SILVER FLAME ¬ Winx Club x Re...

By d1nosaursmate

8.1K 133 42

(Y/N), a 16 year old girl who lives in Gardenia. One day she was out with her friend Bloom but little did she... More

S1 ¬ CH1

S1 ¬ CH1

3.3K 56 18
By d1nosaursmate

I don't remember much before I was 6 years old. All I remember is being adopted by my wonderful dad Klaus and growing up with my little sister Roxy.

I woke up early but sat in bed reading, until Roxy came in to tell me Bloom was waiting for me. I rushed to put my clothes on and brushed my teeth and hair and met her in my front yard.

"Sorry Bloom I completely forgot we were going to the park today" I said to her after hugging her. "Its ok (Y/N), I almost forgot myself" and that's when I noticed her bike, "Hey, cute bike" I chuckled. "My parents gave it to me. Come on". We both got on our bikes and rode to the park.

When we got to the park we sat by a tree, Bloom had let Kiko run around on his own for a bit, I grabbed a book out of my backpack and started to read. "Hey (Y/N)?" Bloom asked, I hummed in response. "There's something wrong with Kiko". I looked up from my book to see Bloom getting up so I followed her and Kiko into the forest and saw a yellow Shrek fighting a girl, she had blond hair tied in pigtails and was wearing a orange top and shorts, she also had wings and there was light coming out of her hands and sceptre, she was flying too.

The girl shot some sort of spell towards the beast, "Shining Sun!" and a glowing light came out of her hands. Bloom and I stood there in amazement as we watched her fight off the beast.

"I am Stella Fairy of the Shining Sun! So back off!" said Stella.

Then the beast charged at her and knocked her off her feet. "Little fairy, I know who you are!" shouted the yellow beast, "Ghouls take her sceptre!" he shouted at his little red minion things and they started to run to attack Stella. One of the ghouls had grabbed her sceptre and the beast snatched it away.

I was about to run out to help the girl when Bloom stepped out into the light, "Let. Her. Go!" she shouted, and I came up behind her and said "Trust me, you don't want to mess with her" I smirked. The beast turned around and growled at Bloom and I felt Bloom start to panic. "Uh oh"

"Get them!" shouted the beast. All of the minions started to run towards us. Bloom stuck her hand out to defend herself, "Get back!" she shouted, and all of a sudden a orange shield appeared around us and pushed the minions back. Once the shield had disappeared Bloom looked at me and asked "Did I just do that?". All I could do was stare at her, "(Y/N)?".

"Yeah Bloom I think you did" I replied. Then I looked at Kiko who was having a celebration of not dying when a minion came up behind him. "Hands of Kiko!" I shouted before a silver light came out of my palm and hit the minion away. I looked behind me and saw the beast, then he grabbed my wrists and started to swing me about in the air. "Bad move little girl" he growled. Then Bloom shot a orange light out of her palms like I did and it hit his wrist and then he dropped me onto the floor.

Both Bloom and I looked to the side to see Stella standing up to grab her sceptre. "Wow you guys really pack quite a punch" she said, "Yeah, who knew" I smirked. I walked up to Bloom to help her up and the fairy walked over to us. "Thanks for helping me back there" she said as I grabbed Blooms hand and pulled her up on her feet, "No problem" we both replied at the same time.

I heard a growl and turned around to see the beast and what was left of his minions, "I'll see you again fairy" and then teleported away. All of a sudden Stella collapsed and transformed into a dress. Bloom and I rushed over to help her, "She must be exhausted" I said, Bloom hummed in agreement. "I'll take her back to my place" She said, "Mind giving me a hand?" she asked, and I immediately ran over and put one of Stella's arms over my shoulders and started to make our way to Blooms house completely forgetting about our bikes.

When we got to her house I called my dad to tell him I would be staying at Blooms for the night. I sat by Stella and listened to Bloom try to explain what happened to her parents. "She fought them with some kind of magic, and so did (Y/N) and I" Bloom explained. "Bloom that's nuts, I think we should call the police and take this girl to the hospital" her father said to her, "NO, please don't do that!" Said Stella who had just woken up, "Her colour's better, How do you feel?" I asked. "I'm alright, Thanks for helping me" she said to Bloom and I. "Oh, no problem" I said, "Your safe here. These are my parents, that's (Y/N) my best friend and I'm Bloom".

"What should we call you dear?" asked Blooms mom. "My name is Stella, but I'm not from around here. Have you heard of the Magic Dimension? It's in another galaxy" Stella replied, "I'm Princess of Solaria and fairy of the Shining Sun" She said introducing herself, I gasped. Was this girl actually a fairy?

"So I was forced down here when this ogre and his ghouls attacked me" Stella explained, then Blooms dad started to walk to the phone, "This girl needs help, she's delirious. I'm calling the police" he said whilst picking up the phone. Stella groaned in frustration, then a light flew out of her finger and transformed the phone into a carrot and a lettuce. "Believe me now?" she said smirking. "I believe you Stella" Bloom said, "Me too" I said smiling.

"As I was saying" Stella continued explaining, "there I was being attacked by these monsters, and then out of nowhere your daughter and (Y/N) showed up and saved me". Blooms parents gasped, "Actually I'm not sure what we did" I said. "A fairy doesn't need to know how, she just does it. That's all".

"We're fairies?" Both Bloom and I say at the same time. Stella confirmed that we were fairies and told us about a school called Alfea, she told us it was a place we could go to harness our powers.

"Stella?" I asked. "Yeah?". "What about my dad and my sister?".

"Oh, Ill ask Headmistress Faragonda to send a letter to your dad and then you can come with us" said Stella. I thought about it, "I guess, but what about my clothes ?"I asked, "Why don't you head back to your house now and meet us back here afterwards?" "Okay!" and with that I grabbed my backpack and rushed off to my small house.


I was almost at Blooms house when I hear loud noises coming from her back yard, I ran over as quick as I could and saw both Bloom and Stella knocked onto the floor and a ugly blue troll standing over them. "Hey! Ugly blue thing! Stay away from my friends!" I shouted before I jumped in front of them. All of a sudden a rope wrapped round the trolls neck, Then I heard voices shout "You got him!" said the ginger nerdy looking one. "Lets take him to jail where he belongs" the blonde one said, then I think the one with red hair relaxed a little bit too soon and got flung towards us, when he stumbled back and grabbed my wrist to try to regain his balance but instead just pulled me down with him resulting in me falling on top of him.

The troll started going after the other guys and I stood up and got ready to help them, then the ground split apart causing me to stumble back again and fall but this time I fell onto the ground. I looked up to see that the troll had fallen into the crack in the ground. "Pardon me ladies, I've got work to do" the red one smirked standing up between Stella and Bloom who had also started to stand up. Then the red one walked over to me and offered to help me up, I took his hand and he introduced himself, "I'm Riven" he said smirking and then ran of to help the other guys with the minions.

Then the yellow ogre from earlier ran over and hit Riven over to the other side of the garden, then Stella, Bloom and I put our hands out and shot a spell together knocking the ogre down. "And that's how you get rid of an ogre" Stella chuckled, I smiled at her and Bloom gasped in amazement, "Wow we really can do magic" She said smiling at Stella and I. "Totally, I told you so" Stella replied. I looked over at the ogre who was standing up again until he spotted the guys surrounding him and his minions, he was out numbered and he teleported away, "Coward" I muttered.

"Finally, he was getting on my nerves" Said Stella and she started to walk towards the guys so Bloom and I followed. "Bloom, (Y/N), let me introduce you to the Specialists". I looked up from my feet to see all the guys had stood together, "That's Riven, and that's Brandon" She said pointing to the one with the green laser-sword-thingy "That's Timmy" she pointed to the one with glasses, "and Prince Sky" She said after pointing to the last one who had blonde hair like her.

The troll started to climb out of the hole in the ground but before it got anywhere Timmy clipped a glowing blue collar around its neck. Blooms parents stepped outside and gasped at the troll which was now floating in the air, and they all teleported away saying goodbye before they fully disappeared.

Morning came around and I walked into Blooms bedroom and set my suitcase down and started to help Bloom pack. Once we had finished we headed back downstairs to see Blooms dad trying to clean up the mess. "Let me help you, I can clear everything with a bit of magic" Stella offered. "Uh thanks Stella, but I think I'll do it the traditional way" Blooms dad replied.

"Bloom and (Y/N) are ready" Blooms mom said whilst we walked down the stairs, "Are you sure about this Sweetie, (Y/N)?" Blooms dad asked, "Yeah dad, we've got to learn how to use our powers, to be fairies" Bloom replied. "I know, but we don't know anything about Alfea Collage, so, we're coming with you" said Blooms dad, "Really, oh ok" Bloom replied. "You're not going to a magical dimension until your mom and I check it out, and I'm pretty sure (Y/N)'s dad would feel better if we told him what it was like too"

"Uh, Stella can we all go?" Bloom asked, "Of course. I can bring everybody" She said and took off her ring which transformed into her sceptre from before. Then a bright light appeared and Stella shouted "Lets go!" and we were sucked into what looked like a portal and we all started to fall, until I fell face first into the grass, "Ouch" I grumbled. "(Y/N)! Are you ok?" Bloom said whilst running towards me, "I'll live" I said rubbing the side of my face that hurt the most. Once I had stood up I walked over to Blooms mom and helped her up, "Thank you (Y/N)" she said, I smiled back at her. "Holy crap!" I heard Blooms dad say in amazement, "It really does exist" .

I looked past the trees to see a pink building with Blue roofs, it was beautiful. "Wow, we've never seen anything like it" said Blooms parents, "That must be Alfea collage Bloom" I said, "So lets go" said Blooms dad and he started to walk down the hill and said "I want to get a closer look at-" and then something stopped him from walking past a certain point.

Stella informed us that only magical people can go through and that Blooms parents wouldn't be able to go any further. Bloom said goodbye to her parents and her mom hugged me before we left. I asked them to tell my dad that I'd be home to visit as soon as possible then Stella took out her sceptre again and teleported them back to Gardenia. "Come on guys lets go" She said and we walked towards Alfea.

When we walked through the gates we were almost immediately stopped by a tall mean looking woman. "Who are you" she said pointing to Bloom and I, "And where do you think your going young ladies?".

"Griselda, I see you have met our newest students, Bloom and (Y/N)" said an older lady with white hair. "They'll be part of our new freshmen class" "They're not on my list Headmistress Faragonda!" Griselda exclaimed. "But they're on my list Griselda" the Headmistress replied, "So welcome Bloom, (Y/N)" she said giving us both a smile.

All the other students followed Headmistress Faragonda to a big door and it burst open. "This will be your new home for the next few years as you study to master your powers and become fairies" she said whilst walking through a large hall and all the students followed her, "It will be hard work, but everyone here can do it, I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you and your abilities. You have entered the Realm of Magic, you will find wonderful things, but you will also encounter dangers, I advise you..." "to stay away from the witches of Cloud Tower" said Stella in a mocking tone, then she giggled, "Now she's going to say in" she whispered. "Stay away from the witches of Cloud Tower" Faragonda said sternly, "So girls, you are free till tomorrow morning. You can go to your rooms" Said Griselda whilst clapping her hands. "Good luck everybody, I'll see you all tomorrow. Oh and classes start at eight o'clock sharp, Do be punctual" Faragonda reminded us while we all walked away.

Stella led Bloom and I to our dorms which we shared with Stella and three other girls. On the way she explained that there were three schools in Magix, Alfea Collage for fairies, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain which is where the Specialists go . Stella stopped in front of a large green double door. Inside was a small hall with two doors on each side, at the end of the hall there was a small lounge with a table by the window which led to a balcony, and then on the other side there was a sofa against the wall and two arm chairs.

"I think that's my room" said Stella pointing at a double door with suns on the windows, all three of us walked into her room, it was amazing and she had a room all to herself. Bloom looked across the hall and walked to another door, "I guess this is my room" she said. I walked to the end of the room to a door that had water drops on the windows and had my name beside it, I also noticed that my roommate would not be here till next year.

I walked into my room and took out my book and set it on a desk on my side of the room. "Hey Stella? Bloom?" I popped my head round the door to see Bloom, Stella and three other girls talking so I walked up to them. "Hi I'm (Y/N)" I said smiling at the three girls I didn't know. "I'm Tecna" said the one with a pixie cut and bright purple hair, "And I'm Musa, her roommate" She had short dark hair tied into pigtails. "I'm Flora, I'm Blooms Roommate".

After I knew who everyone was I told them "I have a roommate too but it looks like she wont be making an appearance till next year". Then Stella suggested we go to Magix city for dinner, "Cool then we can all get to know each other" Suggested Flora. Bloom said we should get pizza and after that I was shocked, the girls had no idea what pizza was, but it was funny watching Bloom try to explain it to them.


Once we had arrived in Magix, Bloom and I walked off to find a phone booth so she could talk to her parents and I could talk to my dad.

"Hey dad, it's (Y/N)" I said when he had picked up the phone, "(Y/N)? Where the heck are you? I was so worried, I got a letter this morning telling me you have gone off to some college ages away. The only reason I haven't told you to get back here is because Mike and Vanessa also sent Bloom there and they said the school was fine" My dad said trying to be quiet, I guess because Roxy was in the same room.

"I'm sorry dad, I'll visit as much as I can, I promise" I said attempting to calm him down. "I know kid. I was just worried, that's all. Y'know its been just over a day and Roxy already misses you, I do too."

"Don't worry I'll be back before you know it" I told him, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Bloom had stopped talking to her parents and left her phone booth and was sneaking off somewhere. "Hey dad? I got to go something from school came up. I'll talk to you later, I love you, don't forget to tell Roxy too. Ok bye!" and I hung up the phone and followed Bloom who looked like she was following someone too, so when she stopped to look around the corner I snuck up to her and tapped her shoulder. Bloom jumped and turned around, she relaxed when she saw that it was just me, I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me and put a finger to her lips signalling me to be quiet.

I looked around the corner to see the ogre from Gardenia spying on Stella and the others who were sat by the fountain. "Hey" I heard Bloom say so I turned and looked at her, "Why is he spying on our friends?" She asked me, "I'm not sure" I replied. We looked back round the corner to see that he had disappeared. "Where'd he go?" I said, "We've got to find him" Bloom replied, after a while of looking we eventually found him walking into a cold dark ally so we hid behind some pipes.

Then we saw three shadows and the ogre started talking to them but we couldn't here anything. When the three had come out of the shadows I heard Bloom gasp, "What is it?" I ask, "Witches" she whispered to me. "Move you big oaf" I muttered at the ogre who was in the way of us seeing the witches. "I cant see a thing" Said Bloom, the ogre stepped aside and we could see the witches. "That's better" I said. One of the witches had brown hair and was wearing a purple suit and her friends had similar suits but in blue and a dark pink, the blue one had her long silver hair put into a ponytail and the pink one had grey frizzy hair.

All of a sudden the one in purple appeared behind us and hit us both with a spell causing us to go flying forwards to the witches. I got up and immediately went to help Bloom up. Whilst helping her up I heard footsteps and I looked up to see the three witches and the ogre standing over us, "So, did you get our little joke?" The blue one asked as she clicked her fingers and the illusion version of her friend disappeared and the real one walked up behind us.

"Look behind you" the purple one said smirking, Bloom turned around and gasped. Then the witch laughed and said "Hey there" and walked over to stand with the others. "I'm a fairy" Bloom told them, "get back!" and she shot a spell at them but unfortunately for us it failed to hit the witches. "Oh please, you call that magic?" The blue witch giggled, then she started glowing a light blue colour. "Icy says this is magic" a Ice spiral started shooting out of her palms making ice spikes grow around Bloom and I trapping us. "And Darcy says this is magic" the purple one put her hands out in front of her and purple energy was released from them breaking the ice and throwing us further down the ally. Then the frizzy haired one grinned and laughed, "Oh no" I gasped, "Stormy says this is magic" and a magic tornado was released scooping us up and throwing us to the edge of a roof and leaving us hanging there.

I tried to pull myself up and I heard the witches laughing, then I felt myself being pulled of the edge by Icy, "Wouldn't want to leave you guys hanging there" she said, "Come on down", Bloom was thrown into some boxes and I fell to the floor. Then I heard Icy say "Chillax" and Bloom and I were frozen in ice.


Later at Alfea after Bloom and I had woken up we all gathered in Blooms room. "You guys thanks for saving us from those witches" I said to the girls, "Those witches call themselves the Trix" said Stella, "We should have a name like.." she paused for a second, "The Stella team, The Stella Six? Oh, I've got it! The Stellaries!" she said trying to come up with a club name. "The what?" Musa asked whilst leaning against the door frame behind Stella. "Hey it rhymes with fairies" Stella replied turning around to face Musa, "What's wrong? Don't you like it Musa?" she asked. "Naaah. It's totally un-cool" said Musa, and I hummed in agreement.

Then Bloom stood up, "What about the Winx?" she suggested, I nodded and Flora put her hand up and said "I vote for Winx", then Musa and Tecna copied her action and said "Me too" at the same time. Bloom turned around to me, "(Y/N)? What do you think?".

"I vote for Winx too" I said smiling. Then Tecna asked Bloom "Uh, what does Winx mean?", "Nothing" Bloom replied, "Just us. The Winx" she said moving her hands into a 'x' motion followed by orange sparkles.

We all stayed in Blooms room talking till really late at night but after an hour or two we decided we should sleep because we had to be up early the next morning.

When I woke up I was immediately told to go straight to Griselda's office when we were dressed with the other five girls. Once we had arrived Griselda had already started shouting at us. "Young ladies!" she started, "It is a tradition at Alfea College that first years take on a challenging task. Without the use of magic" then she stood up and put her hands on her desk and carried on talking "And I have devised a very special task for you. While everyone else enjoys an outing, you will spend the ENTIRE day at school and you will clean the castle from top to bottom" she walked around her desk and we all gasped.

"What!? The whole castle?" Flora exclaimed, "No. Only the stairs, the corridors, classrooms and bathrooms" Griselda replied. "Oh, no problem. I thought it was going to be much worse" Stella said, both Bloom and I giggled. Griselda clapped her hands and all sorts of cleaning equipment appeared by the wall, "You will find that you have no access to your magic powers so..." She told us and walked over and grabbed a broom and handed it to Stella "These are your work tools". Stella looked shocked and Tecna took out her little computer to scan them but Griselda quickly took it away from her.

"And I forgot, you can't use technology either" Griselda snapped, "But why?" Tecna asked, Musa giggled and said "Totally busted Tecna" and all of us laughed but Tecna and Griselda. "It's not funny, you are all being irrational" said Tecna. "Young ladies, Tomorrow I will conduct an inspection, everything better be clean. Now go" Griselda shouted and pointed to the door.

We split into two groups to clean the castle, I went with Flora and Tecna and the other group was Bloom, Stella and Musa. My group started with the stairs, Flora and I found out that Tecna had no idea what to do, "Do you want me to show you how to do this?" Flora and I offered at the same time. "No that wont be necessary. I'm sure I can figure out how to use these primitive instruments" She replied whilst picking up a bucket and tipping out whatever was in it, "Are you sure?" Flora asked watching Tecna look at the bucket and then stuck it on top of her head, "Of course!", "Are you really really sure you don't want our help?" I giggled and leaned on my brush. "I can handle this situation (Y/N), don't worry" Tecna replied and picked up her brush to look at it, then she tried to use the brush to dust the painting causing it to fall off the wall, "I think I might of done something wrong" Tecna said giving us an embarrassed smile.

For the next half and hour Flora and I taught Tecna how to use a sweeping brush and what to do with the bucket. After that we spent hours on the big hall and stairs, when we had finished we decided to check up on the other three girls.

On the walk to the other girls I got to know Flora and Tecna more. I found out that Flora has a little sister like I do and she comes from a planet full of plants and magical creatures, I also learned that Tecna was from a planet full of technology. I told the girls about my life on earth and how I met Bloom, I also told them how I was adopted and I don't really remember my life before the age of six. "(Y/N)? Your parents were probably magic" Tecna said to me once I had finished telling them my story. "What?" I asked, it was a possibility, what if my parents were magic? Are they still alive? Do I have any other family? I asked myself in my head.

Eventually we reached the classroom the other girls were supposedly cleaning only to find the floor covered in soapy water, Bloom and Stella laid on the floor and Musa laying on top of the teachers desk. "Woah" Flora gasped followed by Tecna and I gasping too. "What happened in here? A tornado?" I giggled and walked over Musa to move her feet and sit on the desk, "Oh we were just working some stuff out, right?" Stella replied, Bloom sat up and laughed "Right" she said smiling, "What a mess" said Flora, "We'll never finish this part" Tecna said angrily at the other three.

"Why don't we ask the boys to join us" Stella suggested, "Yeah, why not? I mean then when we get caught we will be grounded till infinity" Flora said sarcastically. Bloom walked over to Flora and said "Well I think it's a great idea, don't you (Y/N)?", I thought about it quickly then decided "Yeah, why not?". It took a while to convince Tecna but eventually she agreed and Stella decided that afterwards we would have a little party.

Whilst we waited for the boys to arrive we moved our stuff to the front hall where we arrived when we got to Alfea and started working, Musa even brought her CD player so we could dance while cleaning. When I heard the door open I looked up to see the four boys stood there looking extremely confused, "wasn't this supposed to be a party?" one of them asked, "Well it will be" Bloom said walking up to them handing Sky a broom and throwing one to Timmy who almost failed to catch it, "As soon as we finish cleaning" I added throwing another two brooms to Brandon and Riven, Brandon caught his broom but Riven let his fall to the ground and stared at me, I frowned at him and he rolled his eyes and picked it up. "Thank you" I said in a fake sweet tone, "Whatever" he replied.

When Musa turned up the music we all danced around with our mops and our brooms, while I was dancing on the bottom of the stairs I slipped and fell but before I could hit the floor someone caught me from behind and helped me back on my feet, I looked behind and saw that it was Riven that helped me up. "Thanks for catching me" I said blushing, "No problem (Y/N/N)" he replied, I felt my cheeks getting hotter, Riven then smirked at me and walked away to lean against a pillar.

Once we had finished cleaning the rest of the school we headed up to the girls and I's apartment and changed into different cloths.

Musa turned her CD player back on and everyone but Riven, Timmy, Tecna and I were dancing. I leaned against the doorway watching Bloom and Stella talk about boys whilst dancing and they motioned for me to come over but I shook my head and smiled at them and watched Musa dancing to try impress Riven who was leaning on the other side of the doorway. "Riven?" I said getting his attention "Hm?"

"I think Musa is trying to get your attention" I giggled. He looked at Musa who was moonwalking across the room and then turned back to me, "She's cute, but not my type" He said. I nodded and made my way to the balcony and leaned on the railing.

After a while I noticed that the building was shaking and I almost lost my balance, once the shaking stopped I went indoors to find out what was going on, I saw Brandon first and asked him what was going on, "Hey what happened? Why was the ground shaking?" he turned around and opened his mouth to say something but then Stella said "It sounds like its coming from outside, maybe someone left their TV on?", we all walked out onto the balcony and saw an object being thrown out of a window. "Or not maybe not" I told Stella, Riven then whistled and the boys hoverbikes rose up to the balcony, they hopped on but before they could leave I shouted, "Wait! I'm coming with you", "Fine, hop on" Riven told me and I jumped on the back of his bike and we headed down to the other side of the school.

Once we had got there we found out that there was a gigantic hole in the wall where the door was supposed to be. After a while the other girls joined us, "What kind of creature could do this?" Timmy asked while Tecna walked over to him, "A big and heavy creature" she answered. "Oh golly, I never would of guessed" Riven said sarcastically, "It's a little over eight feet tall and weighs a little more then a ton, it's fur is bristly, it has horns and has multiple clawed limbs, it also has a musky odour. Now, is that better?" She deducted.

"Way to go Tecna" Stella giggled. Then the ground started to shake again, the boys and I headed towards the source of the shaking, "Come on guys, this way" I told them. "If (Y/N)'s going we're coming too" I heard Stella say and I groaned I already knew what the boys were going to say, "No stay where you are little fairies" Riven told them then turned to me, "You too (Y/N). This isn't a job for you".

I walked over to the girls and huffed as I watched the Specialists walk away. "Was he serious?" Musa scoffed, then we began to run down the halls completely ignoring what the guys said, we had walked up some steps when Musa said "It went this way" pointing further down the hall, I walked in front of them straight into something large and blue, "I just hit something really big". The blue monster turned around and growled at us, we all gasped and then it roared at us, spitting saliva all over Stella, "Ugh, this is totally disgusting" she cried trying to wipe it away.

Then Stella walked up to the beast and growled back at it, "Uh Stella? We don't have our powers" Bloom reminded her. Stella laughed nervously and took a few steps back to where the other girls had huddled in fear, Tecna shouted "Run!" and we ran down the hallway and up the stairs as fast as we could, Flora fell at the top of the stairs so I stopped to help her back up, "Come on Flora, (Y/N)" Said Musa who ran past us.

Stella grabbed both our arms and dragged us along with her down another hallway. The blue monster broke through the wall and stomped his hooves and roared making the ground shake again, the girls and I all lost our balance and fell to the ground. The monster went to attack Bloom but she quickly dodged it, then it went after Tecna with its horns but she jumped on top of the creatures back before it could get her. Now the monster was stuck in the wall and Stella walked up to it, "You are one nasty creature, maybe this will freshen you up" she said taking out a small bottle of perfume. "Wait no!" I shouted but I was too late she already sprayed it, "Great, You made it even angrier" Tecna grumbled.

The creature pulled its horns out of the wall and turned its head to face Stella, but then it heard something behind it and turned its head to look there instead only to find it was the Specialists, I sighed in relief. Riven ran up to the beast but got knocked through a wall and into another room. I gasped and tried to make my way over to help him but the monster swung at me and threw me down the hall, I groaned in pain but stood up a few moments later and ran back over to the girls, "What's going on?" I asked when Tecna, a few moments later Stella walked over with the cleaning equipment from earlier. "Look what I found!" She said grinning, I suddenly thought of something, "And I know just to do!" I told the girls.

A few minutes later the plan had been set up, I looked over Tecna's shoulder to see that the guys weren't winning, "Girls now!" I told them and we started making noises with the cleaning equipment to distract the beast, "Hey monster!" Bloom shouted once we had gotten its attention. The beast started to run towards us, now it was time for the next part of the plan. We started running and the beast was close behind us, "You ready?" I asked Musa while running, "Yup" she replied and both of us took out soap and pored it all over the floor.

The beast went sliding down the hallway and crashed through the railing to the Entrance Hall. Once I knew that the beast had been knocked out I headed back to where the guys were to help them out. I looked over at them and I saw Timmy still on the ground so I went to go help him up. "Did you get him?" He asked me, I nodded my head and wandered over to where Sky and Brandon where, "You guys ok?" I asked. They both said that they were fine and I told them where the girls where and I walked over to Riven who was sitting up, I offered my hand to help him up and he took it. "Thanks" He said, "No problem" I replied giving him a small smile.

I looked through the wall and saw that the other guys had already walked off to find the girls so Riven and I quickly made it back to the group. Once we got there I made my way to the front of the group next to flora while the guys stood at the back. "What is it?" Flora asked, but she got no reply. "Ew, its horrible" Musa groaned, "What I want to know is where could a thing like that have come from" said Bloom, "And what if there are more of them?" I asked. "We have got to figure out what is going on here" Said Tecna. "I'd say this is a special gift from the Trix'R'Us company" Stella giggled, "Lets go to miss Faragonda's office" Bloom suggested and I nodded in agreement. "If we use her crystal ball then maybe we can see what's actually happening in Alfea".

"But that wouldn't be right, we cant go into Faragonda's office if she isn't in there" Flora told us, "That's true. Its strictly against the rules" Tecna said agreeing with Flora. "Yes but right now we are the only ones who can do anything to protect our school" I told them trying to convince them. After a few minuets everyone agreed and we made our way to her office as quick as we could.

We snook in as quietly as we could, "I'm uncomfortable with this" Stella whispered, I had to agree I felt the same but the school was in danger and this seemed like the only way to help. We made our way to her desk where the crystal ball was when Riven suddenly said "We're not alone". I looked at him in confusion, how did he know that? I asked myself in my head. "Maybe its another monster!" Flora exclaimed. "I don't think so" I said to her trying to calm her down.

"What do we do" Musa asked Bloom who quickly told us to hide. I hid under the desk and I heard the door open and familiar voices talking to each other, "Its strange, the vacuums indicate that the greatest power of Magix is in this room" Said a voice that sounded like it belonged to Icy. "I don't see anything. I guess we will just have to trash the place and search every nook and cranny until we find what we want" She giggled that's when I looked up to see Bloom giving me the signal to jump out. I stood up from underneath the desk, "I don't think so" I said turning towards them, Bloom dropped down from where she was hiding to back me up.

Then the lights were turned on and I looked over the Trix's shoulders to see Riven getting ready for a fight. Eventually everyone came out from their hiding spots and circled the Trix so they had nowhere to go. "What are you doing here" Icy asked smirking at Bloom and I. "No, what are you three doing here?" We asked.

"Just what I was going to ask all of you" I heard a new voice say, I looked to the door and saw that Miss Faragonda was making her way over to us with an angry look on her face. "Just up until a moment ago, I thought this was my office".

"I know it looks bad, but we can explain" I said to the headmistress. She looked at me then at the Trix and nodded her head at me signalling for me to explain to her what had happened. After I did with the help of Bloom and the girls she let us go and sent the boys back to Red Fountain.

I walked outside with Musa to see the boys off when I heard my name being called, I looked around and saw Riven calling me over, I walked over to his hover bike "Next time your friends have a party, make sure they don't invite me" he told me while putting his helmet on, Musa and Flora both scoffed at his words from behind me. "You know you didn't have to come" I told him crossing my arms and frowning at him. "Yeah well there was a cute girl I wanted to see again" He replied winking at me and the he drove off.

I turned around and saw that the girls were giggling at me. "What's so funny?" I asked them. Musa walked over to me and whispered in my ear "You've gone as red as a tomato". I quickly put my hands to my cheeks which were warm and I hid my face in embarrassment.

"I must remember thank Director Saladin for the help his students gave us here tonight" Faragonda said from behind us. I turned around as she was walking towards Miss Grizelda who was watching over the Trix. "And as for you three young witches, I must tell you that your behaviour this evening is totally unacceptable in every way" She told the Trix, they groaned in response. "I will be communicating with Miss Griffin immediately, I trust you will be disciplined accordingly" then she snapped her fingers and the Trix were teleported away.

"And now its your turn" Grizelda said turning to the girls and I.


The next day we were all called back to headmistress Faragonda's office, I quickly got dressed into my normal everyday clothes and walked down to her office with the rest of the girls. We all stood in front of her desk awaiting our punishment, but it never came. "Now, I've looked at the situation as a whole, so I will not reprimand you" She told us, "This evenings events have shown that you can handle difficult situations intelligently, creatively and without magic, so I will give you back your powers, you have acquitted yourselves admirably" She said walking to the front of her desk then snapping her fingers, a light appeared in front of each of us and we absorbed them. I felt my powers come back to me which I thought was funny because not too long ago I didn't even know I had them.

I looked to the other girls who were all smiling at each other.

Once we left the office Bloom and I headed back into Magix City to shop for room decorations considering we didn't really have much except for our clothes. We were in the city for hours until we had gotten a text from Flora telling us to get back before curfew, so we hopped onto the next bus to Alfea with our bags that had our shrunken furniture that we would get one of the girls to help us with.

We had entered our dorm and Stella immediately dragged Bloom to help with decorations. I went and knocked on Musa and Tecna's door, the door opened and there stood Musa already getting ready to sleep, "Hey do you guys want to help me set up my room?" I asked both of them. They agreed and we spent over two hours un-shrinking the furniture I had bought.


My first year at Alfea seemed to go by fast and next thing I knew it was we were already half way through the school year. I had learned how to use my powers but I still hadn't transformed into my fairy form. I was packing my small backpack for my simulator trial class I had today when I heard a knock on my door. I opened my door to see Bloom and Flora waiting for me, "You ready (Y/N)?" Flora asked. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said picking up my backpack and walking with the girls to the simulator.

"All right girls" The professor said starting up the class, "Lets begin the simulation, for this task you will have to cast spells in a virtual place. Now who wants to go first". Everyone shuffled around awkwardly in silence, "Just as I thought" the professor chuckled, "I'll choose a volunteer" he said scanning the room until his eyes finally landed on Bloom.

"Bloom!". Bloom gasped, but she put on a brave face and walked towards the front of the group. "You can choose the environment, which one would you like?" asked the professor. "I was thinking of a desolate environment" Bloom replied, "The most desolate possible".

"Okay" Said the professor, "There is a place called" he paused for a second to read the name, "Domino". I gasped, I felt pain in my chest and head when he mentioned the name Domino, I quickly raised my hand. "Yes (Y/N)?" The professor asked, "Can I please step outside for a moment? I have an awful headache" I said putting my hand on my forehead. "Of course" he replied, "I will send one of your classmates to retrieve you in a few minuets" he told me.

I wished Bloom good luck and I walked out of the classroom to sit on a bench just outside the door. After a few moments I heard footsteps coming towards me, "(Y/N)?", I looked up and saw Headmistress Faragonda stood in front of me. I immediately got on my feet, "Good morning Headmistress" I said quickly. The Headmistress looked at me in concern, but didn't ask me anything. "I was just on my way to ask you to come to my office next week" She told me, "Oh ok, I will be there" I replied. Headmistress Faragonda nodded her head and walked off down the long hallway.

After 10 minuets I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up again to see Musa had come to bring me back into class but she had a worried look on her face. I stood up and asked her "What's wrong?" She didn't reply so we just walked back into the classroom. I looked over to where the professor was and saw that the computers were glitching out, I gasped and my eyes widened. "Is Bloom still in there?" I asked Musa who only nodded her head in reply.

"The Trix are in the simulator with her" said Tecna. I looked at the screen and saw The Trix throwing all kinds of spells at Bloom and she managed to dodge most until Stormy cast a powerful spell that hit her directly in the back. I couldn't hear much but I was watching closely and I saw Kiko on a small pillar above lava. Next thing I knew icy shot Kiko of the platform and he was sent falling into the lava and Bloom quickly jumped to try save him. "No!" I shouted, Everyone looked at me and that's when it hit me, it's was a simulation. I went bright red with embarrassment.

I looked back at the screen to see a giant explosion and a bright orange fiery dragon emerge from it. After the explosion had disappeared I saw Bloom flying up in her new fairy form, we all cheered and watched her defeat The Trix. The Professor cast a spell to deactivate the simulation and the whole class rushed on to the platform.

I was the first one to get there and I immediately hugged her, "You found your fairy form" I said into the hug, "Yeah, don't worry (Y/N), you will get yours". I smiled at her and let the rest of the class congratulate her.


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