||ON HIATUS|| Enigmatic Love...

By vibonboooooon

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A Love Story of Granger and Lesley. Due to misfortunes, Lesley Vance, who always ended up into something wors... More

Chapter 1: The Invitation
Chapter 2: Fanny, The Expert Wingman
Chapter 3: Watching Her From Afar
Chapter 4: A Fragment of Her Past
Chapter 5: The Preparation
Chapter 6: That Nosebleed!
Chapter 7: Lightborn's First Anniversary [1]
Chapter 8: Lightborn's First Anniversary [2]
Chapter 9: Lightborn's First Anniversary [3]
Chapter 10: The Battle
Chapter 11: Please, Stay
Chapter 12: Back to His Old Self
Chapter 13: Where I First Met Him [1]
Chapter 15: Going Home
Chapter 16: The Dream
Chapter 17: Intertwined
Chapter 18: The Return of Prince Aurelius III
Chapter 19: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [1]
Chapter 20: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [2]
Chapter 21: The Winter Festival in Moniyan Empire [3]
Chapter 22: The Lineal Descendant
Chapter 23: The Mission in Empire's South [1]
Chapter 24: The Mission in Empire's South [2]
Chapter 25: The Mission in Empire's South [3]
Chapter 26: The Mission in Empire's South [4]
Chapter 27: The Cure
Chapter 28: Afraid
Chapter 29: The Trip to Moonlit Forest [1]
Chapter 30: The Trip to Moonlit Forest [2]

Chapter 14: Meet The Paxley Brothers

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By vibonboooooon

Chapter 14: Meet The Paxley Brothers

Third Person


"GUSION, WHAT WAS THAT NOISE? IS THERE SOMEONE WITH YOU?" A man yelled from the distance, Gusion froze and widened his eyes. He saw Lesley hid inside the bathroom in his peripheral vision.

"F*ck, it's my brother," He muttered to himself as he facepalmed. While Lesley, who was now wearing Gusion's clothes, the black oversized shirt made her comfortable, and also his pants that she wore... and she didn't wear the blazer that Gusion gave her.

Right now, she's thinking whether to show up and make some lies for an excuse, or hide inside the bathroom and wait for hours.

While Gusion, he took a deep breath, as the door opened, his elder brother showed up.

"Oh, Grayson! W-What brings you here?" Gusion tried his best to be calm, but unfortunately, he failed. It was obvious that he stammered.

Grayson, the first son of Paxley, who's interest was magic and everything related to magic. He dreamed of being the head of their family, and he assumed too since he was the first son. He loves making his family proud, and looks to the bright side. He loves to be positive, and always stays positive. Love was never his interest or a goal, but to foresee what the future will be.

"I heard someone in your room, perhaps, a girl." Said Grayson, as he sat on the bed beside Gusion.

Gusion hid his face as he widen his eyes, he cursed mentally, as he thought that he can never escape when it comes to Grayson's sharp senses especially when it comes to sense of hearing, like he can hear anything in a range of one hundred meter radius.

While Lesley, she was eavesdropping them, "Gusion, you know, I hate lying." Said Grayson, while staring at nothingness.

'Now I have to show up before it gets worse,' Lesley thought to herself, and took a deep breath.

She decided to show up, and tell the truth.

Lesley exited from the bathroom, as she showed up in front of Gusion and his brother, Grayson.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. We met at the market earlier. He brought me here for I need a shelter for the meantime. Don't worry, I'll leave when the rain stops," Lesley said, as she maintained an innocent look on her face, trying to hold back herself from trembling.

She tried not to be nervous, but she failed, and she found herself gulping nervously. Grayson stood up from the bed, and smiled brightly, which made the brunet, and the magenta haired woman surprised.

"Is that so? Never knew my little brother had a friend, it surprised me. If you're Gusion's friend, then you're our friend too," Said Grayson, that made Lesley widened her eyes, also Gusion who was froze in his spot.

'Well, my decision was right, after all...' Lesley thought.

"What's your name, milady?" Grayson asked her.

Lesley chuckled nervously as she glanced at Grayson, "I'm Lesley Vance, sir." Lesley said, there was a trace of nervousness in her voice. She twiddle her fingers, and averted her gaze.

Grayson wholeheartedly smiled, as he patted Lesley's head, "Call me Grayson, dear. And—by the way, Miss Lesley..." Grayson leaned onto Lesley's ear and whispered,

"Tell me if my little brother did something inappropriate to you, call me right away. I'll make his whole body wither," Grayson whispered, and Lesley nervously nodded.

"Kids, do you want something to eat?" Asked Grayson, that made Gusion rolled his eyes, and sighed.

"We're not kids anymore, brother. We're grown up." Gusion said as she stood up from the bed.

"Ah, grown up... said by an immature nineteen-year-old boy, haha!" Grayson mockingly said, and laughed half-heartedly.

Lesley can't help but to snort with laughter, that made Gusion annoyed and walked out of his room.

"Don't worry, Miss Lesley. He's always like that. We like teasing him, a lot. He'll come back later." Grayson chuckled, and also Lesley, who smiled at him.

Grayson made a hand gesture, "Follow me," He said, and Lesley nodded, being docile. Her first impression to Grayson was a mature man with a lot of experiences in life.

As they walked out from Gusion's bedroom, Lesley followed Grayson through the corridor, as they reached the hallway, someone spoke behind them that made them stopped in their tracks, "Brother, who is she?"

Lesley turned around, as she saw a man wearing a jet black jacket with a large collar, almost half of his face was hidden. His jet black hair almost covered his deep, blue eyes.

"Giovanni," Grayson muttered.

Giovanni, the second son of Paxley. He loves to goof around his brothers, and he entitled himself as the 'joker' of the family. He might be a funny man, but he's deadly when serious.

"Brother, is she your girlfriend?" The man named Giovanni asked, which made his brother Grayson snorted.

"Nope, haha! It's Gusion's friend. We're about to go to the kitchen and make some food to eat, wanna come?" Giovanni's eyes widened, and glanced at Lesley, from head to toe.

"Why is she wearing Gusion's clothes?" Giovanni asked, that made Grayson facepalmed, while Lesley, she was looking down on the floor.

"Gusion lend her some clothes, she'll stay here for the meantime, and leave when the rain stops." Grayson briefly explained that made Giovanni 'ooh-ed' and nodded.

"Alright, hehe. What's your name, miss?" Giovanni asked as he went to Lesley. He lend his hand in front of her, and gladly, Lesley accepted it... and shook their hands.

"I'm Lesley, sir." She answered, and flatly smiled.

"Giovanni would be fine, miss." He said, and winked at her.

Grayson led the way downstairs, and the two followed him. As they reached the ground floor, they walked past the living room. Lesley can't help but to feel fascinated as she saw the elegant furnitures, and the decorations on the wall.

As they reached to the kitchen, "Giovanni, take her to the dining room, I'll cook some food." Grayson ordered, and Giovanni nodded.

"Come," Said Giovanni as he softly grabbed her wrists, and led her to the dining room. Lesley was very pleased, because of the brothers hospitality, she felt warmth, even though they're strangers.

But now, they're no strangers to her.

As they reached to the dining room, Lesley's jaw dropped, as she looked up and saw a large chandelier above them. 'Oh, my. My hunch was right, he belongs to a noble family.' Lesley thought.

As they went to the dining table, Giovanni held the chair and moved it backwards, "Sit here, miss." He said as he signaled her to sit down on the chair that he had.

"Just, Lesley." Said Lesley, as she sat on the chair.

Giovanni chuckled and sat beside her, "Say, Lesley, how did you met my brother?" Giovanni asked, and beamed a smile at her.

Lesley gulped and took a deep breath, "We met at the market, I saved the old lady from the bandit, and your brother must've mistaken me for a killer so he pointed the dagger on my neck, and..." Lesley explained nervously, as Giovanni was trying to hold himself back from laughing.

"The old lady told him everything what happened. After that, the old lady left and it rained, so... he took me here for a shelter. And I'll leave as soon as the rain ends," She added, as she fidget her fingers and stared at nothing.

"I get it, Lesley. Make yourself at home." Giovanni smiled as he ruffled her hair.

"Uhmm, sorry for ruffling your hair, it's just that... it's my first time seeing a magenta haired person," Said Giovanni and he chuckled, and Lesley chuckled too, and muttered, "It's fine,"

"By the way, if you're friends with one of my brothers, you're our friend too," Said Giovanni, that made Lesley smiled... and that's what Grayson said earlier.

She's happy that Gusion's brothers were so nice to her, and hoping that Gusion would be nice to her too. Well he is, but he always mocks her in a way that she would be really annoyed, 'Good thing they're nice people,' Lesley thought, and she chuckled.

"By the way, Lesley... how old are you?" Giovanni asked.

"I'm 17, how about you?" Said Lesley as she twiddle her fingers.

"I'm 21, I never knew Gusion bought a minor here," Giovanni said as he stifled a chuckle.

Lesley furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean?" She asked out of confusion, as she tilted her head.

Giovanni faked a cough, and said, "Lesley, if I were you... I would stay away from Gusion, if you don't want to... uhmm, you know." Lesley narrowed her eyes, and made her more confused.

"I don't get it," Lesley muttered.

"You know Lesley, the truth is... he goes home with a couple of girls every occassion, and..." He stopped, as he lend his face to hers, and whispered,

"BANGING THEM HARD AND GOOD." As Giovanni whispered the last words, it made her tremble in fear, and at the same time, she feels ashamed because of what happened earlier.

'Is this the other reason why he brought me here?' Lesley thought to herself.

"Oh," That was all she could say, Giovanni noticed that she was trembling. He tilted his head and smiled at her, reassuring Lesley that she will be safe.

"Don't worry, Lesley. Just call us if our little brother did something to you... uhmm, perhaps disgraceful." Said Giovanni, with a smile plastered on his face. Lesley smiled back, and nodded, "I will,"

Seconds passed, Grayson came in the dining room, holding a tray of food, there are two plates of pancakes with maple syrup, and two cups of hot chocolate, he wore a black apron and a pair of black mittens on his hand. He could be an ideal man, "For a cold weather, this meal would be perfect." He said as he placed the tray on the table.

"Goodness gracious! Thanks, Grayson!" Giovanni happily said as he took the plate with pancakes and a cup of hot chocolate from the tray and gave it to Lesley, and he took the other plate and placed it in front of him.

"Thanks, Grayson." Said Lesley as she let out a warm, innocent smile. And as for Grayson, he was taken aback by the young girl's smile. Well, it was his first time to see a girl like her smile genuinely at him.

Grayson smiled, as an answer. Grayson gave her the fork, and a dinner knife. Giovanni sat down on the chair, and started eating, and Lesley did the same.

She drink the hot chocolate that made her cold stomach replaced with warm feeling. And the sweet taste of chocolate made her smiled, and she put the cup on the table. She took the fork and the knife, as she started to eat the pancake. Her first bite made her feel really happy.

'Never knew Grayson was a good cook!' Lesley thought, while savoring the pancake.

After they finished eating the pancakes, "How's the pancake, Miss Lesley?" Grayson asked, and chuckled.

"It's the best!" Lesley exclaimed, and giggled.

The two Paxleys couldn't help but to giggle too, they found her cute and charming. It was their first time having a NICE visitor, and it made them really glad and happy. Even though Lesley is a stranger to them, they felt like they easily get along with each other.

"By the way Lesley, do you want to roam around? Let me tour you," Said Giovanni, as Lesley face lightened and beamed at him, "Sure!"

"That's a nice idea, Giovanni. I'll wash the dishes, and you, kindly tour Miss Lesley around the mansion." Lesley chuckled at Grayson's orders, and there's no hint of authoritative tone in his voice.

"Sure, Gray. Let's go, Lesley." Giovanni led the way and Lesley followed her.

As they roamed around the mansion, they went to the garden, which made her mesmerized because the garden was huge, and there's a lot of pretty flowers, more like assorted, and it was arranged perfectly.

They went through the corridor on the second floor, and pointed their bedrooms, as they went to the third floor, Giovanni pointed the last door at the cul-de-sac, or the dead end of the corridor, "And this one, was George's bedroom." He whispered.

"George dislikes noisy people, so I'm trying my best to lower my voice... but he's a nice guy," Giovanni whisperedd again, and Lesley nodded.

She stared at the dark brown door, and she was curious because she haven't met George. Her impressions are: he's a silent guy, and prefers to have a peaceful environment, and he's a quick-tempered man. But who knows, he might have a soft spot.

"I feel like he doesn't want people butting into his business," Lesley whispered, then Giovanni nodded, "You're absolutely right, Lesley."

As they went down from the third floor, Giovanni led the way to the music room, that was located at the first floor.

As they reached to the ground floor, they went at the end of the living room, there's an opening, a large arch above them but there's no door underneath it, just red curtains with gold linings on the edge.

As he shoved the curtains, there they saw a grand piano, waiting for them to play it. And there are other instruments too, like violin, harp, harpsichord, clarinet, flute, guitar, and many more.

Lesley's eyes widen as she gazed at the grand piano, since it was one of her favorite musical instruments, she shyly looked at Giovanni, "Can I... play?" Lesley was asking for his permission, as Giovanni smiled and nodded.

"Sure," Giovanni smiled, as he took a chair beside the cabinet and sat quietly beside the grand piano, waiting for Lesley to play the piano.

Lesley sat in front of the grand piano, she took a deep breath, and started to play.

The piece she decided to play was 'Beethoven's Sonata no. 17 Tempest 3rd Movement'.



After I finished playing Beethoven's Sonata, Giovanni stood up from the chair and gave me a round of applause, "That was awesome, Lesley! Can you play another piece?" Giovanni asked as he looked at me with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Alright," I answered as I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

I was about to play again when he was walking out from the music room, "Lesley please wait, I'll be back, I have some other business to take care of." Said Giovanni as he chuckled nervously.

I nodded, and he made his way to who knows where. "Family business," I muttered to myself as I started to play the piano again.

I decided to play Chopin's Etude Op. 10 No. 4, also known as Torrent, since it was my favorite etude I've ever played.

As I started to play, I can feel my fingers were speeding up, I love how complicated the piece was, and the dynamics of Torrent made me feel mesmerized. This may be one of the hard piano pieces, but it's really worth it when doing it right.

As I heard the footsteps coming near me, I stopped from playing, and I froze.

The presence, was new to me...

Who could that be?

I was about to stand up and walk away when it spoke, "Please, continue." The voice was very deep, and different.

I didn't continue to play, still, I was froze on my spot, "Chopin's Torrent, isn't it?" He said in a deep, husky voice in a British accent which sent shivers.

"Little do you know, everyone in this house dislikes Chopin and his etudes," His voice went dark which made me tremble. I gulped, and tried to make myself calm.

As I looked at the man who spoke behind me, his emerald eyes that was complimented by the elegant moonbeams shone through the darkness, his skin was pale white, and his hair was darker than Gusion's.

And seriously, I can't deny that he's really handsome.

"Well, I bet you're thinking that I don't like the piece that you're playing right now... to be honest, it's beautiful. It's not that I hate Chopin, it's just that... I don't feel liking it." He said as he went closer to my spot.

"It's my first time seeing a woman in this spot," He said as he leaned his face closer to mine, and held my chin which made me gulped and blushed.

"By the way, I'm George Paxley. And you are?" Dang, I knew it! He's George! I never knew someone like him was truly handsome af!

"L-Lesley Vance, sir." I answered, then George chuckled, "No need for formalities, call me George." Said George as he slightly pushed me on the edge of the chair and sat beside me.

Oh, Gord. The Paxley family was blessed with four handsone sons! Damn.

I can feel my heart racing, damn. This one was mysterious.

"You're an average pianist, perhaps... do you know about the first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata?" George said as he looked directly in my eyes. And I nodded.

Then we played, together.

While we're playing, my heart races very fast, and I noticed that George was a good pianist. We played in a soft rhythm with dynamics which made the piece calming and delightful to hear.

"I was wondering, why are you wearing an eyepatch?" George asked that made me froze on my spot, I stopped playing the piano.

"If I were you, you wouldn't wanna know why." I answered as I averted my gaze to the grand piano.

"At least, Miss Vance, just tell me why..." George insisted, that made me took a deep breath and looked at him with a hint of sadness in my eye.

I slowly took the eyepatch from my eye. I can feel my left eye sweat, as I slowly opened the other eye,

He froze.

It may be free from the darkness, but I felt that my other eye can never see the world once more.

"I'm sorry," George muttered with a surprised look on his face, he averted his gaze and looked down.



Sorry for the long wait, it's just that-I'm having a writers block and I'm getting annoyed about it, oh Gord!

Uhmm, any thoughts about this chapter? Is it good? Or bad? Hehe.

By the way, how's the quarantine? Keep safe everyone! :)

I feel like our electric fan is a heater, haha! And it's really hot in here and I hope it rains again.

Special thanks to my friends in Wattpad, you guys really inspired me. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here, thanks a lot! Lots of love! <3

And-oh! By the way, I decided to make a sketch of Gusion and his brothers which I hoped that you guys would like. I'll try to upload it tomorrow in the morning since it's the time where my connection is still stable.

Lots of love!


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