By choonamss

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Summer nights bring out the worst in you. - ➴ txt ➴ written on december 2019 ➴ thriller ➴ original plot & co... More

star boy


776 90 102
By choonamss

-THE boys were left speechless once soobin had finished explaining everything. hueningkai put a comforting arm around yeonjun, whose hands were shaking from the tragedy that replayed in his mind.

"it wasn't your fault, you were trying to protect us," hueningkai reassured as the other boys looked at yeonjun empathetically.

"well look at what's happening to us now! a psycho wants to kill us because of my mistake-" yeonjun snapped in between tears.

"i should've just jumped off the cliff then," yeonjun finished as he buried his head in his hands and continued sobbing.

the boys could only huddle in a group hug around yeonjun, unable to find the right words to say.

"come on, we have to keep moving. we have to be strong now okay? we have to survive," soobin spoke up after yeonjun had called down.

"why can't we just call the police?" hueningkai asked, with yeonjun's eyes widening at his suggestion.

"we can't. firstly, we trespassed. secondly, we could been framed for mister kim's death. god knows where the psycho is right now," taehyun sighed and massaged the temples of head.

the boys looked at each other helplessly knowing that they had to fend for themselves. the boys got back on their feet as beomgyu tiredly pulled yeonjun up and hugged him.

"i'm sorry about earlier jun," beomgyu apologised, earning a small smile from yeonjun.

"well, well, well. i guess the truth is out! now how about some dares?" the man's voice boomed again from the speakers.

"his voice seems awfully familiar," beomgy mumbled to himself but shook it off when the man continued speaking.

"i dare you boys to run away and hide! just like how you did that night. that's right kids, we're playing a good old-fashioned game of hide and seek! fortunately, you will have to split up. you die if you get caught! see you boys!" the man beamed and disconnected from school sound system again.

"fuck this shit!" beomgyu yelled and threw one of the fire extinguishers in frustration.

"we have to be smart you guys," taehyun whispered as he huddled the boys together.

"don't hide in places where the cctvs are located at. remember, he has the upper hand of watching us from the office," taehyun continued.

if ever, taehyun wanted to make sure the boys made it out alive. he had no intention of saving himself or at least even trying to. he didn't fear for his life, he only did back at home.

"use your phones to contact each other. don't panic, it's five against one. we're strong. use your brains if you ever encounter him. if anything ever happens, remember that i love you guys. please be safe," taehyun finished as he hugged his friends.

"you boys make me sick, i'm waiting you cowards!" the man yelled over the speaker.

the boys hesitantly parted ways and hurriedly set off in different directions of the school, making sure note the cctv included areas.

the man sat in the surveillance room at the office, amusement triumphing over him. he watched the five boys cleverly hide themselves at the blind spots of the school.

"at least they're not dumb," the man mumbled as he let out an amused chuckle.

"such a shame though, i'll have to kill the muscle and brains of the group. he seems unfazed by the situation he's in. without him, they're just a bunch of cowards!" the man clicked his tongue and stretched his body out as he prepared to venture for the boy.

"sayonara, star boy"

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