Everyone deserves a second ch...

By UniteTogether

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You have been working for enourmous IT corporation. You didn't believe anymore in paranormal things like SCP... More

Part 1 - The legends are true
Part 2 - First days
Part 3 - Recovery and work
Part 4 - Global reveal
Part 5 - Winter is coming
Part 6 - Christmas
Part 7 - New Year's confession
Part 8 - Easter
Part 9 - An attempt to escape
Part 10 - Separated
Part 11 - The truth
Part 12 - Plan
Part 13 - Battle for honor
Part 14 - Proposition
Alternate ending 1 - Escape
Alternate ending 2 Part 1 - Found you
Alternate ending 2 part 2 - Hope
Alternate ending 4 - Sacrifice
Alternate ending 5 - Hide and seek
Alternate ending 6 - Moral dillema

Alternate ending 3 - Hesitation

1.5K 29 16
By UniteTogether

This ending would happen, if Lucas hesitated to shoot Y/N with tranqulizer.

Your POV:
You: ... Don't you dare to touch her...

Lucas: Y/N, calm down, don't worry, everything will be fine...

You: I won't let you hurt her!

Lucas: Y/N... I really don't want to hurt you... Please, listen to me!

He thinks that I am under her control. There is no way, that he will understand, that I am not. I looked at Kyung-Mi and began to talk with her by using telepathy.

You: What should we do? He thinks, that I am under your control!

Kyung-Mi: I have no idea, but he has a tranqulizer, so he may try and use that on you.

I looked at Lucas again.

Lucas: Y/N, please...

You: Lucas...

Then, an idea came to my mind. If he really cares about me, then he won't allow anybody to hurt me. I have to use that for my advantage. I have looked at Kyung-Mi and communicated with her again.

You: Kyung-Mi, go to my room. Open the safe with code 1805 and bring me a gun.

Kyung-Mi: But...

You: Just do it!

She openned the door and went to my room

Lucas: What did you tell her?

I made a huge smile and said:

You: You will see.

She came back and gave me a gun.

Lucas: 953, if you want to fight with all of us with that one gun, then it won't work.

You: Who said that she will be the one, who will use it?

Lucas: ... Are you going to kill me brother?

You: Of course not! I wouldn't do that!

I put the gun to my head and said:

You: I will kill myself, if any of you dares to touch her!

Kyung-Mi: Y/N no!

You: Don't interrupt me Kyung-Mi, I won't let them hurt you.

MTF: We can kill both of you, what is the difference?

Lucas: No! You cannot hurt my brother!

That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

You: Put down your weapons, and I will put down mine.

Lucas: What if we don't?

You: Then I will penetrate my body with all bullets in this gun, all my guts will fall on the floor and you will be the one, who will clean all of that.

Lucas: ... You have heard him, put your guns down!

MTFs unwillingly dropped their guns, so I hid my pistol in a pocket.

Lucas: ... How long have you been controling him 953?

Kyung-Mi: My name is Kyung-Mi, not 953, and I am not controlling him!

You: She is telling the truth.

Lucas: ... How did you survive an attempt of termination anyway? My people said, that they have killed you.

You: You were the one who told them to kill her Lucas?!

Lucas: This was an order from O5 council.

Kyung-Mi: ... Your people failed, they shot me multiple times, but didn't finish their job, they hoped, that I will bleed out.

Lucas: We will remember not to do that again.

You: You will not have another chance anyway Lucas, we are going to leave soon, and your Foundation won't find us.

Lucas: I won't allow that! *He picked up his gun* If Special Containment Procedures don't work, the only way is a termination!

I put the gun to my head again.

You: Your Special Containment Procedures were stupid! Nobody deserves to be imprisoned!

Lucas: Special Containment Procedures protect this world from entities like 953!

You: How many people died because of your Special Containment Procedures?

Lucas: ... Well, a lot.

You: And tell me, how many people died since Kyung-Mi has been with me?

Lucas: ... I don't know...

You: I will enlighten you. Zero. Nobody died since she has started living with me. Your procedures don't work Lucas

Lucas: ... I need to call somebody, give me a second.

Lucas went outside and made a call. Other MTFs picked up their guns and aimed at me and Kyung-Mi.

Lucas' POV:
I made a call to the O5 council. I have no clue what to do, so they will decide.

O5-1: What do you need?

Lucas: Lucas here, we have got a problem. After you guys told us to terminate SCP-953, we...

O5-1: Wait, we never gave an order of termination for her.

Lucas: What?! But our director said, that you guys did!

O5-1: ... That is weird. Well, you have killed her probably, so what do you want?

Lucas: The thing is, that we didn't. She is still alive in my brother's house since September.

O5-1: And she didn't kill him? That's interesting.

Lucas: Yea, and he won't allow us to kill her.

O5-1: You cannot kill her! Take her control from him and secure her!

Lucas: ... He isn't under her control. They normally lived together for few months without any problems.

O5-1: That's... new... And you said, that the direction told you to kill her?

Lucas: Yes.

O5-1: ... You can kill him then. He broke the rule and impersonated as O5 council.

Lucas: But... What about my brother and 953?

O5-1: Did anyone die from her since that time?

Lucas: ... No.

O5-1: Then leave them alone. Observe them to make sure, that she won't hurt anyone, but don't separate them. Lovers should stay together.

Lucas: What?! You want to say, that...

O5-1: I have my own reasons to believe, that they are together, yes. Leave them alone.

Lucas: ... Yes sir.

I have ended the call and went back to my brother's house.

Your POV:
MTFs were aiming at me and Kyung-Mi for few minutes. Suddenly, Lucas stepped inside and said:

Lucas: We have got two new orders from O5 council. One, leave them alone. Two, terminate our director for impersonation.

MTFs: Yes sir!

They left my house and drove to their facility. Lucas looked at Kyung-Mi and said:

Lucas: If you hurt my brother, I swear that I will kill you.

Kyung-Mi: I don't have a reason to do that.

Lucas: Excellent. Goodbye then.

He left my house. It looked like we are finally free from the Foundation.

Kyung-Mi: So, they won't search for me anymore?

You: I don't think so. But that means, that we can be together, and we don't need to hide that.

Kyung-Mi: That's great! Do you know why?

You: Why?

Kyung-Mi: Because I love you so much Y/N.

You: I love you too Kyung-Mi.

The end

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