Forces of darkness

By Creativewritingmom94

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Love Freedom Power Adventure Thriller What could possibly be more Devine than having freedom or love? How ab... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 10

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By Creativewritingmom94

I'd been keeping a distance for a few days. It was exactly five days after they had talked about me. They would leave breakfast at my door. Or they'd leave dinner on my nightstand. But they didn't know what I was practicing. I continued my levitation power. It was coming along great. I could move vases. I could move my phone. I had never tried anything heavy before. But if one of those boys came in starting stuff I'd attempt to.

I lifted my phone again for the fourth time today. It floated with ease. I then released it on the bed and sighed. I wanted to try something heavier. And then it dawned on me. I could try the flower pot in the kitchen. The boys could stay wherever they were. I didn't care.

I ran downstairs in my leggings and tank top. I couldn't see anyone home, so I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the flower pot. It was about ten pounds. I've only ever lifted three pounds. This would be a challenge. I placed it on the little kitchen counter in the middle of the room.

I focused all my energy on the pot. Imagining it moving, floating. I reached my hand out for it. It wouldn't budge. But then I reminded myself that failure isn't an option and tried again. I tried about twenty times but the last time I tried, something happened. I focused my energy and emotion on the pot and imagined it floating. Finally, when I opened my eyes it was floating. I was so proud of myself.

"Oh my god," I heard and looked over. It was David. I sat the pot down. He was surprised by my power. And it was exciting. I hoped he could be proud of me.

"Rissa, how long have you been able to do that," he asked. I shrugged.

"A few days," I spoke. Blake came in. David was still staring at me.

"Have you been doing this since our little dispute," David asked. Blake was confused.

"Doing what," he asked coming beside David.

"Rissa, you said your mom told you that you had powers, what's the other one," David asked walking slowly towards me. Blake looked frightened. He didn't want his brother to know.

"Tethering, I can move things and it's tied to my emotions," I spoke. David stopped. He scoffed.

"And Blake knew about it," he said looking at Blake. He made his eyebrows frown.

"Well, yeah David I did, but we were wanting her to practice first," he said. David nodded his head.

"AND YOU TWO DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME," he said very loudly. I placed my hands across my chest.

"First off, you haven't been very understanding, if you had asked me about my life or my past, I would have told you, and second who are you to judge me, who are you to know about me at all," I said stepping closer. He nodded and smiled sarcastically.

"I'll tell you who I am," he paused.

"David stop," Blake said. He tried to grab him but David pushed him off.

"I'm the guy who's been keeping you up, this is my house. My brother just so happens to live here for the moment and you, you are just staying until we can put you somewhere safe, so if anyone has anything else to share, do it now," he said. Blake cleared his throat.

"So, let me get this right, you own this house, cool DONT care, you expect us to just be open about everything, whatever, and who are you to tell me about keeping secrets mister 'we've followed her for years.'"

"You want to go there seriously," he said. Blake stepped in between us.


"Blake I like you but if you don't move I'll fling you with just a flick of my wrist," I said. Blake turned to me. He grinned.

"Do it, you don't scare me, besides you like me too much to hurt me remember," he said cockily. I grinned slyly and flicked my wrist letting my power take over. He went flying across the room into the table.

"What the hell Marissa, you could have killed him," David said. Blake stood up and brushed himself off.

"He's fine, if I had wanted to snap his neck I could, and for you, respect, goes both ways, I've respected your privacy and whatever it is you guys do and all the time, I deserve a little respect too," I said. Blake came back beside me.

"I'm fine, and she's right Dave, I've told you before you are way too snobby, a little respect never hurts anyone," Blake argued. He was on my side now. I was right. He doesn't respect anyone. And he doesn't care.

"So you two think I don't care about anyone Imagine my feeling when you two keep secrets from me in my house, or how about you spending all your time with Blake here, and leaving me out, that crap hurts Rissa," David said. He was hurt too. He had feelings for me too.

"David look, I'm sorry I didn't let you in on it, you were the first one who wanted me to heal, and I should've told you, but I just wanted to get better and more in control. Blake is a healer and is teaching me in case we have to fight," I said. He nodded and looked between us.

"Okay, well, I know I can't teach you to do that, but I would still like to be present in case I have to go wolf mode and stop your power from destroying you or my brother," he said. We all laughed. Well now that that was in the open.

"And about my best friend-"

I told them everything. How we were too close and she swerved over. How the big truck came from nowhere. How everyone was cursed before now. How I couldn't stop my mom and dad from dying. I couldn't save my best friend. I witnessed all of it. And it tore me up. But they were understanding and very sensitive about it. And I had something I never had before.

Two best friends.

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