The Scars of A Simmons(Editin...

By AllThingsDiggy

71.9K 3.1K 204

The trilogy to "Separated" and "My Family". After all of Diggy and YN's ups and downs they are shocked to kno... More

DJ's Rant
I Did You Wrong
My Sister(s) Keeper
Bonnie and Clyde
Mean Deed
Mean Deed 2
Good Deed
Leave Us Alone
Daddy's Babies
...Then You Gotta Breathe
Test Us
Surprise Part 2
I Just Like to hear you say it
Merry Christmas
Just Us
Just Us Part 2
At Your Best You Are Love...
Ups And Downs
Break-Up To Make-Up
Handle That
Bryce Andrè Alsina
Imani YN Simmons
Breylyn Aria Alsina
Andrew King Simmons-Coly
It's Okay
What's Done In The Dark Comes To The Light
Want Some More
Furthest Thing From Perfect
Drunk Text

Girl, What's Better Than This

8.2K 139 14
By AllThingsDiggy

Diggy's P.O.V.

Diggy-*Smiles* I'll take it! He smiles at the car dealer.

Car dealer- Great! We can actually send all of the previous auto information to your home address and you can walk out of here right now! Said the Aston Martin dealer throwing Diggy the keys as he finished writing out the check.

Diggy-*Smiles and rubs his hands together* Thanks man.

Car Dealer-*Watches Diggy get in* No problem.

Diggy-*Speeds off*


DJ-*Sleeping with his head in your lap*

YN-*Making an Instagram video* Shhhh. You put your pointer finger over your lip and winking at the camera about to pour your bottle of water on your sons face.

DJ-*Moves around a little*

YN-*Pour the water on him*

DJ-*Starts coughing*


DJ-*Looks at the camera* Mom that's not even funny *coughs*

YN-It was pretty damn funny.

DJ-*Stands up and throws you into the air catching you over and over again*

YN-*Laughing* DJ put me down!

Diggy-*Walks in and looks at you two* Why is he wet? He asks himself scrunching his nose up.

DJ-*Sits you on his shoulders as you place your hands on top of his head*

Diggy-*Looking at your butt*


Diggy-All that cake come get some filling *winks and licks his lips*

DJ-*Gets you down* That's just nasty, like seriously.


DJ-Okay guys *takes his wet shirt off* I'm about to leave and I'll see you guys later at my place.

YN-*Plop down on the couch* Okay

Diggy-*Eating chips* Later cum stain.

DJ-Bye ass wipe.

YN-*Chuckle* Ass wipe. You mumble to yourself looking at the t.v.

Diggy-*Walks over to you and lays down on top of you*

YN-*Kiss the top of his head* Hey baby.

Diggy-*Licks your nose* Hey.

YN-Ewe. *wipe your nose*


YN-What are you wearing tonight?

Diggy-What are you wearing is the more important question? *Raises his eyebrow*

YN-*Laugh* Umm probably just my skin *wink*

Diggy-*Bites his lip* Girl I don't mind...

YN-*Kiss him*

Diggy-NO I DON'T! *smiles*


Daniella's P.O.V.

Daniella-*On the phone* Yes... *typing something on her laptop* Okay well can we erase all that footage from that night for 2 million dollars.. Yes *smiles* okay thank you *hangs up and dials another number* Okay Drake your good... Yeah.. Don't let this type of thing happen AGAIN!

Bryce-Daddy Aug?

August-What's up man? He asks Bryce as they both sat on the steps looking at Daniella.

Bryce-What does mommy do?

August-She a celebrity gladiator.

Bryce-*Looks confused* Oh...

August-That mean when celebrities do bad thangs yo moms the person who makes it go away and what not.

Bryce-*Smiles* *Claps* Good job mommy.

Daniella-*Looks back at them and smiles*

Breylyn-*In August's arms* *kicks her legs and smiles*

August-Hey baybeh, wassup lil mama? Huh?

Breylyn-*Starts crying*

Bryce-*Carefully takes her from August* I got this! He says cheerily, smiling.

Breylyn-*Stops crying and looks up at Bryce* *baby language* *smiles*

Bryce-I know right *smiles*

Breylyn-*Smiles putting her fingers her mouth*

August-*Takes a picture and posts it to instagram* My greatest creations 😩😍😍I can't handle them I swear 🙈 #hedobetterwithherthanido

Daniella-*Hangs up and stands on the counter* Okay so DJ is having his engagement party today

August-He gettin married? *Looks at Bryce* you got ha' man?

Bryce-*Nods his head yes playing with his sisters hands*

August-*Stands up and walks over to the counter* *holds his arms out*

Daniella-*jumps down into his arms laughing*

August-*kisses all over her face*

Daniella-*Stands on the ground* Okay listen baby. She says tracing the tattoo on his chest with her finger.

August-*Looks into her eyes* I'm all ears baby. He says holding her tightly.

Daniella-He's getting married, now don't get me wrong. That's great! I'm happy for him, but he's marrying Kylie!

August-*raises his hand*

Daniella-*Laughs* Yes August.

August-You don't like Kylie Baybeh? Dats Imani's momma.

Daniella-*Stands on her tippy toes and whispers in his ear* Kylie an Trey slept together while I was pregnant with Bryce and she was pregnant with Imani. Her and Trey cheated on DJ and I.

August-*Looks down at her* That's some bullshit baybeh. He whispers to her.


Breylyn-*Starts whining*


Daniella-Boy did you eat a cow? *laughs covering her nose*

Bryce-Excuse me! *giggles pushing air out of his sisters face to make the smell go away*

Angela's P.O.V.

Angela-Bye Jake *Smile and kiss his cheek*

Nicole-*Smiles* Thanks for helping Angela.

Angela-No problem.

Lucas-*Hands Jakes mom an inhaler* Take this too just in case.

Nicole-When's the last time he's had an asthma attack Lucas?

Lucas-Since he was 2 months, but better safe than sorry. *kisses Jakes forehead*

Nicole-Lucas I'm just taking him for my weekend it's not going to happen. *smiles*

Lucas-Just take it you never know Nicole.

Nicole-Okay, okay fine, we gotta go *smiles* bye guys I'll see you next week. She says walking to her car in her tight pencil skirt and heels.

Lucas-*Closes the door and kisses Angela's neck*

Angela-*Smiles* Why do you keep his inhaler Lucas? I thought the doctors said he pretty much didn't have any asthma problems anymore.

Lucas-*Shrugs* They said pretty much, they never said he would never have an attack again.

Angela-Aweee *smiles and pecks his lips*

Lucas-*Looks back at her butt* Damn babe *licks his lips*

Angela-I just signed a couple deals, I might brake you off *winks*

Lucas-*Bites his lip*

Angela-*Pulls her dress down laughing* Okay time for DJ's dinner party, come on *Grabs Lucas's hand and walks out the front door with him*

DJ's P.O.V.

So tonight is me and Kylie's engagement party! I hope that everyone can get along and we can just be happy. I love Kylie and this is definitely what I want to do.


DJ-*Fixing his tie* What's up beautiful?

Imani- Um mommy said to give this to you *Smiles handing him something*

DJ-*Takes it from her and smiles picking her up* Damn he says to himself

Imani-What is it daddy? *giggles*

DJ-*Kisses her cheek* Another you he says poking her stomach and looking at the positive pregnancy test.

Imani-Another me? *lights up happily*

DJ-Yeah baby. *Holds her upside down as she laughs*

Imani-*Laughing* Daddy can we take a picture like this pwease?

DJ-*Pulls his cell phone and snaps a picture*

Imani-Okay getting dizzy here daddy.

DJ-*laughs turning her right side up*

Imani-*Kisses his forehead* I love you big head.

DJ-*Smiles* I love you too stinky! *Kisses all over face*



After I changed my outfit 4 times and Diggy changed twice we were ready. I wore a black body con dress with grape 5 Jordan's just because my feet hurt... And I can.

YN-Ready to go handsome? You ask looking at Diggy who was fixing his tie.

Diggy-*Smiles* Yeah I'm ready gorgeous *kisses your half exposed back and smacks your butt*

You were laying on the bed with your stomach down watching t.v.

YN-*Stand up* Okay let's go.

Diggy-Super man style though


Diggy-*Picks you up sideways as you put your arms out as his arms cradled you* *making flying sounds as the two of you leave out*

YN-*Holding your arms out laughing*

Diggy-*Puts you down laughing and walks to his new car*

YN-Diggy I love this car! Seriously it's so sexy *smile*

Diggy-You like it?


Diggy-*Looks at the keys in his hands*

YN-*Clear your throat*

Diggy-*Laughs and throws you the keys*

YN-*catch them and smile*

Diggy-Keep it, I'll get something different you spoiled brat *smiles and walks to the other side of the car as you walk to the drivers side*

YN-I love you baby! Thank you *smile*

Diggy-Enjoy your Aston Martin babygirl.

YN-*Smile and start the car up* *speed off*

Diggy-*stares at you smiling*

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