Saving Sophia ✔️

By barefootxbeauty

364 30 0

Sophia Layne : a name nobody knew; a face nobody recognized; a story not worth being told. That is until Zane... More

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22 1 0
By barefootxbeauty

"Bro, that last play was off the hook," Kian screeched, slapping Zane on the butt. Typical male.

"Ha, thanks man," he laughed, taking off his now wet t-shirt. "Think it'll help us win?"

"Uh, yeah!?" Kian responded. "They'll never see it coming."

After a hot shower, Zane dried off, pulling his pants on he noticed a piece of white crumbled paper by his foot. He picked it up, his steel grey eyes widening at the words he read. Upon hearing the voices of others, he quickly shoved it back into his pocket and finished dressing.

✦ ✦ ✦

"So I was thinking," her mother spoke as she cleared the table of pizza crusts and paper plates, "that maybe we could go up to the cabin this weekend? Just you and me, have some girl time?"

"I have a lot of homework," Sophia answered lowly, playing with the corner of her napkin.

"I see," her mother hummed in response. "You have an appointment with Dr. Myles tomorrow after school."

"I know."

"You know peach, I'm always here for you. To talk or cry or maybe even laugh with."

Sophia briefly glanced up, catching a glimpse of her mother's green eyes glossing over. She sent her a half smile before standing up and disappearing into her bedroom.

She closed the door tightly behind her, falling gently against it. The burning sensation of angry tears stung harshly against her cheeks as she struggled to keep them from falling. Realizing she had failed yet again, she gave up and let them fall freely, singeing trails of pain along their run.

Tired of the pain, she ripped her clothes off and ran to the bathroom. Staring at her naked reflection, her hand traced along the ugly scar, twisting and turning over her stomach. The burning of vile building in her throat caused her to lurch over the toilet. Minutes of heaving and a face stained in tears, she managed to pull herself up and over to the shower. She allowed the scolding water to wash over her, leaving her skin a bright shade of red.

Grabbing a towel, she wrapped it around her body. She opened the top left drawer of the vanity, her finger daintily tracing over the silver blade. Just one more time, she thought to herself, and all will be okay.

The gentle knocking on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. "Peach? Sweetie? Are you okay?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I-I'm fine."

She could hear the heavy breaths from the other side. They remained for a moment, and when she was sure she was alone, she emerged from the bathroom.

Dropping the towel she quickly pulled the oversized sweatshirt over her head and crawled into the comfort of her bed.

Let the nightmares begin.

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