Reds' Mafia Leader ✔

By pearl_love_27

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× Book One Of The Red Mafia Series × "I don't understand how you could do that to me. I trusted you." I whimp... More

Chapter 1 - Last Chance, Dawson
Chapter 2 - Fighting For Lives
Chapter 3 - Job
Chapter 4 - The Cerulean Scheme
Chapter 5 - All The Trouble
Chapter 6 - I Am Not Dead
Chapter 7 - Saved
Chapter 8 - Just Kill Me Already
Chapter 9 - Code 17
Chapter 10 - Vitali Crest
Chapter 11 - Going Against
Chapter 12 - Ladies Lounge
Chapter 14 - The Mafia Ball
Chapter 15 - Two Weeks
Chapter 16 - Little Butterfly
Chapter 17 - Chained
Chapter 18 - Hospital Room
Chapter 19 - Drinking The Blood
Chapter 20 - Turning Point
Chapter 21 - Date Night
Chapter 22 - Reasoning
Chapter 23 - Boyfriend
Chapter 24 - His Father
Chapter 25 - Night Clubs
Chapter 26 - Hospital
Chapter 27 - Agent 007
Chapter 28 - Detective DuVitto
Chapter 29 - Director Lousy
Chapter 30 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 31 - Anonymous Strikes Again
Chapter 32 - Planning
Chapter 33 - Joining
Chapter 34 - Seized
Chapter 35 - Together Forever
Chapter 36 - Caught
Chapter 37 - He Has A Heart
Chapter 38 - Scarred
Chapter 39 - Captured
Chapter 40 - Fallen Angel
Chapter 41 - Never Too Late
Chapter 42 - Seeing My Bestie
Chapter 43 - Tristiaan's Mini Getaway
Chapter 44 - Unknown Territory
Chapter 45 - The Truth
Thank You
Sequel !!

Chapter 13 - Ready

1.8K 49 5
By pearl_love_27

The loud knocking on the door came at exactly nine pm. I walked over to the door before I twisted the knob and opened the door and saw Tristiaan grinning.

"Don handed me these shoes and told you to wear them or else." He said as he barged into my room setting red, strappy heels in front of my bed.

"He wants me... to wear that?" I asked skeptically as I saw the eight inch heels.

"I believe so." He nodded his head.

"He's trying to kill me indirectly because he knows that if he kills me I will haunt him for life."

"I do not doubt that you will, princess." Tristiaan laughed as I struggled to clip the shoe into place.

I slip off my white converse shoes, that I had slipped on earlier, and wore the red strappy heels that Vinchenzo had given me.

When I was done Tristiaan produced a red clutch that was adorned in sparkly diamonds. It had nothing inside except some tissue and hand cream that had no sharp edges.

"Tissue and hand cream?" I asked with a frown, "Is he not returning the gun and my phone the men stole from me when I was patted down?"

"Your gun is most likely been disposed and your phone, well he may have either kept it or shot it." Tristiaan shrugged.

"But you guys get phones!" I complained pointing at the phone in his hand.

"There's no female on any Vitali compound that has a phone." He said and walked out with me struggling to follow him.

"Of course." I murmured.

Tristiaan took me to Vinchenzo's office. He was standing outside, tall and brooding, as he tapped angrily at his phone screen. He was dressed in a charcoal black suit that didn't have a single crease. A blood red tie adorned his neck. His dark hair had that carefree look but it did look like it had some hair gel in it.

"You're here. Good." Was all he said when he took a look at me.

"So where are we going?"

"That's not really your business."

"Why am I coming along then? Surely I would like to know where we are headed."

"We are going to a mafia ball." He finally said as he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Why am I coming?" I said confused.

"You will accompany me as my silent and meek date."

"Silent and meek." I scoffed, "I am anything but that."

"If you dare humiliate me, I will have my men who are stationed in the room kill you at a moments notice." He shrugged as though the whole 'I kill people' look didn't bother him at all.

"Must you be so vile?"

"Must you be so damn annoying? So damn mouthy? So damn whiny? So damn stupid all the time?" He threw back allowing me no time to speak.

I wanted to cry. I was offended and really hurt. My heart was sore, my eyes were watering and we were now sitting in the back of darkly tinted limousine allowing no one to se in or out. I assume the windshield is lighter.

I watched Vinchenzo carry on tapping away at his phone as though he hadn't uttered words that cruelly cut through my soul and sliced my heart into a million pieces.

All the things Sienna had said had clearly gotten to me. I didn't like that. I didn't like that I was offended and hurt by what this psychopath had said to me. They all say he was different when he was interacting with me. Lauren had said he hated red heads. Sienna was convinced that he irrevocably in love with me.

I watched as he aggressively hit the screen with his thumbs at a rapid speed. He didn't seem to notice that anything was out of the ordinary. He didn't realise he was sitting next to a woman whose heart had been ripped to shreds by him. The only other option was that: He simply did not care.

I'd have to come to terms with that. Not caring for someone was such a foreign concept to me. I cared for everyone and my father would always call me a 'mother hen' when she saw me running around.

You can't care for someone you hate! My inner conscious reasoned as I fiddled with my hands in my lap. It was right, I would channel all this hurt and unknown feelings into hate.

By hating him, I would protect my heart from him. By hating him, I wouldn't give him the power to hurt me any longer. By hating him, I would give myself the power to be the ruler over my own heart and mind. I would do what's right.

"We are nearly at our destination, Mr Vitali and Miss Dawson." The driver said through the intercom.

I looked up and saw Vinchenzo studying his golden Rolex before he put away his phone and leaned back.

"I need us to pretend to like each other." He finally said.

"What for?" I asked him, my arms folded beneath my chest.

"My parents will be here tonight and I said I found a girl I would like to marry." He puffed out.

I laughed, "You chose me?" I choked out.


"Why?" I asked him.

"You're not my type."

"Then why in the world would they believe I am dating you?"

"Because I don't date nor do I get involved with woman in general. They will be so happy I settled down that they will forget this whole arranged marriage business." He said with an irritated tone.

"They're trying to marry you off? Like a blind wedding type of thing?" I said unable to hold my laughter.

"You ask too many questions, Red." He grunted as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm a curious soul."

"Don't forget that curiosity killed the cat."

"That is true but a cat has nine lives."

"That's never been proved."

"Neither has the cause of death for cats." I retorted with a snort.

"We have arrived." Was all he said before getting out.

Then the faking began.

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