The royal baby

By AgeregressionKitten

5.3M 117K 15.1K

A small, petite 19 year old girl is caught thieving. She is dragged to the royal's castle and held in a cell... More

The start of something new
My baby
The rules
The twins
A little slip
Meeting Grant
Beginnings of a war
Run away
MY baby
Play Date
Stabby stab


88.7K 2K 380
By AgeregressionKitten

*Annabelle's P.O.V*
I stare down at Allison, rubbing her back as she continues to drink from the bottle even in her sleep. Once she empties the bottle, I set it down and shift her into a better position to be comfortable when I move.

One of her hands has a tight grip on the neckline of my dress and I can't help but smile at her clinginess. She may unknowingly be clingy but I find it cute.

I gently scratch her back as I walk back to our bedroom, making sure not to jostle her too much. I smile at Maxon as I enter the bedroom, gently laying Allison down on our bed.

"Now will you tell me why she ran off?" I ask, turning to Maxon who is busy building a trundle bed in case Allison ever wants to sleep separately from us.

"She was scared of getting attached. Scared of being alone after her month is up," Maxon states.

"I would never allow her to be alone. I love her too much," I say as I glance at Allison, running my fingers through her hair.

"I know that. She does not though. Something tells me she is used to being left," Maxon states as he looks over to me.

"Well she will not be left ever again. That I promise," I murmur.

"Do not get too attached. What if she wants to leave one day?" Maxon points out, making me frown.

"Then she leaves but as long as she is here she will never feel alone," I state firmly. "Besides...I already have stuff picked out for her room," I mutter.

"God damn it Annabelle. It better not be pink," Maxon says as he rolls his eyes.

"I wouldn't dream of it. Pink isn't even one of her favorite colors," I scoff as I open one of our dresser drawers, finding a pacifier. I take the cap off and gently push the nipple of it into her mouth. Allison latches onto it almost immediately, making me smile.

"Whatever. You remember last time you did a bedroom, it was all pink," Maxon rolls his eyes.

"In my defense, she actually liked pink...just not that much," I defend as I walk over to watch him work on building the trundle bed. "I'm surprised you haven't asked Abel or my father for help," I say.

"I don't need help," Maxon scoffs right as he manages to hit his finger with a hammer. "Motherf-" he hisses out.

"It's a good thing you caught yourself there," I hearElena's voice say. I turn around to see mine and Maxon's parents crowding the doorway.

"Mother," Maxon sighs as he looks up and adds tastefully, "and others."

"So you've missed me son," Abel says as he walks into the room.

"Sure, let's go with that," Maxon states. "Should've stayed on that hunting trip," he murmurs. I roll my eyes as Elena walks over and smacks him in the back of the head. "What the hell woman?" He says as he turns around.

"Respect your father and don't talk to me like that," Elena says as she smacks him on the back of the head again.

"Bloody hell, get your woman on a leash Abel," Maxon huffs as he stands up.

"Did you just- boy you better run," Elena takes a breath. "I'm nice enough to give you a head start before I beat your ass," she says, very calmly.

"I always knew sneaking out of the castle would come in handy later on," Maxon says as he walks over to our balcony and climbs over the ledge. "Also a sincere fuck you to you," he told Abel as he drops down.

"I'm going to be a widow now aren't I?" I ask Elena.

"I'm not giving that boy the sweet release of death any time soon," Elena says as she walks out of the room, or more like stalks out of the room.

"He screwed up the moment he called her woman," Abel sighs as he shakes his head with a small chuckle. "I should probably go make sure Elena doesn't kill our only child. I don't have a backup for him," he says hurriedly as he walks out of the room.

I rolled my eyes, turning to look at my parents. My father has sat down on the bed and is smiling slightly while humming quietly. My mother had laid down with Allison who has curled up against her chest.

"What are you doing with my baby?" I ask.

"Cuddling with her, she looked lonely," my mother replies softly.

"She did not. You are just saying that so you can lay with her," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Shh the baby's sleeping," she replied while kissing Allison's cheek.

"Thanks for telling me, I didn't already know that," I say with sarcasm in my voice.

"Don't use that tone with me," she replies while looking over the top of Allison's head as Allison cuddles into her.

"Is being sarcastic even a tone or are you just trying to find a reason to be upset with me?" I ask as I move to stand at the foot of the bed.

"Maybe I am, maybe I am not," she replies.

"Mhmm," I roll my eyes as I rest my hand on the bed. I quickly move it and grab her heel, pulling it off.

"Annabelle give me my heel back," she says as she sits up, making Allison whine softly as she settles back down.

"Come and get it Celestria," I retort as I stick my tongue out at her.

"Oh it's on child," she says as she gets up. "Sol assist me," she orders.

"You women are so much work," my father says as he gets up to help her up.

"I know that," she scoffs as she rolls her eyes and tries to get her heel back.

"Got to be quicker," I laugh at her struggle which makes her roll her eyes.

*Allison's P.O.V*
I wake up to the sound of laughter. I groggily open my eyes and yawn while stretching out. I slowly sit up and look around, surprised to see Annabelle and her parents messing around with each other.

'Must be nice,' I think as I smile sorrowfully.

'We could have had that,' a voice in the back of my head says. 'But you ruined it,' it taunts me.

'Can you just go away? I want to be happy for once,' I reply as I look down at my lap.

'No, you must be reminded of how much of a failure you are. That's why none of them stuck around and why mister hates you,' it says. The voice is cold and it rings in my ears, making me whine as I curl up.

'That's not true," I retort, biting my tongue.

'Mhmm sure. Why does everyone say it's your fault then? Why do you beg mister to leave you alone  ut you can't last without his attention?' It asks.

'Shut up,' I reply. 'Shut up. Shut up. Shut up,' I repeat as I pull at my hair to distract myself from the voice. I let out a small, startled sob as I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

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