to go to first and decided to follow JJ. Surprisingly it wasn't a book store but a clothing store. It had tons of suits and the store itself seem expensive. I scrunch my eyebrows at JJ as he begins to walk in. "I have a job interview for the company I'm about to intern at." was all that he said as he disappeared into the store. Rachel stayed glued to me like always. I began to look around and saw something that caught my eyes. They had a variety of ties, all which looked expensive. I carefully held it in my hands to check the price and saw that it was in my price range.

I thought I would buy two of them for Bright. He would wear it to work and it would remind him of me. I started to blush at the thought but felt proud of myself. Rachel seem to notice the small hint of blush but didn't question it. Instead she smiled at me. I'm just so happy that Rachel and JJ are my biggest sup- wait. They still don't know my actual story. They don't know who Bright is or what he does as his second occupation. The thought of them finding out scared me. They would definitely pull me out of that house. Even if it kills them both. What about Bright? Would he fight for me to stay or would he... let me go? I didn't want to start to dwell on it because I felt myself getting depress over it. I shook my head vigorously and began to pick out the ties for Bright. I picked a bluish grayish tie and a purple tie. I laughed to myself while looking at the purple tie. He would definitely look like a mob boss. Which we would be sorta right.

I looked over my choices again but was drawn out of my thoughts since I heard a voice behind me. It was too deep to be Rachel's so I carefully turned around. There I saw Joss with a playful smile. Oh no. Please tell me he just came to say hi. "Hey." I spoke first to get a move on getting a way. "Are you here by yourself?" He questioned me and I laughed. Hell to the fuck no! "No I'm with my best friends." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. I flinched and Rachel glared at him.

He seems mischievous and looks as if he had malice intention to hurt me, if that smirk of his was anything to go by. I just can't believe that this was the dude that Luke told me about. I always pictured him as an angel. "Did you tell them yet?" I couldn't quite understand it but as I look down to the ties I was holding I felt myself shiver. "What are you talking about? of course I did." I removed my arm from his grasp and pulled Rachel to follow me to the register. I just wanted to pay this fast and find JJ. "Really? Did you mention he's also in the mafia?" I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. I just prayed Rachel didn't hear but that would just be wishful thinking. "Win, what does he mean?" She seemed confused but more conflicted on what she wanted to believe and hear. "He's just spouting nonsense. C'mon I want to pay for these." I began to drag her but Joss called out something. He tell something that I didn't want her to know about. I would have told her sooner or later but as of now it has become my worst nightmare. "He's fiancé is in the mafia." He smirked as he glanced at his nails. Oh fuck. Right now I wished Bright taught me how to send people to the hospital because right now I could use that knowledge.

Rachel took her arm from my grip and held me on the spot. "Explain." She commanded. I didn't want to explain it here and I started to tremble. I felt the workers and people shopping in there stare at me. I felt ashamed of myself for lying to them but I didn't know how to bring it up. The situation with me and Bright now is on a higher level and I don't want to lose him.

Everything came fast as I started to hyperventilate. It reminded me of my past trauma and everything that occurred. I knew I blacked out because I couldn't quite comprehend the people around me and I felt so tired.


Bright P.O.V.

I was setting the finishing touches for tonight's date when I received a phone call. It was from Win's roommate, JJ.

Apparently he fainted while being with them and had been rushed to the hospital. I demanded where he was and sped to the hospital he was being put in. I quickly jogged to the ER and found Win unconscious. "How the fuck did this happen?" I raised my voice a bit but tried to remain calm as JJ attempted to explain the situation, Rachel shut him before he got the chance to explain. She looked as if she had something to talk about and I waited.

"Are you in the mafia?" I was taken aback from her question and praised her for being brave. "Yes." She glared at me and held Win in her arms. "He can't go back with you." She said with such authority, although I would never let him go. "He's old enough to choose for himself." I stated not leaving my sight of her and Win. "You would just put him in danger! He's one of the only family I have left and I can't lose him!" She yelled and I could see the frustration on her face. "I'm able to protect him and keep him safe. I can give him all he wants and what he needs. I can provide him with so much more than you are able to." I gritted out as I clench my jaw.

"Stop! Stop it you two, you're going to wake him up." JJ said as I saw tears form in his eyes. This certainly will not be an easy task and will turn into a long night. "What happened to him?" I direct my attention to the cat boy as he wiped his eyes. "One of the new students from our school revealed that you were in the mafia. Rachel question Win about it but he started to hyperventilate and fainted, is what Rachel told me." There is no possibility that anyone would know that piece of information unless Win told them or the person was part of a gang or mafia themselves. "Do you know who?" I crossed my arms impatiently as he tried to remember the name of the bastard who caused all this. "I believe his name is Joss." His name doesn't ring a bell to me. "Can you describe what he looks like?" He began to describe the way he looked but I couldn't make out who it would be. I nodded and decided I would wait until Win woke up. An hour later I requested him to be moved into a private room and it was granted. Once in the room JJ sat in a chair near the window as Rachel took the last chair in the room and placed it next to Win. She sat down and gazed at Win. I saw her worried expression but when it was directed at me it turned cold. I ignored it and resumed to ponder on the situation.

I requested a nurse to bring in an extra chair to sit on. Who knows how long Win would be out cold. The nurse handed me the foldable chair and I thank her. I made my way to the vacant side of Win's hospital bed and opened the chair to place it next to his bed.

I grasped his hand in my mine and as I did so Rachel threw me a glare but I shrugged it off. I began to scroll through my phone until very late. It was 12 in the morning and everyone in the room fell asleep. The nurse came in and handed me blankets. I decided to be nice to my boyfriend's friends and place the blankets on them, even if I was reluctant to do so for Rachel. I made my way back to his side and took his hand in mine. I kissed his knuckles and went to put my phone on silent. I decided to rest as well.

It was around 2am when I felt the hand in mine shiver. I also heard a whimper and my eyes shot opened. Win was awake. "Wi-" I couldn't finish my sentence because he looked so afraid. He was trembling and tears streamed down his face. I immediately release his hands and began to hold him in a strong hug. He just began to sob more as he held on to me.


After a moment has passed the room was filled with the deep breaths of his and hushed snores. I was amazed at how well his friends sleep after the commotion but I was worried about Win. "Do you want to go out?" I asked. He nodded and I helped him out of bed. We walked out into the sitting area. "Are you ok?" He nodded his head but I didn't believe him. Silence fell between us but I made no made to break it. Instead I held his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Bright, there's something you have to know." I felt weary about it but I gave his hand a squeeze as confirmation to continue. "I'm not as perfect as you think I am." He softly breathed out. "I know, not everyone is perfect. I'm not perfect." He shook his head. "No. You don't know how twisted my past is. It-" I spoke out of turn to get my thoughts through him. "I don't care about what has happen. I'm not letting you go and whether you chose to share me those things now is up to you. Although I would like it if you shared it with me when you are ready." He smiled and took a deep breath.

"My mother and father were always out and working. They didn't come home early and not one of them could watch me so they hired a babysitter." He paused but resumed again. "It was when I was seven when they first hired one. The babysitter had a great résumé and did well when my parents interviewed him. He got the job and came the next day. We had so much fun together and he would treat me like a brother. He was always nice and kept me safe. Then one day he started to change. He started to stop playing with me and ignored me until it was time to eat. We just didn't talk anymore. Then one day he brought two bags with him. Normally he only brought one which was filled with his school work because he was in college. After my parents left I asked what was inside. Instead of answering me he showed me what was in it. He brought out alcohol and asked if I wanted some. I said no and he started to drink by himself. I left to my room and stayed there until he left. The next time he came he brought alcohol again but this time he got really drunk and started to beat me. He would only hit me at my stomach or my legs so it was easier for me to cover them. It lasted for three months until my parents found out."

He's breath hitch and I moved to hug him. After a reassuring squeeze he started his story again. "My parents came earlier than what was expected and saw what he did. After that he was fired and imprisoned. To this day it still scars me and it's why I hate violence and drunken people. Also in case you wondered, no he did not touch me sexually."

I felt terrible for what he had to go through and felt even worse when I though back to when he first met me. After all he did see me beat up a man.


I held him in my arms tightly. "I love you, Win. Whatever you have to offer I'm willing to take. I won't let you go now and forever." I felt my shoulder get a little damp as he whimpered. "I love you, Bright. I don't care what your occupation is, just…" he swallowed and took a deep breath then exhaled. "Just don't leave me." I released him from our hug but keep my hands at his shoulder. "I wouldn't dare think about it." I lead him back to his hospital room and helped him get comfortable. We fell asleep with our hands entwined and our hearts beating at the same pulse.


Win P.O.V.

"Win wake up." I heard someone calling for me but I felt so tired. "Wi-" the voice stopped calling out to me and I felt thankful for the silence. "That's not going to work, let me try." The voice was deep and alluring, just like someone I knew. Someone whose name began with an V. Someone who I- all of a sudden I felt lips on mine. It was soft and felt familiar to me. My eyes shot opened I was met with closed eyes. I made a noise and he left my lips. "Brighttt~" I whined. He just chuckled and pointed to my bed.

I realized that it just wasn't us in the room. I also remembered what had happened last night and what happened before being in this position. I must've fainted from all the stressed.

JJ's checks were tinted red as he looked away. Rachel looked a bit angry but didn't say anything and held her gaze with me. I shrugged at her and focus my attention towards Bright. "You're going to get a checkup and then we can go home." I smiled at the thought of being home with Bright. Rachel on the other hand didn't understand the way thought because she opposed to it. "No bunny. You cannot go back with him and your relationship with this monster is over." She crossed her arms and I felt anger rise in me. "You can't tell me what to do Puppy! You're not my mom and he's not a monster!" I yelled at her and her eyes widened. What she did next made me even madder. She placed her hand over my forehead and drew her back after. "He must've brainwashed you." she glared at him and made an attempt to take my hand. "No! Rachel just leave me alone! I'm sick of you!" Her eyes widened and I saw tears well in her eyes. "If that's what you want." She held her jacket closer to her and got up. "Puppy, I didn't…" but she wouldn't listen to me as she ran out of the room.

JJ who remains silent the whole time walks over and places his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry I'll watch her and keep in contact with you. Please get well Win." He gave my shoulder a squeeze and ran out to find Rachel. I placed my face in my hands and cried. "What do I do?" Bright made no noise but patted my back. "Let's talk about it later right now the doctor is on his way to see you." He removed my hands from my face and wiped my tears away. He grabbed a napkin from the table and put it under water. He wrings it out and wipes my face with it. As if on cue the doctor clears her throat and walks in.

After Bright paid for the hospital bills (I tried to pay for it but he wouldn't let me) and checking out we drove home in silence. "Win, calm down, if Rachel cares for you and loves you just as much as you do, she will forgive you, she's your big sister" He kept his eyes on the road but I could see him tense. "It's my fault for getting you in this mess. I'm sorry and I will do what I can to help redress the problem between you and Rachel without losing you." I nodded and continued to stare out the window. I couldn't think straight and I didn't know how to solve my problems. My eyes felt heavy and leaned against the car window. Bright turned off the radio and I fell asleep to the sound of the car and his soft breathing.

To be continued.

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