I'm Inlove With My Bestfriend

By penguandcub

465K 15.8K 11.7K

Full of angst. A roller-coaster ride story. Would they risk everything? Published: November, 2019 Ended: Feb... More

Author's Note
Special Chapter
Author's Note
Married To My Bestfriend
!!! NEW BOOK !!!

Special Chapter II

7.5K 251 68
By penguandcub

"Good morning baby," Chaeyoung kissed Mina's forehead as the latter flutter its eyes, trying to adjust on the morning sunlight. "Happy 5th Anniversary love"

Mina smiled at her and sat up to give Chaeyoung a passionate kiss that lasted for minutes. "Happy 5th Anniversary, my love"

"Get up now sleepy head," Chaeyoung chuckled as she pulled the comforter out of Mina's body. "I'll wait for you at the kitchen. I have something to give you"

Mina did her morning routine and before going to their kitchen, she checked Maddie first who's still peacefully sleeping in her room. Mina gave her a quick kiss and fixed her blanket before heading to the kitchen. She saw Chaeyoung busy on cooking the pancakes and she looks so hot wearing that strawberry apron. Mina slowly walked behind Chaeyoung and hugged her while giving kisses on her neck.

"Hey, breakfast first" Chaeyoung teased and Mina could only pout as she walked towards the table.

Mina prepared Chaeyoung's morning coffee and poured maple syrup on their pancakes. As soon as they're finished eating, Chaeyoung handed a white envelope with a red ribbon tied on it. Mina stared at it and back to Chaeyoung with confused eyes before getting it. She slowly pulled the ribbon and Mina almost jumped on Chaeyoung after seeing what's inside.

"Oh my God babe! Is this real?! Or are you just pranking me?!"

"What? Of course not! How could I prank you on serious times like this and besides, I know that you really want to go there" Chaeyoung pulled Mina and made her sit on her lap.

"I really can't believe it! We're finally going there!" Mina hugged Chaeyoung once again, she just can't contain her happiness.

"Of course, a trip to Hawaii and anything for my best wife" Chaeyoung whispered which made Mina kissed her once more.

"But wait baby, how about Maddie? I could only see two tickets here, Son Chaeyoung!" Mina glared at her.

"Well, uhm, you know.. Maddie.." Chaeyoung scratched the back of her head. "She's gonna stay for three days with your mom"

"What?! Did Maddie even know about this?? What if she doesn't--"

"Mommy, it's okay!" they were both startled when they saw Maddie standing near the entrance of their kitchen. Mina stood up quickly and gestured Maddie to come to her.

"Baby.. are you sure? Won't you be sad that Mom and I were going to Hawaii for a week?" Mina asked as she stroke Maddie's hair.

"Yes mommy, it's totally fine! I also missed Grandmommy sooo I'm happy that I get to spend time with her too" Maddie said with a beaming smile.

"Awee my baby, you're really a grown up now. You can already understand situations like this" Mina hugged Maddie and the kid just giggled.

"Maddie just want me to have you for my own for a whole week, right baby?" Chaeyoung teased and winked at Maddie. But she just received a death glare from Mina.

"Yes, mom! Just don't forget my toys when you come back!" Maddie gave her a thumbs up and Mina could just shake her head and laughed at her baby and wife.

It was already Saturday and today is Mina and Chaeyoung's flight to Hawaii. Their luggage was already packed since last night and they are now on their way to Taeyeon's house to drop off Maddie.

"Granmommy!" Maddie shouted excitedly as soon as she got out of the car. Taeyeon was already waiting for them outside. Maddie ran to her and she gave the kid a tight hug and a kiss on top of her head.

"Mom" Mina and Chaeyoung greeted as they gave Taeyeon a hug too. "Please take care of Maddie for us. It's just for three days" Mina added and gave her mom an apologetic smile.

"What are you talking about baby. You know that I always love to take care of Maddie so this isn't a big deal"

"Thank you mom" Chaeyoung said. "We'll make it up to you when we come back"

"Okay okay" Taeyeon laughed. "You should get going now or else you'll gonna be late for your flight" They bid their goodbyes and Mina and Chaeyoung are now on their way to the airport.

As soon as they arrived, they checked in their luggages. They still have some time so they decided to roam around and find something to it while waiting for their departure. The plane boarded and all Mina did during the ride was to sleep as she didn't get to sleep last night because she packed her and Chaeyoung's things and also for Maddie. Chaeyoung let her sleep on her arm, hugging her as she kept herself busy watching some movies.

The flight from Korea to Hawaii took almost ten hours and Chaeyoung could already feel her back being numb from those long sitting. But as soon as they landed and was greeted by the fresh air of Hawaii, alongside with its beautiful environment, they both felt that it was worth the ride. A shuttle picked them up at the airport and dropped them off at the hotel that Chaeyoung booked. It was a Hotel and Resort type of accommodation because Chaeyoung wants Mina to enjoy the Hawaiian beach as long as she can.

As soon as they were settled in their hotel room, Mina and Chaeyoung took a quick shower and went outside to eat dinner. They chose a restaurant which is just few meters away from their hotel since they were already both tired. The food was good and the ambiance was nice. They chose to sat outside to enjoy the night view and also to enjoy the cool breeze of the wind. After eating, they hurried back to their room since Chaeyoung was already sleepy. She didn't get enough sleep at the plane that's why as soon as her back was laid at the soft mattress, she already drifted to sleep. Meanwhile Mina called her mom just to inform that they arrived safely and also, to ask about Maddie.

The next morning, they woke up early because they want to watch the sunrise. It was almost like dawn when they arrived by the beach but they can't deny the fact that what they're seeing is such a beautiful scene. They waited there, played at the sand and with the water a bit, until the sun fully rises.

Then, they took a stroll to the restaurant to eat their breakfast. Chaeyoung picked the one which served Mina's favorite and one of the famous breakfasts when you're in Hawaii; the Acai bowl. Mina was so giddy when she saw that in their menu that she almost hugged Chaeyoung because of too much excitement.

How can I not love you more and more everyday, when you're like this? You're so easy to please, you always appreciate my efforts, you always gave me that smile. Chaeyoung's thoughts as she watched Mina happily ordering the food.

As soon as it was served, Mina quickly grabbed her phone and took a picture of it. She was all smiley while doing that and Chaeyoung couldn't help herself but to get her phone too. But Chaeyoung didn't want to capture the food, she wants to take a picture of Mina being happy with her Acai bowl. What a really simple gorgeous princess.

After they finished eating, they went back to their room to change their clothes as they plan to swim at the beach. Chaeyoung was sitting at the bed and waiting for Mina and as soon as went out of the bathroom, Chaeyoung pulled her and made her sat on her lap.

"Baby, are you happy?" Chaeyoung whispered while kissing Mina's earlobe.

"Of course.." Mina answered between her stiffled moans. "I am" Chaeyoung smiled not because of her answer, but because of that sweet sound she's hearing.

"I think we should just swim this afternoon" Chaeyoung suggested as she made Mina turn around, making her sat on her lap while facing her. "Let's just go out later"

After saying that, Chaeyoung leaned im for a kiss, a soft kiss. Which Mina gladly take and responded. The once soft kiss became more aggressive, that looked like they were hungry for each other. Chaeyoung sneaked her hand on Mina's nape and pulled the only string on her dress which made it fell down revealing her chest. Chaeyoung's hands went there and caressed it, teasing Mina's hardened two little peaks. Her kisses went down to Mina's jaw, neck, in between her mounds and finally, devouring it like a child. Her mouth and tongue was busy sucking and licking while her other hand was busy giving attention to the other. Mina couldn't help herself and arch her back because of too much sensation she's feeling. Her moans were getting louder and louder as she gripped Chaeyoung's hair.

Mina stood up that made her dress fell down completely, and Chaeyoung was just in awe on what her seeing. This beautiful view in front of me cannot be beaten by all the beautiful scenery here in Hawaii. She pulled Mina and made her lay down on the down while Chaeyoung was on her top. She also began removing her clothes and kissed Mina once again. They didn't know how many minutes they've spent just by kissing and Chaeyoung enjoying Mina's delicate body. Until she finally decided to remove the last piece of hindrance and their hot naked bodies collided once again, giving them the shiver and the hunger.

They overslept and woke up in the middle of the afternoon, they were both hungry and tire but they were happy. It's been a long time since they've shared such a long and genuine moment with each other. They can say that they really truly missed it.

"Babe, I'm hungry. Let's go out now" Mina poked Chaeyoung while still cuddling.

"Okay come on, let's eat first and then let's swim. We can't let it pass" then they both chuckled.

They are still busy looking for a good restaurant to eat their lunch x dinner but as they were taking a walk, Mina saw a food truck which is selling shrimps. *P.S. this is a real MiChaeng moment when they were in Hawaii* They both love shrimp so Mina quickly pulled Chaeyoung to that place. The shrimp was so good, it was also big and sweet. They didn't know how many of that they've eaten, they really loved it. Mina actually asked Chaeyoung if they could go back there beforr they go home and of course, Chaeyoung agreed as long as it makes her wife happy.

Before the sun sets, they enjoyed the water as they go for a swim. They didn't even get out of the water until it started to get dark. Mina and Chaeyoung went back to their room to take a proper shower and changed their clothes. They spent the night watching some movies and they just made a room service for their food when they got hungry.

It was already their third and last day in Hawaii and they didn't waste any time and woke up early. They went to a restaurant nearby to grab their breakfast before going to a mall to buy some souvenirs and gifts to their moms, friends and of course, Maddie. Chaeyoung couldn't help herself adoring her beautiful wife specially when she's bare faced like this. So she secretly took her phone out and sneak a stolen shot while Mina was busy looking out if the food was already to be served.

After finishing their breakfast, they already went to the mall since their flight is that afternoon so they really need to hurry and buy things. But before arriving to the mall, Mina asked Chaeyoung to wait for her outside as she just needs to use the bathroom quickly. When Mina came back, she saw Chaeyoung sitting and she looked really cute wearing that hat and a small bag.

"Baby, just sit there, don't move" Chaeyoung's eyebrows furrowed because she's confused but still, she obeyed Mina. "I'll take a picture of you"

Mina put out her phone giggling and Chaeyoung could only sigh and laugh at how cute her baby is. As soon as Mina was ready to took a picture of her, Chaeyoung flashed her smile and Mina almost squealed because her shot was so beautifully taken.

"Here baby, look! You're so cute" Mina said excitedly and Chaeyoung take a look at it, and kissed Mina on her temple. She put her arms around Mina and they started heading again to the mall.

It took them almost three hours to finish buying things and as soom as they went back to their room, they were busy again packing their things. After getting ready and changing their clothes, they went outside to check out of the hotel. But before carrying their luggages and heading to the airport, they both went to the seaside once again and asked one of the tourist if she could take a photo of them. The tourist gladly said yes and Mina and Chaeyoung was so thankful for it.

They are now once again on the plane, riding their way back home in Korea. Mina couldn't help but to look out on the window and enjoy the view pf Hawaii for the last time.

"I'll miss Hawaii" Mina said pouting, as she cling onto Chaeyoung's arm.

"Me too, baby but don't worry. If we ever have a free time again, let's go back but with Maddie this time" Chaeyoung reassured her.

"Right! We'll be seeing Maddie now, I miss our baby so much I want to hug her now"

"Sleep first and when you wake up, she'll be at the airport waiting for us" Mina nodded and closed her eyes while Chaeyoung was stroking her hair.

"Mom! Mommy! I'm here!" Maddie shouted, raising her banner with a "I miss you Mom and Mommy" text on it. When the both of them saw it and Maddie, they were laughing and so happy to be back on their baby again.

They gave Maddie a big hug and showered her with kisses as they missed her so much. And at that time, the both of them realized that wherever you go, there's really no place like home.

Home; for Chaeyoung, which consists of Mina and Maddie.

Hawaii was great but for Mina, nothing would be greater than being with her lovely family.

Mina turned to Chaeyoung at that moment, pulled her into a hug and whispered.

"I'm so happy baby, I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for everything my Chaeyoung.. I love you"

"I'm more lucky to have you, baby. Nothing can beat that, not even the shrimp at the food cart" then they both laughed. "I love you more, my princess. Your happiness is my happiness"

Hello everyone! As promised because this story already has 100k reads! ❤️ I hope you'll enjoy this special chapter of MiChaeng's five years of love!

Again, thank you so much everyone for reading my first ever written story and also, to those who are just going to read it. I can't take you enough for the support and kind words you're commenting.

Let's do a quick Question and Answer so, drop your questions if you have :))

I love you all! PLEASE SUPPORT "MORE AND MORE" on June 1. The queens are back, TWICE world domination it is.

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