Levitating - A Sonic x Reader

By YosiDusk

178K 4.5K 7.1K

A hedgehog born with immense power has been hiding in a small town on Earth while spectating its people. When... More

« Genesis »
1 « Green Hills »
2 « Ultraviolet »
3 « Miss Camericana & The Cobalt Prince »
4 « The Blue Devil »
5 « Robotnik »
6 « Getaway Car »
7 « Bucket List »
8 « Boom »
9 « This Moment »
10 « Running »
11 « Awake »
12 « Meet You There »
13 « Electricity »

14 « Home »

11.1K 284 261
By YosiDusk

Rachel huffed as she was waiting for someone to answer her call. She was standing in front of her house between a tow truck and her own car which's windscreen was full off parking tickets. "Pick up, pick up, pick up!"

"Hello? Green Hills Police Department," Wade answered while munching his donut.

"Hi! I need to speak to Tom, right now!" Rachel replied impatiently.

"I'm sorry ma'am, Tom is actually on vacation getting some much-needed R&R."

"On vacation, my ass!" Rachel practically screamed.

"He is on vacation I'm following his Instagram feed."

"Hell have no fury like a divorced woman who had her car stolen and wrecked!"

Wade thought for a moment thinking about what his friend was being accused of. "Well that does not sound like something Tom would do," he said and laughed, "I tell this to a lot of people, but I've been ice fishing with Tom—"

"He's an idiot!" Rachel yelled cutting his story off.

"This may be inappropriate," Wade said and laughed, "Are you feeling a connection right now? Over the phone? 'Cause your voice is just kind of... uh, calming me down."

Rachel stared in front of her not knowing how to react. She laughed, "Stop."

"I would love to continue this police interview in person. Are you fre— Are you free tomorrow by any chance?"

"I am, I... My kid and I are having... dinner, it's lasagna-Wednesday," Rachel laughed.

"Ah, that sounds great, I'll tag along," Wade said laughing. "No, I'm just kidding. I'm, I'm kidding, unless you're uh, inviting me. Are you inviting me? 'Cause lasagna is my favorite!"

"Okay! Yeah! 7-o'clock, my place," Rachel said surprised how this had turned out.

Wade took out a piece of paper and began writing on it as he asked, "What is that address again?"

"Find me," Rachel said and hung up the call as she smiled to herself.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Everyone just hangs up on me," Wade huffed and placed the phone back on its place.

The following couple days went by peacefully as the Wachowskis did their best to fix up the house after the drone incident. They had also done certain other things, such as picked up Ozzy back from San Francisco using Sonic's rings and gotten Y/N a new camera. Tom's warrant had also been taken out and he was given vacation following the rather surprising incidents.

On a certain Wednesday afternoon Tom and Maddie were repainting the house following the damage the drone incident had caused. "You got enough there?" Tom asked as Maddie was dipping her brush in the paint.

"Yes, Mr. Manager," she jokingly answered as Tom hold his paint roller close to her face.

"Need any more?" he joked as Maddie ducked from the roller.

"You get that away."

The two continued on with painting before a knock interrupted them and they turned their heads before looking at each other.

Y/N who had just walked by the door partially opened it to reveal a man dressed in a uniform that had badges of several kinds on it. It didn't take a genius to realize the guy was some sort of government official. On the man's jacket was a name plate reading "Walters" which Y/N assumed was the man's name. Even though several days had passed since the incidence she was pretty sure this had something to do with it. "Hello? Can I help you?" she asked warily while still holding onto to the doorknob just so she could immediately close it if she needed to.

Walters eyed the girl in front of him from head to toe and asked, "Is this the Wachowski residence?"

Y/N glanced behind her and tightened her grip on the doorknob. She slowly answered, "Yeah."

"Are your parents home?"

"Um, yeah they're... painting the kitchen," she replied as Tom and Maddie walked over to her.

Walters turned his gaze to Tom and Maddie asking, "Mr. and Mrs. Wachowski?"

Y/N let go of the doorknob and Tom opened it more. He glanced at Y/N and Maddie before answering, "Yes?"

Y/N backed away from the door as the man took out an envelope and held it out for Tom and Maddie, "A token of appreciation from your government, for keeping quiet about recent incidents, which never occurred."

Tom and Maddie let out sighs of relief as they glanced at each other smiling. "Wow," Tom said taking the envelope, "Wonder what it is."

"Money to fix the house?" Maddie suggested smiling.

"Letter from the President?"

"You'll see," Walters smiled to them as Y/N peeked around to see what was happening.

"Okay," Tom said excited to see what they were getting. He opened the envelope and pulled out an olive-green card which he opened.

"Olive Garden," Maddie said reading the logo printed on the white 50-dollar gift card inside.

"Hmm, yeah," Tom said, "The way you said "You'll see" made me think it was something better than the things we said."

"Yeah," Y/N said sounding disappointed.

"Have you tried their Never-Ending Pasta Bowl?" Walters asked glancing between the three of them. "It never ends."

Maddie laughed awkwardly as Tom said, "That sounds... fancy."

"Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm," Maddie nodded, "Well, thank you. We appreciate the gesture."

Walters smiled and was about to leave when Tom said, "Oh, hey. I guess we can close the file on that Robotnik guy, huh? Just disappeared."

"I'm sorry, but no such person exists or ever has existed," he said as if he didn't know who they were talking about.

Tom nodded understanding the situation and glanced at Y/N saying, "I wish that were true."

"Me too," Y/N quietly chimed in.

Walters was once again about to leave but then turned around as if something had popped up in his mind. "You haven't by any chance been in contact with a certain alien creature since the incident, have you?" he asked, and Tom and Maddie glanced at each other. Y/N's eyes widened, and she quickly left into the living room, while still trying to listen in on the conversation. "Uncle Sam would love to have a chat with him. Very casual. Brunch, perhaps."

Maddie and Tom gave the man weird looks as if not knowing what he was talking about. "Oh, you mean the little blue guy," Tom said, and the man immediately nodded. "No, nothing. No. Doubt we'll ever hear from him again," Tom answered as Maddie shook her head.

"Very well," Walters said nodding. To say he was fully convinced was a lie, but he didn't want to invade the family's privacy more than he already had.

"Okay," Tom nodded, "Thank you."

"Great," Maddie smiled, and Tom began to close the door. As he did Walters did his best to still get a glimpse inside the house to see if the blue alien still was there.

As the door shut Tom turned to Maddie saying, "To be honest, I'm pretty pumped about the pasta bowl."

They entered the living room where Y/N was sitting on a couch while petting Ozzy. Sonic suddenly popped out from behind the couch saying, "So, do you guys wanna watch a movie or what?"

"Sorry, buddy, it's a school night. It's time for you to go back to your cave," Maddie said.

"What?" Sonic said and jumped on the couch beside Ozzy and Y/N, "It's three in the afternoon!"

"You know how you get when you're tired. Come on," Tom said.

"Me? I'm not like anything," Sonic said getting up from the couch, "You guys are so uncool."

"Yeah, yeah, we know. Heard that before," Tom said glancing at Y/N who got up from the couch and walked to them as Sonic walked over to the front door. "Hey, buddy, where you going?"

Sonic turned around saying, "You said I have to go back to my cave."

Tom and Maddie glanced at each other and then at Y/N. They smiled as Tom said, "We did."

They all walked upstairs, and Tom pulled the attic latter down.

"Go on," Y/N said as Sonic glanced at her.

He slowly made his way to the attic and his eyes widened when he saw it. "Oh, my— Are you kidding me?" he asked looking around. Almost everything he had had in his cave had been brought there along with new objects he hadn't had before. Signs were plastered on the walls and his tire swing was hanging from the ceiling as well as beautifully arranged fairy lights. "I can't believe it. How did you... It's... It's all here."

Y/N, Maddie and Tom also entered the attic smiling to each other as Sonic watched his new cave in awe. He began zooming around the room, "Look at this! Are you kidding? And the beanbag? No way! How did you even get this? And you got it all the way over..." He jumped over to his new racecar bed and began flossing, "Oh! I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!" He lied down on his bed as Maddie and Tom made their way over to him. They sat on the bed with Sonic in the middle as Y/N stood by the attic's entrance smiling. In her hands was her brand-new camera that she used to take a picture of the three.

"Well, welcome home," Maddie said to Sonic.

Sonic smiled hearing those words. "Thank you, so much," he said as Tom and Maddie smiled to each other. When Sonic had begun his adventure with the Wachowskis, he wouldn't have believed that he'd soon be living with them. Maybe it was good that he played baseball that night and let his powers out. Actually, remove that maybe. It was good that he did it. At least that's the way he saw it now.

As the four were smiling to each other Ozzy ran up to the attic surprising them. "Oh no you don't," Sonic said jumping up from the bed. "No second-best animal friends allowed in my room," he commanded but Ozzy ran up to him. "Wait. What are you doing?" he asked as Ozzy was about to lick his face. "Stay away from me!" he tried commanding again as he ran to the other side of the room, but the dog quickly followed, "Stop it! I'm warning you, I've got nunchucks!" Y/N, Tom and Maddie laughed as the dog once again reached Sonic and licked him. "Hey, stop! Okay, you can stay," he began laughing as he fell on the floor while Ozzy continued licking him.

That night the sky looked like a dark blue canvas that someone had poured glitter on. No clouds were anywhere to be seen and the air was warm. Two figures were lying on a field near Route 9 and silently watching the night sky above them.

"Nothing good starts in a getaway car," Y/N muttered and smiled, "I guess Taylor was wrong."

"What?" Sonic asked confused by the random statement.

Y/N laughed, "It's a song. It's not meant to be literal but in it it's said that "nothing good starts in a getaway car," yet here we are." Sonic looked at her confused and she began to laugh again, "I suck at explaining so forget it."

"What if I don't?" Sonic smirked, "And besides I like hearing you explain things."

"Even if I absolutely suck at it?"

"Especially then," Sonic laughed, and Y/N glared at him.

She sighed, "I just mean that we technically met in a getaway car, a literal one, right?" Sonic nodded and she continued explaining, "And in the song it's not a good thing but we seem to be the absolute opposite and in conclusion, Taylor was wrong." Sonic eyed her and she turned to look at him to see if he understood her explanation but instead Sonic began laughing and she sighed. "I hate you," she muttered.

"No you don't," he laughed.

"Yeah that would be impossible," she smiled. "You know, I never got to tell you about this," she said, and Sonic turned to look at her.

"What is it?"

Y/N didn't exactly know how to explain what she wanted to tell him but decided to still try. "You know whenever you have that lightning thing going on?" she said and Sonic nodded. "Well every time I've seen it happen... I feel different."

Sonic raised an eyebrow confused," What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to explain this but, every time that has happened, I just get this... feeling. I've never felt it before."

"When did you first feel it?" Sonic inquired.

"The baseball field," she said, and Sonic's eyes widened. He knew she had been there, but he hadn't even thought of the possibility that she might've been hit by his shockwave.

"Was it before or after the shockwave?"

"Before. I remember the air feeling like sorrow which is weird... but ever since the shockwave hit me... I've felt different."

"Did you get hurt? Hit your head?" Sonic asked worry filling him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her.

"No! Nothing like that. I just mean that... forget it. It's impossible for me to explain," she said shrugging it off.

Sonic glanced at her still worried for her, but she clearly didn't want to talk about it, so he decided to drop it for now. "Okay," he said and suddenly sat up. He was silent for a moment before saying, "I was so happy when you said you liked me." Y/N turned to him surprised as he continued, "I should've gotten the courage to talk to you way earlier." He circled his finger in the grass wondering if he should continue.

"You were just following Longclaw's instructions. She just wanted to keep you safe and there's nothing wrong with that," Y/N said as Sonic glanced at her.

"But there was this one time... a couple years ago when I could've... when I should've talked to you," he said, and she sat up confused.

"What time was that?"

Sonic avoided her gaze and continued playing with the grass. "That time you cried and didn't go home the whole night," Sonic said, and Y/N turned her gaze away from him. She knew exactly what night he was referring to. "I should've talked to you and comforted you... but I didn't."

Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to her. The two stared into each other's eyes as she said, "Sonic... you don't have to worry about that."

"But you were sad and probably cold—"

"Listen... it's in the past and besides, I worked it all out that night," she smiled.

Sonic blinked a couple times surprised by her reaction and then turned his gaze down. He didn't know whether to ask more or not, but that incident had been in his head for so long. He just needed to know more. "What made you so sad?" he asked.

Y/N sighed and looked around her. "Well... that was the day I found out I was adopted," she told him, and Sonic turned to her surprised. She sighed as she continued, "I was so angry that they hadn't told me before, so I tried to run away but I only made it so far. But that night I realized it didn't matter whether they were my biological parents or not, they still are my parents and I wouldn't trade them for anything." She turned her gaze back to him saying, "There was nothing you could've done that night."

Sonic smiled as he listened to her words. Her voice was softer than usually, and she spoke much slower. The subject was clearly somewhat sensitive to her, but she wanted to trust him with it. That alone was enough to make him feel happy and hearing her say there was nothing he could've done made him feel less regretful, yet he still had that small part that felt that he should've done something that night.

"You still think you could've done something?" Y/N said breaking Sonic from his thoughts. She sighed and smiled to him, "It's enough that you're here now. It's really been a while since I've felt so happy."

"Really?" Sonic asked surprised.

"Really," she replied. "You made me realize so many things and I'm so thank— grateful for that." They smiled to each other and glanced each other's lips. A blush rose on both of their faces and Y/N began smiling. "Now come on let's stop wallowing in the past and continue living in the moment," she said and lied down on the grass.

Sonic glanced at her and smiled, "Yeah." He also lied down and watched the stars twinkling above them. He finally had a place, a family, friends and he had Y/N. If Y/N was feeling grateful for having him, then what would be the right word to explain how he was feeling? That concerned neither of them as they continued bathing in glitter surrounding them. Never in his life had he felt this happy. "Let's do that."


AN: That's it. That's the story. I wanna thank everyone who read this, gave this story votes and commented on this. Every single notification that I got from this story made me feel so excited, because when I started, there were already so many similiar stories that I thought no one would care about this one. Every time I published a chapter I was filled with anxiety, "Will they like this or hate this and stop reading all together? What am I gonna do?" and now to see that people stayed all the way until here, I don't know what to say other than THANK YOU! My original plan for this story was to just write this for myself and I basically inserted a lot of stuff from my personal life to it, but something inside me said that I should publish this, so I did, and to see that people not only liked, but loved some of the chapters made me feel so happy. I'm thankful for all of the reads and grateful for everything. This book got way bigger than what I was expecting (I was honestly waiting for this to be found when the sequel comes out lol) I still remember how surprised I was when I noticed that there were actually people reading this.

THE SEQUEL... Everyone knew there would be a sequel to the movie and it got announced while I was publishing this story. I was originally going to write a sequel on my own and use the basis of the first two Sonic games as the main reference + a couple theories that I came up with my friends, and I had some plans on where I would've taken the story, but I had nothing big ready. But that plan was pretty much only going to be made into reality if the sequel wasn't announced this year. The big problem with writing a sequel based on the movie's sequel is that I'll have to wait until it comes out... which is April 8th 2022!!! I'm so happy I didn't upload this yesterday (7/23) because just today we finally got a release date for the movie and I'm super excited! It might of course get delayed or come out earlier but we'll see. So basically Levitating Act II (or whatever I shall call it) confirmed for April of 2022 (Unless I... you know, kick the bucket or something) and that's a promise!



!!! UPDATE !!!

BOOK 1.5:






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