By choonamss

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Summer nights bring out the worst in you. - ➴ txt ➴ written on december 2019 ➴ thriller ➴ original plot & co... More

star boy


763 87 55
By choonamss

-HUENINGKAI walked towards the depressed boy and sat cross-legged in front of him.

"let me begin," hueningkai narrated dramatically while staring coldly at yeonjun.


soobin drove the boys home individually. thankfully, the boys had sobered up and were able to walk to their front doors safely.

"bye jun, take care," soobin smiled softly at the shaken up boy and hugged him.

"you too soobin. bye ning," yeonjun responded back solemnly and waved to the two boys before driving off.

hueningkai and soobin lived across each other, making them neighbours.

"bye ning!" soobin waved goodnight at the brown-haired boy.

hueningkai waved back tiredly and trudged back to his house quietly. as soon as he opened the door, his parents immediately started yelling at him.

"do you realise what time it is? kai kamal huening, where were you?" his mother shouted at the boy who only rubbed his eyes in response.

"i was with the boys, i told aera already," the boy retorted back tiredly.

his parents stiffened and looked at each other before walking back to the living room. hueningkai sighed and sat in the living room with them.

"oh, mister jeon, what brings you here?" hueningkai bowed to the man.

"you can call me jungkook," the man responded softly towards his future brother-in-law.

"alright jungkook. i thought you were on a date with aera?" hueningkai tilted his head in confusion.

jungkook sighs sadly. hueningkai finally took in the mood of the atmosphere. his parents and jungkook had puffy eyes. aera was nowhere in sight as well.

"hueningkai, remember how we told you your sister has BPD?" his mother asked and sniffled.

"BPD?" hueningkai asked unable to recall the meaning of it.

"a personality disorder," jungkook answered.

hueningkai nodded his head in response and motioned for jungkook to continue.

"during our date earlier, i brought her to what people call the suicide cliff. we were in my car. aera had always mentioned how she wanted to admire the city from that cliff despite its name-" jungkook paused as exhaled, still trying to comprehend his words.

"i got your parent's blessing to propose to her tonight- but as soon as i pulled out the ring and asked her, she just panicked and ran out of the car. she took my car keys and locked me inside the car. she even carried a gun wherever she went," jungkook explained slowly as tears fell from his eyes.

by then hueningkai felt his heart pounding. he was there that night with the boys as well.

"i had to roll down the window and climb out but she had already run further down the road.
before i could reach her, i heard her screams. there was another vehicle at the other side but they h-had driven off. s-she had fell off the cliff a-and-," jungkook couldn't finish his sentence and started sobbing, covering his face as he cried.

hueningkai only sat emotionless, his parents crying softly at what jungkook had explained about that night. how could he not know? he was asleep. he was in that vehicle with his friends. why didn't they help his sister?

"it was my fault, i know how shaken up she gets about commitment and it made her panic when i proposed. the voices she heard in her head probably got loud because of me," jungkook muttered sadly as hueningkai's parents comforted him.

hueningkai got up and went up to his room silently. as he walked up the stairs, he stopped mid-way and slumped onto the steps, his cries inaudible.

he could only think of the person who drove behind the wheel once he woke up. hueningkai clenched his fists in anger. the boy rushed back downstairs and out of the house, much to the adults' protests.

he crossed the streets to soobin's house and pounded on his door, revealing a shaken up soobin.

hueningkai barged into the dimly lit house and grabbed soobin by his collar.

"what the fuck happened tonight soobin?" hueningkai asked in between tears.

soobin looked at the blue-hooded boy in front of him in shame and explained everything calmly.

hueningkai roughly let go of soobin and wiped his tears away after soobin had finished retelling the events of that night.

"i didn't know what to do ning, i left yeonjun alone because i was afraid," soobin shamefully admitted.

hueningkai clenched his fists and looked at soobin with the most pitiful expression he could put on.

"let's forget about tonight," hueningkai said slowly through gritted teeth and patted soobin's shoulder as he made his way out of the house.

soobin nodded sadly and bid hueningkai goodnight. once the door had closed, hueningkai felt anger rise up in his heart and clenched his fists even harder, his nails digging into the palm of hand.

he had put up an act in front of soobin, who now looked like a coward to hueningkai. however, he felt hatred grow in his heart towards one of the people he used to call 'brother'.

choi yeonjun.


the next day, hueningkai met up with jungkook and admitted his story. jungkook held in the raging emotions in his heart after hearing hueningkai's confessions.

"i wish death upon choi yeonjun," jungkook muttered angrily as he clenched his jaw, his veins popping out of neck.

hueningkai didn't have to heart to consider yeonjun's feelings ever again. even though the boy was intoxicated that night, he could've saved his sister instead. he could've helped her.

he didn't care whether yeonjun was held at gunpoint. his sister had a pure heart and only wanted to escape from the voices in her head.

"the day will come where death comes upon him," hueningkai responded back and laid back on his chair.

"i'll make sure that day comes," jungkook promised and looked up at the boy in sat across him.

hueningkai knew at that moment that jeon jungkook would keep to his words.

in too deep with the longing to avenge his sister, hueningkai made sure that jungkook would have his support.

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