New Girl Down The Block

By rachelstarling1

302 9 0

When Hailey moves into next door to Brandon sparks fly, but is Hailey really who she says she is? More

Moving Day
Back to School Special
Presleigh Rose Peters
First Day Back
The Choice
Date Night
Secrets Out
Meet the Parents
You Need a Lock
The Talk
Meeting Mr. Peters


36 1 0
By rachelstarling1

"I got it" he said. I turned around to see none other than Bradley Cooper, my ex-boyfriend. I was short 2 dollars for the test, so he handed me some money.

 "Uh, thanks." I said.

 Even looking at him made my eyes swell with tears. I held them back and I paid for the pregnancy test. I hoped to god he didn't see what I was buying.

 "Hailey! Come here." He yelled. 

I turned around and asked what he wanted. 

"I'm sorry." he said. He looked me in the eyes. I bit my lip. "I-I have to go." I told him.

 He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him and kissed me. That kiss lasted for at least 30 seconds. After that we talked for hours, it was like nothing had ever changed. He told me he was hungry and asked me if he could have some of the candy bar I had just bought. 

"candy bar?"  I asked confused.

"Yea,"he said, "the candy bar I helped you buy."

" I- uh- it's in my car." she lied. Hailey went to her car and frantically looked for something in her car. She found a candy bar Ryan had given her that same day and brought it back over to Bradley. After 3 more hours she drove home. Bradley asked her for a ride, so they drove home together. 

" Hey, tonight was fun. Call me tonight" Bradley told her.

Before getting out of the car, he pulled her face to his and kissed her.

"I love you Hailey."

He walked up the steps to his house. She was so happy until she remembered the pink box stuffed under her seat. She picked up the test, put it in her backpack, and drove home. When she walked in the door her mom was waiting.

"Where have you been? You told me you were on the way home 3 hours ago!"

"Sorry Mom. I stopped to get dinner and I saw Cassidy, so we talked for awhile."

I went up to my room and texted Cassidy, "if my mom texts you, I was with you all night." She responded, "ok" and I went to the bathroom and took the test.

"Shit." I texted Cassidy to meat my at our favorite breakfast place tomorrow morning because I had news. The next morning I put the test in my bag to show Cassidy, and left. We met at the cafe that morning and I showed it to her. I saw a girl from school i recognized, so i quickly put it away.  

"This is bad" I said

"What are you going to do?" Cassidy asked me

"I have no idea"


Cassidy: Have you checked instagram today

Hailey: No. Why?

Cassidy: Check that random gossip page from school.

Hailey: It's a private account

Cassidy: I'll send you the picture


Hailey: SOMEONE SAW??!!!

Cassidy: We have to get this taken down, before Ryan sees it

Hailey: I think I know who did this, ill text you back

Hailey: I know you took that picture of me, take it down

Emery: Why should I

Hailey: My boyfriend might see it

Emery: Thats the point dumbass

Hailey: You stole bradley from me, isn't that enough. Just take it down.

Emery: 50 dollars

Hailey: What

Emery: Give me $50 and I'll take it down

Emery's phone *VENMO* Hailey sent you $50

Emery: Was that so hard, It's down


" Hey Mom, can we talk about something?"

"Sure Hailey, what's wrong?"

" I'm pregnant."


" I mean a baby is going to pop out of me in 8 months. I'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner, I didn't know how."

" Have you told Ryan?"

" That's actually why I wanted to talk to you. You know how you got that job offer in Georgia, I think you should take it. I need a change of scenery and Ryan isn't much of a dad type. I'm not telling him."

"I'll look into it, but you should really tell him."

"I've made up my mind."

"Honey, I cannot even begin to feel what you're going through, but you need to tell him. Remember how much it hurt when your dad left, imagine never knowing who your dad is."

"Mom, my body, my baby, my decision. I haven't even decided if I'm keeping it yet."

Hailey broke down into to tears, She had never thought she'd have to make a decision like this, but here we are.

"Honey, it's your decision, but if you are giving it up for adoption or keeping it, or even if you want an abortion, you really need to tell him."

"No. He doesn't need to know."

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