A Thugs True Love❤

By _wilddonee_

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When Thugs Love They love hard. You would never think a girl like Kyree would even be interested in a thug li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note!! please read
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Not An Update!!!!
Soo so sorry
I Been Thinking
Chapter 21

Chapter 16

4.3K 105 12
By _wilddonee_

Ky POV(next day)

I woke up and Shae wasnt there. I got up and walked down the stairs. The smell of breakfast food hit my noise. I walked into the kitchen and Shae was putting food on plates. I swear he know how to put a smile on my face

Me: GoodMorning Baby

Shae: GoodMorning Baby Girl. How you feel?

Me: Good, I kinda had a bad dream lastnight tho *looks away*

Shae: what you mean a bad dream?

Me: I will tell you after breakfast. . .

Shae: *sighs* Okay

I didnt reallt wanna talk about it. It shouldn't have brought it up. I dont want Shae to get mad. I have never seen him real pissed and im not sure I want to...

Shae finnished eating and just staring at me. I blushed a little.

Me: Why you looking at me like that?

Shae: Im realizing how lucky I am to be able to call you my girl. I would be a damn fool if I let you slip away.

I couldn't even reply I just smiled. He leaned over the table and gave me a pec on my lips .

Shae: I Love You Kyree.

Me: I Love You Too.









Shae POV

This Dream Ky said something about been on my mind. . . I need for her to tell me what the fuck goin on. I want her tell me why she aint had no pants on when I got in that room. I swear to fucking goodness, if somebody touched her in the wrong way that nigga aint gon live to see another day.

Me: Baby girl, what was that dream about last night.

Ky started to look real nervous, and scared. Fuck is going on I never saw a look on her face like that, Ky aint no scary female. And here it is she was really scared of something. I got up and moved to the other couch sat down and pulled her on my lap.

Me: Baby Girl look at me *I used my finger to turn her face so we were looking into eachothers eyes.* Whatever happened to you while you were in there is not ya fault

She put her head on my shoulder nd I held her tight.

Me: What happened While you was tied up Ky.

Ky: Some man started touching on me*starts crying*

Me: What man? And what you mean he started touching you.

Ky: Myeisha sent him in and told him do whatever he wanted with me. He was trying to kiss one me. He stuck his tounge in my mouth and I bit him. Then he slapped and said I would pay. He ripped my pants and panties of * Cries Harder*

Me: Baby im so sorry I need you to tell me everything so we can make this nigga pay. Cause the only people we killed were workers for Tony. I Promise He will NEVER hurt you again.

Ky: He said "you sorry" and I shook my yes... he told me I had better been sorry, then he forced his fingers in me ... and other things *Grabbed on to Shae Tight afraid that if she told him the last part he would leave her*

Me: What Other Things Baby...

Ky: Shay? I dont want you to leave me *Barries her face in Shae's neck *

I lifted her face so I was looking into her watery eyes ,

Me: Im not goin nowhere , You my lil soldier, My lil thug . I love you girl, *Kisses her lips*

Ky: He ate me out * Said softly*

I just hugged her real tight, this nigga fucked my girl head up , but she be back soon . She just need some time.

Me: Did you hear his name?

Ky: Rocky...

Me: I Love You Kyree . Im not goin where. *Kissed her forehead*










I knew Shae was angry, I could hear it in his voice. He left the room to make some phone calls and I over heard him. "YO WHOEVER THIS NIGGA ROCKY IS I WANT HIM FOUND. NOW! HE TOUCHED MY GIRL AND THAT SHIT AINT ROCKING TO LIGHTLY."

When I looked on the patio he was pacing, and his veins were popping from his forehead. I instantly got frightened. "Ight bet, I want him found TONIGHT!" Then he hung up. He looked up and saw me in the door and came over to me and hugged me tight , "I dont want you worry Kyree, I promise I will never let anything like that happen to you again." I didnt respond , I just layed my head on his chest. "Baby? Can we go and watch a movie?" I asked. "Yea, come one" and with that we went and watched my favorite  movie, Love and Basketball. And we soon fell asleep.









Shae POV

Its 2:37 In the damn morning and my fucking phone ringing, This shit better be something I wanna hear!

KT: Aye Shae , You and My Daughter Come To The Ware House , I Got Something For Yall.

Me: Iight KT we onna way

I woke Ky up and told let her know we had go .

Me: Babe Get Up , We Got Go To The Ware House

Ky: For what shae? I know  you see me sleep!

Me: Ya dad just called me, get dressed in all black baby, its almosdt 3 in the morning, and idk what he want.

Ky: Okayy , Can You get my black fitted sweats, my black hoodie && my black tims please.

Even when we aint goin nowhere she got be dressed to impress . And them sweats hugged her thick ass . Lawd she doing something to me. We got in the car and headed for the wear house. When we got there it was 3:30 am. We walked in and walked to the basement. When Ky saw this nigga she froze and tears came to her eyes. I instantly became enraged . This nigga got my girl in fucking tears.

I went to go walk towards him, but Ky grabbed me,

Ky: Hold Up Shae... I Got This.

With those word I backed up and let her do her thing . She walked over to all the weapons . The first thing she grabbed was a knife. She looked at ol' dude and asked , "You sorry?" He just looked at her "I FUCKING ASKED A QUESTION ROCKY. . . YOU NOT SO TUFF NO MORE ?" And with that she stabbed him in his pride. I whinched in pain just looking.

"You ready answer the question yet?" She asked him . He just looked at her. So she proceeded and then starting cutting of fingers. He was trying to scream but he had duck tape over his mouth. She had cut off five fingers and he still wasnt talking. So she cut off the other five and  he finally shook his head yes at her question.

She snatched the tape off his mouth and told him to stick his tounge out. He refused and she snatched his face and and put the knife to his cutting a line in his face . He still refused so she forced it out . She stuck her hand in his mouth and picked up the scissors and cut his tounge off . Blood squirted every where .

She retaped his mouth and started slashing everywhere . When she was done the nigga was bleeding from everywhere. She turned aroung and looked at me with blood all over her . Even on her face . She walked over to me and told me she was done pecked my lips and told me she would be waiting in my office. Me and her dad looked at eachother shooked .

I walked over to Finnish him . I dumped hot water on him and he jumped awake . "You really done fucked up when you touched my girl and thought you had no repercussions, " I poined my gun at him and emptied my clip on his ass. This nigga was truely bitch made!










I went to the bathroom and wiped all the blood of my face and arms and washed my hands. I Sat in Shae Office Waiting for him to come on . Im ready go home and take a hot shower.

While im sitting at his desk waiting for him to come some girl walked in and looked at me for a minute ... who the f*ck is she?!

Girl: Oh uh... where SJ

Me: SJ?

Girl: You must know him by Shae...

Me: he busy , who wants to know

Girl: Zuri

Me: And Why you looking for him

Zuri: Look im not gon sit here with you and play 100 questions with you , just tell him I came by...

Just as she said that Shae walked in the door and kind of froze

Zuri: Oh there you are SJ , I was looking for you. We need to talk

Shae: Talk about what Zuri? Why the fuck are you here

Zuri: Your DAUGHTER needs her DADDY

My jaw dropped. Shae has a daughter and never told me? I wonder if he cheated...


Zuri: Yup, Yup, Her Name Zy'Kiara

Shae: Yo you delusional B. You got dip... im sorry you dont know who yo babies daddy is , but go find that nigga . Now you know not to be a hoe!

Zuri: You know she yours SJ

Shae: Man we talked about thus 2 years ago , and I got a DNA test. So stop the fucking lying an dip.

Zuri: She look just like you baby! Dont deny her... or our family.

Me: Okayy . Zuri.... You over stepping ya boundaries. Yall was having a conversation but allat baby shit, that shit aint flying with me. Thats some mad disrespectful shit B, and I advise you leave.

She looked at me with a stank look

Me: Bounce B

With that she left. Who the fuck is she and why is she pushing up on shae?!









Shae POV

Man Zuri hoe ass is a hoe. Two years ago she got pregnant and try pin her baby on me... the DNA results came back and the baby wasnt mine. The bitch is crazy she trying fuck up mines and Kys relationship!

Ky my lor boo . She wasnt taking no shit from Zuri.

KT came up . Ky hugged him bye. And we left. We needed a shower and a good night sleep. In the car ride on the way home it was quite until Ky broke the silence.

Ky: Baby?

Me: Yes ?

Ky: Im Ready... Im ready for you to take my virginity. . .

We pulled up to the house. I was in shock. I just looked at her trying to figure out if I heard her correctly

She just looked at me. I leaned over and kissed her.

Me: Alright baby girl

With that we got out and walked in the house.









Hey Guys , I Know Im Late... But! I said i would update today! Hope you guys like it ! Comment and vote!


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