Model Life

By wickedangel8

103K 2K 318

Meet Izzy. 17 year old aspiring model. She recently moved to Australia to escape her crazy ex-boyfriend. All... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

4.1K 101 8
By wickedangel8

Izzy's POV

"Honey! Wake up!" I heard my moms high pitched voice right next to my head. I groaned in response. "Ugh. Fine. Cam, wake your sister." My mothers tone more strict now as I heard her high heels click away.

"Look, Izzy. I swear I didn't know he'd be here! Mom said a friend wanted to visit and asked if they could stay here. When I said yes, I thought it was Karly or Kaylee not him." Cam's worried voice made me shoot up in bed.

"W-who?" All I could think of was that it couldn't be-

"Tony." Oh, great.

"Hey, babe." Tony walked into my room sitting on my bed and kissing me like what happened back home was nothing. I cringed from his kiss.

"What are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Visiting my girlfriend. Duh." He said more annoyed now.

"I'm not your-"

"Don't say it." Now he spoke through gritted teeth.

"Don't talk to my sister that-"

"Don't, Cam." I said harshly, not wanting her dragged into this as well. "Please." I tried to say a little softer. She nodded with some apprehension in her eyes still and left.

"I need to get ready." I said sternly to Tony.

"Okay." He stared blankly at me. "I'm taking you to school. Hurry." He got up and left while I scoffed at his rude behavior.

30 minutes later, I'm in my parents rental car with none other than Tony driving me to school. He had a harsh grip on my thigh that actually hurt me.

"Bye. I might be here after school." He spoke as he pulled up to the curb. He reached over forcefully pushing my lips onto his. I cringed and pulled away as fast as he'd let me before getting out of the car with my stuff.

I looked up to see Luke storming into the building with Jak and Thomas looking at me with death glares. I looked back down and proceeded to class. Well, today should be fun.


At lunch Tony paid me a surprise visit at my locker then pulling me to the parking lot. Nobody was there since we really aren't supposed to hang out here.

"Please, let go. You're hurting me." I tried pulling myself free.

"You're mine. Don't you get that! Mine." He pushed me harshly against the trunk of his car.

"What are you talking about?" I whimpered at my aching back.

"Where is this Luke kid? The boy I caught your sister talking about to your parents. Your 'boyfriend'. Huh? Where is he? He's not here to protect you now. Because you. Are. Mine." He gripped my wrists harshly sure to leave a mark.

"Luke was fake. I made him up when my parents came to visit, so they'd think I'm doing better here. He's nobody you need to find, Tony. He means nothing to me." It pained me to say those words, but I know that's the only way to keep him safe.

"Better not." He groaned, backing up and letting go of my wrists before pulling his hand back and slapping me across the cheek. I fell to the floor as he pulling out of the parking lot and drove away.

"Oh my god, Izzy!" I heard Jak's voice.

"Stop. Please, stop." I cried. "I'm fine. You should hate me anyways, right? I cheated on Luke. I'm worthless." I laughed bitterly as I stood up, backing away from him.

"No. I saw everything. I know you don't have a choice." He hesitantly came closer. "Let me help you." I let him come closer and take me to his car.

We drive to his house, careful not to be seen my my family or Tony across the street. "Here. Put this on your cheek." He handed me an ice pack as he looked at my wrists and forearm where he grabbed me. "You should be okay. Just give it a week or so." I smiled apologetically.

"Thanks." I sighed. "I should go. I don't want to make the boys mad at you. I'm sure they hate me."

"No. Stay." He gently pulled me back down on the couch. "Why-" He paused. "Why did you lie about Luke?"

Jak's POV

I knew Luke was at my house when I brought Izzy there. I let him come here after we all saw Izzy with that guy, Tony?, this morning. I wanted him to hear how she didn't have a choice.

"Tony- he's not a good person. I started dating him in 9th grade when he was an innocent freshman in high school. He got worse though. He starting drinking, doing drugs, abusing me. It never got better, and every time I tried to leave. He'd make it impossible. I finally found a way out by moving here, and now he followed me for a 'visit'. I knew if I told him how much I love Luke and how much he means to me. How happy he makes me," She paused to wipe away a tear and smile slightly, "I knew he'd hurt Luke. Or at least try to. I didn't want to take the chance. So I told him Luke meant nothing to me. That he was fake. It's the only thing I could do."

Halfway through her speech, I saw Luke listening by the stairs. And now, looking at him again, I can see him crying.

I leaned over and hugged her. "Why'd you kiss him this morning? Did you want to?" I know the answer, but I think Luke needs to hear it.

"Of course not." She laughed a little. "It's just- if I didn't." She sighed. "I don't know really. I mean. I don't have anyone to protect me, so I had to do what he asked. And even when I did I still got hurt! Look at me! I can't win this, Jak." She started to cry hard which made Luke rush over and take her in his arms. I stood and left them alone together.

My job here was done.

Luke's POV

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry." I whispered while she sobbed in my arms. "I'll protect you. Stay with me. Please. I'm sorry I assumed things. I'm so damn sorry, baby." I kissed her forehead while she started calming down.

After a couple minutes of rubbing her back to calm her down, she pulled back and wiped tears from her face. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Don't be sorry. I heard. I heard what he did to you and I heard how you protected me, but I want to protect you, baby. Let me protect you." I smiled as she smiled.

"Is everyone just eavesdropping today?" I laughed a little and kissed her.

"Kinda." I chuckled before kissing her again. "Stay here with me. Jak's parents are out of town for the week, and I'm staying in the guest room. You can stay here with me and when you need clothes I'll go over to your place with you to get them." I suggested to her.

"No. My family is here, too. I have to be at home." She frowned.

"Then, I'm staying with you. Don't fight it." She smiled and giggled. "I won't let you get hurt again. I promise."

"Okay." She smiled. I quickly ran upstairs and got my stuff. Then, asked Jak to talk to the boys so Izzy wouldn't have to explain everything again and cry. To which he responded 'Bro, I got this!'

I laughed as I ran back downstairs and got Izzy.

"Let's go?" I smiled.

She looked at the door, sighed, then smiled. "Lets go."

We walked across the street and in her house. Luckily, only Cam was here.

"Oh thank god! I thought for sure Tony would ruin your guys' relationship." She smiled hugging us both.

"Nope. Never." I smiled kissing Izzy's forehead.

"I'm glad you told him, Iz." She smiled before walking away.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Izzy asked as we laid on her bed.

"Nah. Can we just cuddle?"

"Is bad boy Luke asking to just cuddle!" She gasped and giggled.

"Mhm." I hummed with a smile as I pulled her into my chest and peppered her face with kisses.

"Okay. I mean, if I must." She faked a serious face.

"You must." I smiled before pulling the covers over us both and resting my hands on her waist, lifting up her shirt barely, and rubbing circles on her skin. "I love you."

"And I love you, Luke. So much. Thank you for believing me."

"Always and forever, right?" I ran a hand through her hair before putting it back on her waist, continuing on rubbing circles.

"Right." She smiled kissing my clothes chest before we both drifted off to sleep.


"What the hell?" A loud yell woke me up abruptly.

"What?!" I groaned sitting up making Izzy sit up with me. She immediately pouted as she slowly woke up which made me smile slightly at how adorable she is.

"Who the hell are you?!" The voice who woke me up yelled making me look at him in the doorway with his fists balled.

"Luke." I said plainly, scooting forward to sit in front of Izzy. I wouldn't let her get hurt again. Not now. Not ever.

"Well, Luke, get the hell away from my girl." He sneered at me. By now, Izzy had woken up and hid behind my back with a hand on my arm.

"She isn't your girl." I snapped.

"Get away from my daughter." The same stern mans voice that scared me to death the first time I met when I was caught on top of his daughter making out yelled.

"Oh, Mr.-"

"Save it. Be lucky I don't call the cops and get away from my daughter. Now." Izzy's dad interrupted Tony, who suddenly had a nice act going on.

I turned to Izzy now, making sure she was okay. Which she wasn't. I pulled her into my chest as she cried softly. "It's okay, baby. I told you I'd never let him or anyone hurt you again...even if I didn't technically make that happen." She laughed a little at my stupid attempt of a joke.

"Thank you." She whispered in my neck.

"I think you should thank your dad." I whispered back before she got up and went over to hug him. He smiled at me and nodded a thank you at me.

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