Why Him?

By pink_tiara16

31 6 0

What happens when her next door neighbor was a boy she had left behind her two years ago? When one of her ch... More

Authors note
Neighborhood watch
New Boy
Frozen Coke
Untitled Part 6

Untitled Part 7

3 0 0
By pink_tiara16

The car ride was silent with only the radio playing quietly. I saw Luke turn around looking at me, "I'm really sorry."

I glared at him but there was no point in being mad at him, I had to go to school with him and he did live next door to me. "Whatever, your forgiven,"

"Ok good, so you're going to be the designated driver."

I starred at him in disbelief,I had only just forgiven him and now he was already asking for a favor. "No either you or James, this is the only party I'll be attending so I get to have my fun, have you not noticed how much effort I put in." I scolded at him.

"You look absolutely stunning." I didn't know if he was being sarcastic or realistic so I took it as a compliment. The rest of the car ride James decided to pick a fight with me causing us to yell over the top of each other the whole ride there. The porch was filled with people either making out or looking at if they were going to be sick. I got Luke to go grab us a drink as I looked around for Scarlet and Chase. I found them in a corner talking as I went to join them.

"Hey guys." I yelled over the music waving at them.

I watched as Scarlet did a double take at me. "You look fucking amazing." she yelled pulling me into a hug.

"Wait until she gets drunk." James muttered beside me which earned him a smack on the shoulder. Luke was taking a long time to get our drinks, I decided to go see what was holding him up. My eyes roamed around the room looking for his blonde hair, eventually I saw him locking his lips with some girl. Typical. I grabbed two cups and filled it up before walking back to my friends passing James a drink. "I'm driving remember," he said.

"Oh well more for me." I shrugged, chugging the first cup down my throat. I started to dance to the music gesturing for Scarlet to join me since James and Chase seem to be having their own little chat. I heard the song 'Dynamite' start to play and my eyes flickered at James, his lips turned up into a smirk making me poke my tongue out at him.

"You really came to this party." I heard a male voice say behind me. Scarlet turned me around to face her horrible ex-boyfriend.

"Yes I did and if you wouldn't mind I don't really want to see your face." I said, as straight forwards as I could. But apparently he didn't get the hint to leave.

"Come on, one dance." I scoffed at him, I had already shown that I didn't like him, I even said it out loud and he still wouldn't stop harassing me.

"If you haven't figured it out I don't like you and I am occupied so why don't you ask some other girl to dance." With that I turned around to look at Scarlet's smug face looking at his ugly face. I then felt a hand on my shoulder spinning me around before he literally crashed his lips onto mine. I pushed him off as fast as I could, disgusting. I knew I shouldn't make a scene but my anger took over and slapped him across the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I screamed.

He looked stunned for a split second before hiding it behind his smirk. "Chill, It's just a kiss."

I searched his face for a single speck of regret before full on attacking him with my words. "I've only been at this fucking school for two weeks and you go and fucking harass me the first party I go to, what the fu-," before I could finish my sentence a hand had covered my mouth before picking me up. I continued to kick and smack until he put me down. "What the hell James, I was defending myself against some fucking jock and you just go ahead and pick me up." I yelled at him in disbelief.

"I was saving yourself from him." He shrugged.

"I can protect myself," I shot him, walking back inside to grab a drink before finding Scarlet.


I woke up with my head feeling like it was going to spin off my head. The sun was peeking through the curtains making me squint. I rolled over and felt around for my phone. It was only nine, as I rolled around I bumped something causing my head to hurt more. "Ow." I groaned, when did my teddy bear become so hard. I went to pick it up but my bear bit me. My freaking bear bit me.

My bear then started to talk, was I dreaming? I moved further away from it causing me to fall off my small bed. As I got back up I looked down at what I was wearing, I was wearing a hoodie but last night I was wearing a red dress. What the fuck?! "You ok?" I looked at my bear again but instead there sat a shirtless James. Oh shit, did we have sex? Before I could ask him he shook his head clearly able to read my mind. I let out a sign of relief  and just as i was about to go back to bed I remembered James was in it, making me jump away from my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well you were drunk and Jordan let me in and told me I could stay the night." he clearly had just woken up by his voice.

"So you just thought it was a good idea to undress me and sleep in the same bed as me?" I sputtered.

"Hey, I didn't undress you. I slipped the hoodie over you and then pulled off your dress and where did you want me to sleep?" he asked as if my house didn't have a couch or even a guest room, maybe even his own freaking house.

"I'm going downstairs, go dress yourself. It's not exactly pleasant to wake up with a hangover and a boy in his underwear." I said walking downstairs not bothering to change. Jordan was already downstairs swiping through his phone eating fruit loops.

When he saw me he smirked before saying, "How was it?"

I looked at him for a while before realising what he meant. "Nothing happened you jerk, why did you even allow him to sleepover let alone in my room." I scolded at him.

"I was doing you a favour, you should be glad I'm not an overprotective brother and also he looked really worried about you when he carried you home." He shot back at me. I guess he was right about not being an overprotective brother but what was he saying about James being worried.

I scoffed at him, deciding to ignore his joke. I spread some butter over some bread and put it in the toaster. My toast popped up and just as I was about to grab it a hand shot from behind me snatching it away from me. I turned around and was about to start yelling at the food thief but was stopped when he kissed me on the cheek, "thanks for the food Kat." he said with toast in his mouth. He was still shirtless, did he not own a shirt.

"Go put a shirt on." I said to him, grabbing another piece of bread. Once my toast was done I sat down on the coach next to the still shirtless James ready to interrogate him. "Ok so what happened after I got drunk?" I asked, I really hoped nothing bad slipped out of my mouth.

"Nothing you just confessed your undying love for me." he grinned as my mouth fell open. "I'm kidding you passed out halfway through the drive."

"So I didn't say anything weird or unusual right?" I asked to make sure.

"No more weirder then your usual self, unless theirs something you need to tell me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't deserve to know things about me." I scoffed at him snatching the remote off of him.

I've been going back to school ever since Australia's been getting better and I like school so much better than online school! Hope everyone's being safe during these hard times. Hope you enjoyed it.

-Cath xx 

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