lost soul // Completed

By katt_1705

16 1 0

"Stop!!" I yelled as he ran the grey shining knife down my arm. He looked at me while holding the shiny knife... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 7

1 0 0
By katt_1705

It was dinner time and i was sitting next to Baekhyun. We all had dinner and went to bed I slept in Baekhyun's bed with him. And no not in a dirty way.

Next morning (cus the author is lazy)

I got up and Baekhyun took me to school.
I kissed him and said good bye and he did the same.

"Who's the hottie?" I rolled my eyes at her and walked past her.

"I just might have to have him for myself then" Katie said as she followed me.

"What the fuck do you want katie?" She smirked....

"I want him..." i looked at her.

"You beat me up almost everyday and know you want to steal my boyfriend... god your low" i said walking away. But she grabbed my hair pulling me to the ground and slapping me. She kicked me in the ribs i felt them crack i groaned in pain..

"If you dont let me have him i will break all your bones, got it!?" She yelled walking away I slowly stood up in great pain.

"Are you ok, Seoyeon?" I saw jimin run to me and help me up. I nodded
"Im fine i can handle it." He looked at me.

"You are not fine i saw the whole thing."
I looked down.

"You need to go to her nurse." I glared at him.

"I fucking said i would be fine! Ok do go to class before you become late." He nodded.

"Ok im sorry, call me if you need help. Goodbye see you at lunch." I nodded and he walked off.

Someone's POV
I saw katie beat up Seoyeon and i saw Seoyeon's boyfriend leave the grounds so I followed him and got to a place with i think was his so i cut the break line and ran away.
"Katie will be so happy." I said walking away

Seoyeon's POV
School was over but all day i was in so much pain. I called Baekhyun to come and get me.
He rolled up.

"Hey." I said smiling

"Hey.... what happened to you face its got a cut on it." I looked at him trying to think of a lie.

"Oh um i ran into a door" I smiled he bought it thank god.
We were on out way home.

"Check this out i got it upgraded a week ago and it can go 250 km an hour. He sped it up until 170 km and i start to get scared so i told him to slow down because we were coming up to bends.

"Um i think there is something wrong with the breaks." He said putting his feet on the break i was terrified.

"Take your foot off the accelerator!" He looked at me scared.
"I have, look!" I looked down to see his feet off the accelerator and foot on the break. (The car is an audio
Then back at the road.
"Hold on Seoyeon." As he said that the car started to spin on the road and then before i new it the car was upside down and i pasted out..

Kai's POV
I was sitting at home with the rest of the guys wondering what is taking Seoyeon and Baekhyun so long
I picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I asked because the number was hidden.

"Hello, are you in any way a friend or family of Song Seoyeon or Byun Baekhyun?" I was a little bit worried at that point.

"Yes, Seoyeon is my sister and Baekhyun is my brother in-law." The guys all looked at me strangely.

"Well sir we would like you to come to ******* hospital, there has been an accident." I was so scared at that moment, i looked at the guys.

"That was ******** hospital, they want us to come in because there has been an accident with Seoyeon and Baekhyun." All their eyes grew wide. I remember Seoyeon giving me Rm's number so i called him and him and the others will meat us there.

At the hospital: still Kai's POV
I waked up to the desk.

"Hello im Song Kai, Song Seoyeon's brother and Byun Baekhyun's brother in law." I said and the BTS boys just looked at me.
"Oh yes well, Baekhyun's in surgery and Seoyeon is in room 153." I thanked the lady and we went to find room 153. We reached the room and i saw Seoyeon laying there in the bed covered in bruises and cuts, when a doctor came over to me.
"Are you Miss Song's brother?" I nodded
"Well miss Song is in a coma and mr Byun is still in surgery they had a car accident and the car rolled several times.....The break lines were cut. Do you have anyone you think would do this to them." A police officer cut off what the doctor was saying.
We all shook our heads no we had no idea who would try to hurt our friends. I looked at jimin he seemed to know something.

I waited for the police officer to leave.
"What do you know!" I pined him against the wall.

"N-nothing..... just that i saw a girl beat up Seoyeon but she told me not help her."
I was furious how can she not tell anyone about her beating beaten. I let him go and stormed off.

Baekhyun's POV
I woke up in a hospital bed.
I look to see a note and a sleeping Suho.
"Suho..." i tapped him on the shoulder. He woke up and looked at me
"Oh god Baekhyun we were worried sick" he hugged me.

"Where's Seoyeon and the others?" I was so worried about her.
He looked at me with a sad look on his face.

"Seoyeon is in a coma..... they don't know when ad if she will wake up....." tears gathered in my eyes
"C-can i go see her?" He looked at me
"No because you need rest." Suho said and i nodded and he left and i went to sleep thinking about her and all she has gone through and survived....

Kai's POV:
I was sitting at Seoyeon's side when.....

Beep beep beeep beeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~
Doctors rushed in pushing me out of the room. I was standing outside of the door looking in i saw them trying to bring her back... a nurse came over to me.
"Sir you need to go see your friends Mr Baekhyun is awake.... i nodded and left and still listening to the flat line of Seoyeon's heart monitor

Ok so yes it took a long time but like i say i have school and other things to do so im sorry
Thanks Xx

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