Arrange Marriage or Love Marr...

By prishaagarwal95

1.3M 59K 3.3K

#1 in Forever together. #1 in First Attempt. #1 in Arranged Love. Karuna Singhania: She belongs to a typical... More

1. Marriage Proposal.
2. Tandel's are coming.
3. QnA Session.
4. Karuna's Decision.
5. Spill The Beans.
6. Missed calls.
7. Unknown calls.
8. Sacrifice of 3 Years
9. Police station
10. Club
11. Rani's confession
12. Will
13. Reena
14. Stupid Dream
16. The Truth
17. Photograph
18. Tsunami
19. Dark Secret
20. Kareena
21. Family Reunion
22. Wifey & Hubby
23. Rose
24. Mr Angry Raj
25. Style n shine.
26. Good news
27. Surprise Visit
28. Mamma
29. Teasing Game
30. Shopping
31. Measurement
32. Motive
33. Engagement Venue.
34. Big Day
35. Love Affection
36. Absence
37. Find her
38. Mr Shah
39. Rahul Mittal
Authors Note
40. Rescue Una
41. Boss
42. Plan
43. Action
44. Disguised
45. Stranger
46. Promise?
47. Welcome
Chapter 48 ( lullaby )
Chapter 49 (Caught red-handed)
Chapter 50 ( Drama queen)
Chapter 51 ( Resort )
Chapter 52 ( Desperate Raj )
Chapter 53 ( Claimed as my Boyfriend)
Chapter 54 ( Finally Mine )
Chapter 55 ( welcome the new bride )
Chapter 56 ( Pag Phera )
Chapter 57 ( Roller coaster night )
Chapter 58 ( Billion dollar lottery )
Chapter 59 ( Tom and Jerry )
Chapter 60 ( My possessive Tigress )
Chapter 61 ( Sangeet ceremony )
Chapter 62 ( only Mine )
Chapter 63 ( Green flag )
Chapter 64 ( Street Food )
Chapter 65 ( Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage )

15. Her Last Wish

21.9K 1K 20
By prishaagarwal95

Sometimes you
have to keep your good
news to yourself.
Everybody is not
genuinely happy
for you.

Karuna Pov

I went towards Raj and asked him,

"What are you doing here?"

His eyes are red, he had dark circles under his eyes. It seems like he cried alot and didn't sleep well last night. I feel sad for him it pained to see him in such condition.

"I want to talk to you.", Raj said while looking at the ground.

I nodded my head in approval even I also want to talk to him I want to know what is going in his mind.

We went to the park which is close to my house in Raj's car both of us remained silent during the entire car journey.

Inside the park there is a lake in the middle which is full of many beautiful and colourful fishes. I remember when I was a kid I use to come here to play with my Paa.

We both sat down on an empty bench. Because it's day time so, crowd inside the park is not too much only few couples are there.

Raj is sitting on my left side. I don't know how to start the conversation? I remember the day when he came to my house for the first time that day also the situation was kind off similar to this situation but that day I was excited and today I am worried.

"So, what you want to talk about?", I asked him while turning my head towards his side.

He also turned his head we both had an eye contact. His eyes are filled with many emotions like sadness, anger and tiredness. I want to console him I want to hold his hand and tell him don't worry Raj everything is going to be fine I am with you but I don't know how he will react? To suppress my feelings I break the eye contact and put my head straight.

"I am sorry Karuna for my parents behaviour. I don't know why they tried to pull you in my situation? You don't have to do anything and don't worry about Karan and Riya I promise you that they will get married.", He said.

"What about you?", I asked him.

"I am fine Karuna. I don't want to ruin someone's life because of that business which is not even mine.", He replied sarcastically.

"But Raj you have put your lot's of effort to make that business successful how can you let it go so easily?", I said.

"No Karuna. I will still be an employee there and I am happy with that. It's my uncle's business, it's his decision and I respect his decision.", He said casually.

"Then why don't you get married?", I asked.

I know the answer of my question but still I want to listen it from him. He thinks that his uncle's decision is to make him an employee of the company but he will have to understand that his uncle wants him to get married that's why he wrote such will.

"It's my personal choice.", He answered me irritatedly.

"No Raj it's not and you also know that.", I backfired him.

Raj looked at me confusedly and said,

"Don't interfere Karuna. It's not your business."

How can someone be so stubborn? I think it's time to talk straight because he is not going to accept it.

"I should not interfere seriously Raj? You all made me interfere on all these and now you are saying that it's not my business. I know everything Raj.", I finally said.

"No, You know nothing so, please stay out of it.", Raj shouted angrily.

"What you think? Ajay will be happy after seeing his best friend behaving like this!", I said.

Raj became shocked after listening to me.

"How you know about Ajay?", He asked while gritting his teeth angrily.

"Raj please calm down and listen to me once.", I begged him.

"Riya told you right? Because she is the only one who knows about it.", He said thoughtfully.

"Yes, she told me everything she told me how you still blame yourself for Ajay's death and that's the reason you didn't want to get married.", I confirmed.

Raj have tears in his eyes I can see how much he miss Ajay and blame himself for his death.

"Raj please look at me. You have to move on someday you can't stay like this for ever think about your parents you can't punish them. They want their son to be happy like you use to be once.", I tried to convince him.

A lone tear escaped from his eyes after listening to me. To console him I kept my hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever happened with Ajay and Reena it was not your fault and I know wherever they are now they won't be happy after seeing you living your life like this. Somewhere they are also in pain.", I said.

Raj wiped out his tears and looked at me questioningly. I nodded my head in approval. After my response he again put his head down.

"I miss them.", Raj said sadly.

'I also miss my best friend', I said to myself.

"I know and for them you have to move on whatever happened with them it was their destiny and you know what's the best thing? Wherever they both would be now they are with eachother.", I tried to cheer up his mood.

"You know they were so happy with eachother. Sometimes I feel jealous with Ajay, he had such a perfect life. A loving wife and soon he was going to be a father.", Raj said sadly.

I didn't want to interrupt him so, for support I kept my palm on his hand and squeezed it lightly.

"You know? Reena was very cool sister in law when she was alive she wants me to get married soon because she felt bored between me and Ajay so, she wanted a companion for herself. she had also find a girl for me.", Said Raj while remembering Reena.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly. A girl? Is that girl is me? Like she had told me about Raj might be she had also told him about me!

"A girl?", I enquired.

"Yes, a girl her name is Una. She is her best friend.", Said Raj.

Reena use to call me Una and I use to call her Ena. 'I miss you Ena.'

"What else she use to say about Una?", I asked curiously.

"Nothing she just wanted me to be with her and get married soon. She even tried many times to arrange a meeting between me and Una but neither I nor her friend ever agreed for that meeting.", Said Raj sadly.

I felt sad. I wish I had agreed to her. whatever now it's in past and I can't change it but I will try to rectify my mistake. It was her last wish, she wanted me to get married to Raj. I will try to fulfill her last wish.

"I have an idea.", Raj said excitedly.

"What's that?", I asked him confusedly.

"Let's find Una. She wanted me to get married to her it was Reena's last wish and if I try to fulfill it then she might feel happy?", Raj said doubtfully.

I smiled in success. Finally I convinced him to move on and now he wanted to find Una which means he wants to find me.

"Okay! I will help you but how will you find her?", I asked him.

I know I can tell him directly that I am Una but what if he won't believe me? then what will I do? So, I thought to play accordingly.

"Come with me.", Said Raj

He hold my hand and pulled me towards the exit of the park. We went towards his car. He opened the passenger side gate and instructed me to get it. I obey him and hopped inside the car. He sat down on the drivers seat and started driving.

"Where are we going?", I asked him curiously.

"Ajay and Reena house.", He answered me.

"Why?", I enquired instantly.

"I think there I can find some clue about Una like where she live or may be I can find some of her photographs.", He answered me.

I nodded my head understandingly. I don't know how Raj will react? after knowing that I am Una.

After few minutes of driving Raj stopped the car. He excitedly get out of the car and went towards the house. I also did the same and followed him.

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