Choices And Affairs

By Arietoks

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She just wants to be independent, have her own freedom to make her choices and live her life free from aches... More

How I begun
Our Current Lives
Author's note
Narrow Escape
Surprised actions
New personality
Alec's story
Alec's part continued
Finally (for now)
Ziri's part
Like seriously🤦
What? said Ziri
Swimming incident part 1
Swimming incident part 2
After the incident
After the incident II
The drama Continues
Drama Continues II
Drama Continues III
Oh My Gosh
First day of Work as Mr Kelenna
This is Reality not a Disney Show
You're pretty without makeup🙂
Never say Never
Two Strikes
Cute but stupid
Season premiere
Rise to Fame 🎶
A start of something new
Port Harcourt for Life Baby!!!!😂
Speaking of the devil
Passion for Gemstones
More than friends
The past is in the past
Event of the season I
Event of the season II
*A process gone wrong*
I made the right choice.... right?
Oh no you didn't .......
The stunt he pulled was a shocker
The End Is Just The Beginning
Affairs of the Heart ❤ -2021

My Reality

76 11 2
By Arietoks

'What?' I said in disbelief; "I was also shocked when I found out also. He wanted to rent a duplex in S.A.L.Y Estate; the most expensive money could buy sp the owner of the house called the law firm and you know how I came in" he said. "He said he just needed to stay there till he builds his own house which is going to take a while from the look i saw on his face" he grumbled at the last word. "Avy, I hope you are okay with this, I am so sorry I did not call you to tell you that minute I was done with him I-" "Its okay I know you didn't mean to I understand" I said with a sigh. "I just hope we do not bump into each other anytime soon because he is the last person I want to see at the moment" I said.

"Don't worry Avy, I'll make sure he does not do anything stupid otherwise he would have me to face" I laughed a bit ' Don't worry Ziri I'll try my best to avoid it and if it gets out of hand I know you would be the first person i'll call" I assured him. "Well goodnight Ziri, I have work tomorrow so goodnight" I said "Goodnight Avy" he said in a sweet tone before I hung up.

6:00a.m, I was woken up by my alarm clock. I quickly washed my face with warm water then did little exercises in the parlor as i waited for my water heater to heat up. I quickly went into the bathroom and took a nice shower which lasted for about 20 minutes. I wore a slim fit ash shirt, a black camisole and a black jacket. I packed my braids up in a neat big bun and let two strands fall to the sides of my face. I wasn't a fan of makeup so I just put a little eyeliner, brown powder and lip gloss to compliment my look. I looked simple but stunning in my outfit and I was going to my office looking confident as I've been taught. I just had some fruit juice for breakfast, packed a bottle of water and a pair of sandals into my bag as I waited patiently for the UBER driver i booked to come pick me up. It was already 7:45a.m when I was done with all I needed to do and the UBER picked me up by 8:15a.m. Work doesn't till 8:45 a.m so i had about 30 minutes to spare.

Confidently walking to my office, I greeted Mia with a smile. Zara wasn't going to be at the hospital till 9:00a.m; that was her official work time as an internet. On my way, I greeted my colleagues who apparently don't like me because  they think I'm a rich girl who got this job using my family status; they greeted me back and continued their whispers and gossips concerning me. I quickly logged into my system and checked the medical reports of my patients to see any recent report during my absence for the past three days. I called to ask if there was anything new concerning my patients but I received none.

I apparently had over 15 minutes to myself so I used that opportunity to go through my phone that's when I realised I had a new chat from yesterday. It was an unknown number; out of curiosity I replied and checked the person up on truecaller and it showed Erik, weird, I only knew one Erik and that was I.B; maybe I was over thinking so I just left it.

I had five appointments today which were good and a little stressful; it helped me taoe my mind off things and my first appointment was by 9:30a.m. It was already 9:15 so I got myself ready for my patient. All set and in my medical attire and sandals, I examined the baby in Mrs Abioye's uterus. We were going to know the gender of her baby and she was really excited. "Well from what I can see here your tubercle is positioned downwards so congratulations ma, you are going to have a beautiful and healthy baby girl in a few months"I said happily. I saw the way her face lit up when she found out she was having a baby girl; I was really happy to see the look on her face. I love so many things about my job bit the best part of it is the joy I get when people smile knowing that they are going to bring a new life into this world. My job has the good aspects and not so good aspects because it hurts me when I tell someone they cannot have babies or an IVF is performed and does not work out or when someone suffers a miscarriage; it really hurts me because the thought of losing a baby is really scary to me.

I had my lunch with Mia, I ordered coconut rice and roasted fish while she ordered chicken and chips. Mia is a 5'12 and she is a slim and slender person but she eats like a whale honestly. Sometimes, I asked myself how does she eat like this and still doesn't get fat amd someoen like me adds up every little calories I eat no matter how hard I work out, the fat just finds every opportunity to come back. I am tall for my size and I have a curvy future qnd a big butt which is kind of embarrassing so I watch what I eat although I am in love with foods especially pastries and small chops.

I was finally done for the day and I was waiting for the UBER driver to come and pick me up; while I was waiting I was going through some documents to ensure I was not forgetting any appointment or any document left unattended to. Mia had already gone home and Ziri was unable to pick up Zara so she left with one of her intern friends. It was just some of my colleagues and I who were left. I heard them giggling and gossiping about the hot bachelor working at one of the branches of the hospital at Houston. Like I always did, I rolled my eyes as they continued and went back to the story I was reading on Watt pad. I know I shpuld have had another reading app by now but I've always loved watt pad since I was 16 so I've been glued to it since then. I've written a few books there so I had little fame there and nother many persons know who I am so I'm safe although I crave for attention at times but nothing my family status. I suddenly remembered the banner I snapped yesterday evening and checked it again; before I could think of it my driver was here so I just went straight home.

When I got home I had my bath and started going through some documents and some topics online. Once in a while  I just research to keep myself intact and also my career. I received an alert from my phone and it was a message from the unknown number.

Unknown number: Hello, is this Avery?

Me: Yes, who is this please?

Unknown number: It's I.B..........................................

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