Cheese? Cheese.| COMPLETED ✔

By MWhisker_

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>C O M P L E T E D< [Copyright@2014-2017. I DO NOT OWN THE GAME. Dedicating this to all of my friends and my... More

Disclaimers | Author's Note
1 | Realization
2 | Shamming
3 | Wayme
4 | Tribe Life
5 | Shug...plum
6 | Stariva
7 | Deathmatch Tournament
8 | Karoliana
9 | Kebaya
10 | Tribe War (Part 1)
11 | Tribe War (Part 2)
13 | Amanduhduh
14 | Myeouz
15 | Aekirito
16 | Gintsu
17 | The Announcement
18 | New Friends
19 | Scabbles
20 | Bootcamp
21 | The One with a Cake Hat
22 | Amb? Am?
23 | Betrayal
24 | Differentiation
25 | Rebellious
26 | Coincidence
27 | Rising like an eagle
28 | Resistance
29 | Comrades
30 | Fighter
31 | Love in coffee shop
32 | Flame, Moth and the Charm.
33 | Merely a sniper
34 | Turning the odds
35 | Languages
36 | Fear
37 | Forced to forsake
38 | Bravery
39 | Explosive
40 | Lionhearted
41 | Pixels
42 | Ignition
43 | Shattered
44 | Fallen
45 | Crimson
46 | Wildfire
47 | Vengeance
48 | Braid
49 | Sorting
50 | Coronation
51 | Acknowledgement | Author's Note

12 | Tribe War (Part 3)

100 14 2
By MWhisker_

Karoliana appeared at the arena seconds later. "Where have you been?" I said, now sitting on a wooden bench next to some beaten 'warriors' from the tribe that we were fighting with.

"SE!" The almond pelted mouse with a beret and a fish in his jaws yelled. "Come on!" He said as he gave another back cannon and shoot Keb out from the arena. When he saw Karoliana, he froze for a minute. "W-Wait. Wayme? This is not fair. You have 5 and I have 4. Did we agree that this is a 4v4 fight?" He said, narrowing his eyes at Wayme as he leapt across an outlaid cannon. "Karoliana will switch Stariva." He simply replied as the administrator announced that the round had ended.


I sighed at the thought of us losing because of me. Star nodded to me and interrupted my thoughts. "Great, I will see you in the tribe house later. Enjoy your war!" I said nothing but only gave her a shrug in return. A new round had started as we were all suited up. I held my stick tightly in my hand as the mice rushed down to the arena, and start to kill each other for dignity. I cursed under my breath as I lashed out my cannon and charged towards that almond pelted mouse, whom I believed that he was 'Firejm'. Before I could laid a finger on him, another mouse charged to me and pushed me aside. "No one gets to harm my leader!" A white pelted mouse hissed at me as he kicked me away from Firejm.

I stared in horror as the mouse approached me with a stripped cannon at his paws. "I'll let you pay the price of attempting to attack our leader, noobie." He said, narrowing his eyes at me. "Wayme had made a mistake for choosing a useless player like a piece of dung like you to go onto a war and fight with me." He lifted the cannon up to his head and pressed me onto the floor as I closed my eyes. Somebody. Help me!

"Hey! What do you think you are doing, huh?" A voice of a female mouse chimed in. She glided to where we were. Karo. I gasped as I stared at her with admiration. She was fierce. "Let. Her. Go." She simply ordered the mouse to let me go. But would you think that he would follow what Karo had ordered him? Of course not. He snarled then threw a cannon at her. "She is not worthy to defend for." He said as he narrowed his eyes and launched himself to the air, then swooped down at Karo like an eagle and carried her away from me.

"KARO!" I cried as she fell on the ground, face down. I struggled and finally stood up. "No one... Get-gets... T-to... Hurt... My... Trib-tribemates!" I said, holding my cannon in my paws tightly. I charged to him, throwing cannons all the way until I reached him. I leapt up and grabbed him by his paws and dragged him downwards. He swung a paw at me but I flipped his hand and pushed him aside.

"Fine. You want to fight with bare hands, huh, Kitty?" He said, dropping his black and silver stripped stick in front of me. I smirked as I dropped my pure black colored stick in front of him.

"I am not a kitty." I said, staring at him through my brown eyes. "I. Am. Moth." I narrowed my eyes then gave myself a good boost, crashing onto his side and pushed him out from the map. I then picked up his stick and launched a few cannons at him, and he picked up mine and shot it at me. We both stumbled and the cannons swiped us out from the map.

"MOTHY!" Karo shouted as she saw my tail disappear into the water. "Go on." I muttered as I pressed my opponent to the bottom of the pool then launched myself to the wooden bench again.

Keb nodded to Wayme before kicking a player to him as Wayme smashed their opponent with his gigantic stripped cannon then pushed him back to Keb as he pushed him into the water. Wayme smiled at Keb. "Well done."

Karo smirked before kicking out her last opponent to the water. The administrator made an announcement:

DCF won! DCF 10 : 7 SE

Karo nodded to me as she told me in a whispering voice. "Good job." Then she padded away.

Wayme smirked before saying his speech in a triumphant way. "Great Game." Before entering the escalator with Keb at his heels. I stared at the team that I had worked with. Do I have the chance to work with them again? Just when I was thinking what would be my fate, Keb interrupted my thoughts, again. "Hey Moth, I have some of my friends that I wished to introduce you." He said, beckoning me. "Meet me in Kebaya Vanilla." He said as he disappeared into the thin air.

My amazing journey is about to start. I thought to myself as I smiled. I could meet some more friends!

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