Redemption (Sequel to 104NoS)

By Jalesia_

72.5K 3.7K 1.7K

Sequel to 104 Nights of Summers Will Nyla ever forgive Maverick? Or will all his attempts at Redemption blow... More

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By Jalesia_

Being able to update this book from my work desk makes me sit my ass here and do my work just so I can give you guys something good to read during this wack ass quarantine at the end of my shift.

I see that so many people are torn between Nyla and Maverick, and whether they should get back together and lemme just say... THIS IS WHAT I WANTED. I have every intention of making you guys embark on a very emotional roller coaster throughout the rest of this book too lol.

Also, I've been working on this new book for about two years now and I want to publish it. It's probably the best thing I've ever written because I've taken my time with it and I want it to be like a real ass, hard copy type book. Anybody know how I should go about it? You guys want a sneak peek?

Andddddd which one of yall said something about them both having similar nights with Trish? Let's talk about it lol. I want real, raw opinions on what yall think happened in both situations? Because shit ain't even got real yet.






Nyla POV

I stare at myself in this all white gown, admiring the fact that a man I love loves me enough to marry me. Today was my day.

"They're ready for you." My dad spoke almost incoherently. I walk down the aisle hooked onto my fathers arm, staring at an empty altar.

"Where is Maverick?" I yell to the guests in the church. "Where is Maverick?" I scream again as they all laugh and point at me in slow motion. I turn around and continue to search for him, not moving as fast as I wanted.

"He's right there Mommy." Sky then points past me, and I follow her finger and watch as the man of my dreams tangle himself up in sheets with that bitch Trish. I watch him touch her, kiss her, while staring into my eyes, as I stood in my wedding dress, crying out for him. Running as fast as I could to get to him only for the bed they did their dirt on to move further with every step I took.

"Maverick! Maverick!" I screamed his name, over and over as they begin to fade from my vision.

Jolting up from my pillow, I take deep breaths wiping the sweat from my forehead. Like at least four nights out of the month, I try my best to shake the reoccurring dream from my head. I never look forward to the day ahead after this dream because it's always a long one since I know I won't be going back to sleep any time soon. I sigh, getting out of bed and heading down the hall to the kitchen. Not without poking my head in Sky's room. She slept wild with her arm over her face and legs tangled up in one another. I shake my head with a small smile, feeling my heart melt at the beauty I gave birth to, with Macy at her feet snoring away.

"Just get out of my head." I place my head on the island fiddling with the glass of wine that sat before me. I meant that for the vision, not Maverick himself. I got to a point where I was trying to convince myself he was telling the truth about not remembering that night. He wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't do that to us. Looking at the clock on the stove put me into a grumpier mood. I had to get up in the next three hours and I went to sleep about two hours ago as it was.

Nobody knows what it's been like to deal with this. To know it happened is one thing but to see it when I'm trying to rest is slowly but surely causing me to become an insomniac. I will be fine and letting go, and the past will make its way to me every time and every way it can causing me to relapse into the hurt I work day in and out to let go of. I wanted to yell and break shit because I can't figure out what I'm supposed to be taking from this fucking dream.

"Mommy?" Sky peeks her head around the corner. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah baby, I'm fine." I give her a smile. "Mommy just gets thirsty in the middle of the night sometimes." I nod. She sits in the stool next to me, followed by Macy who sat at my feet now. I scratch behind her ears as a silence took over the room. "Did I wake you?"

"No." she shakes her head. "I had a bad dream."

"So did I." I push her curls from her face.

"Even grown ups have nightmares?"

"Of course. Sometimes, worse than kids." I nod. "But I tell you what, you come sleep with Mommy and I'll fight off your nightmares so you can sleep okay?"

"Okay." she smiles at me. I took advantage of her sleeping so close to me because I swear with her attitude these days she thinks she's too grown to cuddle with me. I squeeze her tighter, glad her innocent mind doesn't know too much about what's going on. I wish I was just as oblivious to the damage that's been done.

"What would you like for breakfast Princess Sky?" I smile when she joined me back in the kitchen a couple hours later.

"Lucky charms and bananas!" She claps excitedly. I place her bowl of cereal in front of her and head to her bedroom to pick out her outfit for today. I chose a cute little overall dress and sparkly sandals, something I recall being obsessed with at her age. I proceed to find my own outfit for today. I don't think I'm going to work. 

I stare at myself in the mirror, scowling once I was noticed the bags forming under my eyes. Yeah, definitely not going to work today. I had other plans brewing anyways. I pick up my phone and call Sahara.

"Talk to me Mamas." she says.

"Sahara, I need you today. We are going to take the day off."

"May I ask why?"

"Wow, you get a free day and you question it." I shake my head.

"Didn't you say you need me today? So how is it free again?" 

"Just meet me in about 45 minutes, we got some investigating to do."

"Ooooo bitch. I'm up now!" I hear her shuffling in the background. "Why didn't you just say so? You know I'll be there, and I'm bringing my magnifying glass. Drop that location ASAP."

"Okay Sherlock. See you in a bit." I laugh hanging up the phone.  

After dropping Sky off at daycare, I met up with Sahara at the local coffee shop and we hop in my car, after getting our morning brew of course. 

"So spill it. What are we doing? Who want the smoke because I'm ready ready." she flashes her little tiffany blue glock nine.

"Sahara, put that shit away. You are not even coordinated enough to be carrying that shit around." I laugh shaking my head. "But we are doing something I should've done like two years ago." 

"Don't do me." she rolls her eyes. "I will fire somebody ass up you hear me?" we laugh and she stops as soon as she realized where we are. She raises an eyebrow. "Ohhhhh, wasn't expecting this type of investigation." 

"Surprise." I shrug. I hand the valet my keys and we head inside to the front desk. 

"Embassy Suites, how may we help you today?"

"Hi, um, I'm Nyla Gordon and this is my very very very pugnacious secretary Sahara. We  have a couple questions for your security team."

Maverick POV

"I got here as soon as I could everything okay?" I say to Ari once she opens the door. To my surprise, she stood at the door in just a button down I left over here. 

"Not yet." she smirks. Any other day I would've been all for this, but today was a bad day before it even started. She grabs my hand pulling me inside and shutting the door. She wasted no time jumping into my arms attacking my mouth with hers. I put her down. 


"Don't talk.' Her little frame pushes me on the couch and immediately began to undo my pants down and taking me into her mouth. I sat there just side tracked as fuck about this. It caught me completely off guard on top of the fact I just wasn't feeling it today. 

"Are you not into this or something?" Ari looks up at me, sliding her hand up and down my limp member. I shrug with a sigh. "Well that's embarrassing." she laughs to herself.

"It's not you okay? I get all weird down there after days like today."

"Weird he calls it." she shakes her head.

"Don't take it personal please it's really not you Ari."

"I mean I don't know how you expect me to believe that when you have been blowing me off for the past week and now that we finally get a chance to have sex, you're obviously not interested." 

"Ari, you are sexy as hell. There is nothing unattractive about you. I just have a lot on my mind. It happens to men all the time. Nothing to do with you it just happens." I stand up and pull up my pants. If men hated anything more than not being able to get it up, being questioned about it makes it a hundred times worse. 

"I guess." she shrugs buttoning her shirt back up. 

"I'll talk to you soon." I walk out of her studio apartment that overlooked Asher. I was having a long day as it was and if she hadn't made it seem so urgent that I come over I wouldn't have made the trip, spared myself the gas and her the disappointment. 

My grandfather is on his deathbed as we speak, and I am scared to even go visit because I wouldn't be able to handle that right now. But I know I needed to go see him. 

As I was headed to the hospital, lost in thought, I was side tracked by seeing Nyla and Sahara walk into our local Embassy Suites. I almost went against my better judgement and let my curiosity get the best of me. What the hell were they up to?

"Grandma?" I yell through the house. I decided to go there first just in case she was home. And luckily she was. "Are you okay?" I pull her into a hug.

"Okay as I'll ever be." she gives me a warm smile. "Don't you worry about me you hear? I've been through it all and there isn't nothing I cannot handle okay?"

"Grandma, I don't want you here alone with these kids."

"Well honey, I'm having them turn the machine off today and I won't have a choice but to be."

"Why?" I felt my throat tighten. "Grandma, he can fight whatever-"

"He asked me to do so. He's tired of suffering Maverick, and I'm tired of watching him suffer. We've said our goodbyes before we even got to this point because it is inevitable." she says. I couldn't control the tears falling from my eyes. They raised me. Hell of a lot better parents to me than my own. My grandpa taught me literally everything I know. I'm the father I am because of him. She pulls me back into a hug. "I know sweetheart. Trust me, I'm hurting as well. But you have to learn to accept the things you can't change you understand?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"I mean that in every part of your life. You go see him okay? Don't worry yourself to death about me. You tell me the last time you seen something get your granny down?" she smiles. I can honestly say never.

"Okay." I wipe my face. "I'm gonna go see him." I nod.

I drove in silence all the way to the hospital. I hate death and everything about it. I hated the feeling of knowing things won't be the same at the orphanage. I hated I couldn't do anything about it. 

Standing over my grandpas pale body was making me sick to my stomach. Im glad that Sky wasn't around for this. I didn't want her to know death existed. I felt like it would ruin her innocent outlook on life and I need that innocence to get me through days like today. 

"Grandpa, I want you to know that I will do everything I can to become the man you are." I place my hand on his. "Thank you for raising me the way you did. Makes me glad Dad was so shitty to me. Thank you for seeing potential and importance in me because I went so long without seeing it in myself. Thank you for making me the man I am today. I promise to look for ways to better myself everyday like you told me forever ago. I love you. And I'll never forget you. I will make you proud Grandpa. Just watch."


hate to end on such a sappy ass note BUTyou'll see why come next update.... buttt what yall think Nyla and Sahara up to???


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