'Eternally Entwined' Damon Sa...

By ElleMiglioranza

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Eternally Entwined is the 6th Book In The 'Epic Love Sage' Life for Siena and Damon Salvatore lives have tak... More

Endless Love.....
For My Salvation.....
Innocents Lost.....
Reaching Out.....
Author Note.... ***Important Information***
So Close Yet So Far.....
Don't Believe Everything You Think You Know.....
Your Love Kept Me Safe.....
The Light Will Scare The Darkness Away.....
Stuck In This Prison No Optimism.....
We Found Love Right Where We Are.....
Why Can't I Be Your Lover.....
Say You Love Me.....
Supernatural Love Conquers All..... **New Years Eve Special**
Together We Are One..... **New Year Day Special**

I Know That These Scars Will Bleed....But Both Hearts Believe.....

1.9K 96 21
By ElleMiglioranza

Damon P.O.V

I had hope now with seeing Siena and how she helped Bonnie bring back her magic so we could get out of this hell hole. I couldn't have been happier. What didn't help the situation was the fact that Siena couldn't stay. That was something maybe that I knew deep down but I didn't want her to leave. I wanted her to stay here with us to go back home when we did. I could see all of this was just as hard on her as it was for me. It felt like my heart was literally breaking as I didn't know how much longer I would see her beautiful face or the feel her touch. There were so many emotions going through me right now. Not only to see my beautiful wife again but to find out I was going to be a father once again.

As she was telling about it all I had a million and one questions running through my mind one being how could we have another child? When Siena fell pregnant with Nico it was different she was dimidium sanguinis but she was still that but with vampirism. When it came to Siena not a lot added up with her background of what she was. To know I was going to have a daughter was a little more overwhelming than when I found out I was going to have a son. She's not even here and I'm thinking about how I want to protect her and how I'm going to make sure not douche breaks her heart. This tiny little girl whom I've not even met was the apple of my eye already. My daughter.

When Siena disappeared right before my eyes I felt an empty feeling inside me as the other half of me had left. The one thing about her going to whatever efforts it was to come here she did give me hope because I had even more reason to go home. Not just for Siena but for our kids too and with Nico return and him being all confused I wanted to be there for him. If I'm being honest I don't know how I will react when I will see him face to face. Just as Siena who holds the same fears. Nico was our son good or bad he will always be my son a Salvatore. Somehow I will stand by him as a father should. It was all just about time now for me to be united with my family. That could only happen when I find out what the hell this Kai knew.

So my method was going to torture his ass and enjoy it but it seems that Kai was a talker which disappointed me. As I was looking forward to stabbing him with a hot poker after what he did to me at the store today. Somehow he knew that Siena was going to come that we had gone through the same scenario for 13 weeks. Apparently this time around he knew she was here and used me as an incentive to get her motivated. Siena didn't need my life to be endangering to be motivated she went to great length to get here. I think this sicko Kai just thought it would be fun to have his fun with me. I was about to kill him when he dropped the second piece of the puzzle to get out of here the part that involved him. That would be some kind of ascendant that was in his possession apparently my dear sweet wife forgot to mention that part to it all. So it looked like I had to keep this dick alive and believe me I wasn't best pleased about it.

So now we were stuck with this dick Kai and Bonnie appeared to be a little quite about all this. I pulled her to one side to see what she was hiding. I knew her and Siena had private time and something told me that something was said. Of course Bonnie just told me that she feeling overwhelmed with the fact that we were in reaching distance to go home. I decided to drop the subject because we were both feeling the same right now. I told her to go and get some sleep while I watched over Kai. She was a little hesitant at first but now she's a juice up witch who gonna have to do a pretty big spell to get out of here. She needed her rest more than ever. She went off upstairs and I went back into the parlour where Kai was sitting in the same chair tied up. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a bottle of bourbon making my way out into the garden.

I sat down on the wall and looked up into the sky and it looked a little different tonight maybe I hadn't looked at it in the same way over theses month. It was like there were a million stars in the sky illuminating the darkness. Just sitting here knowing I'm in this world while Siena was on the other side of some kind of magical veil keeping us apart. That I thought that we would never meet again but I was wrong my princess has done everything in her power so we can return. That a special kind of love. The kind of love you need to cherish forever with both hand. When forever becomes a place...when forever ceases to be just a word. When it ceases to be just a measurement of time but instead becomes a place. Where soul mates can dance to the song in their hearts. That is a reflection of true love. I looked up into the night filled sky and smiled.

"I'll be home soon princess" I raised my bottle and took a swig. That was the reality I was going to be going home and in doing that I needed to get what information from Kai.

So I stayed out here and drunk the whole bottle of bourbon as I could him rambling from out here the guy didn't shut the hell up. I finally got up and began to make my way back into the parlour and I place the empty bottle on the table. Of course Kai began to make little comment of how I missed Siena and it took a lot for me not to break his neck. So I just sat on the couch and stared at him. He had to be here for a reason just as much as we were here. He didn't appear to be supernatural well not a witch or a vampire. So I decided to get my answers and I asked how do we get out of here. He spoke of everything else I mean all random kind of crap. One thing I did know he didn't have a mute button this guy talked more than Caroline and I felt a headache coming on.

"And, of course, I broke into the Oval Office and took a picture of myself at the window, looking all JFK. But then, I was, like, "Wait-- How am I going to get these photos developed?" I had to shut him up as he was talking about bullshit all night and nothing about getting us the hell out of here.

"Oh my god, just answer the damn question. How are we going to get out of this Twilight Zone?" I demand from him as his death will be following very soon. He was stalling I could tell.

"I got a question for you, first. Why do you think we're stuck on a repeating loop of May 10th, 1994?" I raised my eyebrows as if to say I didn't know "Doomed to relive a solar eclipse forever and ever, and ever." What was h trying to get at? He wouldn't of known what happened to me here back in 1994 and I not going to be telling story time either.

"How the hell should I know?" I took a sip of my bourbon but I could see Kai beady eyes looking at me a little intrigued.

"Well, I heard you tell Bonnie this place was your own personal hell. I'm kinda curious why." I looked over at him I was really losing my patient with him I didn't want to talk about why I thought of this place as hell. I heard Bonnie enter the room I looked at her as she carried a bag over her shoulder.

"I found everything you asked for: can-opener, shower drain, grinding wheel, jam, pocket knife, volume "O" of the encyclopaedia, a nail and a black marker." She walks over to the table in front of the couch where I was sitting and dumps the bag full of materials onto it. I got up to my feet as I was a little confused with what was going on. When did all this happen? "Now what?" Bonnie demanded.

"Can't show you with my hands taped." Bonnie reaches over, grabs the pocket knife and walks over to Kai. Was she out of her mind?

"Bonnie..." I warned her but she ignored me. Why did she even trust this guy? After everything he had been doing playing with our heads and now she's all trusting?

"Thank you." Kai spoke smugly as he looked over at me and Bonnie cuts off the tape binding his wrists. I had to bit my tongue I got to remember that he is somehow going to get us out of here.

"Okay. Fine. How is this pile of crap going to get us out of here?" That was what I wanted to know. Kai rubs his sore wrists.

"I'll explain... as soon as you tell me what you did on May 10th, 1994." I clenched my jaw as I didn't want to discuss what happened back then. It was something I wanted to forget about and I wasn't proud of either.

"What difference does it make!?" I spoke in frustration why was it so important to him that I spilled my dark past of my reason why I was here in 1994.

"Let me put it this way-- Bonnie's magic is one part of the equation. My as-yet undisclosed knowledge is the other. Which means you would be hitching a ride home for free. I just want to know if you deserve to come along." I had enough of all of this I stomp over to Kai, snatches the pocket knife from Bonnie and lifts Kai up to put the knife against his neck.

"How about the part where my wife dimidium sanguinis is involved in all this? Where she came all this way to bring back Bonnie magic." I edged the knife closer to his throat piercing his skin. "Or I could just torture you until you say something useful." I wasn't going to let him blackmail me trying to get out of me why this place made me consumed with guilt.

"If you torture me, I'll get mad, and then I won't want to help you get back to your beloved wife" He looks toward Bonnie "...What kind of person needs to have that explained to them?" Bonnie reaches over and takes the knife out of my hand. I roughly let Kai go as this time right now I had my hands tied with this situation. Kai laughs which was getting my blood boiling.

"Play nice." Bonnie teased I looked at her was she kidding she wanted me to play nice with this guy after everything he had done.

"Stop trying to impress the new guy." Bonnie shook her head and sat down on the couch folding her arms.

"Why don't you just tell him your story?" What did they get that I didn't want to talk about 1994 period.

"Maybe because I don't want to talk about the worst thing I ever did, Bonnie." I didn't want to talk about it because I was so ashamed of it all. I actually came to Mystic Falls to start a fresh new life to build a bond back with my brother but I had to screw it up with my actions. My eyes advert to Kai, who had opened the jam, smiles.

"Ooooh, now I'm listening." He scoops out some jam from the jar with his hand and eats it.

Flash Back

It was 1994 and I had only just recovered from my last turning off my humanity. I didn't know what it was about New York but when I was there I felt like home in a sense. I felt like drawn to it as soon as the 90's kicked in. So I used to go and crash at my friend Will place back in the 70's I use to acquires for him ID but this time round it was just a visit. I planned to make it my home now as I was tired of moving around I even found myself an apartment on the Upper East Side. Things were looking up and for the first time since I was turned in 1864 I felt happy. I knew I had years to wait for Katherine but I couldn't put my life on hold no longer I needed to live it until we were reunited.

The view from my apartment was pretty amazing you could see the skyline of New York city and in the middle of all that was Central Park. I wasn't the guy that I once was I felt that having my humanity back I wanted to change. I didn't want to be this selfish person but I was a stubborn one at that because each time I thought of all the good things I could do. That side of me that didn't care would kick in. So I was hungry and I thought the perfect place to get a bit to eat in this city was central park. It was filled with people and plenty of greenery to snatch someone without anyone noticing.

So I made my way out of my apartment and walked in the direction of the park entrance. The place was filled with a variety of different types of food bags. I began to approach this woman who looked a little tasty when I could hear a little girl crying. I stopped stalking her and turned to see this little girl she must have been about 4 maybe 5 but she was the most adorable little girl I had seen. With her long brown curly hair and with these huge green eyes filled with tears. Every part of me wanted to walk away but I couldn't. I began to approach her and crouched down side her.

"Hey. Little girl. You lost?" She slowly began to wipe away her tears she looked a little frighten to see me. "My name Damon. What's yours?" I wasn't one for kids I didn't really have a martial bone in my body. With being a vampire I knew I would never have kids but this little girl was playing on my heart strings.

"Si-Siena...." She spoke as she wiped away her tears. I couldn't help but smile as she spoke there was something about her that kind of made me feel that I need to help and protect her.

"Siena why don't I help you find your mommy" She looked up at me smiling and held my hand. I was strange I knew I shouldn't be picking up little girls in the park and helping them find her parents. I was mentally trying to slap myself and just let this kid Siena find her own way back but I couldn't. I wanted her to be safe back with her parents which was very un-Damon Salvatore like.

"Siena...Siena!" I heard some lady call out the little girl's name. I glanced down to see that she was hiding behind my legs as if she didn't want to be found. I wanted to keep her as strange as it seem but I knew her mom would have been going out of her mind.

"Excuse me" I called out "I think I found her" I crouched down and looked at her she looked pretty upset for some unknown reason "I found your mommy" I watched as she began to pout which looked cute.

"I don't wanna go" I protested while folding my arms. I couldn't help but chuckle as she appeared to be stubborn and knew what she wanted even at her age.

"Siena....." I looked up to see the woman who was calling out for her. She suddenly picked her up and held her tightly in her arms "Oh my god you frighten me" She kissed my cheek while Siena didn't seem too happy to be smothered in kisses. Then stopped when she notice I was standing there "Sir thank you so much" my eyes adverted to Siena who really wasn't happy.

"You're welcome I just saw her crying and I wanted to help" I went closer and stroked Siena cheek "Nice meeting you Siena be good girl"

End Of Flash Back

"You met Siena as a child?" Bonnie spoke a little stunned to hear the news. I had never spoken about it because the puzzle pieces didn't fall into place until I met Tia Dalma. How could I turn around to Siena and tell her that I met her when she was a child. It was one of those things that got brought up and the fact that she didn't remember me I just thought of it as some freak of nature moments.

"Well that's kind of creepy" Kai added and I shot him a glare. Like I knew that one day that little girl would come back into my life and I would end up being hopelessly in love with her.

"I didn't know it was Siena meaning my Siena at the time...." I was trying to justify my action when Bonnie interrupted.

"Hold on. What does meeting Siena have to do with what went on in Mystic Falls 1994?" This was the part of the story that I was dreading to tell.

"That little girl changed my world Bonnie. She made me believe that there was a good person still in me. So that when I decided to go back to Mystic Falls and make amends"

Flash Back

So from New York I made my way back home I had a new prospective on life as I didn't need to hold bitterness or resentment like I had done over the last 100 year. It was all about making a change and that little girl Siena had opened my eyes and I felt I could look at life more clearly. I wanted this feud to end between my bother and I and the only way I could let that happen was to make the first move. I arrived at the boarding house the last time I was here was back in 1953 when I went through the 5 worst years of my life. I had to put that all behind me I needed to move on like I intended to. I rang the doorbell and had my back to the door as I admired how nice this place was. It was the first time in a long time I began to appreciate what a beautiful home I had. The doors open and I turned to see Stefan inside. I held up the same newspaper while I smiled at Stefan who seemed a little surprised to see me.

"Ready for some bad news?" The newspaper's front page has an article about Kurt Cobain's suicide. Stefan leans against the door as I chuckled and moves forward to get in the house, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier in the threshold "Barely seen you in fifty years, Stefan. You could invite a brother in." Stefan stood there with a firm expression on his face I knew he was still pissed that I didn't turn up at the station in 1942 but I did that all for his benefit.

"Give me one good reason why." Stefan demanded. He clearly didn't get all the messages I left on my journey back here telling him I wanted us to start a fresh.

"Check your answering machine, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf" Which I had I didn't want to fight and bicker any more I wanted us to be the brother that we once were.

"Oh, I heard your message. I also heard you sent Lexi some flowers, seventeen years after you left her to burn to death on a rooftop." He really wasn't in the forgiving mood and what I did to Lexi all those years ago was messed up. I guess I was pissed in a way that she stopped me being with Stefan and that was my way of acting out.

"Well-" I began to say but Stefan wasn't going to be in the forgiving mood I could see that.

"It's a little late, but I see you're trying to make amends. I just want to know why" If I turned around to him and told him some little girl I met had gave me a life changing turn around he wouldn't believe me.

"Uh, well, I can tell you this, Stefan-- I'm tired of tearing up New York City. And, maybe it's the partying, or maybe it's my conscious-" I didn't know if he was going to believe it but it was partly true what I was telling him.

"Well, I believe that would require one." I'm going to choose to ignore Stefan comment.

" --and then, I had this moment of clarity, and I said. "Wouldn't it be great if I just woke up in my own bed and could have a fresh start?" Then I notice some guy appear from behind Stefan and I knew he had to be a 'Salvatore'

"You must be Damon." I saluted him as I was here to play nice.

"Damon, this is, uh, Zach Salvatore. He owns the house now, he knows the family history, and I told him if you got out of line, I'd take care of you myself." Stefan really didn't trust me and thinks I've come here to stir up trouble. Well my brother in for a world of shock because that is far from my intention.

"Why are you always expecting the worst out of me, Stefan?" I wanted him to believe that I could change that I was willing to do this so we could have back what we once had.

"Oh, I don't. Otherwise, I wouldn't allow this." I looked around confused I notice that Stefan nods to Zac.

"Come on in, Damon." Zac asked me and I was kinda surprised maybe my baby bro can see I'm actually telling him the truth.

"Huh." I took a step into the house, smiling "Thanks" I brushed past Stefan after taps my shoulder.

"You ready to start over?" Stefan questioned me with a smile on his face. It was like the words I had long to hear from him 'forgiveness'

"Hell yeah." That's all I wanted I wanted a fresh new life I want to have a kind of purpose in my life. That little girl showed me that family need to stick together that through good and bad we are family and having Stefan by my side I knew I could be that man I once was.

Stefan P.O.V

Since coming back to my old life I screwed up in more ways than one. There was Nico who I had proven to him what as weak uncle I was by giving up hope on Damon return. That my own nephew had turned to Enzo. The guy who had compelled Ivy to kill herself. All I wanted was to be rid of him once and for all and the only way that could happen if I returned back home. It wasn't a easy thing for me to do because I knew I that was in reaching distance from Elena. I know I walked away from her and not giving her a second thought but she didn't deserve someone like me. Elena need someone in her life who was strong who wouldn't break down. From when Siena came back I felt a change in me. I guess I felt jealous that Elena had gotten her sister back and I didn't have my brother. I tried so hard to put those feelings aside but when Siena collapsed that what did it for me I couldn't live this life. For the first time in my 164 years I ran away and didn't think of the consequences or who I had hurt along the way. I was acting like Damon before Siena entered his life not having a care about anything.

Once I was here I knew I had to see Elena because it wasn't like I wasn't in love with her anymore it was the fact I wasn't the man she fell in love with. I went to Whitmore to maybe try and explain myself but when we did come face to face. I felt frozen she looked as beautiful as ever I didn't even get a chance to speak as Elena did all the talking which lead to a well-deserved slap. I had to leave her as she would never forgive me for my actions they were unforgivable who was I kidding. So I found out from Caroline that they were all going to the swimming hole and my favourite person would be there meaning Enzo. So I made my way there and I began to stalk Enzo in the woods I wanted him dead as simple as that. I wanted him dead for killing Ivy and I hated the fact that he was giving everyone some form of hope that there was a chance to bring Damon back. I had looked into everything I had tried everything and all he was doing for was to make everyone turn on me. Enzo had to die it was as simple as that once he was gone each of them could finally move on.

My plan didn't go down to well as I was about to kill Enzo some vampire hunter was attempting to kill me. Of course he had to call Nico and tell him what I gone on. I didn't want to see Nico and I knew I had to do it then and there kill Enzo. When I was ready to do it Nico turned up and stopped me and it frustrated me more than anything that he was defending him. Nico couldn't understand my anger towards Enzo and I told him to ask him and walked away. I knew why I was angry because I created this messes if I didn't turn my back on everyone. Elena wouldn't be hurting. Siena wouldn't have gone to the extreme of having her memories of Damon compelled. Nico wouldn't be feeling lost and alone and turning to Enzo. This was all down to me but the only thing that going to give me any form of sanity is to just kill Enzo for what he did to Ivy as she was innocent.

Then the worse thing possible happened to me as I was in the wood I came face to face with Elena once again. I tried so hard to show her I didn't care no more about her that I was ready to leave that I had nothing left here. It didn't work Elena knew me better than anyone that this life I created in Savanah was fake it was a life that I was using to escape from my reality. Elena still loved me regardless of everything that she had her she wanted me to come back home. Not for only her but Siena, Ric and Nico because all four of them were a mess. I couldn't step up and be that Stefan who was always this great support system. I never thought that my own brother death would of affected me in such a way. For over 140 years we were at each other throats hating one another I never thought that I would feel so lost without him. So I had to walk away from Elena who I knew broke her heart as I could hear her crying but I did it for her because she deserved better. That was one of the hardest things I had to do and there was a moment I just wanted to rush back to her and beg for forgiveness but that me being selfish. After everything I had put her through making this new life her hearing about Ivy I had hurt Elena in so many ways. That the best thing to do.

Before I left town I had to deal with Enzo once and for all and I knew exactly how. I tipped off that vampire hunter Trip that Enzo was what he was. Which meant my hands wouldn't get dirty and he would be dealt with the best way possible. I wanted to leave town from then but I had this niggling feeling in the back of my mind to make sure this all went smoothly. As I arrived at the dinner my feeling was right this Trip guy underestimated Enzo and I helped out taking him down. It gave me a sense of relief as I walked away as I knew this Trip would make Enzo pay. I got into my car and I was ready to leave town but I couldn't leave without seeing Siena. I knew she was compelled now and that she wouldn't have any memory of Damon. But she was still carrying my brother's child I couldn't walk away without making sure she was okay.

When I arrived at Siena home I could hear a voice of a female shouting as I entered I saw some young girl hold up some weapon ready to shoot it at a very confused Siena. I knocked the girl out she collapsed on the floor. Siena didn't seem to bother about the reason why this girl was here to kill her apparently it was some form of revenge. It was really strange to see her like this and what was even more shocking was the fact her baby bump had grown twice in size. She warned me that we needed to talk and I knew it was all about Elena. Siena wasn't going to give me mercy with treating her sister the way I did. She asked me to stay and if I didn't she would hunt me down. I couldn't help but laugh as I knew even in the condition she was in she would do that. She went off to bed leaving me with the unconscious girl on her living room.

So I did a bit of investigating and apparently this girl was a friend of Jeremy. That she had been compelled to forget about being attacked by Siena but passing the boarder the compulsion would go. I handed the girl to Jeremy and Matt to deal with as I didn't need any further issue in my life. All I knew was that I couldn't stay around here it just hurt too much. I went back to the house to grab my car key and things and as I walked in Siena was wide awake in the kitchen making pancakes and it smelt delicious.

"Good morning Salvatore." She smiled widely as she flipped the pancakes it felt weird her calling me Salvatore as she always used to call Damon that. "Woke up with a huge craving for pancakes" My eye adverted to the huge stake of pancakes "I think I may of gone overboard" She pushed a plate over to me and starts to place some pancakes onto it.

"I'm not feeling that hungry" I grabbed my keys from the side as I just wanted to make a sharp exit. I turned to walk out of the kitchen but Siena was in front of me with unimpressed look.

"Where do you think you're going?" She stood there with one hand on her hip while arching her brow.

"Uh, I'm going home." I knew now the lecture was going to kick in as Siena wasn't going to let me just walk away especially that she had said we needed to talk.

"Savannah is not your home, Stefan. It's an escape, a hiding place. This is your home. Here with all of us who you once said you consider as your family" She pushed me back into the kitchen forcing me to take a sit then placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Then there the matter of my little sister who is totally in love....." She took a seat and looked at me intensely for a moment ".....That you obviously still love too. What the hell is the problem here?" Siena didn't get it she had this fresh clean slate in her mind all the hurt she felt for my brother death was gone. My pain was still here and I couldn't live in a place where it was filled with memories of Damon.

"No, it was my home. But, I can no longer enter its borders; therefore I have a new home." I wanted to avoid the whole Elena and I being in love with one another because what Siena had said was true I was hopelessly in love with Elena. I did run away trying to create this new life and I failed because there was a part of my old life I was gripping onto and that was Elena.

"So, you're just going to throw in the towel and go back to your fake new life? Forget about everyone including Elena?" I knew she wasn't going to stop until she understood why I left here and I knew I had to be tactful because Siena only knew half a story. She asked me to not let on to her that she had been compelled but agreeing to something and doing it was a lot harder.

"Siena I know you're concerned for your sister and if you care for her as much as I know you do. Then you would just let me go home" She sat across from me and I could see that she was absorbing this all in. "Look, my fake new life ended when Enzo decided to kill my not-so-fake girlfriend, Ivy. So, I am going to go home, pack up and start over. Again." Which was what I needed to I needed to start afresh with Enzo gone now I didn't have anything reminding me of what a failer of a brother I was.

"By pretending like your life here never existed?" She spoke with sarcasm in her voice while rolling her eyes taking a bite of her food. She looked back up shaking her head "Like it's all that simple" She began to chuckle. Well it was because she did the exact same thing she had her memories taken so she could move on with her life.

"You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Siena." I had to bite my tongue because I was so close for a moment there in telling her what she had done. She looked at me placing down her cutlery and places her hands under her chin.

"But I'm not buying it. You lost your brother. There's no way that you're fine." She was right Siena knew I wasn't fine I couldn't hide it from her "He was an ass no he was a freaking dick. I mean the way he treated you at time...." She paused for a moment frowning "He was your brother" I couldn't sit here and talk to Siena about Damon it was too hard and what made it worse is that she didn't speak about him how she should be. It felt all too unnatural as Siena adored Damon I went to grab my keys on the table but Siena holds them up, smiling.

"You do not have to worry about me. It's not like I haven't done this before, I have a system." Siena didn't need additional stress she was heavy pregnant about to drop at any moment. Her sister needed her more than I did right now "You should be focusing on Elena not me" Siena looked at me a little offended which took me by surprised.

"My sister has friends she can count on. You? Not so many" She gets up from her seat grabbing her plat and mine and placing them in the sink then turning to me "Show me. Prove to me that your system works. If I believe that you actually are happy, then I'll let you go. But if I don't buy it, which I probably won't, I will keep harassing you until you come home." she scrunches up her nose "And, I'm talking about, like, Enzo-sized harassment." We both shared a look, and Siena jiggles the keys. "Deal?" Siena wasn't going to back down even this version of her that doesn't remember what Damon and she had. She was still Siena who was stubborn and wouldn't back down until her point was proven. I got up from my seat and held out my hand out for the keys.

"Sure." If showing Siena how easy it is to move on maybe she gets off my back for a while. Also I wouldn't mind spending some time with her as this version of her seems a little strange like how she stopping in mid-sentence to think what to say next. This concerned me a little as it had been a few days since she was compelled. I guess us doing this wasn't only to show her that I'll be okay but I wanted to make sure she was too.

Elena P.O.V

After the talk Caroline and I had last night it got me thinking about Nico. I couldn't let him live a life cursed that he couldn't show the woman his in love with his inner emotions. I will not allow my best friend to stand by and feel guilty for feeling for Nico. There had to be a way around it all. Nico was the son of dimidium sanguinis who is his mother. His some form of supernatural miracle born from a vampire father. I do not believe that this is how his life was meant to plan out and I wasn't going to rest till I found a solution. So while Caroline was sleeping I began to do some research on dimidium sanguinis. Do you think I actually found anything useful in the dozens and dozens of books Ric had in this office? Nope none of them gave answers of what I could do to fix this problem.

I was wrecking my brain all night trying to think of something or someone who could help and it hit me. Siena sister Margherita and someone called Catalin were the one who told Siena about Nico curse maybe they knew some answers. I did something that I thought I would never do I called up Klaus asking for his help. Of course he was a little amused by it all as 'Elena Gilbert' was asking for help. Then I began to explain to him what had been going on around here including the fact that Siena had returned and she was with child. That she wasn't dealing with Damon death well that she had Ric compel away her memories of Damon. Klaus was surprised to hear all this he kept asking if she was okay and I assured him Siena was but Nico wasn't. So I began to tell him what I wanted to do to find a solution help Nico. That I needed to find Margherita and Catalin to help me find a way to help him from having this darker side take over. There had to be some kind of loop hole as there was always one especially when it came to magic. Klaus actually didn't hesitate he told me to be at the airport for a 10am as he was going to send a private jet over. Klaus really surprised me with his eagerness to help. I wasn't going to question it as I knew Klaus was very much in love with Siena still and he would do anything to help her and her son.

Once I finished my phone call with Klaus I went straight to Caroline who was still sleeping. I tried to wake her but she kept telling me she was tired and wanted another 10 minutes. I kept hitting her with a pillow until she sat up not looking amused but I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Elena it's...."She grabbed her phone "6 freaking am. Why are you waking me?" Caroline spoke in annoyance but I couldn't help but stand there and smile.

"What if I told you I might have a lead on how to fix Nico" I watched as Caroline looked at me wide eyed as she didn't expect me to wake her up with that kind of news. "Get dress we have a flight to catch" I told her as I began to walk away from her and hearing her saying where are we going.

I knew if I told Caroline that Klaus was going to help her she would bail out as she truly despised him. I didn't like much either but when it came to my sister and her kids Klaus will move heaven and earth for them. Which makes him the good guy right now. Once Caroline was ready we made our way to the airport of course I called Nico to let him know we were going out of town for a few days. I explained about after seeing Stefan I needed some girl time with Caroline. I didn't want to get Nico hopes up that I'm looking into a way to stop this awful curse he has. He seemed pretty happy and told us told to get drunk and have a blast that he would deal with this Sarah problem and for us not to worry. When he brought up Sarah I felt a little guilty as I totally forgot about all that. Nico knew what he was doing so I'm going have faith in him on this one as it was all for his mom.

The flight to New Orleans was nice the jet Klaus sent over was pretty impressive. Caroline kept asking question during our flight. Like how did I get us a private jet also the fact why were we going to New Orleans? I knew I couldn't hold back now she needed to know that Klaus was going to help us. Once I mentioned Klaus that was it Caroline was not happy whatsoever. She went on her typical Caroline rant saying that Klaus couldn't be trusted that he was evil. I let her rant away as it wasn't going to change my mind about any of this. I knew if anyone could find a way to help Nico and get this curse off him it would be Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline needed to suck it up. Let just say the rest of the flight I just got evil glares. We finally landed and were able to get off the plane as I was ascending down the stairs I saw Klaus standing by his black 4X4 with his arms folded waiting. I looked at Caroline who expression was slightly pissed.

"Caroline....." I warned her I didn't need her to be biting at Klaus over that whole Tyler incident a year ago.

"I don't know why you went to him in the first place Elena" She spoke with a fake smile as we approached Klaus.

"I went to him because he loves my sister as much as Damon does. Which means he would do anything to help her and help her son" I tried to keep my tone low so Klaus couldn't hear as I didn't need him to think that we didn't appreciate his help.

"Caroline" Klaus looked at her with a smirk "Elena. Did you both have a pleasant flight" Klaus seemed a little different like a bit more prep in his step or something.

"Yes. And thank you for doing that" I never thought I'd be thanking Klaus in a million years but he was my only hope and just maybe I might see the side to him that Siena sees in him.

"Well we haven't got time to waste" He indicated for us to get in the car "Margherita and Catalin are waiting on us" I looked at him frowning how did he know to go to them? Maybe Siena had told him about the whole Nico fate they were close.

So myself and a bratty Caroline got into the car. Klaus was being quite pleasant as he spoke to me throughout the journey mainly about Siena. He wanted to know how she was since her compulsion I had to lie a little and say she was fine. The truth is I hadn't psychically seen her I've spoken to her on the phone twice in the last couple of days. I think I had convinced him that she was okay as he didn't press on the subject as much. Then he moved on to her pregnancy how could of that occurred I think he was expecting me to have all the answer. I had no idea of how it happened all I knew in a short time I was going to be an aunt again and have a little buddle of joy in our lives. So after the thousands of questions from Klaus we finally stopped down some side street. He got out of the car and I turned to Caroline in the back who had a sour face.

"I don't trust him Elena" She spoke firmly and I understood her reason for not trusting him with Klaus double crossing us on so many occasions.

"Well we could leave your beloved Nico how he is" Klaus said opening her door taking her by surprise "But my help has nothing to with you. I offered my services to help Siena. If your going to have a face on I could always leave you locked in the car" He smirked while Caroline didn't look highly amused "I'll leave a crack in the widow like they do for dogs" I couldn't help but chuckle which resorted Caroline giving me a death glared.

"Caroline come on. This is for Nico" I needed her to remember that we are doing this for him so he could have a normal life and loving relationship.

"Fine" Caroline spoke in defeat. I got out of the car and we began to follow Klaus to some door. I hoped that this Margherita was going to be helpful considering the last time I saw her Siena was ready to kill her. We walked down a long hallway this place was a little freaky I notice a few people looking at us as we walked passed them. Klaus knocked on a door and after a few moments the door opened. It wasn't Margherita so I assumed it was Catalin.

"Klaus" She spoke his name firmly as he walked pass her entering into the apartment. She shook her head and looked at us "I'm sorry I'm Catalin. Would like to come in" both Caroline and I walked in and followed Catalin into the main room "Margherita this is...." She turned to look at us.

"Caroline and Elena. We met before" I looked directly at Margherita who was sitting in a chair across the room.

"Oh yeah you're the other little sister" She spoke with sacrum now I knew why Siena didn't like her.

"Well as we got the un- pleasantries done with what have you found out about the sanguis nexius" Klaus demanded in his authority voice I watched as Margherita rolled her eyes and Catalin glaring at her.

"We been looking in our mother grimorie since you called and I actually came across this" She places the book on the table opening the page. I couldn't stop looking over at Margherita who sat there with a miserable look on her face. How could she be like this? Nico was as much as her nephew as he was mine. She looked after him brought him up well sort of. How could she be so cold about all this? We all want Nico just to have a normal life. "Here it is. Sanguis nexius darker side can be destroy by a ut convertantur a lamia original" Catalin spoke the words slowly and seem a little disturbed she looked over at Margherita "You didn't tell me it meant this" Catalin shouted at her Margherita just glared at her while Klaus stood there looking just as stunned as Catalin.

"Would someone explain to me what going on?" I demanded as I wanted to know what the hell was going on.

Damon P.O.V

I had spilled a little about what had happened in 1994 I didn't want to get to the part of what I was totally ashamed of. Believe till this very day I felt guilty for my actions I just hid it all very well like I hide pretty much everything that went wrong in my life. All I wanted was to get off the subject why called this place my personal hell. I regret even calling this place as hell and Kai won't stop highlighting the fact there was something that went down on May 10th 1994. I've been sitting here watching Kai looking through the junk he asked Bonnie to bring. Kai picks up the can-opener and admired it. He was driving me insane with the way he was behaving like I wanted to stay in this place a moment longer. I have a pregnant wife who is about to drop at any moment and his admiring a freaking can opener. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration with my eyes shut. I needed to keep my temper under control until we knew what the hell Kai part in all this was.

"I need to be entertained while I work." I glanced up for a moment to see Kai is lying on his back on the couch, screwing open another jam jar with the can-opener. "♪ Hell story, please ♪" He spoke in sing song. I turned my head to Bonnie.

"Remind me not to kill him." I was coming so close to killing him and I know if I do we be suck here forever and I don't want that because I WANT TO GO HOME!

"Maybe telling him your story will take your mind off of it." Bonnie added snapping me out of my thoughts,

"Whose side are you on?" What the hell was Bonnie on siding with Kai wanting this hear this stupid story.

"The side where we get to go home to the people we love?" I looked at Bonnie for a long moment she was right I had to keep Kai sweet until we knew what part he played. So it looks as if story time isn't over yet.

"Fine." I turned to Kai "On May 9th, 1994, I was living here. I'd come home to walk the straight and narrow."

Flash Back

So after the whole brotherly hug and welcome back. Stefan and I decided that as it was a nice day we would wax up my car. My Camaro was my pride and joy she was like my child and also I thought it would be a good way for us to bond. Stefan was shining it with rag while I was getting a little bored. I watched as Stefan drank from a flask I walked over to him.

"Can I have a sip of that? I'm starving." Which I was I hadn't fed in like two day I was a little distracted by that little girl in the park to even feed. I still don't know why she affected me the way she did.

"Sure" Stefan hands me the flask, and I takes it.

"Whew" I unscrewed the cap and took a swig.

"Mmmm...." Stefan spoke sarcastically I pull the flask from my mouth quickly. The taste of this blood was vial I literally wanted to be sick as it just sat in my mouth as I was afraid to swallow. "It's good, right?" I made a face as I shook my head.

"Hmm-mm." I was still holding the blood in my mouth even though it's disgusting smiled at him to prove I could do this.

"Oh, yeah. I can't remember if that squirrel was road kill, or one I caught in the rat trap" I shook my is head, scrunching the side of my eyes, revolted. "Better hope it was road kill, though, because the rat trap was full of rat droppings." I was still disgusted, and felt my stomach turn at the thought of what was in my mouth right now. Stefan rubs his fingers and thumb together "Swish your tongue around. Does it feel like hair, or is it more of a grainy pellet?" I knew what he was doing now he was teasing me so as much as this disgusted me I had to swallow it.

" Ugh-" I was relieved to be done with it how could Stefan do that to me. Actually how could even drink that stuff. Stefan laughs and takes a swig of it. Zach arrives home with a paper brown bag full of food. He waves as he passes us then enter the house "How's it going, Zach? What's up with all the grocery trips?" He looked as if he had enough shopping to last a month.

"Oh, uh, one of the boarders is craving blueberry pancakes." He called out then Zach continues his way to the house and walks up onto the front step.

"You know, maybe I should run the Salvatore boarding house." I watched as Zach walks up to the woman standing in the doorway, her belly bloated. She says "Hi" to Zach "Take over for Zach, get in good with Gail..."It seemed like a good idea you know feed and ease and not having to drink the vial stuff Stefan just gave me.

"She's on vervain. So is Zach, which means hands off."

End Of Flash Back

As I stopped talking I see Kai is snoring on the couch. This dick wanted to hear the story and he falls asleep that why I know his just doing this for kicks. I walked over to the bar and began to pour myself a well-deserved drink.

"Perfect. Our saviour's insane and narcoleptic." He was really trying my patients and all that was stopping from killing him is the look upon Siena face before she left. That I know that in a matter of time I'll be with her again.

"No, no, no, I'm awake." I held my glass of bourbon and walked over to Bonnie and stood beside her. "Let me guess... You killed the pregnant woman." I felt like I stopped breathing for a second as he spoke those words.

"Shut up, Kai. You weren't listening." I shouted at him as he really got under my skin now.

"I was listening, in my sleep. You were hanging out with your distant-nephew Zach, who you called Uncle Zach, because that's not confusing. Plus, pregnant lady Gail, who had a big bull's-eye on her chest. Got it." I wanted to go there and rip his throat out I could sense Bonnie looking at me with disbelief in her eyes.

"Tell me you didn't kill a pregnant woman." I couldn't even look at her after all this time being with her and getting close I couldn't lie.

"Oh, that's totally what happened. Why else would today be his personal hell?" That was it I had truly had enough. I kneeled in front of the table to face Kai, sitting his glass down "Oh, here we go." He spoke with sarcasm in his voice which wasn't helping me with my anger right now.

"The only reason that you're alive right now is because I thought you could get us out of here and you could help us. But you don't HAVE any answers! You're just a man-child-" I picked up an empty jam can and tosses it angrily "-- with jam on your fingers!" I yelled at him as this all seemed to be a joke to him. This wasn't a joke I didn't want to be here neither did Bonnie we both wanted to go home and not be here with this dick who clearly didn't know nothing.

"Okay. To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic. It's called an Ascendant, and it looks like this, Damon-" he picks up something that he had been playing around with it was round, black and red "The last time we had it was in the Pacific Northwest-- Oregon." Kai opens the encyclopaedia to a map and sets it on the table.

"We?" Bonnie added. I still wasn't buying all of this it all sounded like a load bull.

"It belonged to my family. So-" He picks up the pocket knife and slits the tip of his finger "--here's a little blood to get you started. Now all we need is a locator spell to pinpoint its whereabouts." So that all that was needed from him a little blood so we could find this thing to take us home. I looked over at Bonnie who stood there a little baffled.

"Think you can find our ticket out of here, Bon-Bon?" I watched as a smirk appeared on her face.

"Hell. Yeah." Then it looks like we are one more step closer to going home. The thought of only having to listen to Kai a little longer brought me joy. Then the fact within a short amount of time I'll be back with my beautiful wife and that just got my heart racing.

Siena P.O.V

When arriving home last night I didn't expect to be confronted by some crazy girl with some kind of weapon to stake me because apparently I tried to kill her. I had never met the girl in my life and I was ready to snap her neck and be done with her but Stefan came to the rescue like the hero he is. Well I wasn't overly bothered about the girl all I knew is that was tired and I needed blood. Stefan looked a little frighten as he stood there and I knew it was because he knew a lecture was coming his way. He just up and left leaving Elena broken hearted moving to Savannah. Well he was right I wanted to speak to him not yell because that wouldn't resolve anything. The relationship Stefan and I had was a close one like we were siblings at times. Well he needed one as that poor excuse of a brother was always about himself. So at least Stefan could turn to someone as Damon was either obsessing over Katherine or had a delusion that he was in love with Elena. Believe me when that all went on it was messy and that when Stefan and I became close. I wasn't going to let my little sister to fall for Damon charms even when she did think she was in love with him at one point.

You know when I came back and found out he was dead I threw a tiny private party. Of course with soft drinks no liquor due to this accident I'm carrying. For Stefan I had to be sympathetic as it was his brother even though he didn't act like one. So I told Stefan to stay and if he knew what was good for him he would be here in the morning. I went to bed and I didn't sleep well at all I was having this strange dreams about a faceless stranger it was so strange it was like I was in love with him but I didn't know who he was. Even his voice was familiar but I couldn't for the life of me think who he was as he leaned into kiss me I woke up in a cold sweat. I climb out of bed and had this huge craving for pancakes. So I got showered and changed and looked into the mirror and I just looked like a beach wale. That wasn't helping the mood I was in right now.

I went into the kitchen and began to make some pancakes for breakfast. After a while Stefan came in and I knew he was tried to make wan exit but that wasn't going to happen. I wanted to know what was wrong with him. He wasn't behaving very Stefan like if anything I would say his showing his belated dead brother's traits. I wanted to come to some kind of understanding with him. He think running off was the best thing to do but I could see in his eyes Stefan was just frighten young man who lost his brother. His only family and feels that being here with us in some way his dishonouring that douche Damon. I would love to see if Damon would do the same.... Ohhh that right he wouldn't he would be hitting on the next girl who had a plus.

So we came to an agreement if Stefan could prove to me that this so called method worked I would back off and leave him be. I knew already that wouldn't be the case so I'll go along for amusement sake as sticking around here I'll probably end up getting staked. So the journey back to Savanah was a little tedious as this baby get moving around and making me feel uncomfortable. Stefan kept asking if was okay he seemed a little too concerned at time. I just informed him that he wants this new life and with a new life he wants to forget his old. Which means he didn't have to worry about me. After I said that there was silence in the car until we reach some kind of garage in Savanah. This was where Stefan had taken up the career of a mechanic which sent me into stitches as I never saw Stefan as the car man type.

We walked in and Stefan was grabbing a few of this things. Something caught my eye a picture of Stefan and some girl with long dark hair. They both looked happy I looked to see Stefan looking at me with a worrisome look. He probably thought I was ready to give him the third degree.

"She's cute. " That all I could really say to him as I did want to have this conversation about Elena but I didn't want to come on too strong. That wasn't the way to work Stefan I need to make him all soft and squidgy before firing him with all my questions.

"Was cute. Enzo had a hand in her death" I looked back at the picture then handed it to him. Stefan looked upset about her death maybe he genuinely had feeling for her.

"I'm sorry." I handed him the picture back. I didn't understand why Enzo would do that? Why would he kill Stefan girlfriend it's not like Elena and him are BFF.

"Me too. But, what's done is done. So, after taxes, and Social Security, and health insurance, I'm left with 206 dollars and three cents to spend for the week. Do you wanna see me get drunk?" He asked as he held up his pay check. I was still trying to take in all his health insurance deductions from his pay. Like he was ever going to need that.

"Stefan? Health insurance?" I teased and he shook his head I didn't see the point we are vampire we don't get sick. Well unless your bitten by a werewolf and dying like it happened to Damon on a few occasions. Geez that guy had like nine lives..... Oh well it all caught up with him now.

"Yeah. Point is to start over. Pretend to be as human as possible." Oh right so he was doing all the thing like any other human would do. I think I get it I guess.

"Ah, okay. So, no vampire privileges, no baggage, nothing from our old lives whatsoever, huh?" I knew there was a part of his old life that he hadn't let go. I pointed at Stefan's Porsha and clearing my throat dramatically "What's this?" A tiny smile came on his face which brought one to mine.

"You got me there. Damon isn't around calling it granny-mobile, so..." he began to say and I had to add my own view on his brother.

"Yeah, your brother really did love to torture people with nicknames. And just plain torture people... " Damon Salvatore always got under my skin as he tried to flirt and kill his way out of anything just thinking about him made my skin crawl.

"...That's one way to put it." Stefan seemed a little offended but he knew I wasn't a huge fan of his brother.

"So, your system for moving on requires both burning bridges and a dead-end job. Do you think anyone would hire a...." I looked down at my bump "I don't know 7-8 month pregnant woman?" I looked up at him and his was chuckling quietly "What? I don't know about this kind of stuff" I was being deadly serious I had no idea I mean even the life I lived in New York I was this upper east side girl who had money and I never really thought about getting a job.

"We haven't even gone for the fun part." Was he being for really like none of this actually seemed fun he was a vampire he didn't need to any of this.

"Paying your utilities?" I teased as I didn't know what kicks Stefan was getting pretending to be human.

"No. Deciding who you wanna be for the next thirty years. You wanna be an astronaut? You wanna be an Olympic athlete? You wanna skip med school? Boom, you're a doctor! Go ahead, challenge me. I'll show you how it's done." He made it all sound very simple and actually a little appealing. Maybe this might be something I will consider once I have this child and hand her over. Just get away and be a different Siena.

"Alright, Let see what you got." Stefan smiled widely as he knew that I wasn't teasing that I actually wanted to know what all this was about.

We left the garage and made our way to a local bar. Of course Stefan was drinking beer while I was suck having soda. I really wanted a bourbon but apparently that not a good look for a heavy pregnant woman. So I had to deal with flat soda with a basket of onion rings while Stefan sat across with his beer and a smirk on his face. If this was amusing for him be sitting here wanting alcohol maybe it might stir up some emotions for him to come home. Firstly I needed to see this method in action.

"So, you're ready to see the system in action?" He questioned me. I smiled fakely as I would rather be drunk doing this.

"Ready." I took a swig of my drink and scrunched up my face cause of the taste. I notice that Stefan get up and kneels in front of her, holding one of the onion rings I was eating toward me. What the hell was Stefan doing?

"Siena Johnson..." Stefan spoke loudly and I notice that the whole bar was turning around looking at us. I looked down at Stefan who was still on one knee holding up this onion ring as if was some kind of engagement ring.

"Stefan Cooper, what are you doing?" I thought I'll play along with Stefan little chard.

"We've known each other for a very long time now. And, you've always been my best friend. I have always loved you. And, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Will you-" I held out my hand and stood up exposing my baby bump.

"Wait! You're not just proposing to me because I'm pregnant, are you?" I had to admit this was kind funny. I notice the crowed who is watching Stefan's "proposal" starts murmuring softly in the background. Stefan looks amused.

"No. No, I-I'm proposing to you because you are my rock, okay? You have stood by my side through the multiple rehabs, the jail time, the bull-fighting injury? I mean, you have brought me back from the edge! And, sweetheart, this baby is the best thing that ever happened to us. I know I don't have the diamond you deserve but I've never been more sure about anything than I'm right now. Will you marry me?" I stood there with fake tears of joy over flowing my eye lids.

"Yes." I screamed with joy. The people in the bar start applauding as Stefan places the onion ring on my left ring finger. Stefan hugged me as best as he could with this annoying bump getting in the way.

"See that? New identities, new lives... It's easy." He whispered into my here then he addresses the bar patrons "Thank you all so much!" So it was all as simple as that just making up a new name and taking it all from there. All so simple leaving your old life behind. Something tells me it's not as easy as Stefan is telling me but I guess I need to do a little more digging to find out. As I'm not giving up just yet in convincing Stefan to come back home where he belongs.

Damon P.O.V

So everything was made clear now that we needed a little of Kai blood also we could find this thing to bring us home. I wanted to get excited at the fact that within hours I'll be back to my old life and I'll have my princess back in my arms. Something kept telling me something was going to go wrong. I just didn't want to get my hopes up because firstly things never went that smoothly and secondly I didn't trust Kai. Bonnie is doing the locator spell for the Ascendant inside the boarding house. While I was entertain myself by making paper airplanes out of the newspaper and throws them in the front yard. This was long and tedious and I was thinking of way of how I could get rid of Kai. At first I thought just straight out rip out his heart. Then I thought about how much of a pain he has been so I think a slow death seem more fitting for him. Yep the slower the better and painful it had to be painful.

"Phesmatos tribum, nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinum." I heard Bonnie chant I looked over at her she was looking down at the drop of blood on the map, which hasn't moved "It doesn't feel right. Maybe I need a bigger map?" I came inside and drop the newspaper on the table.

"Maybe you're just out of practice and you suck at magic now." She hadn't practise magic in like over a year now. After Siena killed her she was a ghost then a anchor maybe she just didn't know what she was doing. This what I meant by thing never go smoothly.

"Ignore him, Bonnie. Pretend he's a white-noise machine. That's how I used to tune out my siblings. I grew up with a ton of little sisters and brothers. You know, all of them constantly yammering. " I watched as Kai went closer to Bonnie. "But it taught me how to focus." He kind of spoke to her seductively and looked like he's about to kiss her.

"Easy there, big brother! She doesn't know you. At least buy her a drink."

Flash Back

Zach is throwing an eclipse party at the boarding house. I was talking to a younger Liz Forbes, who is showing me a picture of baby Caroline.

"May I call you Liz?" I questioned her she seemed like a nice enough person.

"Sure." She smiled widely as I looked down at the picture of her daughter. She was cute but not as adorable as that little girl I met a few days ago. I was strange how that little girl kept playing around in my mind.

"Your daughter is so adorable" Liz giggled as I complimented her on her daughter like I said before I wasn't one for kids. While I was here I had to play human.

"Yeah, Caroline's high maintenance, but she's worth it" I could tell if she was like that now she going to be a thousand times worse as she got older. I looked across the room so see Zach takes a Polaroid picture of Gail. Then I see Stefan taking the camera from Zach and snap a photo of the two of them together. I felt a little on edge as I could see Stefan looking at Gail a little oddly. Gail grabs a cupcake off of a table and peels the wrapper off as Zach mingles with the rest of the guests. I was just being paranoid my attention went back to Liz as I was showing her a device to see the eclipse.

"So, how does this thing help us watch the eclipse?" She questions me I took it from her it was my time to impress.

"You put it in between you and the thing that is too hot to look at." I put it between Liz and myself. "Ah, it works." I teased as she was a very attractive woman I'm guessing she would be pretty good in the bedroom. I watched as she blushed slightly and laughs.

"My husband would get a kick out of you. We should you invite over to dinner sometime" Well it seems that I just made a new friend. I was about to speak when I saw a annoyed Stefan standing beside us.

"Damon? What did you do to Gail?" He demanded. Oh this wasn't good I been caught out. Damn

"Is everything okay?" Liz spoke a little worried as she looked between the both of us.

"Looks like the jig is up" I compelled Liz "Hey, look at me. Go home. Forget you ever met us" Stefan yanks my arm and drags me aside, my baby bro was not happy with my actions. What did he expect after he gave me that vial stuff he drank.

"How the hell did you feed on Gail? She's on vervain" he demanded it wasn't exactly hard to get them off it.

"Yeah, in her coffee. I swapped it out last week. Same for Zach" I couldn't live here and be on that bunny diet and it wasn't like I killed them they helped with my craving.

"These people are my friends. Zach is family. They trust me" Stefan was real pissed about this and I really didn't understand why.

"And they'll trust us both! Look, no feeding inside the house, right? Snatch, eat, erase. It's all completely functional, Stefan. I told you, it's a new start!" I turned to walk away and suddenly I blacked out.

End Of Flash Back

I shook the images from my past from my head as I didn't want to keep reliving them in my mind. Bonnie was still working on the spell, this time, with a map of the entire United States. As she does the spell, Kai's blood travels across the length of the country. So it looked like her mojo was back but something didn't up to me.

"Phesmatos tribum, nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinum. Phesmatos tribum, nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinum." Bonnie continued to chant and I looked down to see the blood moving over towards Virginia.

"The spell's moving towards Virginia. That can't be right." Kai spoke with disbelief in his voice I glance at Bonnie who was looking at him intensely.

"Mm-mm, the spell's working. It's showing me Mystic Falls. It feels so... close." She turns toward Kai and holds up her hand. The candles' flames intensify around them "It's right here." As soon as she touches Kai's chest, the candles' flames go out completely. Kai reaches into his pocket and pulls out the real Ascendant, which is made of silver and gold-coloured metal.

"Very good." Kai spoke smugly, this dick had it on him the whole time! I was about to go for him but Bonnie gave me a look and I stopped.

"That's the Ascendant?" She questioned him. Now I think I understood why she stopped me as we may have the device but we had no idea what we needed to do with it. The only person who did was wack job Kai.

"The one and only." He spoke as he admires it and I wanted to know why the hell he had been playing games with us.

"Thanks for the mind games, jackass." I spoke though my teeth and he stood there with a goofy smile on his face. 'Restrain yourself Damon'

"It was just another little test. To make sure Bonnie's magic was precise enough for the spell. I do believe you're ready. Pack your bags - we're going home" I couldn't help but smile as it really was going to happen I was going to go home. I looked over at Bonnie who looked just as happy as me. All this was all possible because of the lengths my princess went to. For her to come here and help get Bonnie magic back she did all that because she loves me no matter what. When you fall in love it's with a real person with flaws. Not with a perfect character from a fairy tale. Siena knew that even with all my flaws and all she couldn't be without me as much as I couldn't be without her. In less than 24 hours I will have her in my arms and I'm planning to never letting go of her.

Elena P.O.V

I stood there while the three of them were all looking a little worried I had been waiting for someone tell me what the hell was writing. I was surprised that Caroline hadn't opened her mouth yet because before she was ready to bite at Klaus like pit ball. No was speaking and I was getting a little annoyed.

"Is anyone going to speak?" I yelled as I was losing my patients now. "Klaus?" He looked at me and I could see worry in his eyes which was a thing I was accustomed to see in the big bad hybrid.

"Elena this is a ridiculous we think of something else there has to be another way" Klaus voice seemed a little worried I wanted to know what was written in that grimorie.

"No! Tell me what it said" I looked directly at Klaus but at the corner of my eye I could see Margherita getting up from her sit.

"You want to know what it says" She spoke a little annoyed "The only way for our nephew to be rid of his darker demeanour is for him to go into transition" She folded her arms looking over at Catalin "Why don't you tell her the best part sis..." Margherita voice was dripping with venom. My eyes advert to Catalin who was trying to refrain herself looking at anyone "Well tell her!" Margherita yells and I could see that she was getting a little emotional.

"Please Catalin. What is she going on about? What does she mean transition?" Catalin kept shaking her head but finally looked up to give me eye contact.

"In order for Nico to truly be a full Sanguis nexius. For him to be rid of his darker demeanour he must drink the blood of a original vampire. Not any original vampire but the one who he decent from meaning Julian. That Julian is the one who is to take his life" I stood there stunned as I watched Catalin close the book "Elena there is only a small chance that Nico may come back from transition. I guess my question to you is. Are you willing to take that risk on your nephew life?"

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