Stay By Blue (You) - (Khun x...

By Laoshu101

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*Semi Hiatus* *Modern AU* Khun Aguero Agnis, the CEO of his family's failing business, rebuilds it after a be... More

Chapter 1 - The Contract
Chapter 2 - The Woman
Chapter 3 - The Secretary
Chapter 4 - The Jealousy
Chapter 5 - The Misunderstanding
Chapter 6 - The Reveal
Chapter 7 - The Leave
Chapter 9 - The Replacement
Chapter 10 - The Escape Room

Chapter 8 - The Accident

109 11 3
By Laoshu101

This is not edited

Oh, and for anyone confused with the left, right and middle stuff, it's text.

Who ever's name is in the middle, is the person texting (like Khun's name is in the middle, then Bam is texting Khun)

left will be the person the user (Bam), and right will be the sender.

Idk know if anyone's text systems are different

Sorry if it's confusing, and like it happens for only the begging so... like ya


o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

Bam and Khun texted it started off with Bam apologizing for the earlier incidents, but then Khun texted something strange.

Khun A.A (What would Bam even put his name as?)

It's ok, I already know.


Bam replied as he did not know what Khun was talking about, how'd he already know? Bam didn't tell Khun anything. Then there was an awkward pause, as both the men's phone had the 3 dots appearing, signifying someone was typing, but in reality, they were just confused. None of them knew what to reply with.

Khun A.A

Anyways, do you have any idea what I should do about Rachel?

Oh, I actually do.

Give me a second.


Bam stopped his conversation with Khun and proceeded to dial a number, under the 'A' in his contact's list, it was almost at the very top, but another name stood out. Ring ring, he waited for the caller on the other side to answer, but it just kept ringing.

"You have reached the voicemail of-" he hung up and tried dialling it again. Bam wasn't trying to be annoying by pestering the person, but he wanted to help out a friend. After a few more tries he finally got threw.

"*Yawn* Bam? What's wrong?" The person on the other end said tiredly, as they just woke up from their deep slumber at their phone ringing constantly.

"Sorry to bother you, Avery... but I need to ask of you a huge favour."

"And what might that favour be?"

"Umm... can you... um become Khun's secretary... like you were supposed to."

"... *thump*..." The sound of a loud thump could be heard from Bam's line, the sound of someone falling off their bed.

"Avery? Hello-"


"I said can you become Khun's-"

"No, I heard you, but I just can't I-i..."

"What do you mean you can't, you handle business almost every day, you'd make a great sec-"

"That's not what I meant. I don't like that guy..."

"Why Khun's a nice guy once you get to know him."

"He's creepy, and gives off a weird vibe, he is a Khun."

"Avery, Khun's not creepy, he can be a bit cold, and maybe scary, but you probably just got the wrong idea. Besides, I'm in a gang, slayer position. What vibe do you think I give off?"

"Innocent, cute, adorable, wholesome, bean, cinnamon roll..."

"D-don't say that you're the cute one. My little sister is the cutest in the world. I look really intimidating with all the other FUG members, plus the get-up doesn't help."

"I've seen you wear it, you look super cool and awesome."

"Please can you do it for me? Your one and only brother. Your favourite person in the world. Please?" Avery could just picture his innocent face pleading with his cute puppy dog eyes. She could practically see his face in her mind.

That was practically Bam's number one expression to go to, besides his smile.

She couldn't say no to that face, nor any other of his faces, but that one in particular. "F-fine."

"Thanks, Ave, I'll find a way to make it up to you. I got to go soon, flights going to leave, and mother wants me back."

"Tell her I said hi." "I will, see you soon, bye!" "Yeah, you too." The caller hung up and went to text his blue-haired friend the good news.

I sigh could be heard in the brown hair girl's apartment. 'What did I get myself into...'

The next day Bam left, saying goodbye to everyone, and making sure everything was all good. But it was not, as Avery became a secretary. No matter what bam told her, the experience she had with the Khun's CEO was not the best, she witnessed it herself first hand.

On Monday her new job would start, it was a warm Saturday, and the woman decided it was a perfect time to go shopping.

Entering the tall mall with multiple floors was crowded and full of other shoppers. Avery went into the first store, a nice high-end one that sells premium quality stuff. Lots of formal business stuff was bought, from pencil skirts, blouses to suits and casual wear. Most of her shopping was already finished, she just needed to make one more stop at a store, just one.

Her stomach was rumbling, so she decided to go pick up some take-out then head home. But as she was walking to get a taxi a car almost ran her over. It just hit her, no Avery pancakes today.

"Are you ok?" A blue-haired male said, sitting inside his expensive car. The brown-haired lady was not ok, her head was splitting and she could see straight. The male didn't get a reply and thought she was ok.

"Of course she's not ok, you just frikin ran her over, you're an idiot." A guy beside him yelled at the guy, but the dude seemed unfazed, rather annoyed.

Getting out of his car he walked up to her, she was kneeling on the sidewalk, the guy who was scolding the male also got out, checking if she was alright and could make it to the hospital, or would they need to call an ambulance.

"I-i'm fine... thanks. Who are you?" The man was shocked, did the guy beside him just give a random girl a concussion?

"She looks fine to me, can we go back now, I'm sleepy." The blue-haired male said, ready to drive somewhere to get food, 'Tacos sound good' was a suggestion he had.

"You moron, you ran her over, Ran, she needs to go to the hospital."

"Whatever." He replied back, sitting back into the driver's seat.

"Did you hear me? You ran someone over if this gets reported your non-existing driver's license will go bye-bye forever." The guy helped Avery up, putting her into their car to take her to the hospital. The girl was not fully conscious and didn't seem to disagree with them putting her into an unknown car.

"Get out of there, I'm driving now! You can kiss your sorry ass and forget about me helping you practice driving."

The blue-haired man didn't reply just tumbled over into the passenger's seat beside him. The car ride to the hospital was silent. When they arrived the man called a front desk person to help the girl get a check-up.

"So miss, how did this happen."

"I-i can't remember."

The nurse looked over at the people who brought her in, giving them a questioning look, perhaps they would know what happened rather than the barely conscious girl.

"I'm sorry ma'am, my friend had an accident, we'll cover all the cost and make sure she 120% better before she leaves."

"Ok... she doesn't have any serious problem, just needs to be bed rested for a few days, she should be discharged Wednesday if everything goes well.

In a patience room, the three all sat quietly.

"I'm so so sorry miss, and my friend here is very very sorry too." He kicked the male sitting beside him.

"Say sorry you twerp!" He yelled at the other guy who was ignoring everything and playing on his blueberry phone.

"Sorry," he muttered, as he was simultaneously swiping left-right, up and down all over his screen. 'It's a me a Jimio'could silently be heard at the low volume his phone was at.

"Argggg, I'm so sorry about him. My name is Novick and the guy who ran you over is Ran."

'Does he do that a lot, or is it just coincidental because of his name..." she thought after hearing the boy's name.

The blue-haired man stood up, ready to go out the door, probably going to drive to get Tacos. He was short, like kid-size. He was short, small, had blue hair, he reminded Avery of a blueberry.

"Uh uh, where do you think you're going, little man. You're staying here to fix your mess."

"Food." was all Ran said, not bothering to even look at the other guy named Novick.

"No, I will drive and get the food you license-less freak, you stay here and apologize properly."

"Get me tacos then."

"Fine. Miss what do you want to eat, it's on Ran."

"Oh, it's fine, there's no need-"

"I insist." She just told him she'll have the same thing as Ran. Novick left to the car, leaving Ran sitting there quietly. 

Ran was tapping on his phone, 'it's a me a Jimio' could still light be heard in the silent hospital room. Then not so nice music started playing, the kind of music when you lose racing against Jimio. 

Then a tune was heard, 'Haha Jimio is a winnio, Me is a Jimio. You are a big poopy loser, yes you are a loserio. Haha ha I am a winner, you are my dinner, chicken chicken dinner. You suck, so suck my ass.'

On the screen of Ran's phone, Jimio was facing his but towards the 'audience', or 'player' as he stuck it out and started making it.

But Ran was smirking, not even faded a bit by how a character was trying to get on his nerves.

"Umm... what's that?" Avery asked confused after hearing the whole thing.

"A Game, Jimio only sings that special verse if ya beat him so many times, then when ya switch your character to a custom he thinks, and I quote 'Are you a loser that you can't beat Jimio without getting a whole entire different player?' And I just got that special award." He said not looking off his device.

Then it was back to a silent room.

It was quiet for a long time until the door opened revealing Novick with a bag of food.

"Here I got you a burrito," he handed Avery a wrapped burrito in tinfoil.

"Thanks." She replied, taking it out of its wrappings and into her mouth. She was hungry, and hospital food is not that great.

"Here's your meal." Novick handed Ran the bag containing the rest of the order he ordered.

"Aren't you going to eat?" she questioned him. "I already did at the place." he replied back to her.

"What the hell is this shit!" Ran yelled, not caring about the other patients who could be nearby at the loudness of his voice.

"You're food, tacos like you requested. Duh."

"No, you idiot, I'm talking about the portion size." 

"What about it?"

"It's a frikin kids meal, how stupid are you to not know how old I am."

"Well you look like a kid, and the way you acted earlier was very childish. Some stranger could have thought I was babysitting you." He laughed in amusement, but Ran did not, he hated being called small for his height. Child-like for his looks.

"Shut the f*ck up and get me a regular-sized meal! Now!" Novick tried to hold in a laugh, to Novick even his voice sounded child-like and swearing to make you seem older was not working, it made him look like a stuck up kid with a foul mouth.

Which Novick always thought that about ever since they met.

It was Monday, and Novick always came to check up in her usually dragging Ran. But Monday was when she needed to go to her new job, courtesy of her brother. The accident got her bedridden and she made a call to the front desk saying she could attend until after Wednesdays.

When Khun heard this news he was beyond relieved. He enjoyed his deadly silent office with only the typing of the keyboard to be really heard. He had peace and quiet at last.

Wednesday rolled around and Avery was discharged from the hospital. She made her way to her penthouse, sitting on the couch with a sigh exiting ger mouth. 'Why did they keep me for so long?' she wondered.

She slowly closed her eyes ready to doze off to sleep, but it did not work. All that sitting in bed at the hospital was boring, so she went to sleep to try and pass the time. Instead of just sitting around anymore, Avery tried to think of something productive to do.

Her workload vanished as her father requested her to stay in Japan and relax a bit, so working wasn't really an option. If she wanted to she could hack into the system to obtain some work, but that would be stupid. Not only would she be found out, but it could weaken the firewall built up and cause other issues.

She hadn't been in Japan for long, maybe a week or so Deciding to go sightseeing sounded like a good answer, but most things would probably be closed this late at night. Instead, she decided on going for a jog, not only could she see some sort of sights and get to know the neighbourhood she was living in, but it would provide long-needed exercise.

She changed into some activewear, getting some ice-cold water to hydrate herself during the jog, and then put it in the fridge for after the jog. Taking it would be a hindrance, lugging around a water bottle while trying to run is not the easiest way to jog. It was also kind of awkward to carry.

As she was going to cross a street, a speeding car was coming up, she stopped, not wanting to be run over again. The car's headlights blinded her, causing her to shield her eyes with her arms. 'It's too bright!' she exclaimed in her head.

The car speeded past the pedestrian walkway. 'That was rude and dangerous'. Nonetheless, she continued her jog. The driver, on the other hand, was a bit enraged, news to him was his peaceful office would have another secretary. Since the last one wasn't any good, who's to say the next one will be?

Thursday arrived, and Khun was sitting in his office, quite frantic on what might go down later. 

o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

Published: July 7th, 2020

Word count: ~ 2200 words

Next update: Wednesday

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