Utaite x Reader Compilations...

By mafumafura

62.2K 1.7K 815

Enjoy one-shot stories of you and your favourite utaite! Requests are closed at the moment. Enjoy☆ More

まふてる(mafuteru) (Mafumafu x reader)
Which Mask? (Kashitarou Itou x Reader)
Lover's Fight (Amatsuki x Reader)
18th October (Mafumafu x Reader)
Nurse Me, Please. (Soraru x Reader)
Nurse Me, Please. -another story- (Soraru x Reader)
Bold Enough (Rib x Reader)
Kiss (Mafumafu x Reader)
Piano Lessons (Koma'n x Reader)
Won't You Accept Me? (Kashitarou Itou x Reader)
Dirty Talk (Luz x Reader)
Author's Confession ♡ (PLEASE READ!!♪)
Yaoi (Hashiyan x Reader)
Private Tutor (Amatsuki x Reader)
ヤキモチ -Jealousy-(Mafumafu x Reader)
White Day Evening (Rairu x Reader)
Your Eyes (Gero x Reader)

Opposites Attract (Amatsuki x Reader)

3K 107 49
By mafumafura

Requested by FierceLightning.

Thank you for requesting and enjoy!! ♡


"Ahaha! Stop that Mafuo!!" Amatsuki laughed all the way as Mafumafu was teasing him.

It was lunch break. You glanced at Amatsuki who was playing with Mafumafu opposite your seat. Such a stupid guy... You thought to yourself. But then, you realized that your face was red.

Your eyes then looked back to your shoujo manga that you were reading. Why were you blushing for no reason?

"Ahhh, someone's blushing here~~"

You suddenly realized a pair of eyes looking intensely at you. It was your best friend, Wotamin.

"Ehhh...!! NO I'm not!!" You screamed at Wotamin with a really RED face, catching Mafumafu and Amatsuki's attention.

"Eh, Is that true Wotamin?" Mafu asked Wotamin while grinning widely at you.

"Amatsuki, don't you think ___-Chan is just too cute when she blushes? Haha~" Wotamin asked Amatsuki.

"H-hey..!!" You mumbled at Wotamin.

Amatsuki thought for a while. You noticed his cheeks turned a little red and he replied,


That made you blush harder.

"I-It's because of this manga I've been reading, the guy is just so roma-" You were about to brag about your manga to hide your reason for blushing but you were cut.

"Ahh~ As expected from a crazy otaku..." Mafu commented.

"Mafuo.. That's mean.." Amatsuki said back.

You felt like steam was coming out from your ears. You quickly stood up and shoved your finger to Mafumafu's nose while yelling at him,


It was Mafumafu's turn to blush. Amatsuki was in shock. Even everyone in your class looked at the four of you.

"I-I don't play those such things..!! I'm innocent here!" Mafumafu shouted back at you.

"Okay guys, calm down... Hehehe, sorry __-Chan, we were joking! Haha.." Amatsuki tried calming the air up. You then looked away and pulled Wotamin.

"Let's go somewhere else!!" You gave a quick glare and stuck your tounge at the two boys before stomping out of your class.

"Hey!! W-wait!!" Wotamin was about to stumble as you just pulled her.

As you both ran out of class, Mafumafu turned his face to Amatsuki.

"Such an informal confession Amatsuki-kun.." Mafu grinned slightly at Amatsuki.

"S-shut up..."


"Those guys reaaaally piss me off!" You bursted out in front of a puzzled Wotamin.

"But you like Amatsuki-kun... right?" Wotamin asked you back.

You quickly turned your face towards her and was about to deny, but what she said was true. You blushed and faced away.

"I... do like Amatsuki-kun.. But I think he wouldn't like someone like me.." You replied, feeling quite upset.

"Look at me Wotamin. I'm such a quiet girl, who fantasizes shoujo stories to happen in real life! I'm the opposite of him. So why should he-"

Suddenly, Wotamin cupped your face. You were shocked.

"Why not? Aaah ___-Chan!! You're confidence level is soo low..!! Have you never realized?" Wotamin asked.

"Realize what?" You questioned back.

"Amatsuki-kun likes you too!! Baka ___!! He's really interested in you. You're such a nice person, and a lovely manga lover! That's why he likes you!"

Your eyes widened.

"What? N-no, that's impossible.."

"___-Chan, have you ever heard.. 'Opposites Attract'?"

You were still puzzled.

Wotamin spoke up again.

"___-Chan, did you know Amatsuki's changing schools?"

You were shocked.

"Huh? What?"

"You need to tell him your real feelings to him before it's too late," Wotamin suggested.

You thought for a second. You felt like you wanted to cry because someone who you love would be leaving you. But then, you tried hiding your expression from Wotamin.

"Yes... Yes! Thank you Wotamin! You're my only best friend!" You then hugged her tightly.

There was only one way to let Amatsuki know your feelings. By confessing to him and letting him go.

"You're welcome!! Come on, let's get back to class. Classes are starting,"


During the whole classes after lunch break, you couldn't focus your mind on the lessons. You were glancing at Amatsuki from time to time.

Suddenly, Amatsuki turned to face his back. You both met eyes. You started to blush and tried to avoid looking at him. Amatsuki though, smiled at you and faced back in front.

You cupped your face with your hands after looking at Amatsuki who was smiling. You felt your heart was beating faster than ever.

You had made up your mind. You were going to confess to Amatsuki that day.

Right after the last class, you called Amatsuki and ran to his place.


"Y-yeah? What's wrong?"

"Can we walk home... Together...?" You asked him slowly. You realized your face was getting hot.

When you looked up at Amatsuki, you.realized his ears were red.


"I-is that so? Then.. I'll meet you at the school gate, okay? Bye!"

You then pulled Wotamin and ran out of class.

"Amatsuki, go and confess. Here's your chance!" Mafu pushed Amatsuki from behind and laughed.

"... Yeah... Thanks Mafuo..." Amatsuki laughed too and blushed.

You and Amatsuki were neighbours since you both were small. But then, this was your first time for the both of you to walk home together.

It was quite awkward. Once a while, you both would make eye contact, then avoid eyes. It was making you feel uneasy.

"Amatsuki-kun, can we make a detour?" You asked.

"Hmm, yeah. Sure. Where shall we go?"

"Yeay! There's a place that I really want to go!" You cheered up and pulled his hand. You didn't notice you did that.

You both arrived at a new dessert shop. You finally realized the both of your hands were clasped together.

"E-EH? Since when o-our hands-"

"You, pulled me.." Amatsuki quickly replied with a loud toned voice, then slowly decreasing. He scratched his head slowly. You blushed.

"I-I'm sorry!" You quickly apologized to Amatsuki and pulled your hand away. But then Amatsuki held your hand back with his.

"Won't it be better like this?" He asked smilingly. You melted at his smile. You nodded slowly.

You both then entered the shop. Suddenly you saw your favourite ice-cream cake. You were starting to drool.

"I'm gonna have a slice of that, Amatsuki-kun!" You showed the ice-cream cake that you wanted to Amatsuki. You then opened your purse to take your money to buy the slice.

Suddenly, you realized you didn't have enough money to buy it. Your face slowly changed.

"What's wrong ___-Chan?" Amatsuki asked.

"Ahh.. No.. I think I've changed my mind.. I'll eat it next time.."


"No! It's nothing!"

"Fine. I'm having THAT," Amatsuki then ordered the slice of cake that you wanted. You huffed.

As you both were eating, you were taking  peeks at the cake Amatsuki was eating. It looked so delicious.

"Huhh...." You sighed. You took a bite of your butter cake you ordered due to save money.

"Want some?" Amatsuki offered his cake.

You thought for a while.

"Just a bit.." You then took a bit of it and ate the cake.

Soo sweet and nice.... You thought to yourself. Your eyes were closed and you were smiling to yourself, enjoying the cake.

You didn't realize some of cream were on your cheek.

"Oi, you're so sloppy. Hahaha!" Amatsuki laughed at stared into you deeply. You blushed.

"N-no I'm not!" You pouted.

"Then are you gonna still have that cream on your cheek?" Amatsuki questioned you teasingly.

"Eh, where?" You held your right cheek. The cream was on your left.

Amatsuki sighed and took a tissue. He then wiped the cream from your cheek.

Your eyes widened and you blushed.

"Thank you..."

"Your'e welcome! How is the cake?" Amatsuki asked.

"It's delicious..!! Just like how I expected!" You exclaimed happily.

"Then, let's come here again sometime!!" Amatsuki replied cheerfully.

But then, you remembered Wotamin said that he'd be transferring. You were puzzled.

"Well, let's go home, shall we?" Amatsuki stood up and looked at you. You nodded and the both of you then walked out of the shop.

It was getting colder. Your right hand held the jacket you were wearing and your right hand was in Amatsuki's.

"It's really cold.." Amatsuki mumbled slowly, but you were able to listen to it. You were wearing a scarf.

You got an idea. It was the right time for you to confess.



You then put your scarf to his neck.

"Ah.. Thank you ___-Chan, but won't you need it more?" Amatsuki asked.

"It's okay, since.." You stopped for a moment.

"___-Chan?" Amatsuki asked.

"Since I love you.." You continued while smiling weakly at him.

Amatsuki looked at you with wide eyes. Then, he blushed. You were shocked.

"Ahh.. Fuuuh..." Amatsuki mumbled. He then quickly cupped his face.

"Amatsuki-kun! Are you okay?" You asked him worriedly.

"Yes.. Yes, I am. ___-Chan, can you stay here?" Amatsuki asked you. He then ran far from you.

"Wait, are you running away from me?" You screamed at him.

"No, I'm not!" Amatsuki screamed back. He then finally stopped running. The distance between you and him was about 500 meters.

"Amatsuki! What are you doing?"

"___-Chan! I love you too!" He screamed loudly.

What did he say? You thought to yourself. You then started to blush. You glided your feet on the snowy ground.

"___-Chan! Are you okay?" Amatsuki ran back to you.

He then realized tears were pouring out from your eyes.

"Th-thank you... But it'll b-be hard for us to meet each other anymore, right?" You stuttered while holding his hand.

"Eh? Why not?" Amatsuki asked.

"Wotamin said you were changing schools..."

"No, why would I?"

Blush crept on your face. Wotamin lied to you!

"I-Is that so?... Ugh.." You avoided eye contact from Amatsuki.

Amatsuki laughed. He then pulled you back to your feet.

"Shall we go home?"

"Yeah," You smiled happily, clasping the both of your hands together.

"Thank you, ___-Chan," Amatsuki said.

You faced him. He then kissed your cheek, receiving a blush from you.

"For loving me," He continued.

○ ☆゜+.*.+゜☆゜+.*.+゜☆゜+.*.+゜☆ ○゜+.*.+゜☆ ○

I'm really sorry this chapter took too long to update. I was on vacation for the past week, so I had little time to update. And I have been having problems hehe.

I hope this story was as expected, and I'm sorry if it was quite braggy haha.

Thank you!

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