Avneil - Match made in heave...

By Moons_struck

59.7K 5.9K 844

Neil is a rockstar, his life always ruins smoothly... When his family decides him to get married ... But he i... More

€€ 002 €€
€€ 003 €€
€€ 004 €€
€€ 005 €€
€€ 006 €€
€€ 007 €€
€€ 008 €€
€€ 009 €€
€€ Passionate Movement €€
€€ Unwanted Guest €€
€€ 012 €€
€€ 013 €€
€€ 015 €€
Arjun Entry
Neil irritate of arjun
** Neil Ignore **
€€ 019 €€
€€ 020 €€
€€ Drunken avneil €€
€€ 🙈🙈🙈❤❤❤ €€
€€ Avni misunderstand €€
€€ Bebe fake heart attack €€
€€ Neil fill avni forehead forcely €€
€€ 027 €€
€€ Neil concert €€
€€ Avni Secret €€
€€ Avni gave shocking news €€
€€ Avni meet mini €€
€€ Drunken neil €€
€€ 034 €€
€€ Naira save mini €€
€€ Neil Misunderstand €€
€€ Avni return to her home €€
€€ Avni gave shocking news for aliya €€
€€ Neil realize his mistake €€
€€ Last part €€

€€ 026 €€

1.2K 144 17
By Moons_struck

(In the previous part, neil fill vermilion on avni forehead and lift her in his arms... He shocks everyone with his behavior...)

( In neil room )

( Neil brings her to his room and he closes the door.. )

Avni: Neil you are forcing me?

Neil; So what wifey?

Avni: Stop calling wifey? I'm already getting more irritating?

Neil: He comes close to her?

Avni: I said stop there? Don't ever try to come close to me?

Neil: He steps forward...

Avni: You can't hear dont come close to me?

Neil: He goes more forward...

( They both are one-inch gap very close to each other )

Avni: She thought again he is coming to kiss but its dream... He is standing on the side...

Neil: Avni I did this only for bebe happiness... I want my bebe happy... So I did this?

Avni: What? Marring me is happiness?

Neil: Bebe want we both married? So did?

Avni: But you don't think about me?

Neil: In that time which I think it's only right and I did?

Avni: You really did a big mistake neil?

Neil: Until you trust me or love me I won't even touch or I won't do anything with you?

Avni: You did everything with me and saying like a good man?

Neil: It just namesake of marriage? You can live your life... I won't interfere in your life?

Avni: Already you interfere and messed up everything? what is a balance left to spoil?

Neil: See I told you before I didn't do anything with you? One day the truth will come out that day you will understand me?

Avni: It won't ever happen? This is the only real truth?

Neil: It's a waste of taking to you?

Avni; Even im not interested to talk with you?

Neil: Look You are Just 2 months wife for me? Bebe will recover soon... After that, I will divorce you. Till that be my wife for outside? Tomorrow is my concert... Come office to check the arrangement?

( He leaves the room )

( Everyone sitting in the hall and waiting for them )

Bebe: She saw neil coming?

Shweta: Khurana sabs ask tillu about avni?

Raj: He calls neil? Neil bata come here?

Neil: Gi pappa...

Neela: Who is avni neil?

Neil: My wifey she is happy and fine...

( Everyone looks weird 😕... )

Raj: What happens to you neil?

Neil: What happens to me, pappa?

Shweta: Why you are behaving very rough with avni?

Neil: Oh mom... Just relax... She is my baby I won't play with her then who will play... Anyway, I dont have time I want to go office...

( He left for office... Avni came down )

Neela: Avni...

Avni: Mom I decided that im leaving my job?

Bebe: What?

Shweta: But why bata?

Avni: Mom I can't do any job with neil anymore? I hate him?

Neela: Avni relax have water?

( She drink water )

Raj: Avni bata we can understand your feeling? Neil did wrong with you? But if you leave the job its will hurt him more?

Avni: No one understands me? I will uncomfortable with him? I dont even like him? Its confirm? I'm leaving my job? It hurts him I dont care?

Neela: Avni bata you love your job more?

Avni: Now I hate this job because of neil? Does mom im want to join in your company? Please dont say no?

Neela: But avni...

Bebe: Neela leave it? What avni want to let her do? Does no one say anything? Let her do her wish?

Avni: Mom, Whatever happens, I won't stay here? Neil can't force me to do anything? I'm not thing im human? I have my choice he is forcing me, mom? Avni started crying badly and fall on the floor... She can't tolerate...

Neela: She huge her... Its okay avni...

Avni: It's not okay mom? I can't mom?

Neela: Sshhh... Sshh...

( Everyone feels bad for avni... )

Bebe: Neela you take avni with you?

Neela: But neil bebe?

Raj: Dont worry about him? We will handle it?

Shweta: Yes. Do you take avni with you? She needs you more?

Neela: Avni stops crying bata... Come let's go home...

( Neela took avni to her home )

Bebe: Raj bata neil did wrong with avni?

Shweta: Neil force avni... Did she start hating him more?

Raj: What happened to them? They both very close everything was good? But I can't believe my eyes they both have changed a lot?

Bebe: This all happens because alcohol who brings to the party brings misunderstanding between them?

Shweta: Once we come to know who gave them? I swear I won't leave them?
Because of him... My children are fighting today..  And all messed up...

( In avni house )

Neela: Avni stop crying? Nothing will change with your crying?

Avni: Mom I dont have the right to cry?

Neela; You have but stop crying? I can't see you like this?

Avni: She stops and wipes her tears?

Neela: Look avni im not telling you neil did right with you? But you should give him a second chance for him?

Avni: What 😦? Mom, you are telling this? Do you know everything? And you want me to give him a chance?

Neela: Avni I know... But just think once? Look avni, everyone is not life perfect, but we try perfect... When you like this life at that time you start this life until you try to understand neil and his feelings? We can't change fate? But we can love this life?

Avni: She nodded her head?

Neela: You think this once? And only you change neil? This neil is very rough and ruled... Only you bring our old neil back... Now everything in your hand... Now you decide which one you choose?

( In the office )

( Neil waiting for avni... She doesn't come to office... He asks Rahul to handle and came to house )

Neil: He controls his anger... He acts normally... Baby.. Baby...

Bebe: She is not here?

Neil: What? Where is she?

Shweta: We send her to his house with Neela?

Neil: Who gave permission?

Raj: I gave permission?

Neil: how can you send her to his house?

Bebe: Why? It's her wish? Does she have the right to go? Whom permission she needs?

Neil: My permission? She is my wife without my permission she can't step out?

(Before bebe could say he took his car to bring avni back )

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