The Boyfriend Borrower

By JustKaylay

1M 31.1K 5.6K

I, Brittany Malene, have been dubbed the oh-so honorable title of the school's "Slut." With great power, come... More

The Boyfriend Borrower.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter One.

79.9K 2.3K 381
By JustKaylay

The Boyfriend Borrower.

Chapter One.

"Slut," Alicia Evers says, directing it at me as I walk down the hallway. The way she says it is covered in fake coughs

I roll my eyes at her lack of maturity. Girls need to grow up and face the plain fact. "You're just jealous because your boyfriend likes me more," I reply, flashing her a bright-bitchy smile while walking past her and her snobby friends. I have millions of things to say back and I always win, but it's funny to see their effort, even if it is a complete fail.

Alicia Evers and I go way back. Back to over the summer when I hooked up with her boyfriend, Cameron Kristo. She has had it out for me ever since the secret leaked out that I was hooking up with her boyfriend long before the summer. You would think that she would be smart enough to dump him after he cheated on her. She's not.

Alicia used to be somewhat of a nobody before people started giving her sympathy because Cameron cheated on her. With me. If anything, I practically gave her, her reputation, but did I hear a 'thank you, Brittany' or a 'you proved to me that my boyfriend really is a douche bag'? No.

Somebody should really explain to me why a girl would stay with her boyfriend, even after he cheats on her. If he cheated once, here's a tip; he'll do it again. The proof is that Cameron even tried to hook up with me again, even after everybody found out. I declined his offer. Honestly, it's not fun when the crazy girlfriend finds out.

I walk into homeroom and look around the room for an empty seat, but the only one I see is right in front of Brielle Stern, and the Courtney sisters. Courtney Jenlind and Courtney Gregs aren't really sisters, but they've been friends since elementary school, all because they have the same first name. The Courtney's and Brielle coincidentally look very similar with silky, curly, bleach blond hair that falls just past their shoulders. That's where we contrast; my hair is long, deep brown, and straight. The Courtneys' are a little on the dumb side, which is why Brielle is there to keep them in check, because Brielle's not stupid. That's the one thing that Brielle and I have in common; we aren't stupid.

The Courtney's are beyond skanky. I seem like a saint, compared to them, because I at least have a reason behind what I do, they just sleep around. Brielle on the other hand is different from her friends. Every school has that girl the 'popular' girl, and that's Brielle. I'm not very fond of Brielle and it's a mutual feeling. I haven't slept with any of her past boyfriends, nor have I slept with her recent boyfriend, Samuel Jacobs; formally known as Sam. Brielle and I just genuinely don't like each other.

People would assume that I don't like her because I want to be as popular as she is, but that's not true. I don't even believe in the whole popularity thing. People like Brielle are only popular because other people give them the title. Just like I'm only a slut because people give me the title. Deep down, I know that I'm not a slut, but when I get called one; I just embrace it. I would never give somebody else the satisfaction of letting them think that they actually hurt my feelings. Not like they do anymore, I've become numb to that four letter word, just like all of the other creative words that people have come up with.

As much as I don't want to; I sit in front of Brielle and the Courtney's. I just pray that they don't sit here the whole class period and complain about their meaningless problems in their petty little lives. I hate having homeroom with them because it's not like we're in a class that's actually here for learning. It's where we work on homework for other classes, study for tests, and mainly it's a class that we can just blow off. Which is what I do.

Since I'm an over achiever, I do all of my homework at home, hence why they call it homework; it's work that you do at home. There may be a lot of things that I don't care about, but I have to care about school. School and my grades are the only things that guarantee me a ticket out of California. Beverly Hills is not the place for me, I prefer New York, where the seasons actually change. Beverly Hills is warm all year around so girls flaunt around in stringy bikinis, short-shorts, and basically everything else imaginable to get a guys attention. I should know; I do the same thing.

"Bri, are we going to that party this weekend?" one of the Courtney asks, I think it's Courtney G, because her voice is much more high pitch and annoying.

Brielle lets out a sigh, as if to say that she's annoyed by them. "I already told you; I can't. My sister's in town for the weekend and I haven't seen her in forever."

"You didn't tell us that," the other Courtney says.

"Oh," Brielle says, catching her mistake. "I guess it was Sam that I told," she corrects, "Anyways, my sister's in town this weekend, so I'm spending time at home," Brielle explains quickly.

After that, I hear them go into a complete boy-fest, talking about Sam and how 'amazingly gorgeous' he is. Courtney Jenlind's words exactly. I don't know why they bother telling Brielle that. I mean, everybody knows that Sam Jacobs is gorgeous. We're seniors in high school now, girls, don't you think that you can grow up a little?

Sam and I are semi-friendly, we have honors biology together, but I knew him before that class. He's friends with my brother, Brian; they're both on the school's varsity baseball team together. I say 'semi-friendly' because we only talk about two things; baseball and biology.

I used to play softball, way back before Josh came into the picture. I knew that he didn't like sporty girls; so I quit. I was really good, mainly because of Brian; we always practiced together and that's what brought us closer as brother and sister. Not that we weren't before, because we're twins, and that's about as close as you can get.

The whole reason my parents found out Josh's actual age was because Brian thought that I was being stupid for quitting. I get it now; Brian was loosing his sister. My brother and I are abnormally close because you wouldn't think that a brother and sister would be best friends, but Brian and I are. We literally hang out all of the time. I kick his ass at video games, and he attempts to swing at one of my pitches when play around on the baseball field.

"Did you guys hear that Hayley might break up with Brody?" Brielle asks them, and I can tell that it's just because she's trying to get off the topic of her boyfriend.

"Isn't it because he was...with..." Courtney F trails off.

Right now I wish I were looking at them so I could see what she's signaling at, or to.

Brielle makes a disgusted sound. "Yes, that's her," she says simply.

The Courtney's giggle along. "I've always hated her! Br-"

"Are are you stupid, don't say her name!" Brielle whisper yells at the two Courtney's. "We'll talk about this later," Brielle whispers. "Not around..." she adds says, and I can tell that she's doing another hand motion.

"Sorry," the Courtney's say at the same time, in unison; like they've had so much practice saying it before.

After that conversation, I know that they were talking about Brody Wells and myself. Right now, he's the only one that I'm...borrowing. Which is really just my nice way of putting hooking-up. It's not like I actually want Hayley Meyer's boyfrind, Brody. Why would I want a guy that would cheat on his girlfriend? If he got together with me, then he would just end up cheating on me. Which will never be happening again. I won't let it.

Then Brielle asks to go use 'the ladies room'. How classy. I'm shocked when she doesn't have her two little skanks follow her. That's like the Cat In The Hat being with out Thing One and Thing Two. Except The Courtney's are Brielle's Skank One and Skank Two. I want to laugh out loud at my stupid joke, but I figure that since people already refer to me as a slut, I don't need them referring to me as crazy too.

I'm tempted to turn around and tell Skank One and Skank Two that I heard their whole conversation, but I don't.

While walking to biology, I notice Brody Wells walking a few people in front of me. Brody, Brody, Brody...

Brody is possibly the biggest jerk that has ever lived. I've met a lot of jerks, but nobody can out-jerk Brody Wells. Well, I can think of one person that could, but thank God that I don't have to deal with him anymore. He's away at college in Los Angeles, the University of California Los Angeles, to be exact.

Enough thinking about him, Brittany, I tell myself. He's not important anymore...

I push through the people, bringing me closer to Brody and jump on his back. I half expect him to flinch or buckle, but he doesn't. Instead he laughs and hooks my legs around his arms so that I'm secure against him. Brody's normally exceptionally nice to me though, considering that he knows it pisses my brother off. Brian can not stand Brody.

I wrap my arms loosely around his neck to hold on and lean my lips closer to his ear. "Where's your girlfriend, Brody?" I whisper to him.

Brody chuckles and shrugs his shoulders underneath my arms. "Not sure, but I know where she's not," he replies.

I giggle. "And where would that be?" I question.

"The storage closet in the gym," Brody answers and I laugh. He's not making what he's thinking about subtle at all. "Is that a yes?"

"Later it will be," I correct, smiling, and Brody sets me back on my feet. "I have to get to biology," I explain.

He narrows his dark green eyes at me, confused. "Isn't that the class that you always bail on?" he questions.

Yeah, because I'm borderline flunking Biology. Science classes are always the exception classes. As long as I have an 'A' in every other class, one 'C' doesn't hurt my GPA too bad, but that was until it dropped to a fifty-two percent. 'Ds' and 'Fs' are unacceptable.

I nod. "The one and only, but I start showing up when the grades go down."

Brody chuckles, showing me his perfect white teeth that are hidden behind his full, pale pink lips. I'd kiss him, but that would blow his cover. When people see us talking and laughing, they can't prove than anything is actually going on. Besides, I've seen Brody lie to his girlfriend, Hayley, and let me say; the boy is brilliant. It's always the gorgeous ones that are the best liars. Brody could have any girl, just like he could. Hayley knows that just as well as I do, and I guarantee that she won't break up with him.

Brody has dark brown hair that flops right above his eyes in a sexy-shaggy mess. He's on the baseball team too so like all of the other players; working out has done wonders for his body. Although, I think that him and Brian are still suspended from playing in any games because they got in a fight. I'm almost one hundred percent sure that it was because of me.

The bell rings, interrupting what I was going to say. So I settle on something else. "I'll stop by your baseball practice tonight," I tell him and leave him there to think about all of the possibilities that could happen.

I step into biology a couple seconds late, only to have Mr. Shearin yell at me. Although I hate his class, Mr. Shearin is my favorite teacher, mainly because he's really cute, in a Robert Downey Jr.-manly-kind-of-way. He's not the younger teacher at this school, but he is the most handsome.

"Miss Malene, how wonderful for you to show up today," Mr. Shearin says sarcastically, as giggles from other students fill the room. "You can't afford to keep ditching my class," he adds as I walk past him and sit in my assigned seat next to Sam. "Your grade is in serious jeopardy, Miss Malene," he adds.

"Well, Mr. Shearin, maybe you could tutor me. Privately," I respond, letting there be hidden messages embedded in every word. More people get a laugh out of my reply than they his comment.

"Alright that's enough, settle down, class," Mr. Shearin says, then goes into his lesson.

I try my best to take notes, but when Mr. Shearin gets carried away with his lectures about meiosis, enzymes, or what ever in the hell he talks about; I start to drift off in my thoughts. It's because his voice gets so monotone and puts me to sleep.

I write on the corner of the piece of paper in front of me: Can I borrow your notes tonight? I don't understand a word he's saying.

Then I slide the note to Sam and holds back a laugh as he writes back: Sure, but maybe you would understand; if you showed up to class.

I smile and shake my head. "I doubt that," I whisper so only Sam can here. And when I whisper; it's a whisper. Nobody can hear it, unlike how Brielle and the two skanks whisper. I heard their whole 'whisper conversation' about me this morning. If you're going to talk about somebody, while they're only right in front of you; learn how to whisper.

I know for a fact that just because I show up to class; it's not a guarantee that I'll know what the teacher is talking about. Trust me, I've tried. So why not do something better with my time? Not to mention that Biology, along with any other science class isn't going to get me anywhere. It's not like I'm going to excel in the 'art' of dissecting animals to study their insides. That's just cruel.

When the bell rings, I realize that I walk out of class so fast that I forgot to get Sam's notes. Great, I guess I'll just have to get them from him tomorrow.

The final bell of the day rings at two eleven, dismissing school. I go straight to my locker and shove my biology book in my dark red Barney's satchel. I'm going to attempt to study whatever it was that Mr. Shearin taught today, and the days that I ditched his class.

"Hey, Brittany," I hear a familiar voice say. I look down the hall and see Sam walking towards me with papers in hand. "Still need these?" Sam questions, holding up the papers.

I nod, pulling out my biology folder, take his notes and slip them into the little pocket. "Thanks, Sam," I smile.

He shrugs. "No problem."

"We have that frog dissecting project coming up soon in Bio, don't we?" I check.

Sam nods. "Yeah, you aren't going to pass out on me, are you?" he chuckles.

I shiver at the thought of cutting open a live creature, while shaking my head no to answer him. "No. It's just gross."

"You're such a girl," he laughs.

"You're the first to complain," I smile, closing my closer.

"I'm not-"

Sam gets cut off when Brielle comes up to his side and hooks her arm around his. "Hey, babe," she says to him. "What are you guys talking about?" Brielle asks, trying to keep the snobbiness out of her voice because Sam's here.

"Dissecting frogs," I inform her and she gets a disgusted look on her face.

"You're disgusting," she says, glaring at me. She's just using this situation as an excuse to 'burn' me. She could care less about what we were talking about, she just wanted the chance to be a bitch. To me.

"Funny, that's not what your dad said last night," I smirk, slowly taking off down the hall before she can reply. I hear Sam stifle a laugh. At least somebody in this school, besides me, as sense of humor.

"Why were you talking to her?" I hear Brielle interrogating Sam. "I swear to god, Sam, if you're ch-"

"Cheating?" Sam says for her, then starts to laugh. "Is talking the new cheating, or something?" he questions sarcastically. "You have nothing to worry about. You can trust me."

"I do," Brielle says. "But I don't trust her."

That's the last thing I hear before I'm out of hearing reach.

I get to my car outside in the school parking lot and decide to burn time by studying, before I show up at Brody's baseball practice. If I show up now, I'd look desperate. Besides I could, not show up at all, if I wanted to. That's the perks of not having a boyfriend. You can say things and then not do them, and the other person can't get mad. Why? Because you aren't dating.

Sure, Brody and I have some funny conversations and sometimes we don't even hook-up when we're sneaking around, we just talk, but that doesn't make us relationship compatible.

If you ask me, it shouldn't even be called a relationship, because that word doesn't describe my meaning for it at all. What is should be called is; Relationshit, because it never really works out in the end.

Relationship: emotionally close friendship, especially one involving sexual activity.

Relationshit: two people that like each other until one of them finds someone better. Besides, you have to test drive the car before you buy it, right? I've dealt with it, first hand, and I much prefer borrowing, over owning.



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