Give In

By shawmilajourneys

57.3K 3.2K 1K

Camila was on a steady, comfortable relationship or so she thought until Shawn, her new coworker, made his wa... More

messing up
giving in


1.6K 94 29
By shawmilajourneys

I haven't felt this alive and carefree in my life. It's a new feeling and I could easily get used to it. I never thought taking things less serious was something I would enjoy. I always loved to be in charge of everything, but maybe letting go, at leass in just this aspect of my life, was a good decision.

That Saturday night, I took an Uber home. It would have been a lot more comfortable to stay there, as Shawn said, but I didn't want to push anything, so I went back to my apartment very late. I slept like a baby, and even when my muscles were a bit sore in the morning, it was all worth it.

This careless side of me that I was exploring took me by suprised. But maybe it was good taking risks sometimes, and this risk was for sure paying off. I couldn't believe how amazing Shawn was— even his annoying side looked charming now. He was also a big part of why I was feeling so comfortable doing what I was doing. I didn't know him much but I trusted him deeply and blindly. How weird was that? We had only known each other for maybe 4 months, not a long time. His face and arms brought so much comfort to my heart, though. He appeared in my life right when this started to tremble and he was the best hand I  could reach for safety again.

I knew he wanted me, and so did I, I had discovered. Thus, I felt this arrangement was the best thing it could have happened to both us. We both wanted each other, and we found a way to get that. I was happy. Strangely happy.

So happy that my mom thought I was hiding things from her. She had called almost everyday since I told her I had moved out from the apartment I shared with Liam. We always had a close relationship and I could tell her almost everything. Everything but this. I didn't feel comfortable telling I was just having sex with a friend and that was the main reason for my good mood. She wouldn't understand. She thought I was lying and trying to cover up the mess I was, so she wouldn't worry. It took me a while to prove my happiness to her but I did, or so I believed.

"Wow girl, you're glowing", Sarah said when I walked from one meeting room to my desk.

"Thank you", I said smiling shyly. I still wasn't all good with compliments.

"What's the secret?... Oh no!", she opened her eyes in surprise, "Did your boyfriend propose?" She said looking at my hand.

It was a bit annoying that that was the first thing she assumed was the reason for my glow, but I tried not to snap back at her because she looked very embarrased when she noticed there was no right in my finger.

"No", I said a bit upset, "we actually broke up a month ago".

"I... I, uh", she stuttered and her cheeks blushed. "I'm so sorry. Forget what I said".

"No problem", I said and continued my walk to my seat.

"If she only knew..." Shawn whispered under his breath.

"Shut up", I said and he chuckled.

Yes, I was happy and glowing, but that was because of me and the decision I'd made. Thank you very much.

Shawn put a cup of tea in front of me after some minutes of me fuming silently and staring at my laptop, not doing anything really. I looked up at him amused.

"I know this helps you calm down", he said. "Don't take her words seriously. Or mine".

I took the cup between my hands and its heat melted some of the icy annoyance inside of me.

"Thank you", I said to him.

Once again I was glad for the person I had next to me and the good friend I had found in him.

Shawn's POV.

I couldn't stop thinking about Camila's dream. Like fuck, why did she have to tell me that? My thoughts were wild every time I saw her walking around with a skirt now. Imagine trying to hide the semi I had constantly trapped in my pants. Knowing how good, sexy, sweet and bit kinky she was during sex, I could not focus on anything else when she was close.

She looked beautiful, radiant. But then again, she was always like that. I was glad other people were noticing that as well, although maybe the way they were letting her know wasn't the best of them all. I tried not to gloat on the fact that maybe I had something to do with that, but my ego didn't let me do it. I didn't say more about it, though. I knew better than to get on her bad side.

On Wednesday, during lunch time, Dave called me and told me he and Melissa were throwing an engagement party in two more weeks and they wanted me to go. I said yes right away. Of course I would go, he was one of my best friends, and I helped him set the proposal. Then an idea crossed my mind and I had to stop Dave from what he was telling me to ask. I didn't know if Camila would be ok with attending my friend's party with me, but Dave and Melissa were all on board with having her as well. I just had to ask her and see.

I followed her to the break room, unable to wait for much longer and stood by the door while she pour some coffee on her mug. Flashes of what her dream could have looked it attacked my mind and made it hard to think. Sadly, we weren't the only ones in the room.

"Hey", I said, leaning down my hip on the counter, next to her.

She raised her eyes to me, and I could have swear she was thinking the same thing as me just by the way her eyes got darker and her tongue licked her lower lip. The first two bottoms of her light blue blouse were open and I had a very nice view of the valley of her breast.

"Hi", she said softly. "What happened?"

"Uh... nothing. Just..." I saw the only guy that was there with us leave the room on the corner of my eye and the air got instantly thicker between us.

She turned around noticing my gaze and gasped when she realized we were all alone.

"My friends", I said catching her attention again. "Dave and Melissa. They're throwing a engagement party in a few more weekends. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me".

She change the weight of her body from one foot to another and stir the coffee with a spoon while she thought about what I had said. The seconds of silence felt like hours to me.

"Uh, would they be ok with that?", she asked insecured, and in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to caress her cheek with my hand and kiss any doubt away.

"Totally, they really like you". I assured her and she her lips curved on a tiny smile.

"Well... In that case, yes. I like them too".

"Great", I smiled big.

She drank from the cup. Her mouth looked amazing kissing the ceramic, I couldn't get my eyes out of them and she noticed. And when she put the mug down, her lips were shining wet.

"Don't do that", she warned me.

"Why?", I said rising from the counter and getting closer to her.

"You know why".

"Are you thinking about your dream?", I asked her and my voice sounded huskier than before. She gasped visibly and put the mug down.

She stared at my mouth too. I was well aware it was only 3 pm, and people outside this room were minding their business while we were eye fucking each other here. My hand travel to her hair and put it behind her shoulder, exposing the soft skin of her neck. She breathed in heavily and her dark eyes locked with mine. Things were getting uncomfortable in pants again.

"We can't...", she mumbled and the way her head moved seeking the touch of my hand told me otherwise.

"Are you wet?", I asked her in a whisper.

She swallowed and then nodded slowly. Fuck, what were we doing?

"Can I see?", I said moving and placing my hand open on the curve of her hip. My fingers curled to feel her over the fabric of her black skirt and slowly traveled to the front and then down.

"Shawn..." She warned me again, but not convincing enough.

"You haven't answered", I said when I reached for the hem of the skirt and held it with my fingers.

I took a step forward, standing even closer to her, our chest almost touching. I bent my neck down to see her and she looked up with her round big eyes. I could feel the warm air escaping her lips tickling over chin.

I was too caught up in the moment, my desires ruling over any rational thought. I could see in her face she was struggling with the same conflicted emotions and the dangerous situation we had at hands now. The warm her body was radiating was not stopping my blood from rushing all the way down to in between my legs. If I could only...

A laugh outside the room gave us the heads up to break the moment just in time to see two people to walk inside inside. She grabbed her mug with shaky hands and coughed trying to pull herself together.

Our gazes stayed fix on each other for what if felt like hours, but even that wasn't enough.

"Later", she said taking the mug with her and turning around bouncing her hips away from me.

I sighed and smiled, because I had nothing else to do.


a/n: hi, tell me what you think! I'm so excited about all the chapters to come ❤️

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