Something I Need - A Ryan Ted...

By AmyThomson878

6.5K 344 136

After the little mistake with Danny, Amy and Ryan seem to be going strong. But, things are never that easy, t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 1

503 14 4
By AmyThomson878

It’s June 25th, tomorrow is Ryan’s birthday and we are currently in Boston. They have a show tonight, but the Ryan is mine until the 27th. As long as I get him to Bristow in time for the show on the 27th, no one cares what we get up to. And yes, we are doing fine. The relationship with Dan was awkward for a few days, but we seem to be returning to normal. Ryan says he has done stupid things drunk and that he won’t hold it against me, that I deserve a second chance and he would rather we try to forgive and forget. Not that I have any arguments. I am beyond happy about this decision.

“Got it all sorted for lover boy?” Zach asked with a smile, looking over to Ryan who was working on a song. Once the laptop is out and the headphones in he’s in a world of his own.

“I think so, who knows though. You know what he’s like, we will probably not do anything I planned.” I giggled.

“You got that right. Oi Eddie, get us a drink!” Zach called out, Eddie rolled his eyes but did it anyway. Brining a coke back for me.

“Thanks Eddo.” I pulled him into a hug.

“Could you take the presents for Ryan with you? That way he can still open them on his birthday.” Eddie asked, looking at me hopefully.

“Of course I will. If you guys get them all together, I can shove them into a bag or something.” It’s not like they’re asking me to do anything too difficult. “They aren’t heavy are they?”

“Nah, I don’t think so. Not entirely sure what he’s got from some people though.” Eddie shrugged.

“I hope he got a waffle maker, which would be awesome.” I smiled, yeah, I have a new found love for waffles at the moment.

“That sounds suspiciously like a present for you.” Zach raised one eyebrow and gave me that fatherly look that makes you feel slightly stupid.

“Zip it Zacharius.” I teased, making Eddie laughed. Brent stumbled into the room, he had been asleep.

“I hate you all.” He grumbled, making himself some coffee.

“I love you too Brent.” I smiled at him, him and Susan had completely made up now. Which is fabulous. He is going to fly back to the UK with me and Ryan in a week, so he has that to look forward to.

“You are way to lively in the morning.” He continued, ignoring me apparently.

“Brent, it’s like midday.” I sighed, shaking my head.

“Dude, seriously, not our fault you sleep all day.” Zach added. Brent decided to completely ignore us all and continue his morning ritual. Coffee. Then he becomes more human.

“I want to get some recording done today.” Ryan announced from the corner of the room, honestly scaring me a little. He has been working hard recently, trying to make up for the time he had ‘taken off’.

“For us or for someone else?” Eddie asked.

“Us. We need Mr Cello to wake up first.” I had to smile a little. “How bout you Dory, you coming along?”

“You know what Squishy, I think I may go shopping or something. I feel like there is something important coming up.”

“I’ve said I don’t want anything!” He complained.

“You would be upset if there was nothing. Now shut up and put up with it.”

“Whose money will you use?” That one got me. I hadn’t thought about that.

“Urm. Danny’s?” Ry just rolled his eyes.

“I can see you aren’t giving up on this one. Stubborn as always. Fine, we can drop you off on the way to the studio and Dan can get you back for tonight.”

“Thanks baby. Get lots done so tomorrow can be stress free” His lack of reply meant he is thinking of working. I went and sat on his lap, kissing him passionately. “Tomorrow you are mine. That was the deal, no work. Just you and me.”

“I know.” He sighed. “I’m looking forward to it.” He smiled, even his eyes lit up. I couldn’t resist and just had to kiss the lunatic again.

“I hate you.” I mumbled, burying my head into his shoulder.

“I hate you too.” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me. The others had started arguing about something or other, it’s a regular thing if I’m honest. We aren’t talking mean arguments, they aren’t really serious. Those guys wouldn’t hurt a fly. “Did you want some money?” He offered.

“Babe, honestly I am not buying you something with your own money. I’ll get Dan to pay.” I assured him.

“How about I give you some money for food, maybe buy yourself some clothes or something. I don’t know, just take the money.” He insisted.

“I don’t know why you always insist on making me take your money.” I sighed.

“Please?” He pleaded and his face is too irresistible.

“Fine Squishy, because I love you.” I kissed his cheek and took some money from his wallet.

“Thanks Dory, I love you too. We should be there soonish.” I stayed on his lap, watching him do his musical stuff. It’s really quite interesting to watch if I’m honest. “Another five or so minutes babe. Why don’t you grab your stuff so we don’t have to wait around for too long.” He suggested, snapping me out of my little day dream. We shared a quick kiss before I ran around the bus trying to find shoes, a coat and a bag. Not as easy as it may sound.

A/N - Here we go you lovely people :D Please vote and comment, also if you can find a better cover that would be AMAZING XD Anyway, hope you enjoy this one as much as Elephants, I promise that some interesting things will happen eventually ;)

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