Virals by Kathy Reichs & Bren...

By athena__luna

1.8K 52 44

DISCLAIMER: All people, places, and objects described in this fan-fiction belongs to the original authors, Ka... More

Bioluminescence Pt. 1
Bioluminescence Pt. 2
Random Interjection
Part title
Seashell Shelton Time

Run. RUN. RUN!!!

715 15 12
By athena__luna

* Hiram *

"Hey Devers!" I called to Shelton, my arms waving frantically in the air to get his attention. "Ready to put the plan in action?"

We were at the bunker. I had video-conferenced with Shelton and Tory earlier, and we discussed a master plan for Ben's birthday. Which was today.

Okay, I shouldn't have said 'master'. Even though Tory had forgiven Ben about the Gamemaster thing eons ago, it was still a sensitive topic for him.

"Have you brought the bucket and rope?" Tory asked Shelton, undeniably excited.

"Yep," He held the items midair.

"I'll handle the ropes." Oh Tory, always the decision-maker.

"Gimme tha bucket." I grabbed it from Shelton's hands and ran to the surf to collect water.

Once we were ready, we approached Ben's house.

"What if he gets super mad at us?" I heard an uncertain voice from Shelton.

"Oh c'mon, don't be such a wuss," I laughed. "We'll be gone by the time."

I saw Shelton glare at me at the corner of my eye. "Underestimation."

"Quit having second thoughts, geek boy. I'll force you into this anyway."

Tory ran up the porch steps and rang the doorbell.

Well, someone's excited to see Ben.

I nudged Shelton, pointing at Tory. He chuckled.

"Can't wait to see loverboy, eh?" I said to her as Shelton removed his glasses to clean them.

"Oh shut up." But I could see she was hiding a smile.

The door opened to reveal Mr. Blue. Shelton and I paced up the porch steps.

"Hello, Mr. Blue," Tory flashed a big grin. "Is Ben in?"

"Well, yes he is," Mr. Blue smiled. "But what's all that-" He motioned to our equipment "-for?"

"We were thinking of giving Ben a birthday surprise," I replied.

"Alright then. I have to go back to the docks, okay? I still have a few more rounds to make."

"Okay." We all said in unison.

As soon as he left us, we quietly crept up the stairs to Ben's room. We heard music blasting through the door. The bathroom was opposite of Ben's room.

We huddled at the staircase near the door, but not near enough to be seen.

"Okay guys," Tory whispered. "When Ben goes to do his business, Shelton will secure the rope to the bucket handle and balance it on his bedroom's door. Hi, you're the one putting the plan in action. As in, you hold the rope until Ben enters his room. Then, release. Got it?"

"Whoo, the most important part of the plan," I fistpumped the air. "But Tor, what are you going to do?"

"Yeah Tory, what are you going to do?" Shelton repeated, then a groan. My palm, his head.

"Distract him," She replied. "If needed."

Suddenly, the music was replaced with silence.

"Get ready," Tory mumbled.

Ben walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Go!" Tory hissed. Shelton

"Give me a lift?" Shelton asked me. He wasn't that short, but let's admit it, he's not that tall either.


He stood on my shoulders next to the door. Once he balanced the bucket, he handed me the rope.

"I'll hide behind the door with you."

* Tory *

I was looking at the bucket, hoping that Hi would release it at the right time.

"Tory?" The bathroom door opened earlier than I expected.

"Ben!" To my surprise as well as Ben's, I hugged him tight.

"Happy happy birthdaaaayyyy!" I sang awkwardly. Still tone-deaf.

"What's this about, Tory?" I met his gaze. He was smiling. A good sign.

"Um, your birthday..?" I grinned. "Obviously. I think you have amnesia."

"You don't have any right to diagnose people with conditions yet," He laughed.

I stole a quick glance at the bucket. It was wobbling, almost losing balance. I had to think fast.

"Come Ben! Let's talk in your room!" I took his hand and forcibly dragged him into his abode. I had him in place. I knocked on the door frantically, signalling Hi to drop the bucket.

"Tory, why are you-" Ben's husky voice was drowned out by the water splashing on top of him. I suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. He stood, stunned.

"Shelton! Hi! Tory! I don't care who you are to me, but you guys are going to get it!"

The duo who helped me ran out of Ben's room and stumbled down the stairs. I followed suit. Unfortunately, I was caught by Ben, by the time I reached the exit. His arms wrapped around me.

"Tory! How could you?" I was soon as soaked as Ben.

"Ben!" I whined. "I'm getting wet!"

"That's what she said!" Hi appeared at the doorway, chuckling.

* Hiram *

Ben let go of Tory and reached for me. Hey, that rhymes! No time to lose, I ran for my life.

"Run! Run! RUN!" I yelled at Shelton, who was occupied with a monkey throwing nuts at him. He surrendered to the monkey and joined me in my RUN-AWAY-FROM-BEN marathon.

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