Blueday ~ Ron Weasley

By Catlove3321

832 7 0

Emilia Blueday. A wealthy and intelligent Ravenclaw with a rich and powerful pure blood family. She should be... More

My Cast
The Bluedays
All Aboard
sana repetere foras


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By Catlove3321

Vic often said Emilia's best quality was also her biggest flaw, and that was the fact that she was constantly overthinking. It was all the girl seemed to do, think over the possible outcomes of every action of everyday. It was what honestly got ithe way of her actions,or more so lack of. Emilia never saw herself as much of a do'er. She didn't act on her ideas because she was always thinking to much on all the possibilities on how any action she could do could go wrong. It has seemly led her towards a certainly safe life, as-well as increasingly dull.

That's why Emilia loved walking the halls of Hogwarts, she loved the extreme nature that the school produced. Without her having to do anything, or be apart of it. She could simply observe the chaos around her. But even though her father was the main reason she knew shed have to branch out of her comfort zone, she also herself had began to grow tired of her own thoughts that rang through her mind yet never went anywhere.

She was mulling this all over as she walked down what should have been an empty corridor. Her head in her note book where she had a list of peoples names. Where she would being to note things of importance. Written in a code only she knew. A talent she had because she was a lonely and paranoid kid. The code was a precaution due to her overthinking nature that knew she couldn't be caught with a notebook full of peoples secrets and thoughts. She didn't plan on showing this to anyone, definitely not her father. But figured It would be interesting to take notes on people, instead of class.

Suddenly she felt a foot cach a loose tile and she suddenly felt the hard and cool tiles roughly hit as she dropped, it scraped against her skin, tearing her legs and arms. She hissed in pain as she pushed up and got on her hands in knees.

"Bloody hell are you all right" Emilia looked up, her smooth brown hair cascading down and covering her view. She blew a deep breath out making her hair disperse and saw a certain red haired wizard looking down at her with a frown. Emilia sighed, looked down closed her eyes and asked her self if this was really her life. Once she established that this wasn't a nightmare. She looked up again and pulled on a quick smile.

"Just fine, thought the ground could use a hug that's all" she said as she began to stand up. Ron raised a brow a small smile raising to his face as he saw she was okay.

"Did it?" He asked amused. She fully stood, dusting herself off.

"Not apparently, in fact I find that it found my offer quite funny and decided to rough me up. Bit rude if you ask me" she muttered in a annoyed tone. He chuckled giving her a look of surprise. She then pulled up up skirt to see her knees skinned with little blood. She grunted annoyed.

"That looks like it hurts" he muttered as he saw it, a grossed out look appearing on his face. She looked up at him.

"Probably because it does. I'm not proud, ill say it, I'm a wuss and hate blood" he shrugged and she dropped her skirt

"Can't say i enjoy either much" he said with a frown. she smiled

"Well look at that, we have something in common." She said, then sending him a nervous smile, not use to talking to many people so un mannered. Normally only speaking to either Vic or her fathers associates, she was very good at pleasantries and small talk with adults but Normally came off awkward around those her same age. Ron however didn't seem to notice as he chuckled, then narrowing his eyes as something occurred to him.

"I know you don't I?" She sighed, rolling her eyes at herself knowing it was embarrassing to bring back up.

"I'm the weirdo who fainted on the train" she said in a pained and embarrassed tone.

"Oh yeah" he said his eyes widening as he remembered. She sighed and tucked some hair behind her ear. Ron looked down, bending and picking up the girls blue notebook. She smiled reaching out to take it from him.

"Thanks" she muttered as she took it.

"Hey, I don't quite know your name" Ron said as he realized he didn't know anything else about this girl. Other than she seemingly was in Ravenclaw based on her robes. She shrugged as she placed her notebook under her arm.

"Yes well, I doubt you'll ever need to" she said in a tone Ron noted as the beginning of the end of this conversation

"I'd like to tho" he said, she smiled

"Tell you what, we happen to cross paths again, Ill tell you." She paused and playfully narrowed her eyes "Ron Weasley" she muttered teasingly, letting him know that she in fact, knew his name.


Lunch had arrived and Emilia was quite happy as she smiled to herself. Ron Weasley had actually talked to her. First and second year Emilia would have probably fainted.

...not for any particular reason...she just...admired him.

As Emilia entered the hall however her small smile faded as she saw the scowl on her best and only friend. Giving a concerned look she approaches the Ravenclaw table where Vic was sitting and stabbing her food quite roughly.

"What's wrong?" Emilia asked taking the empty seat available next to the Slytherin.

"Men, they're annoying" Vic answers without looking up. Emilia just rasied a brow, that particular answer not quite satisfactory

"What happened?"

"Draco Malfoy, the little twit tried flirting with me. As if" Emilias eyes widened in surprise.

As she put herself in the girls shoes she wanted to vomit, as that sounded like Emilias actual worse nightmare. But she then remembered something.

"Didn't you have a crush on him?" She asked, a hint of a smirk beginning to rise. It was then Vic finally turned to her friend with a look of betrayal and anger.

"Yeah First Year! Then I finally realized what a idiot he was....and that I'm gay!"she shouted. Emilia couldn't help but fail to hide her smile. This just angered Vic more as the brunette narrowed her eyes "Didn't you have a crush on a certain Weasley?" She asked causing the smile to drop off the Ravenclaws face immediately. Her eyes and head quickly shifting around trying to make sure no one heard what her friend had said rather loudly

"What! No!" She quickly sputtered. It was then Vic finally let go of the anger and instead began to show a mischievous smirk and knowing gaze.

"I'm pretty sure you did, seeing as I teased you for it" she said quieter this time. Emilia just glared.

"You made that up" she said, referring to when they use to hate each other and say anything to embarrass each other. Vic however just gave her a rasied brow and unconvinced look.

"You always stared at him" she defended

"I was 11" Emilia said with a roll of her eyes. Vic just jumped in victory

"Ha! You admit it" she said pointing her finger in Emilia's face. Emilia scoffed.

"I admitted nothing, I'm simply stating, that i was 11 and I...looked at boys. That's all" she excused with a shrug, turning and beginning to make herself a plate of food. Vic just gave her a look.

"That sounds incredibly creepy" Emilia sat frozen for a second as she tried to think of a retort. Instead she just looked past Vic towards the head master. Raising a hand. .

"Shush, Dumbledore's talking"

" hes not"


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