
By gotthatbrainrot

85.2K 2.5K 781

Everyone knows the story of the second Robin, the one who met his end at the hands of the Joker and a crowbar... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter twelve

3.3K 100 59
By gotthatbrainrot

I'm sorry, I had to!!! Please don't come at me!! Its for the sake of the narrative!

It was about two weeks after the family's encounter with the heroes and so far, not a peep out of them.

Jason was currently showing Damian some self defense moves in the courtyard, Talia watching from the window of her bedroom with a cup of tea in her hands. She smiled down at her sons as Jason showed Damian how to disarm an attacker.

"Daughter." Talia turned around to see Ra's standing in her doorway. She took a sip of her tea, raising a brow at her father. "Walk with me, I have much I need to discuss with you."

"Of course." Talia fell into step with Ra's, placing her cup down on her bed side table as she passed it. "What's this about?"

Ra's was quiet for a moment before he answered. "I have rejoined the Light. After Deathstroke's failure with the Markov girl, they want him out, so they called me. I told them I would join only if they got me my League back. They agreed to my terms." Talia kept a straight face, a sinking feeling entering her stomach. "They will help me get my League back if I help them thwart the Justice League and their teams."

Talia nodded. "How do you plan to do that, father?"

"With Jason, of course." Ra's smiled a sinister grin. "I'll kill him, plant false memories like Cadmus did to that Harper clone, and send him along to Wayne's house, no one any the wiser."

Talia nodded along, outside perfectly calm. Inside, she was furious. How dare he threaten her son? She looked over at her father. "What do you need me to do?"

Ra's pulled out a blade. "I need you to kill him for me."

Talia took the blade. "Of course."

"You're dismissed." Ra's waved his hand, walking down the hallway to his office.

Talia looked down at the blade, sliding it into her belt. She took off to her room, grabbing what she needed from her bedside table before rushing to Damian and Jason's rooms. She quickly threw together a bag of their stuff before running to the courtyard. Her sons looked up when they saw her, smiling at her. "Hello, mother."

Talia hugged them both tightly. "Follow me, quickly." She picked Damian up, running with Jason at her side.

"Mother, what's this about?" Jason asked as they made their way to the beach.

Talia didn't answer, instead she put Damian down next to a rock. She handed Jason the bag with their items in it. She hugged Jason close to her, whispering in his ear. "Ra's is planning to kill you. I'm sending the two of you to Bruce's, where you'll both be safe. Tell Damian whatever you need to, just know that I love you."

Jason was shocked, wrapping his shaking arms around Talia. "I love you too."

Talia stepped back, picking Damian up and kissing his cheek. "My sweet Damian, I love you. Be good for Jason, okay?"

"Mother, where are we going?" Damian asked, hugging Talia.

"You and your brother are going on a trip. I'll come get you when I can, but for now, this is where you'll be staying, alright?" Talia smiled, tears in her eyes as she handed Jason Damian. "I love you both so much, never forget that."

She opened a boom tube with the Motherbox she grabbed from her room. Jason turned to Talia, an unsure look on his face. "What will I tell Bruce?"

"Tell him I could no longer care for you, that it was safer for the two of you there." Talia gently pushed Jason and Damian through the boom tube, watching as they disappeared from sight. "I'll miss you, my sons."

Somewhere else on the island, in his office, Ra's watched the whole thing happen. He smirked, pulling out his tablet. He dialed the number pre-programmed in. "Savage, the plan is in motion."

Gotham City

Jason and Damian stepped out of the boom tube, bag in hand, a little disoriented. Jason looked up at the outside of the familiar mansion, a twist of emotions worming their way into his gut. He held Damian close as the door to the manor swung open, revealing Alfred and Tim. They stared wide eyed at the brothers, unsure of how to respond.

Jason tightened his grip on Damian, slowly approaching the two at the manor door. "Is Bruce home?"

Alfred cleared his throat. "Master Bruce is currently in a meeting. May I help you with something?"

Jason looked to Damian, heaving a sigh. "We...we need a place to stay."

Alfred nodded, ushering the two boys into the manor, despite the look Tim was giving him. Once Jason was inside with Damian, he heard Tim hiss something to Alfred, only for the butler to reply in a calm manner. "I will not turn away Master Bruce's sons, Master Tim. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go call Master Bruce."

Alfred walked away from the trio, leaving a heavy silence over them. Tim glared at Jason, one Jason returned. Damian, unaware of the tension, looked Tim over. "Hi! I'm Damian! Who are you?"

Tim looked down at the small child. "I'm Tim. Tim Drake. I'm Bruce's adopted son. One of them, anyways."

Damian nodded, looking up at Jason. "Does that mean Tim is your brother? Because you are both adopted by Bruce?"

Jason paused, thinking it over. "I...I suppose so."

"And since you are my brother, does that mean Tim is my brother?" Damian questioned, looking at Tim quizzically.

"If you want him to be, then yes."

Damian thought about it. "I think having another brother would be cool."

Jason smiled down at Damian. "Well, I actually have an older brother too. His name is Dick."

Damian looked up in awe. "So I have three brothers?"

"And a sister." Tim piped up. "Cassandra."

"I always wanted a sister." Damian sighed. "No 'fence, Jay."

"None taken, little demon."

Footsteps were heard coming from upstairs and everyone looked as Bruce paused half way down the stairs, eyes on Jason and Damian. He hid his shock well. "Jason, Damian."


"What are you doing here?"

Jason snorted. "Funny story, actually..."

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