The Unexpected Love ✔

By asma_anam

715K 33.7K 1.8K

"You hate me right?" I shook my head but he pulled me closer to his chest. "Feeling is mutual honey " his ho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 17

17.6K 857 30
By asma_anam

"Uh..ummm...." my face became pale. This was the first time when I had to encounter this type of situation.

She came closer to me and scrutinized me with her green eyes. I remembered when I first met her I found these eyes beautiful... and now it was scaring the shit out of me.

"Listen, Honey, if you ever tried to open your mouth for what you saw... I'll make sure to make you homeless." She broke into a smirk.

"B...bu..t yo...u... were" I stammered and she enjoyed my stuttering.

"You know very well... there is no one to save you... Afzal brought you here cuz he was interested in your property...and your so-called husband Daniel...(chuckle) was forced into this marriage... in fact, he was looking for a way to get rid of a nerd like you.. so better keep your mouth shut or the next moment you'll find yourselves on street" she said with an evil grin.

I swallowed back the lumps which were forming in my throat. So it was her real face...

"I hope you'll get it..or be ready for the consequences little nerd.." She chuckled a little.

"If you had ever thought what would happen if Dad would know about this " I heard the same deep voice... I turned around to face him.

He took a few steps towards us and eyed Maria with a small smirk on his face. Maria's facial expressions changed a bit but she covered them with a fake smile.

"Oh wow! You are taking a stand for her... really " she asked slyly.

Daniel's POV

"I'm not taking a stand for her... I'm just warning you.." I scrutinized her face.

"Warn me...? What would you do?" She chuckled evilly.

"Your threats to her shows clearly how scared you are..." I smirked.

"I'm not scared...huh.." She shot me a glare.

"Do you forget Daniel what happened six years ago... you were homeless for one do you think he would believe when he knows that you are keeping so many grudges for me" her smirk came back to her face and her eyes sparkled from evilness.

"That time I was a kid Maria... now I don't care about Dad's money... and now I have my ways to get proofs but you know what...." I stopped and looked at Anabia... her body was shivering and her eyes widened from shock.

"I care about my dad...I just don't want to make him disturb when I know he is a heart patient. And I care about my sister and brother... I don't want that they spend the rest of life in shame that their mom was a slut... if I'm keeping my mouth shut then it is cuz of my Dad and my siblings " I sent her a glare and grunted.

"But if you ever tried to accused her or tried to do anything to her...I'll forget everything..."I groaned.

Why are you becoming so defensive.. so protective about her..?
Lol, cuz she is alone and Maria is evil...
Why do you even care about her...? You always wanted to get rid of her right...? Maria can help you with this...

Shut up...

I gave Anabia a soft look and then looked back at Maria who was just speechless. She stomped her feet and left without saying anything.

"Uh....ummm... thank you " I reached to the door when her soft melodious voice reached to my ears.

"I did nothing for you... I did this for myself.. cuz I hate that woman so much " I said coldly and slammed the door shut. I didn't want to give her any hope that I care about her... when I know I don't...

You don't...?? Really???

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes... but those memories were not letting me sleep.


We were living a happy life.. my mom Ayeza was such a great woman. She had those beautiful honey brown eyes that could steal anyone's heart. She was a great mother, a great wife, and a great human. She was a devoted Muslim but my dad on the other side was a Muslim only by name. I saw him doing a lot of haram stuff like drinking, gambling, and flirting with other women... he was a brat... I could see the pain in my mom's eyes as she was a good Muslim and she deserved a good man. I was only six years old but I could sense everything. It was not a lie that I hated my dad at that time.

"Daniyal " her angelic voice reached to my ears but I was lying sluggishly faking sleep.

"Daniyal... I know you are not sleeping... you can't fool your mom.." She laughed...

"Uh... how do you know mom" I sat on the bed and pouted.

"Get ready... remember today is your dad's birthday... we are going to give him a surprise " her beautiful eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"Ohh...I forgot..." I ran to the washroom... mom told me about that surprise. Sometimes I wondered why she loves my dad so much...when he was an asshole... honestly I hate him...but for mom, I was getting ready.

We did almost all the preparations and we were now waiting for the dad. My mom was wearing a beautiful pink color Indian dress...and she was stunning in that dress. I could see she was my dad was never nice to my mom.

The doorbell rang.. we ran to open the door...and our eyes got widened from shock... he was not alone... he was with a beautiful blonde and a four-year-old girl. It didn't seem right as his arms were slung around the woman who was smiling.

"Afzal...what is this..." my mom faked a smile and asked.

"She is my wife Maria... I got married five years ago...and this is our daughter Sarah... I hid this from you cuz I didn't want to hurt you...but I guess I want to live with my family so from now onwards they will live with us" my dad told so casually that he was talking about any dress that he had bought and now he is showing it to mom...

I looked in disbelief. My fists get innocent soul cried... I just wanted to hit that man who was unfortunately my dad. But the next second I glanced at my mom...I froze.. her face was pale...her eyes looked broken.

She didn't say a single thing to dad. I was hoping that maybe she would cry or would fight with dad but she accepted this as her fate... She became silent. She stopped talking to me, to anyone... She stopped smiling... She was always seen on the prayer rug and here my dad was living a happy life with that woman. They went for movies, dates...and my the room crying in front of her God. I missed my old, happy, beautiful mom...

"Mom... Why don't you say anything " I asked her while she was reciting something in Quran.

"Honey... I have accepted this...this is Allah's will...I can't do anything... he is almighty... we are his slaves...he could do anything to us..." She said smiling.

I looked at her sulkily... her God did so many things to her but still, she had such a strong faith in God.

"You know Daniyal... Allah tested only those whom he loved the most... he tested his messengers, and now he is testing me... I'm so grateful that Allah loves me...he is so merciful .. you'll see that one day this test will over " her eyes shined...

Is my mom became insane... She was talking about weird things... if God loves her so much then why does He let her suffer... on the other dad and Maria were happy yet they were not good Muslims.

Now I got that...if you followed His path he will make you suffer like he was doing this to my mom... my mom tried to educate me about the Quran.. but I refused... She looked at me with sadness in her eyes but I wasn't going to be trapped.

One day She fainted...when we took her to the hospital.. we discovered that she was a heart patient...

Another test from Allah...? Huh...?
He was

Flashback to being continued in the next chapter... this was the longest chapter ever... I wrote... Can't you just touch the little star below... it will mean a lot to me.

Take care.. Allah Hafiz ❤

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