Overlord: Child of the Library

Oleh Tojamaru

123K 2.3K 767

Draven is a 10 year old human child with a rather unique magic power. Draven was not only born with an impres... Lebih Banyak

The Human
Chapter 1: Escape and the Overlord!
Chapter 3: Games and Knowledge
Chapter 4: Draven and the Maids
Chapter 5: Recovery and Care
Chapter 6: Narberal's chance at Redemption
Chapter 7: Ogre Stronghold!
Chapter 8: A Mother's Love
Chapter 9: Draven's New Workspace
Chapter 10: Aura's Day With Draven
Chapter 11: Planning a Battle Strategy
Chapter 12: Training and Chess
Chapter 13: Loki, the Son of Momon!
Chapter 14: Trouble in Landschaft!
Chapter 15: Draven's Fear for the Future
Chapter 16: A Difficult Apology
Chapter 17: Summoning Training
Chapter 18: Mischievous Mask & Runesmithing
Special Event: Winter Bells
Chapter 19: Journey into the Frozen Prison
Chapter 20: The Prince's Purpose
The Sorcerer Prince 8 Years Later

Chapter 2: The Floor Guardians!

9K 175 44
Oleh Tojamaru

Last time Draven escaped his imprisonment and encountered Lord Ainz. The young mage showed the leader of Nazarick the Infinite Library and has now been taken in by the Overlord and is returning Nazarick!

Draven looked at the outside of the Great Tomb of Nazarick with caution as he knew what awaited him inside. "I should warn you Lord Draven, the Floor Guardians may be hostile toward you until a proper explanation is give." Albedo warned as Draven looked at the succubus with a neutral expression. "I am aware Albedo, the book in the Infinite Library mentioned the general hatred of humans everyone has." Draven said as Albedo was surprised by his words. "I'm sure once they know you are Lord Ainz's child they'll be more accepting." Albedo said as she tried to reassure Draven.

"It's fine Albedo, once introductions are finished, I'll make sure to stay out of everyone's way." Draven said as they entered Nazarick. Albedo looked at the boy with worry in her eyes, on the return trip she had taken time to talk with Draven. She was surprised at how intelligent the boy was, despite only being 10 years old. Albedo found his quick wit and rather respectful nature to be quite endearing. Albedo was still unsure if she completely liked Draven, but he had been slowly winning her over as she got to know him. "Lord Ainz, it is good to see you return safely." A male voice spoke as a man in an orange suit approached them.

              "Demiurge, the trip was for the most part uneventful, but I did find something worthwhile." Ainz said as Demiurge finally noticed Draven standing next to Albedo. "Lord Ainz, what is this human doing here?" Demiurge asked in confusion at the sight of the child. "Demiurge, allow me to introduce to Draven Ooal Gown my son." Ainz said as Demiurge eyes widened in surprise at Ainz's statement. "Lord Ainz, why take this human as your son?" Demiurge asked as he studied Draven closely. "Demiurge, young Draven here has a impressive amount of untapped magical potential. He also has a magic that only he possesses, which will help us with future plans." Ainz explains as Demiurge still studies Draven closely.

               Demiurge bows to Draven in respect before addressing Draven directly. "Welcome to Nazarick Lord Draven, I am Demiurge one of the Floor Guardians." Demiurge introduces himself as Draven looked at the arch devil with a neutral expression on his face. "Thank you Demiurge, I look forward to contributing in anyway I can." Draven said as Demiurge cracked a small smile, he was still unsure of this human, but he definitely seemed to be the type to put in the work needed to achieve victories for Nazarick. "Should I alert the other Floor Guardians Lord Ainz?" Demiurge asked as he waited for Ainz to give him the go ahead or not.

"I will be taking Draven to meet each of the Floor Guardians individually, I believe it would be best not to overwhelm him." Ainz said as Demiurge nodded in understanding before taking his leave. The trio continued on their way to the training area where another Floor Guardian was training. "Cocytus, I require you attention." Ainz said as the large bug warrior turned to face his leader.

"Lord Ainz, how may I be of service to you?" Cocytus said as he awaited his orders. "I would like to introduce you to my son Draven." Ainz said as gently pushed Draven towards Cocytus. Cocytus looked Draven over as Draven studied him as well. "You have chosen this boy as you heir Lord Ainz?" Cocytus asked his master as he continued to look Draven over. "Yes Cocytus, young Draven has potential that was being wasted by the human rulers." Ainz explained as Cocytus turned to look at Draven once again. "Lord Draven, please allow me to train you. As a servant of your father, it is my duty to ensure your safety and make sure you can defend yourself." Cocytus said as he bowed to Draven.

Draven could hear the sincerity in the bug warrior's tone as he seemed genuinely happy to have him here. "It would be an honor Sir Cocytus." Draven said as he smiled at the large warrior. Cocytus stood up once again as he noticed two figures approaching them. "It appears we have more of the Floor Guardians joining us Lord Ainz." Cocytus said as they turned to see two figures the same height as Draven approach them.

           "Draven this is Aura and her little brother Mare." Ainz introduces the two as Draven studied the two dark elves. "A pleasure to meet you Aura." Draven said as he turned his attention towards the girl in the red outfit first. "How'd you know I was the girl? Usually people think Mare is the girl." Aura said with a chuckle as she looked Draven over with an evil look in her eye. "Aura, I would advise against laying a hand on my son." Ainz warned, knowing Aura's personality. "Understood Lord Ainz." Aura said as she hung her head in shame at being scolded.

"H-Hello Lord Draven, it's a pleasure to meet you." Mare said nervously as he refused to make eye contact with the human boy. "The feeling is mutual Mare." Draven said as he smiled at the other dark elf. Draven noticed that Mare had a scrape on one of his legs. "Are you okay Mare? Your leg is injured." Draven asked as he pointed the injury out. "Mare had a bit of an issue with one of my beasts, lucky I stopped it before it was to serious." Aura explained as Draven raised his hand towards Mare. "Mend." Draven said as Mare's scrape closed itself up as if the injury never happened.

                  Mare looked down at her now healed leg, before finally looking Draven in the eye with a smile on his face. "T-Thank you Lord Draven." Mare said as he bowed to Draven. "There are still two Floor Guardians for you to meet Draven, follow me." Ainz said as they bid Cocytus and the twins fair well. Ainz and Albedo led Draven to the lower floors of Nazarick, where they found an older gentleman, who appeared to be a butler.

               "Sebas, where is Shalltear? I have important information for both of you." Ainz asked Sebas as the butler turned to look at Ainz and Draven. "She should be joining us soon Lord Ainz, I assume the news involves this little human?" Sebas asked as Ainz seemed to relax slightly at Sebas's words. Ever since Tuare was brought to Nazarick, Sebas seems less hostile to humans. "You are correct Sebas, this is Draven, my son." Ainz explained as Sebas bowed to Draven immediately. "Welcome to Nazarick Lord Draven, I am Sebas Tian." Sebas properly introduced himself to the young human.

              Draven could tell that Sebas was not as hostile towards him then the other Floor Guardians. "Thank you Sebas, I'm happy to be here." Draven said as Sebas stood back up before turning to look down the hallway. A woman with porcelain white skin and red eyes, wearing a red dress approached them.

"Lord Ainz, have you come to see me? You are much to kind!" Shalltear said in a flirtatious tone as Albedo bristled in anger at the vampire. "You tiny little wench! Keep your fangs away from Lord Ainz!" Albedo screeched as Shalltear returned the succubus's glare. "Why don't you off yourself you old hag!" Shalltear fires back as the two were now mere inches from attempting to kill one another. "Enough! Both of you, stop you squabbling this instant!" Ainz shouted as the two girls settled down before hanging their heads in shame.

                Ainz cleared his throat before turning to address Shalltear. "Shalltear, this is Draven, I have decided to adopt him as my son. I will warn you now, don't even think about sinking your fangs into him." Ainz said as Shalltear nodded her head in understanding before she approached Draven and leaned down to look at him. "My aren't you a cute little thing! It's to bad your Lord Ainz's son, I wouldn't mind turning you into one of my servants!" Shalltear said with a small laugh before patting Draven on the top of his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Lady Shalltear." Draven said as Shalltear smiled at him.

"Oh how adorable! Aren't you just a little gentleman?" Shalltear said as her smile grew, revealing one of her fangs. "Now then, I believe you must be tired after the long day you've had." Ainz said as he turned to look at Draven. "Lord Ainz, allow me to show Lord Draven to his room." Sebas said as Ainz nodded for him to take Draven. Draven followed behind Sebas as he looked around what Sebas told him was the 9th floor of Nazarick. "This is your room Lord Draven, please let me know if there is anything you need." Sebas said as he bowed to Draven. "Thank you Sebas, I appreciate this greatly." Draven said as he said his goodbyes to Sebas before entering his room to rest.

So Draven has met most of the Floor Guardians! Don't worry he'll meet the Pleiades Battle Maids as well! Now that he's settled into Nazarick, Draven will only continue to grow stronger as he learns from Ainz. Although what challenges await Draven? Will he be able to prove himself to the other inhabitants of the Great Tomb? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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