Back to Me

By LiveSkippy

213K 7.3K 1.8K

Hope Mikaelson has always been a hero -- the mighty Tribrid protecting the Salvatore Boarding School. But we... More

Lacing Grief
New Normal
Darkness Within
Family Dearest
Old Foe
This Feeling
Game On
Hurt You
Just a Dream
Alyssa Chang
With You
Breakfast Surprise
The Hunt - Part I
The Hunt - Part II
Blame On You
Don't Leave
The Morning After
What We Do In The Shadows
You Jinxed It
Light at the End of the Tunnel
When the Good Souls Cry
I Don't Trust You Either
The Cell
Hope Andrea Mikaelson
The Weight of Blood
The Snake
Back to Me
A Promise of Love
Thank You

Look Close

5.4K 209 11
By LiveSkippy

At this point, Hope was tired of asking for permission. All it took was a glance at Rebekah across the room as students left for the Commonwealth party. Her eyes pinned Hope in place, silently willing her to stay at school. Maybe she shouldn't have pulled the blood stunt today.

She slowly opened the drawer where Uncle Kol kept the car keys, praying that the old mahogany didn't creak. In a house full of vampires, the most meager sound could land her grounded. Once the opening was wide enough for her hand to slip in, she rummages through the rolls of money her uncle kept in case of emergency, hunting knives, and vials. Her fingers grace metal that jingles. She pulls out the keys, grinning in success.

Her muscles tense at the creaking of floorboards. Hope hurries to close the drawer as silently as she can. Going back into the hallway is out of the question, so her head turns to the window. She peels it open and steps out onto the ledge. She closes the window behind her and without a second thought, jumps to the grass two stories below. By the time Kol enters the room, there is no evidence of another presence.

Hope groans into the ground as she pulls herself up. Her legs tremble when she tries to stand up, simmering pain shooting up her spine. She looks down to the stinging, her left hand hung limp and was already beginning to swell. Her right ankle bent at an unnatural angle. She takes hold of her foot and sucks in a deep breath. The bones crack as she puts them back into place. Hope turns back to her wrist, it would have to heal on its own.

Hope limped her way to the garage where she hid a bag with clothes under an old, yellow rack that went mostly unbothered. She quickly pulls her Salvatore sweater over her head for the maroon leather jacket in the duffel bag. Followed by black jeans and high heeled combat boots. Many questioned her choice of shoes -- they were not practical for someone who battled monsters like it was a sport, but when you wore them as often as her, you learned a thing or two. And she refused to be the shortest in the Super Squad.

Fully changed and ready, Hope opened the door to the Ford Mustang. It was a beautiful convertible her father got in the late 60s that now her uncle Kol used. She hopped in and started her way to town. The hardest part of the night was done, everything was downhill from there.


As she looked for a parking spot, Hope wondered what possessed her to come in the first place. She had always hated parties. Half of the people were either drunk or high out of their minds, everything was loud to the point you couldn't talk to someone, and if that wasn't enough, you had to squeeze yourself through sweaty bodies to get anywhere.

Hope sat in the car looking at the town square. At least the party wasn't as flamboyant as Mardi Gras in New Orleans. There were lights strung between poles that offered dim lighting, just enough to get through without crashing into something. A DJ booth stood in the far back where the densest concentration of people danced. Food stalls ranging from sushi, to tacos, to pizza adorned the rim of the square. Off to the side silly games were taking place like Beer Pong and Darts for Dunk.

There was only one reason Hope was here, she would get it done and get back to the quiet of her room. She stepped out of the car and strutted to the town square. She hadn't calculated for a small factor: she was a new vampire and this place was overflowing with sounds and smells. First, the smell of grease and sweat overwhelmed her nose. The music was louder out here than it appeared in the car, her ears ringing. People pushed past her to get who-knows-where, she wanted to rip their arms off for not apologizing. Her breathing quickened into an unsteady rhythm, she wanted to leave, she had to leave.

Then, her ears zeroed on a giggle, on a sound that always blocked out the mayhem around her. She spotted Josie in the dancing multitude. Her baby blue romper flaunted the length of her legs and smooth caramel skin. There was something about her smile that concerned Hope. It didn't quite reach her eyes, it came out flat and strained. Hope found herself moving towards Josie without noticing, her mind occupied with what could be bothering her friend.

Josie's eyes shifted to her, and as if a cloudy sky had parted, her brown eyes lit with a sparkle. There's your true smile, Hope thinks. She didn't take her eyes off her until Hope reached her side. She was so entranced by the witch she hadn't noticed who she was with--

"Mikaelson, I thought you'd be sulking in your lair the entire night," Lizzie remarks.

Hope breaks eye contact with Josie. She had come far in her relationship with Lizzie. Although she still made snarky remarks now and then, Hope knew they held no ill intention.

"There's no fun in sulking if there's no one around to annoy with my misery," Hope lifts an eyebrow, to which Lizzie smirks.

Her attention diverts to a group of guys playing beer pong, "I trust Josie will be alright with you. I'm gonna get myself a snack," Lizzie bites her lip and makes her way to the group, adding an extra sway to her hips, "And don't let her wander into the woods, Dad's orders!" She calls over her shoulder.

A chuckle escapes Hope's lips, however, Josie rolls her eyes. Hope wonders how many times Lizzie has left her sister for a guy. Everybody knew Lizzie was selfish, hell, she herself admitted it. But where did that leave Josie? In an eternal cycle of being the second choice?

"Hey, are you ok?" Josie nudges Hope. It was then she realized she was scowling. She schools her features and looks back at Josie.

She tilts her head, "Why shouldn't I let you wander into the woods?"

Josie scratches her bandaged hand, now exposed because of the short romper, but doesn't say anything.

"What did you tell them happened?" Hope asks, lowering her voice to a soft tone.

Josie shifts on her feet, "That I fell during my stroll in the woods".

"And they believed you?"

"They never look close enough" Josie tries to hide her disappointment in a matter-of-fact tone, but Hope sees right through her.

They are so close to each other now, the dim lights offering privacy despite being surrounded by people. She places her hands over Josie's, stopping the nervous scratching on her bandages before they start coming apart.

"What happened, really?" Hope tries to convey all of her worry into her eyes. She wants to let Josie know that she is here for her, she promised she'd be with her all the way.

Josie's brown eyes waver for a moment, never leaving Hope's face. Then, she takes a deep breath and blinks a few times.

"Let's dance for a bit," her voice is small, "I promise to tell you at the end of the night. Let's have fun".

Hope tugs at their intertwined hands, "Josie--"

"Please," The way in which Josie said it made it seem like this was her death wish, one last request before the show is shut down forever.

Hope swallows the lump in her throat, "Ok".

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