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By xxmilkybqbesxx

234K 5.6K 1.9K


1; Her Story
2: Her Family
3; Attracted?
4; Apology
5; Jealousy
6; Kiss
7; Carefree
8; Flashbacks
9; Thrill
10; Introducing Me
11; documentary part one
12; documentary part two
13; documentary part three
14; documentary part four
15; documentary part five
Random chapter: Instagram
16; documentary part six
17; The L Word
18; future
19; Wrestlemania
20; Celebration
21; In Loving Memory
22; Stress
23; Scared
24; Together
25; Family Reunion
26; Truth
27; Relapse
29; Soulmate
Breaking Instagram
30; Unexpected
31; First man
32; Arguments
Breaking Instagram Part 2
33; Wedding Bells
34; Married
35; Hardships
36; Recovery
37; Rumors
38; Split
39; Hopelessly Devoted
40; Mommy Dearest
41; Surprise
Breaking Instagram Part 3
42; Hurting
43; Young, Wild, and Free
44; Chaos
45; Past
Breaking Instagram Part 4
46; Gender Reveal
Breaking Instagram Part 5: 47; The Battle
48; Delivery
Breaking Instagram Part 6
49; Return
50; I Like Me Better
51; Danger
Breaking Instagram Part 7: 52; Moving Forward
53; Surprise #2
54; Pregnant
55; Podcast Pregnancy And Goodbyes
56; Arguments Part 2
57; Reacting
58; Anniversary
Breaking Instagram Part 8: 59; Family
60; Reality TV
Bonus Chapter
61; Advice
Breaking Instagram Part 9
62; Fights
63; Episode 1
Breaking Instagram Part 10: 64; Episode 2
65; Delivery Part 2
66; Challenge
Breaking Instagram Part 11
67; Celebrations and Confrontation
Breaking Instagram Part 12
68; Confrontation Part 2
Welcome Back
70; Rumors Part 2
71; Tell All
Breaking Instagram Part 13
72; Family
73; Podcast
74; Boyfriend
75; Daughter

28; Complicated

2.5K 71 40
By xxmilkybqbesxx

complicated• consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.

Authors POV

Word got out to the media that Luciana had a relapse. Stephanie and Vince were very concerned about her mental health. She didn't want to back to Colombia. She had Roman now. Instead Roman got her a family therapist, and his mom also stepped up to help Luciana. He was doing everything possible to make sure she would truly be okay.

The bellas wanted to fly to Tampa to see her but she insisted on going there. She needed to get out of the house. Out of that room. Roman had chemo but said he would fly out the next day, wanting her to have a day for herself, hoping the bellas would help to ease her mind.

The car pulled up in front of Brie's house. She got out and thanked the driver and grabbed her duffel bag. She rang the doorbell, the door swung open revealing Nicole's boyfriend, Artem.

"Hey Luci." Artem took her bag and hugged her. Longer than she expected but she knew it was cause of what happened. "How are you doing?"

"I could be better." She halfheartedly chuckled.

"Come on the girls are in the back waiting for you." He grabbed her hand and lead her to the backyard.

"Oh my god Luci!" Nikki and Brie ran up and hugged their friend. They both hugged her long and tight. It took everything in her to not break down right then and there.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're okay." Nikki held her face.

"Here sit down." Brie said and handed her a water.

"Thank you." Luciana smiled and sat. "Roman's flying in tomorrow."

"So is Bryan." Brie mentioned.

There was a moment of silence. None of them knew what to say. What did you say? Asking if they're okay was the easy way out. The twins genuinely cared for her. They both were scared but once they got the text from Roman that she was awake, they were relieved.

"You know we're here if you want to talk about it. I can ask Artem to go inside." Nikki suggested.

"No it's okay," Luciana shook her head. "He's apart of us too."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Brie rubbed her arm.

Luciana sighed and nodded her head. "Um I was fine up until a few days ago, my brother had called and said him and my two cousins, who I haven't seen since I was sixteen, were flying out to Tampa. I thought it was going to a nice family reunion, I was super close with my cousins before they left. We.. We went a restaurant once they got in and the oldest one, Oscar, talked about his brother and how he was concerned about him cause I guess there's this gang on their street and he thinks Cesar was getting involved. Cesar was in the bathroom so I just told them we'll talk about it at home. We did and Cesar got defensive and then Oscar was going off on him and it all turned into a big fight. We all tried to separate them and.. Cesars hand swatted up and hit me in the eye."

"Oh my gosh." Nikki gasped.

"But I'm fine, it was nothing major. Then.. I don't know days after, I kept getting this nightmares of Levon and the fights and the yelling and screaming.." She stopped and began to cry.

"It's okay, we're here." Brie comforted her.

"It just sucks because I could literally feel him on me. I could feel his body on mine and just his presence. It wouldn't stop... I couldn't sleep because I would just have continuous nightmares of everything he's done to me... And I couldn't take it anymore. I even freaked out when Roman tried to help."

"What did he do?" Nikki wondered.

"He was just holding me and I just got a flashback and Levon and everything.. And I ran out, grabbed the pills and got in my car.. He followed me until I lost him, then I called my uncle and I was fading away." She wiped her eyes for a moment. "It just fucking sucks, it's like an never ending nightmare that I can't wake up from."

"Come here," Nikki opened her arms and held her. "It's okay, let it out."

"Luciana, did Levon ever.. force you to do things?" Brie cautiously touched on the topic. Luciana stayed silent and nodded her head. "Oh my god."

"Did you tell the police?" Artem asked.

"Yes" Luciana sat up. "I told them everything but his lawyer knew the judge and he got out of jail like two or three months later."

"That's bullshit." Artem growled. "Did you ever try reopening the case?"

"No, once I found out he was getting out, I had to go back to Colombia." Luciana sighed.

"Hmm," Artem said before standing up. "I'll be back, I just have to make a call."

Once he was gone, Brie turned to Luciana. "So me and Nicole have a house in Tampa, and we were thinking to go visit it for awhile. We'd be staying maybe three or more weeks, and we also wanted it as an excuse to help you out."

"Yes, we're actually off for the whole month, we'll just be backstage at some shows here and there but we would love to come and help you." Nikki said.

"You guys don't have to do that. Plus you have Artem and Brie you have this house." Luciana pointed out.

"My mom is here and she'll keep an eye on it for me." Brie said.

"Yeah and Artem can come with us. He's taking a vacation and he agreed to be there for you. Please please let us go and help you get back on the right track!" Nikki pleaded.

Luciana let out a little chuckle, "I can't necessarily stop you from going to your own house. But, if you guys really want to help me, then I'll gladly accept it. Thank you."

"Yes!" Brie and Nicole squished her into a hug. "We leave the day after tomorrow."

"Same flight as me I'm guessing?" Luciana guessed.

"Of course." Brie smiled.

Artem walked back outside, "Hey."

"Who'd you call?" Nikki wondered.

"One of my lawyers. I told him about Luci's case and how it ended, he said Levon shouldn't have even gotten out. He should've had a mandatory minimum jail time at least." Artem explained. "He's also agreed to look into it and see what he can do to reopen it, it just doesn't add up."

"Wait is this guy can possibly go back to jail if guilty?" Brie sat up.

"Yeah, it should've been a felony." He nodded.

"Oh my gosh Artem," Nikki smiled. "You did it for her?"

"It's not right to see you still suffer while he walks free." Artem said. "He shouldn't have gotten out, I knew I could help and try to solve this puzzle."

"Thank you so much." Luciana slightly gasped and hugged him. "Thank you Artem, really. I don't know how to repay you."

"Don't worry about it, me, Nicole, Brie, and Roman will help you through this." He smiled and patted her back.

Speaking of Roman, Luciana's phone dinged.

Mr. Reigns🕊💍: Hey baby. Wasn't feeling too great at treatment today, doctor said it's not a good idea to fly out there and back. I'm sorry, I can't make it. :( how are you doing?

Luciana: It's okay amor, how were you feeling when you woke up? And I'm okay

Mr. Reigns🕊💍: I was fine but I went to treatment and I didn't feel very good. I'm actually going to take a nap now, I love you, be safe, call me if you need anything ❤️ see you the day after tomorrow.

Luciana: alright, let me know if you don't feel good when you wake up. i love you, see you soon🥰

Two days later: Back in Tampa

"How's Roman feeling?" Brie asked as the four friends sat in the car, on their way to Brie and Nicole's house in Tampa.

"He said he's okay, I think the chemo just hit him too hard." Luciana replied from the front seat. "He wants me to meet him at this address after we drop you guys okay."

"Where?" Nikki asked.

"I don't know, but I was told not to look it up, just put it in the GPS." She shrugged.

"Maybe he has a surprise date for you." Brie suggested. "Oh look we're here!"

"Call us after you're done with Roman and stuff okay?" Nikki said after hugging her.

"I will, thank you guys." Luciana said and got back in the car, driving to the unknown destination.

After a few minutes, the address led her into a nice neighborhood, with beautiful housing. Was he at a family members house? She thought. Finally she seen Roman standing in a driveway and parked on the side, she finally looked at the house and gasped. The house was huge, she wasn't even sure how to get in. It was beautiful.

"Oh my god," Luciana gasped in amazement, while walking up to Roman.

"Welcome back." Roman smiled and kissed her.

"How are you feeling?" She looked at him.

"Pretty great," he smirked.

"Who's house is this?" She asked him.

"Ours." Roman stated.


"Okay I wasn't really sick from the chemo. I had all of our stuff moved from our old house to here. I know you can't be in that house because of everything that happened, so I came across this one and I knew you would love it." Roman confessed.

"Roman.. This place is huge." She shook her head. "And the wedding coming up and everything, we can't possibly have the money for a place like this."

"And that's the great part, Vince actually paid it off for us. All we have to do is pay the usual bills and taxes but he gave it as a gift to us and you."

"Are you serious?" Luciana was still in shock.

"He is very much serious." A voice said. Luciana turned around and seen Vince. "I know you've had a hard time.. And Roman told me about how you couldn't be in that house and that he was looking for a new home for you guys. One of my good friends had just put this house on the market and I showed Roman. We both knew you would love it. I paid the mortgage for you guys all you need to do is the taxes and homeowners insurance."

"Are you sure about this Vince? That's a lot and-"

"Luciana you deserve this." Vince interrupted her. "You're both going to get through this hard time but for now, go and enjoy your new house."

She sighed and hugged him. "Thank you so much. I don't know how I could ever repay you over something like this."

He laughed and pulled back, "Just overcome this, then come back and work for me and got those sales up."

"Of course boss." She laughed.

"Alright, I have to go. See you later." Vince said his goodbyes.

"Let's go!" Roman dragged her into the house.

It was a bit much, but who wouldn't love it? Seven rooms and seven baths. It was a beautiful house, especially at night. Luciana couldn't believe it was hers. This it it. This is where her and Roman would officially start the rest of their lives together. And she couldn't wait.

"Hey what's going on guys, it's Roman and Stassi here. We just wanted to take a sec and upload this video for you all and update you on what's been happening." Roman started.

The two both had agreed to make a little video addressing Romans health and the situation with Luciana.

"I am doing my treatment and I'm getting better everyday. The cancer isn't too serious but of course I'm still taking a precaution. Um, I don't have an exact date of when I'll be back, I don't know if it'll be within these next few months or longer. But thank you all for the prayers and love you've been sending my way, I really appreciate it and I love you all, believe that." Roman said and smiled at the camera.

"Hey guys it's Stassi, me and Roman wanted to do a little update on everything. So recently TMZ leaked that I had another overdose scare... And it was true. As many of you know, before me and Roman we're together, I dated a Miami football player for almost three years. Towards the end, my ex was very abusive towards me after I suffered a miscarriage. I was forced to do things I didn't want to do, I was yelled at and verbally abused and mentally. That was hidden though, but the very public issue was when he physically abused me one night. And after that I did get therapy but was also prescribed medication for depression and anxiety. I did attempt an overdose on my medication when I was in Colombia not too long ago, and I did do it again recently. These past couple weeks have been really hard for me, memories and nightmares of what he did to me kept coming back and haunting me everyday. For everyone who is concerned, I am getting treatment and help, Roman has been helping me so much. I am getting better and I am not taking any medication, I made that clear to my therapist. But we just wanted to hop on quickly and give you all an update, we're both fighting a battle but we're going to come out stronger than ever, thank you guys for the love and prayers, we love all you and we hope to see you soon."

to be continued

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