captured by the enemy

By smosmosms

63.3K 1.3K 415

Miko has gotten on everyone's nerves and they no longer want her around. But what happens when she gets captu... More

Am I That Bad
New beginning
Things are not like they used to be...
An Embarrassing Second Impression
Decepticons or Death
Miko's torture
Becoming a Decepticon
Back To The Autobots
Going Home
Going Home PT2
New Family
the silent one speaks
His Secrets Revealed
The Scary Truth About Soundwave
The new suit.
Trickery is a foot
A new development
Ratchet's shock and a new addition
Becoming an Autobot but still a Decepticon
The New Autobot And A Fake Betrayal
A seekers broken wing
authors note IMPORTANT
Questions and answers
Wake up and see the Enemy
Another traitor
On Hold
Home and Healing
The truth or more lies?
A broken hand and Family Time
Authors note
Authors note
Decepticon life
Authors note Important
Meeting my father in law
Finalizing and old friends
Old friends will stay?
Back with the Autobots

Roomies, Surprise, and Rage

751 21 7
By smosmosms

Normal Miko/ all cons and bots

Italics Raf

Bold Jack

This is only for this chapter since there is going to be a lot of dialog

Miko Pov

I finish dinner and set the table then I call soundwave and ask him to bring the others to my room.

I then sit down and eat my spaghetti, I hear the door open and I simply ignore it, I eat my food and they sit down and start eating as well.

" Thank you for the food Miko"

" Thank you"

I just get up and walk away to the living room, I sit on the couch and start to watch some anime, I am part way through when they come and sit by me.

" So what are we watching?"

" You're watching whatever you want." I say with no emotion.

" But your still sitting here" 

" correction I was"

I stand up and walk away I go to my room and see my queen sized bed, I go to it and lie down. I then grab my extra blanket and pillow and set them to the side.

I grab a pair of pajama's I set them down and I grab some clothes for the boy's, I then change into my pajama's.

I then grab my phone and start to play slash monkey and I grab out my spare sketchbook and start to draw.

I decide to draw a dragon, I start out by drawing the head of the dragon which will be essential to figure out how big it's going to be.

I draw the head out with pencil's and then I start to work on the neck I draw a semi large C and then I add another to make it look rounded. 

I then start on the body which I continue it from the neck, I slowly start to make the body which turns out well I think.

I then get to work on the tail which is the hard part, I draw a S for the tail and I make a sketch of an arrow.

I look at my phone and I see my music has stopped and a phone call is coming through, I put my supplies down and answer the call.

" hello?"

" Hello is this Miko Nakadai?" 

" Yes this is her"

"Thank goodness we finally got in contact with you!"

" Excuse me but who are you?" 

" Oh sorry I am your husbands father so your father in law."

" Woah hold up! You call now after two years! What is wrong with you!" 

" I know this is a big surprise but i need you to come as soon as possible."

" Why should I? I don't know if you are even telling the truth."

" Listen I know you Probably going to hate me but i must tell you that I am dying."

" And why should I care about that."

" Because I have named you successor to my company and you will be getting everything I own including the orphanage."

" Wait what first off I don't want anything from you! second why did you choose me? and third I already have a company!"

" Because if not it will be shut down along with my orphanage." 

" Fine old man but first i would like to have a meeting to discuss this with you face to face. I know what you look like due to my husband."

" That is fine I am going to send you the address of my house, then when you get there we can talk."

" Sounds good I will see you tomorrow" 

"wait wh--" 

I hang up the phone and then check the time and I realize that it is 10:30 pacific daylight zone.

I sigh and then I go and grab all of my stuff and set it all in a pile then I walk around the room tiding up.

Then I walk to my things and pick them up and walk to the door and then i walk down the hall.

I walk into the living room and see my new roommates, I go over to them and set my stuff down with a thump.

I see as they jump and turn around and look at me with shock, I simply sigh and then I motion for them to follow me.

" Um miko where are we going?"

" to where you are staying until you die, get rescued, or until your rooms are finished."

" Thank you Miko we really appreciate it"

" Yeah whatever I really could care less. I just want you to stay out of my way and not bug me anymore."

I continue to walk and ignore there very existance and then I open the door to my room and let them in.

" This is your room I will be leaving now"

" Wait Miko!" 

" What do you want Jack?" 

" I want to talk with you and confirm something."

"Well what is it"

" Were we really so bad to you that you decided you needed to leave us and what was the breaking point?" 

" yes you guys were really that bad I did nothing i pulled some harmless pranks like any child would."

I turn around to face him with a furious on my face

" I was then avoided by everyone because I was too childish." 

I say while looking him in the eyes, and using quotation marks.

" Let's see Bulkhead said he said and I quote was so annoying I can't stand her. then Optimus basically saying no one wanted me around because of my energy."

" Miko I didn't know we were being that harsh."


" Miko ca--"


I then turn around and punch the wall so hard it leaves a dent and I hear a crack I know that I just broke my hand.

" I will say this one last time leave me alone and I won't hurt you! Now good night I will get you in the morning."

I then walk out of the room and I call Knock out to check my hand, I sit on the couch to wait.  I sig to myself, this is going to be a long week I just know it.

Author's Note

Hey guys I just want to say I hope you all have been safe and been staying positive. Also you wanted a longer chapter so you got one. Good luck also if you need to talk message me.

See y'all later

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