Ravenstone's Onset: visions...

By Coreomega

638 19 2

"...Law, peace, love, death." ☪ These are the four lessons that seemed to be the most important. For moons... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ epilogue ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆

☪ -Prologue- ☪

126 2 0
By Coreomega


Wind blew viciously outside of the Medicine-cat's den; pine trees bent& creaked while the branches touched each other during the season of Newleaf. Though it was a clear night, it was truly a night filled with activity. A claw-shaped moon hung into the sky, shining brightly upon the Shadowclan camp as a black kitten was born.

The clan's medicine-cat, Powerderbelly offered all the care that she could for the Queen that was having her first kit. Both of the new parents already knew they were going to have a single kit, for the Medicine-cat had alerted them of that fact before the birthing.

It did seem unusual for a shecat to only have one kit, but Powerdbelly steps forward as the new Mother cleans her pure-black glistening kitten. "She's so very beautiful, Shadowsun, you should be proud, both of you. In all my moons, I have not seen such a shining black-pelt & she's so healthy too. What will you name her?"

The new parents look to each other for a moment before gazing to the tiny kit, a loving smile moves onto Shadowsun's expression before her mate speaks. A glint is within the large-toms green-eyes. "Raven... Her name will be Ravenkit."He says with confidence & care. Shadowsun then looks to her mate with wide eyes, heart skipping a beat. 'Ravenbite.' The new Mother thinks with a light smile. "Oh, my love. We are naming her after my Mother? I love you so much."

Shadowsun then nuzzles her mates chin while resting onto her side, Ravenkit curling into her Mother for warmth as she drifted off to sleep. Shadowsun began to clean their kit some more while the white Medicine-cat bowed her head to the new-parents. "A beautiful name, so fitting as well. I will leave you three be. "The kind Medicine-cat then paces out of her den, but not before giving the little family one last look. A sigh washing over her as it warmed the medicine-cats heart to see such a tender-loving family.

Shadowsun looks to her mate with bubbling eyes, her heart thumping hard within her chest. Her beloved then curls in next to her, his dark-dense fur keeping her warm & it isn't long before Shadowsun joins their kit into rest. Eyes remain on Shadowsun & Ravenkit for a while before drifting off to sleep. Bearclaw finds himself in a dream where he is a young-warrior again; he & Shadowsun are hunting together, already deeply in love. Those were happy times for the large dark-warrior, though, these times were as well.

In all honesty- Bearclaw never imaged himself as a Father figure, but the thought always seemed nice. The mostly black & brown furred-tom was hardly ever serious about settling down & he was a big flirt within his youth. When he became close with fiery Shadowsun however, all of that changed. He became more serious within his duties & even more respectable. Perhaps it was partly Bearclaw trying to show off to Shadowsun, but it could have also been an instinct in him, knowing it was time for him to truly relax in his spirit.

Shadowsun, on the other hand, was a respectful warrior through-and-through. Well trained by her mentor, the small shecat had a way of obeying orders, but Shadowsun was known to be a paw-full in her youth. Her loyalty & confidence could hardly be compared at that age however. You could say that Shadowsun was a prize of a warrior, even a prize of an apprentice.

Bearclaw's dreams flowed deeper into memories, most of them sweet, but a few of them bitter. When the morning birds chirped & sunrise came, Powderbelly was sitting in front of the new little-family, a large Woodpecker hanging from her maw. Slowly she places the kill at Shadowsun & Bearclaw's paws. "Eat up." Is all Powderbelly says with a giggle before rushing out of the den, probably to collect more herbs.

The new parents look to each other happily while Shadowsun meows, "That Powerbelly, such a sweetheart"~

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