By dymondxpo

255K 7.7K 979

Part I ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ Your Soul Is In Control. Trying To Lead It From Me. Your Heart No Longer Pledge Allegiance... More

Thanks For Warning
Chapter 1- Child of Destiny
Chapter 2- Bad Habit
Chapter 3- Destiny Begins
Chapter 4- Bills Bills Bills
Chapter 5- Bug A Boo
Chapter 6- Say My Name
Chapter 7- Brown Eyes
Chapter 8- Allow Me To Introduce Myself
Chapter 9- Its A Hard Knock Life
Chapter 10- Independent Woman
Chapter 11- Bitches Vs. Sisters
Chapter 12- He can't love you
Chapter 14- Remind Yo'self
Chapter 15- She Used To Have A Man & I Had Sidechicks
Chapter 16- Reasonable Doubt
Chapter 17- Hard Knock Love
Chapter 19- I'm A Hustler Baby
Chapter 20- Jumpin Jumpin
Chapter 21- Confessions
Chapter 22- Girl's Best Friend
Chapter 23- New Years Wishes
Chapter 24- Survivors
Chapter 25- Emotions
Chapter 26- Heart of The City
Chapter 27- Never Change
Chapter 28- Jigga That Nigga
Chapter 29- Miss Foxy Baby
Chapter 30- I Did It My Way
Chapter 31- The Way We Talk, The Way We Laugh
Chapter 32- Me and My Girlfriend
Chapter 33- The Gift & The Curse
Chapter 34- Where Am From
Chapter 35- What They Gonna Do
Chapter 36- Some How; Some Way
Chapter 37- I'm A Whole Lot Of Woman
Chapter 38- A Dream
Chapter 39- Wine & Dine
Chapter 40- Fighting Temptations
Chapter 41- Baby 21 So I'll Get Me A Drink
Chapter 42- Hov & Bey
Chapter 43- You Ready Bey?
Chapter 44- Down To Ride
Chapter 45- Bonnie & Clyde
Chapter 46- Put This On My Life
Chapter 47- Crazy in Love
Chapter 48- Thats How You Like It Uh?
Chapter 49- The Closer I Get To You
Chapter 50- Cater 2 U (Republished)
Chapter 51- Changing Clothes
Chapter 52- Lose My Breath
Chapter 53- His T-Shirt
Chapter 54- My Man (23rd B-Day)
Chapter 55- I'm Your Girl
Chapter 56- Fade To Blacc
Chapter 57- Numb
Chapter 58- Ain't Nothing Tear Us Apart.
Chapter 59- U Don't Know
Chapter 60- Kingdom Come
Chapter 62- Feel The Same Way I Do
Chapter 63-Lost One
Chapter 64- Lost One {RIP Colleek}
Chapter 65-Don't You Know That We Love You
Chapter 68- Its Just Emotions
Chapter 69- Used To Tell Their Friends I Was Ugly & Wouldn't Touch Me
Chapter 71- Is She|He The Reason
Chapter 73- Its Big Balling Baby When I'm Courting You
Chapter 74- Welcome To Hollywood.
Chapter 75- Listen
Chapter 77- I Made It
Chapter 78- So We Ain't We
Chapter 79- Destiny Is Fulfilled
Chapter 80- Baby I Swear Its Dé Ja Vù
Chapter 81- Where'd You Go?
Chapter 82- The Roc Boy
Chapter 83- And The Winner Is?
Chapter 84- Can I Get A...?
Chapter 85- All I Need In This Life Of Sin
Chapter 86- Resentment? This Feeling.
Chapter 87- How Could You Leave Me?

Chapter 13- Sisters Get Respect

2.6K 89 7
By dymondxpo

We landed in NYC yesterday and immediately we crashed in our hotels. As a group I felt we hadn't bond much and neither did Michelle. So we decided on a girls night out even though I was nervous about running into Jay. We wanted to do dinner, a movie, and just dance. My sister Solange school had closed so she came over to spend some time with me.

We arrived at the resturant around 6:30pm and we were all starving.

"Can I get peas n' rice, baked chicken, fried fish, potatoe salad, fried plantian with baked macaroni and a bottle of Coco Cola please." I said giving the waiter my order. As I turned my head forward I saw Kelly, Michelle and Solange staring at me.

"Bey Bey, you wanna tell us something we don't know?" Kelly said looking a little surprised.

"Yea. Sure. I am 7 hours starving. Anything else?" I said with a raised eye brow.

"Okay, well we gonna have the same thing instead of Coco Cola give me a Sprite and Solange a Fruit punch." Kelly said as she handed in her and Solange's menu.

"Whats for you Chelle?" I said .

"Um. Let me have the same as Bey, with some fried chicken separately and an order of cornbread with a Fruit punch and a water."

"Okay ladies your food will be out in less than 20 minutes." The waiter said giving a small smile.

"You guys I am still pissed of at the whole situation with those ass holes- don't you dear repeat me Solange- they are so corny and self-absorbed with their bald head and small dicks." I said causing them to giggle.

"They are all self-titled. They make people wanna believe they are some sex-gods and pretty faces but they are just a bunch of phony dope addicts hiding behind their music." Michelle explained shaking her head in disgust.

"And I can't believe Toya. Doesn't she know guys like them always win, while we looking at her as a slut everyone is cheering that smoke head on as the MVP!"

"Sadly, thats just how the world is."

"Ah, did yall hear about that summer jam festival. I heard its gonna be good. Yea I mean since we gonna be here anyways we should try get in some tickets."

"That would be totally awesome. We could just relax kick of these heels and dance in the sun. I'm down." Kelly said as Michelle nodded in agreement.

As the night went on we ate and headed to the hotel. We spent all night long talking about clothes, men, shoes, houses, cars, marriage & children.

I woke up the next day to Kelly over my face blowing in eyes to signal me to get up.

"Bey. Bey. Get up you have a video shoot today. And you only got 2 hours to eat, bathe, get dress and make it there on time." Kelly said.

"Come in Kelly I can do that in about 1 hour." I said through yawns and lazy eyes.

"No you can't with yo' lazy self."

"Okay just give me 20 more minutes."

"No, get yo' ass up." She said pulling the cover from over me and exposing my body that was wrapped up in a short pants and top.

"You are so not my favorite sister right now." I said placing one foot out of bed and stumbling my way out.

"So who was blowing up your phone last night tho'?"

"My phone? I didn't hear it ringing."

"But It was. Like about 15 times. You got someone I don't no about? And it better not be that jackass Lyndell because I am cutting you off."

I got my clothes from the suitcase and head over to the table next to the television to check my phone.

"Its probably Rodney calling about the shoot."

"I am sure he would've called yo' daddy if it was that important so you can knock that bullshit out the way."

As I turned on my cell phone I saw 11 missed called and 5 texts. The number was familiar but still not recognizable. I wonder if this was Jay's number but it would be too weird. How would he know my new cellphone number or even if I was already in NYC? I thought to myself.

I decided to ignore the calls and messages and head straight for the shower. In about 10 minutes I had finished showering, applying my makeup and getting dress. Because of the video shoot and the clothes my mom had designed was set to expose my stomach, I decided to not eat breakfast and just go.

The ride to the video set was about 30 minutes tops. I tried my best to stay wake as my head found comfort lying next to the car window. We made it to the set in a rich community. I pulled up to the set and saw all of the cameras and producers but Amil wasn't there. So the guy in charge of organization led me to my trailer which was next to one of the directors trailers. As I walked towards my trailer I waved at set members. I got to my trailer door and entered. Inside I saw all the customes and makeup arranged in order. My outfits were not what my mother made out but they were quite nice just a little too revealing.

One of the setup guys came to my trailer alerting me that Amil had arrived and we had 1 hour to go. I was kind of nervous because she knew everyone and I was just a newbie to her set. As I sat down in my chair getting my makeup and hair done Amil came in embracing me in a hug. As I hugged her she insisted that I hurried because one of the video producers was anixious to meet me. As she said that a smile emerged on my face as I became happy. People were starting to notice me collectively as a memeber and individually as an artist.

I quickly got my makeup done as I wore my hair in gold back length locks. My hair was parted in the middle while curls came to the end. I changed into my outfit which was a jeans pants that hugged my tight curves with a half cut shirt that ended under my breast. I topped the outfit of with some black heels as I made my way around to the front of the house where we would capture the first setting.

I stepped out from behind the house and all eyes were fixed on me. I doubt they were starstruck or maybe just admiring my curves. Whatever it was they started to make me feel uncomfortable. I placed my hands around my stomach trying to comfort my uncomfortable feeling. I walked towards the huge cameras that were focused on the grass where our first scene would take place.

I saw two medium dark skinned guys sitting behind the cameras in high chairs which I assumed were the directors. I walked over tilting my head to the left to hide my face. I walked up behind the directors slowly but the click-clacking of my heels gave my approaching away which cause the two men to turn their heads. By the shift of their chairs I knew they had turned to look at me. I quickly took a deep breath and starred at the ground. As I moved closer I raised my head meeting brown eyes and huge high cheeks. I wasn't ready for it. It was JayZ the leading producer.

I stopped in my track frozen. Jay had removed himself from his seat as we stood opposite eachother about 10 steps apart. A weird feeling came over me as the atmosphere started to cave in. Suddenly all eyes were on us and persons started to whisper among themselves.

It was an awkward 2 minutes among us as I stood studying his face wgich appeared with a smile and he did the same but instead moved his eyes up and down my figure. I didn't want another story with me in the magazines so I decided to crack and smile and continue walking. I finally made it over to where they were and greeted them.

"Good Morning." I said taking quick looks at Jay who still focused his eyes on me.

"Hey Beyonce. I'm Richard & this is JayZ, but by the awkward moment just a while ago I suppose you both no eachother."

"We spoke to eachother a few times when I saw him at the studio."

"Oh. I guess you both wanna keep it like that even though we all saw more."

"Well I'm gonna make sure everything to ready to go and you guys can catch up." Richard said patting Jay's back and walking towards the backyard.

The tension between Jay and I went silent again and as I looked at his face his expression changed and his lips came together causing his cheeks to drop.


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