The Outcast

By rosegaladrielle

671K 21K 1.3K

Hated, neglected and rejected. That's Mona Mayfield for you. Since birth, she has been neglected by her own... More

Under the Blue Blood Moon
The Promise
The Camp
Into the Night
The Healer in Oakwood Groove
Josephine's Gift
The Moon Rises
The Perfect Match
The Next Queen
When Love and Hate Collides
Claiming the Alpha's Bride
The Black Moon Manor
Becoming a Black Moon Bride
Claire in the Mirror
Under Claire's Shadows
Remnants of a Broken Bond
One Rhythm
Miranda's Wrath
The Tale of the Moon
The Celestial Beast
The Legacy of the Horn
Do or Die
Inner Demons
Through her Memories
I Love You, Mona
The Last Descendant of the Sky
Up Where She Belongs

To the Moon and Back

26.3K 925 221
By rosegaladrielle

" Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon,
And each month it sings for a love
That it will never reach... "
- Anonymous

Every month he howls  singing his song of love to her maiden up above. And as the moon changes,  he barely noticed that it has been years since she's gone.  Ten solid years of despair and emptiness. She died but his love for her did not.  It still burns brightly giving him strength in facing day after day.

Tristan Jones is now the Alpha of the Black Moon Pack and he is still yearning for his irreplaceable Luna.  Ten years and it was still her and no one else comes close.

Miranda Jones,  the former Luna of the pack,  after surviving the ordeal with the celestial beast was banished as her punishment for torturing Mona, thus awaking the beast within her.  The Grand Alpha himself gave the sentence,  but it went through a rigid deliberation process with the other Alphas.  Indeed,  she was the root of the chaos and it was just right to banish her from the pack.  Not long,  they heard that Miranda, overwhelmed by her banishment,  jumped off to the Moon River.  Since then,  no one has heard of her. 

Three years after the incident,  Tristan was crowned the new Alpha of the Black Moon Pack, right on his twenty-fifth birthday.  He could have been happier if only his Luna was there to pin him the badge of responsibility. He appointed Troy Brooks as his beta, Henry Mason as the gamma.  Since then,  their bond have become stronger as that of brothers. Troy married Joyce Wilson and he was the  godfather of their first born,  whom they named Tiana (in honor of him,  Tristan and Mona.) Whereas,  Henry and Leizel are married for eight years and are now expecting their second child. And all of them were free of the remnants of the broken bond, and so their lives were nothing but peaceful.

Through those years,  so many women had tried to please him. As an Alpha and to continue their line,  it was his reponsibility though try hard as he may,  his heart has a mind of its own. It did not want to open up and love again. 

The Grand Elder place Mona's heart rightafter the chaos, thus restoring the Moon Stone, serving its purpose of helping their kind to retain their sanity and not turn to monsters and savages.  Since then,  everyone has regarded Mona higher than anyone else. She has become the epitome of goodwill and hope to their entire race.

It has been ten years of peace and harmony among the packs.  Ten years and amidst his little achievements,  there is an emptiness in him that no one else can fill. 

He was on their veranda again, his usual place,  leaning on the railing and talking to the moon,  his father appeared behind him.

"Lost in thoughts?" William said,  now a little bent with age.  Bill Mayfield died five years ago,  the injury he got from the beast's attacks did not totally healed plus his grief of losing yet another important part of his life made him sickly.  He died on a full moon and he was buried next to his beloved wife. He left Troy his estate as he treated the man as his own since Mona had died,  and the latter,  took care of him as he was battling with the illness which at last, consumed him. 

Tristan simply nodded. He loves solitude more than ever.  He appreciates the time he is not surrounded by his overwhelming paperworks in the office and the noisy packhouse.  He is more himself here in this veranda,  the moon shining down on him.  His father clears his throat. 

"It is really  hard to forget.  You know,  Son.  When I was young,  I loved a wonderful woman,  more than I loved your Mom.  We made plans for our future together but as you see,  fate did not allow it.  Since then,  no matter who I meet,  or who I lay in bed with,  it was always her.  In my mind, and in my heart.  Yes,  I did love another woman,  but she remained my constant.  Do you get me?  You are not getting any younger Tristan.  I know Troy and Henry had been talking you with this but let me talk to you about it again.... " His father spoke sincerely and totally fatherly.  Yet,  Tristan knows where this talk is heading.  He's been into  this a million times before and the idea for him is nothing but vague. 

"You are an Alpha and you have a responsibility to the pack.  You need an heir.  It's time to let Mona go... " he said softly. He looked at his father intently,  what he said irritates him. William sensed his irritation, still he added.

"You have to face the reality, son.  You are alive and don't waste your youth over a dead girl.  I'm sorry.  I am not asking you to forget her though... "

"And what do you mean by that?! " Tristan retorted,  his father's remarks wounding him.

"You can still love her in silence. In the solitude of the night and think of her as you sing your songs to the moon. As I said a million times before  not all love story ends happily. Some ends tragicly like yours and Mona's. It ended even before you two had started.  Believe me,  I am sad with it too.  You know how I liked her for you,  not because she was her mother's daughter but because she was gentle and nice and kind. I can't see a better match for you but her."

William took a deep breath before he continued. "But all love is eternal especially if its true.  When you find your one great love  it never fades.  It will never die.  Tangible or intangible, it remains as a heart-warming memory and a blissful strength that will keep us moving towards the light." William said full of wisdom.

"You cannot force yourself to love anew,  but remember your responsibility to our bloodline. The Jones has been here for centuries and it will not stop in your watch..." He said it in a very fatherly tone but with hints of authority. The Alpha in him is still in full instinct.  He left him alone to ponder on this thought. He sighed deeply. 

"Alpha?  Alpha! Are you listening?" Troy nudged him, they are in his office and yes,  he is spacing out. 
He suddenly went back to his senses as if a bolt of electricity stun him for a moment. 

"What were you saying, Troy?" he said,  placing his hand on his chin,  stroking his non-exsistent beard. Troy rolled his eyes as he repeats his report.

"A group of human beings has been spotted near our northern territory, just past the Northern woods.  It seems that the human government has made the majestic falls a tourist attraction,  that's why humans are flocking there.  Also,  they had started building cabins near the falls as camp for tourists. "

"I don't see problems with that.  Humans are harmless and they dont have an inkling that the nearest town from the falls is filled with werewolves."  he said uninterestingly. "They are not a threat to us."

"But Alpha,  remember that we have a camp up in the Northern Woods that serves as a training ground for our pups!  What if someone stalked too near our bounds and sees us,  shifting from human to our wolf form?  It will be bad news." 

"For humans,  werewolves are unreal and were just myths. If someone will see us,  no one will believe them." He said spinning in his swivel chair like a foolish child.

"We should not overlook them just because  they are harmless, weak human beings.  You see, they can harm us too; they have weapons and gadgets--" Troy said firmly but was cut midsentence.

"And we are enjoying them too.  How many of our pups have become addicted to those mobile games and social media stuffs instead of training?  That must be addressed first." He said turning back to Troy who looks exasperated. 

"Alright.  Alright.  I'll check it out myself.  If it will truly endanger our security,  I'll have more border guards to scare any human that will go astray.  Better? " He said to Troy, trying not to laugh in his sour facial expression.
"Besides,  I'll be needing extra stretching. Cover up for me!" with that he shifted to his wolf form and dashed out of the door,  leaving a dumbstruck Troy behind.

He loves this.  The feeling of the wind on his fur.  The strength of his legs as he leaps and runs.  The scent of the woods.  He went to the Northern Camp, and locate his extra clothes.  Shifting sometimes is a head ache.  Once you go back to your human form,  you'll be as naked as a baby. And in this era, going out to places naked will get you arrested.  Reason why they hid clothes on selected locations in case of emergency just like now.  He dressed up. 

He  leisurely walked to where the Majestic falls is. Very silently,  not a twig or a dried leaf has snapped while he walk by.   At last,  he can hear the sound of the rushing waterfalls yet he smells something delicious and so, so familiar it made his heart race. 

He remembers stalking Mona when they were youngsters in the camp,  twenty or more years ago.  He silently followed her to the falls and watched her happily as she made sketches in her sketch book.  She looks content and happy in where she was and that was the first time he heard his heart beats louder than before.  As he came near the spot,  the smell is getting stronger too like honeysuckle and peonies and only one person owns this particular scent.

"One day you'll meet again,  and  once you do, believe that I, the Moon Goddess has made it possible and blessed your fate..."

A distant memory whispers back these words to him and he can't stop but be hopeful.  Right on the very spot where young Mona once occupied,  concentrating and drawing in her sketch book,  was a woman.  A woman whom he knew too well. He can't believe it yet the goddess' words keep flowing in his mind,  repeating over and over again like a melodious song.

A woman was there,  busily painting in her canvass.  She's wearing a mustard sweatshirt and faded jeans topped with a paint-blotched apron . She's holding a palette on her left hand and a brush on her right,  gently doing some brush strokes in her already done canvass. Her auburn hair is tied in a messy bun, loose hair being swept by the gentle wind, same as her plum-colored feather earrings.  The outline of her face is so familiar yet different.  But he knew in his heart who she is. 

The girl,  realizing his presence stopped working and looked at him.  And one look is enough to stop the world from spinning.  Nothing else matters but them. 

She looks at him as if she'd known him forever and his eyes looks at her like it was she he had been waiting his whole life.  She even stopped breathing,  the brush and palette in her hands fell without her noticing. No one speaks a word,  afraid it might ruin the magic. 

How could he forget that face who always occupied his dreams and mostly his waking hours? That hazel eyes intoxicating him and her lips that could quench his thirst? He moves one step at a time and very slowly as if a slowmo until he's just inches away from her.  

"Is this really you??" he whispered,  his breath shaking. 

"Yes..." she slowly replied,  looking at his face,  as if remembering a very lost and distant memory.

"For real??" he cupped her soft cheeks in his hands. It felt warm and real so her must not be dreaming.

She nods.  "Now I remember, where I saw you.  Not in my dreams.  Not in my visions but in my heart. You were there in my heart, keeping me awake at night. You were the one who sings for me under the moon.  It reached me.  It reached me and made me come back for you... " she said her tone filled with longing and happiness she can't deny.

"Mona... " he whispered as a tear glided his face
"Yes, Tristan my love. It's me... " she reached for his lips and kissed it with all the love she have. 

"But how??" Tristan asked when the kiss ended. 

"It's her." He pointed to the canvass and he saw the portrait of the Moon Goddess, sitting in her heavenly throne petting a marvelous snow-white wolf and the celestial beast at the same time. He hugged her tightly, and silently uttered a prayer of thanks to the Moon Goddess who granted his yearnings.

"I am back and no longer one of you.  I am now a human... " she said silently. Now she remembers how the goddess sent her back. Apparently she hears his songs to the moon and it breaks her heart. He removed her wolf in her and gave her a mortal human body in exchange.  Until then, she will not remember anything about her and her past life. For a long time she feels so lost and desolate,  not until she went on a vacation in this part of the earth that somehow made her heart at peace.  As if she is connected to this place,  here she stayed for a year now,  painting thoughts and fragments of memories she is not sure whom. Until today that everything is revealed. And when they meet, truly their hearts have known.

"All I know is I love you. More than ever,  more than anything... " She whispered as her tears fall.

"And I love you too,  to the moon and back... " he replied and kissed her forehead,  seeing  brighter days ahead of them.

**** The End****

--    --     --     --     --     --    --   --    --    --     --

Author's note:

To my beloved readers, 

My immense gratitude for your overflowing support for this piece!  I literally enjoyed creating every part of it with the thought that one soul has enjoyed reading it.  Your comments lifted my spirits up to continue and finish it to the best I can!  I hope you did enjoy the entire story from start to finish! 😄💖

As I said,  it doesn't matter if few will read or notice this because I am just letting my creative juices flow and be of use. Of course,  to sharpen my writing skills and to pass the time during this Quarantine season.  Forgive the typos and grammar errors, I did not do much editing and checking before publishing (besides, the language is not my mother tongue). In addition, this is my first time to finally put these ideas into writing. Novice feels and all...
😅😂 Although, I did enjoy writing every part as the story line goes exciting to whatever!  HAHAH
I am grateful to all of you for bearing with it.  Never have I thought that it will be received as such! 😊❤ Thank you so so much and God bless!! 

Keep safe guys and au revoir!😘


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