Quantum Warrior

由 PedroLopes771

77 12 5

This book kicks of a new universe. New Genaration the name of this universe. A universe made of exceptional c... 更多

14 years later
First Metting
The first fight
The path to earth

Brothers above all

5 1 0
由 PedroLopes771

   Peter took Matt's phone. He looked at it and took a deep breath. He started to digit the numbers. He was hesitant, but he knew that calling his sister was the best way the solve this once and for all. He called her.

   When Carol received the call on her phone, she didn't wanted to answer. She was melting tears. She was mad at her, for being a bad sister for not telling the truth to Peter at first, The truth that he know was scared to know.

   She looked at the Phone and though to not answer the phone and she did it. She didn't even knew the number, one more reason for her not answer.

   Peter was expecting that his sister wouldn't reply, even when she was fine it was a normal thing for her to not reply the calls, she never had sound on her phone. Peter had a plan b. He was texting her. He texted: "I think we should talk meet me tomorrow at the school at mid-day".

   Peter was nervous. He wasn't replied until the morning. His phone rang. There was the reply: "Agree"

   Peter left the sewers and went on foot to the school. It was Sunday so there was no one at the school. Peter arrived thirty minutes earlier, but his sister was already there.

   -Peter – Carol said running into Peter's arms – I missed you so much.

   -I am sorry for the way I treated you – Peter said hugging her even more.

   -I want tell you something – Carol said – let's go for a walk.

    The went for a walk. They talked about what happened on those three weeks clarifying the things.

   -Soooo...There is something that I want you to talk about! – Peter said.

   -What is it? – Carol said.

   -I want you to tell me the trued about me our parents everything – Peter demand.

   -Yes I should have told you this – Carol took a bread and looked at Peter with a smile – we are not from this planet.

   -What the fuck!

    -Yea true.

    -Are we aliens? – Peter asked loud and surprised.

    -Don't say it loud! – Carol said with a very serios face and then looking at the people – we are just training for a theater it's nothing.

   -Sorry, it's just...I am speechless! – Peter said – Wait – Peter said confused – if we are not from this planet why are like the humans.

   -Because we are!

   -What ?

   -The species are mixed in planets – Carol said – what I am trying to say is that there are other planets with humans.

   -That's cool – Peter said enthusiastic – why aren't we in our home planet?

   -There was a war between two species in different planets. Us the Humans in Medis and Aglons. One day the Aglons attacked our planet and we had ti evacuate.

   -There still things that I don't understand!

   -Which things Peter?

   -First, why were they fighting, second, why didn't our parents came with us, third what does this have in common with my powers? – Peter said.

Carol looked with a mad face. She taught that Peter wouldn't asked that many questions. She said:

   -Answering your first question, Their were fighting for the knowledge that we had about a energy, Quantum energy – she said touching in Peter's chest – the one that you have in your body.

    -I am the reason of the war? – Peter said a bit scared.

    -Not exactly, at least at the time. This the most powerful energy in the universe. A atom of this energy could light a city of the size of New York for a decade. When we found out about that energy, we thought that it would change the world. We used the tried to use the energy, but unfortunately it was not controllable.

   -So how can I control it? – Peter asked even more scared.

   -Its not that you can control it, it's part of you. Dad tested in his body and he couldn't control it. He thought that he taken all the energy out of is body, but he didn't. When mom and dad, you now what they did, mom got pregnant, and you had the energy on your body.

   -So let see if I got all right! Quantum energy is the most powerful energy in the universe, the Aglons where after it and I have it in body... fuck I am awkward! - there was breve moment of silence until Peter said something again – You haven't said one thing, why did mom and dad evacuate the planet?

   -The Aglons thought we were wrong about the Quantum energy that it was controllable. One day they attacked us. Mom tock us to the evacuation pods, when got in them, Mom and Dad died.

   Peter looked at his sister. He saw the tears in her eyes, but still she smiled at him. Peter hugged her.

   -Dad always told me I had to protect you, and I will – Carol said crying.

    -We are brothers above all – Peter said still hugging her.

   -There is one more thing, that said.

   -What is it?

   -He said that you are the salvation of our people, the one to stop it!

   After Carol said that a similar ship to the Aglons's ships was heading in to the park of Milk-Cave's park.

   -It's Aglons for sure the ship it's equal to the ones that attacked us!

    Peter grabbed Carol's phone and called Psych.

    -Came and meet me in the park and bring my suit!

     -Why? – Psych asked.

    -I while explain it later! Just came trust me.

     Carol touched her watch calling the PROTECTORS. The Aglons were coming and the beginning of a new phase of the war was starting.


First, I want to thank everyone who was been reading my first ever book.

Second, I have to apologies but I have written wrong one of the character's name. It's Simon from the PROTECTORS. I have been writing Tom, but Tom is Psych partner Crow. I hope that you can call Simon from now on without getting confused   


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