Highschool DxD X Female (futa...

By Darkphantom2004

338K 5.3K 1.5K

Re-writing this book but I'll leave the original one here More

Welcome To Kuoh Academy
Meeting the Red head again
The peerage
Lunch with koneko
Special Time With Akeno
The Battle
random message
Jealous Asia
The Morning Of The Battle
The Battle
The Date
special time with Asia and Raynare
The Arranged marriage
Two holy visitor's
pool 2
new story


13.3K 246 111
By Darkphantom2004

Y/n pov

"EHHHHHH" everyone says

"Hehe surprise" I nervously say.

"You are the daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth!?" Rias yells.

"Yep that's my dad and mom"


"Well you see when a boy and a girl love ea-"


"Well it is what it is. That doesn't change how I feel for you all. And I hope it doesn't change how you feel for me right?" I look at them with puppy eyes.

"Yes it doesn't"

"Great so now what are you going to do with Issei."

"Hm I don't know"

"Well I can take his sacred gear away" I say.


"Yeah it easy but I have to send him to my parents in order for that to happen" they look shocked


"I'll just pop him some sleeping pills and send him there. They can take care of the rest." I say plainly.

Time skip to after all that crap~

"So just how powerful are you" Rias asks me.

"Welp I don't know actually" I say bluntly. Then I get an idea and smirk

"So how about we have a friendly battle" Rias looks at me curiously.

"Go on~" Akeno smiles

"How about you and Akeno vs me?" I smirk

"Well I don't think that's fair at al-"

"All right then let's get to it" I cut Rias off.

We teleport to an arena.

"Alright ladies let's go" I grin

"If you insist Darling~" Akeno says

Third Person pov

"Hm I do think Y/n deserves to be punished if she challenged us saying she will win don't you think Akeno?" Rias grins

"Indeed Rias~"

Both Rias and Akeno fire at y/n at the same time.

"Ara Ara~ I believe we've won darling" Akeno whispers to herself.

They fly up looking around in victory. But as soon as the smoke clears they don't believe what they see.

"Wow you guys that was a huge explosion. What if you killed me?" I say

"W-what how are you unharmed"

"Oh this was nothing. Come on girls fine it everything you got. But now it's my turn"

I smirk I first look at Rias and fire back at her.

Then not a second later I fire back at Akeno

I see it hit them and both fall out of the sky.

I see it and immediately fly to them catching them both.

"I believe I won darlings" I smirk placing a kiss on each one of them.

"Yes you are quite powerful y/n. I'm glad you are part of our peerage." Rias smiles.

"Oi kaichou!" A male voice worriedly yells. Charging at me

I put the girls down.

"Who are you" he yells

"Names y/n nice to meet ya" I smile.

"What happened to the president?" He asks

"Oh we fought and she lost" I smile innocently. He takes out his sword

"What you want to fight to kid"

"You hurt the president of course I would fight back"

"She's fi-"


"What did you call me" I snap

"You heard me you coward" he yells. I growl

"Ok you want to fight. Let's fight" I shift

"WAIT" I hear a familiar yell. I turn to see koneko?

"Koneko stay back this monster hurt Rias and Akeno and must be punished" he yells

"No kiba this is our newest member. Y/n". He looks at her confused

"Kiba she's right this is y/n sorry I didn't introduce you two yet. We just had a duel to measure her strength" Rias smile's. Akeno just comes up to me and pet's me.

"Oh my. I am terribly sorry y/n I didn't know you were with us." He apologized. I shift back

"It's ok I would do the same thing."

"Where's Issei" he asks

"Oh him well..."

Rias yells him everything that happened.


"Haha I like this guys " I pay him on the back

"Don't worry Y/n already took care of that~" Akeno smiles sadistically.

"Alright I think we should head home y'all I'm getting tired" I yawn

"Yes" they all agree

"So no hard feelings?" Kiba stretches his hand out.

"No hard feelings" I shake it.

Time skip home

" *Yawn* god I'm tired" I stretch. I open the curtain only to reveal a pleasant surprise.

(Don't ask who got cut out)

"Welcome home darling~" they say.

'I love my life' I yell in my head.


Time skip (ha no sexy time for you)

"Damn that was amazing and tiring" I say.

"Mostly amazing" Rias states.

"Alright we should go to sleep now we have school tomorrow" I kiss them good night as we all drift off to sleep.

Time skip~

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I rush down stairs and see heaven

"Oh morning darling~" Akeno says seductively. I turn to see my other beauties

"A-ah good m-moring y/n" koneko studders

"Morning y/n" Rias smiles

"Morning my loves what are you guys cooking"

"Well me and koneko are preparing pancakes and eggs and Akeno is cooking the bacon and sausage"

"Mm sounds delicious"

"Although I wish I could each your sausage" Akeno states. I just blush.

"Hey it's to early for that. Besides we have school"

"Fiinnnee. But can I have a morning kiss darling~" I smile and kiss Akeno.

"Hey u-us to" koneko shyly states. I giggle and kiss them all good morning. I set up the table for all of us to eat. Once everything is prepared we sit down and eat.

"Itadakimasu" we all say and dig into our food.

Hello all my lovely readers sorry I haven't been updating at all I've been very busy and stressed lately. But now I'm back and better than ever. So be prepared for more updates soon. Also tell me how've you been liking my stories please. Till next chapter.

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